Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Gospel Trumpet: The Gospel Trumpet August 29, 1901

The Gospel Trumpet: The Gospel Trumpet August 29, 1901: (Click on page to enlarge) 21-34 The Gospel Trumpet Volume 21, Issue 34, August 29, 1901 (Articles of interest only) ___________________ Hi...

The Gospel Trumpet August 29, 1901

(Click on page to enlarge)
The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21, Issue 34, August 29, 1901
(Articles of interest only)

Hidden With Christ.
Colossians 3:3.

Hidden with Christ! He goes before
And he marks the course that I must tread
So far in this green vale ... no more ...
Then up the torrent’s rocky bed.
I may not falter though the spray
My heart and senses dim;
In fire by night, and cloud by day,
My Lord leads on ... I follow him.

Hidden with Christ! O precious thought!
He knows, and he forgeteth not;
Knows where the battles will be fought
And sends his legions to the spot.
From his high throne above the skies
He marks each little step I take;
No danger can his care surprise.
No power his strong defenses break.

Hidden with Christ! Here will I rest,
I would not know e’en if I might,
My Lord’s true watchword is the best;
“We walk by faith and not by sight”
How would it help me to discern
The sorrows that are yet in store?
Out of the way I could not turn ...
And Jesus knows I ask no more.
 ... Selected.

Christianity in Home Life.

          Nowhere is Christianity more beautiful and blessed than in the home. It changes the home of wickedness, strife, and contention into a peaceful and delightful Eden. The home of the poor it converts into a palace. It drives away discontentment, uneasiness, fear, and darkness, and scatters contentment, peace, assurance, and sunlight into every heart and home it is permitted to enter. Recently we saw some people shouting in a public meeting, and speaking in their testimonies of the blessedness of salvation, saying: “It is a heaven to go to heaven in;” but in their homes we found them irritable, impatient, and contentious, which is very unlike heaven. But, thank God, Christianity brings a heaven to the home as well as in the public life. Christianity is Christ in the heart, and where Christ is, there is heaven; consequently a Christian has a heaven within him, and he has this heaven at home as well as abroad. Praise God!


          The Bible tells man what should be his behavior toward his wife, and a Christian must live and do just what the Bible says, without any modifications. The reader has already agreed with me that to have a Christian experience is to live a Christian life.
          The husband is to regard the wife as the weaker vessel, and thus give her honor, support, and protection. “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” ... 1st Peter 3:7. The husband must look upon his wife with respect, and because of her feminine sensitiveness have an especial care for her in spiritual things, and be her support in temporal things. A woman has trials peculiar to her own sex, and a husband can scarce be called a husband, much less a Christian, that neglects to console and comfort her and throw as much joy and sunlight into her life as possible. When Hannah wept because she had no son, her husband sought to comfort her with these words: “Why weepest thou? And why eatest thou not? And why is thy heart grieved? Am I not better to thee than ten sons?” ... 1st Samuel 1:7, 8. May God help husbands to so dwell with their wives that when the wife is in discouragement and sorrow they can cheer them by recounting their love, devotion, and goodness to them ... “Why is thy heart grieved? Am I not good and kind to thee.”
          Husbands must love their wives as themselves ... “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but cherisheth and nourisheth it, even as the Lord the church.” ... Ephesians 5:28, 29. The care Jesus exercised in nourishing and cherishing the church is illustrative of the care the husband should manifest in nourishing and cherishing his wife. “Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.” ... Colossians 3:19. All hasty, sharp, cross, unkind, cutting, bitter words are forever put away by the Christian husband who loves his wife. Cross, hasty words are not the fruit of a Christian spirit; and if you have not ceased from them, God has better things for you.


          Nowhere is wickedness more greatly revealed than in a wicked woman, and nowhere is Christianity more beautifully exemplified than in a pure, chaste woman. “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband.” ... Proverbs 12:4. “Her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her. . . She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.” ... Chapter 31:10-12. These words are beautiful, and should encourage the wife to a life of faithfulness and devotion, that she may be a crown to her husband and be valued far above rubies. The wife that will honor and reverence her husband and seek to please him will find a joy in her own heart. “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” ... Chapter 31:28.
          Wives should love their husbands (Titus 2:4), should reverence them. “Let the wife see that she reverence her husband.” ... Ephesians 5:33. The wife is to reverence her husband as the Christian reverences God. To reverence God is to be submissive to him, and to look upon his as our Lord and protector, advisor, etc., to fear and obey him, yet be in perfect freedom. Such should be the attitude of the wife toward her husband.
          “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” ... Verse 22. Too few women comprehend the full meaning of this text. Just as the Christian consecrates, resigns, and submits himself to the care and control of God, so the wife is to submit herself to her husband. Just as the Christian leans in loving confidence upon God, so the wife should lean in loving confidence upon her husband; and the husband’s conduct toward the wife should be such as would encourage her to trust and confide in him, as God’s conduct toward us encourages us to trust and lean upon him. When the husband and the wife are kind, loving, and gentle toward each other, when she in her weakness feels her dependence upon him, and lovingly, trustingly looks unto him as her defense and he in his strength and delight folds her in his strong arm of protection with a feeling of responsibility to nourish and cherish her ... then they can testify that they have a heaven in their home. Unless they have attained unto such a life, they have not attained to a perfect Bible Christianity, neither to perfect joy and happiness.


          Most parents believe they love their children, but true Christian love of parents toward children comprises more than many have understood. They may love them in a sense, but the parent that feels provoked toward the little one and threatens to slap it, calling it some ugly name, does not love the child with a Christian love. How many fathers and mothers under provocations make severe threats to punish their children, and at the same time call them “ugly brats,” “mean kids,” “little imps,” etc. Such parents are not Christians, no matter what may be their profession. They do not comprehend the true nature of Christianity, if they believe themselves to be Christians while having such feelings and using such terms toward their children. Christianity is far more beautiful than this.
          Parents are commanded to train their children up for God and heaven. “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” ... Ephesians 6:4. They must teach them God’s Word. “Only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons.” ... Deuteronomy 4:9. “And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou riseth up.” ... Chapter 11:19.
          They must tell them of the judgments of God. “Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.” ... Joel 1:3. Parents are to provide for their children ... “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” Parents who through indolence fail to comfortably clothe and sufficiently feed and give them educational and religious advantages according to the Bible rule ... such parents can not be termed Christians. Parents can not possibly be Christians, who will use their money for liquors, snuffs, and tobaccos, and thus fail to comfortably clothe and give their children a sufficiency of wholesome food, or fail to give them proper educational and religious advantages.
          Now elders and deacons are commanded to rule their children well and have them in subjection with all gravity. Elders are an example to the flock; consequently it follows that all Christians must rule their children well and have them in subjection. Parents can not have the approval of God on them, no matter how much they may pray and how active they may be in the religious life, if they allow their children to disobey them and go in the ways of sin. We have known many parents to pray for the salvation of their children, and all the while were allowing them to attend shows, parties, dances, etc.; such prayers go unanswered, and such conduct brings the wrath of God upon the parents. For the sake of your souls and the souls of your children, restrain them from evil ways; prohibit them attending worldly places of amusement, but take them with you to the house of God. Great responsibility is laid upon the parents. They have a child whose eternal destiny depends largely upon the training it receives in youthful days.
          We would love to write much more on the subject, but must forbear, only adding these words of exhortation to every parent: As you value yours and your children’s eternal happiness in the glory of God’s presence, get your soul fully saved and filled with love and the Holy Spirit, so you can set a godly example before your children, and then seek help from God to train them up in the ways of righteousness.


          While it is the duty of the parent to teach his child, God makes it the duty of the child to heed the parent’s teaching. “A wise son heareth his father’s instruction.” ... Proverbs 13:1. Children are commanded to obey their parents ... “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise.” ... Ephesians 6:1, 2. Obedience to parents is well-pleasing to God. “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.” ... Colossians 3:20.
          Many boys and girls at this present day are found to utterly disregard their parents’ commands and wishes. Such children have not yet experienced the power of regeneration, no matter how many societies and leagues they may have memberships in. Children, God holds you to love, honor, and obey your parents, and unless you do as he commands, you have no promise of heaven.
... From a tract by C. E. Orr.

The Great Event We are to
Look For is the Second
Coming of Christ.

By D. S. Warner.

          Since the first advent of Christ into the world in the flesh, his further coming was prophesied of only in two forms.
          1st. In the power of the Comforter.
          2nd. His literal second advent.
          “If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world can not receive, because it seeth him not, neither knowest him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” ... John 14:15-18.
          Here we see his coming is clearly identified with the coming of the Holy Spirit, which was to result from his going to the Father.
          “A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father.” ... John 16:16.
          His coming in the Spirit was to be in a little while after his departure in the body. This was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, and has been repeated from that time to this, in every wholly sanctified and fire-baptized disciple of Christ. Besides this coming of Christ in the power of the Comforter there is no coming prophesied but his second literal and visible coming at the end of the world to judge and reward all men.
          “And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel. Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” ... Acts 1:9-11.
          This is a plain statement. “This same Jesus. . . Shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” He went bodily and visibly; in like manner he will return. “A cloud received him out of their sight,” so he will also come in a cloud. And just so the Word of the Lord repeatedly affirms he will come.
          “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” ... Matthew 24:30.
          “Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” ... Matthew 26:64.
          “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” ... Mark 13:26.
          “Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” ... Mark 14:61, 62.
          “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the power of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” ... Luke 21:25-27.
          “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen!” ... Revelation 1:7.
          Here are six declarations that he will come in “a cloud,” or in “in clouds.” And at that time the “judgment will be set,” and the beast (all false religion) destroyed. Some of the latter-day blind teachers have imagined that the clouds mean trouble, and that he has already come in the present religious commotions and revolution of thought that is going on in these last days. Some of these teachers acknowledge still another, a personal coming, and others think there is no other coming of Christ to be looked for. But this modern “presence of Christ” theory is without foundation in the Word of God. The testimony is that when he comes in the clouds of heaven every eye shall see him; which is not true of his spiritual presence, in which he manifests himself to the saints and not to the world.
          And this solemn and awful event is what the church of God in this present age is repeatedly charged and admonished to look for and be ready for. Thus the disciples asked the Lord, “Tell us when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” ... Matthew 24:3. Two whole chapters are devoted to the answer of these questions. The last two things being coincident, the questions really relate to two events. First, when will the temple and Jerusalem be destroyed? And what are the signs of his coming? The first question is answered in verses 15-18, which will be more easily understood in Luke 21:20. In Matthew 24:31-33 the Savior gives us a clear sign of his speedy return. But the burden of his teaching is to warn the church to be ready for his second advent.
          “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” ... Matthew 24:27.
          He tells us plainly that “all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” ... Verse 30. “Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” ... Verse 42. “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh.” ... Verse 44. These admonitions are repeated over and over in the two chapters. It can not be denied that Christ solemnly charged the church in this present age to look for his second advent as the next great event to transpire. The apostles continued the same earnest charge upon the church to the close of Revelations. This fact is so prominent in the New Testament that it is useless to cite scriptures. It is an undeniable fact that the church in her present condition is instructed to look for Jesus to return, visible from heaven, with power and great glory. But not one plain New Testament text instructs us to look for a pre, or post-millennial reign on earth.


          The requirements in God’s Word for obtaining salvation are before me, and seeing so many claiming to be saved while at the same time they are not measuring to the standard, I desire to sound a few words of warning on this line; not to wrongfully accuse God’s true saints, but to assist them in getting a real go-through in their souls, and to help them see their duty on the line of Bible consecration. The Word of God is plain, and let us accept it as truth.
          When the Savior was upon earth preaching the gospel, he required all to forsake what they had, else they could not be his disciples. The Lord meant that no one can be his disciple except he deny his surroundings and have the one thing in view; namely, Jesus before and above all. Our affections must be turned from earthly things to Christ the Lord. Knowing the deceitfulness of riches and how man was thus bound to the “love of money” by a great chain, as it were, is why he drew the line as he did. The man that came to him for light, desiring to know what to do that he might be saved, received the words: “Go sell that thou hast, and give to the poor.” But these words did not tickle his ears, and he went his way without being made perfect. This man’s affections were so entwined about his possessions that he chose rather to go away sorrowful than to cut loose from all and be made rich with a treasure in heaven, and happy in Christ Jesus. Take for an example the one who climbed up into the sycamore-tree, whom Christ called down. Zacchaeus said: “The half of my goods I give to the poor.” His liberality did not stop here; he was willing to restore to those he had wronged four times as much as he had taken, and this came out of what was left after the half had been given to the poor.
          Again, we find the disciples after Pentecost measuring to the full standard. “Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles’ feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” ... Acts 4:34, 35. Whether the apostles required this of them beforehand is not known, but this we do know, they were not afraid to cut loose from their possessions; that is, to dispose of them that others might be relieved. Why? ... Because the gospel was preached unto them as Jesus preached it, and no doubt they knew that unless a man forsakes all he has he can not be Christ’s disciple. No doubt they had heard what Jesus said while yet on earth: “Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake and the gospel’s, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time [Praise God! If we get an hundredfold, how could it be increased?], houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers [more than one], and children, and lands, with persecution; and in the world to come eternal life.” ... Mark 10:29, 30.
          Reader, your earthly possessions will soon fail: what will you do then? Those of you who have property around you that you do not need now, why not dispose of it, that is, make a sacrifice unto the Lord? But you say: Oh, we will need what we have pretty soon; crops are short, and I do not know what we shall do. Reader, there are scores of people who need help now. The multitudes need salvation to-day, but can not hear without a preacher, and the preacher can not go except he be sent. You have the means in your pocket to send him, or in your heard of cattle, or in your real estate, and therefore he can not go, for the railroads will not carry him free, neither can his family live on the shallowness of your consecration. And again, there is an excellent opportunity for sending the gospel by publishing papers and tracts and placing them in the hands of those that will read them and scatter them abroad. But it takes money to buy paper and ink and to pay mailing and shipping expenses, and you have that hid away from the Lord, with your affections around it in such a manner that you can not quite let it loose to preach for God. These things ought not so to be among us, who are earnestly contending that we are dead indeed unto self, affections or earthly goods, and all other sins. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world: if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Christ said: “Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he can not be my disciple.” It does not say that except we sell all that we have we can not be his disciple. This he does teach, that all must be forsaken and consecrated to him, to let him use it to his glory.
          The Jews gave a tenth of all they had, then the first-born of every creature was given, and besides this, they left in their fields a portion for the poor, etc. In this gospel dispensation, how many do as well? What do you do with your doctor-bill money, and that which you formerly paid out for tobacco and coffee, ribbons and laces, shows and fairs, etc. While you were in bondage to these things you gave a goodly portion to support sectism, though many of you were taxed to get you to pay it, and those who failed were not esteemed very highly, and many were expelled. “But,” says one, “I am free from taxation!” Very well, I know we are set at liberty in Christ, but “use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh.” It is wrong to take advantage of this liberty and thereby fail to do our duty. When God is prospering us we should remember his cause and be faithful. For God will reward us according to what we do, and “he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly.” What we sow we shall also reap: and though you have heard these things before, I call them to your remembrance again, so that I may stand free from the blood of all men.
          “Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you.” To whom? ... To those who give “not grudgingly,” or because they have to, but cheerfully. What is the result of such giving? Answer: “He that ministered seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness. For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God.” ... 2nd Corinthians 9:10, 12. “Therefore, as ye abound in everything, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.” ... Chapter 8:7. “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” ... Verse 9. “Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.” ... Verse 11. “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” ... Philippians 4:19. Amen.

The Gentleness of Jesus.

          It was gentleness, not weakness. It was that calm sweetness of disposition and manner which illustrates the kindly self-control of strong, masterful spirit; not the shrinking, timid uncertainty of temper and behavior which resembles gentleness, because it lacks something of the power of self-assertion. It was entirely consistent with sturdiness of conviction, positiveness of speech, and boldness of action. It was exhibited not only toward our Lord’s friends, but also toward his opponents. It was especially noticeable in his treatment of all who came to him in fear or doubt or sorrow.
          Let those who sometimes suppose gentleness to be a tame, insipid virtue, make careful study of it as seen in the character of Jesus. They will learn to admire it. They will be impelled to cultivate it. They will perceive it to be a fruitful source of true and mighty power. When we understand that one is gentle, as Jesus was, because he can afford to be; because, apart from the moral aspect of the matter, he realizes that he is strong enough in the highest sense to dispense with bluster, we feel that he has attained to a lofty and honorable level of character and life.
          Then when the time comes for righteous indignation of soul ... as come it does now and then ... and for vigorous, incisive speech in support of the right, or condemnation of the wrong, then the very contrast between one’s customary gentleness and his temporary sternness adds immensely to the effect of the matter. If such a gentle spirit can be wrought up to such a pitch we say, “How grave the cause must be!” We never have known men or women more intense in their opinions, or more unfaltering and potential in their conduct and influence, than some of those who most closely have resembled Christ in gentleness of disposition and manner.
          Gentleness is a characteristic excellence of the truly great. It is also one of the greatest excellencies. Perhaps no other is so commonly associated with Jesus in our thought. Nor is the endeavor to attain to any other more difficult or profitable. Happy is the home, the office, the factory, the school, where gentleness like that of Jesus reigns!
... Selected.

By John C. Blaney.

          A full consecration is to have our bodies presented to God a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto him. This is but a reasonable service. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” ... Romans 12:1.
          Our bodies, as well as our souls, have been purchased by the blood of Christ; and when we come to God to be wholly sanctified he demands a full surrender of our bodies, to be used for his glory, and that alone. The child of God must understand that when we have once presented our bodies to Jesus our High Priest, as a living sacrifice, that we have given to him the sole right to order our lives and put our bodies to any use which would best promote the interests of his kingdom, and honor and glorify him. “Ye are not your own, for ye are bought with a price.” Since we are not our own, but are bought with a price, it is but reasonable that the Purchaser who has paid for his property should have full possession of what he has purchased, and the right to use it as he pleases. God can not use us as a sacrifice, devoted either to life or death, to any advantage, either to ourselves or his kingdom, unless we voluntarily present ourselves to him for that purpose. He will not wholly sanctify us unless such a consecration takes place. It does not mean for us to say “yes” to some gospel worker who may ask us some questions by way of testing our consecration: we must satisfy the demands of our great High Priest, whose all-seeing eye can quickly detect a blemish if there be one, on every sacrifice. Scarcely too much can be said against the many sham consecrations that are made in these days. “With their mouth they show much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.” ... Ezekiel 33:31.
          As the mind, heart, and soul constitute the master which the body serves, or rather, the medium through which the body is instrumental in performing actions, good or evil, God must have the full consent of these to a complete surrender of our bodies to him, to be presented as a sacrifice, before he will make them vessels, sanctified and meet for his use. Any reserve on our part will make it unacceptable to Christ as a holy sacrifice. Let all who think they can be true saints and yet desire any of their own way about how their bodies are to be used, or dressed in conformity with the world, or in pleasure or pastime, consider this. Let all who profess to be saints examine and prove themselves, in order to see how they have consecrated their bodies to God. Temperance must govern the gratification and indulgence of all our natural and lawful appetites and passions, so that our moral and spiritual nature will be benefited and elevated to a greater and higher appreciation of those God-given propensities, and his infinite wisdom in thus creating us.
          A complete consecration will place us on a plane where we will find it natural and easy to receive by faith a perfect heart-cleansing and the abiding Comforter. Oh, the sweetness and completeness of such a life, his with Christ in God! The soul, now entirely free from sin, rests calmly and tranquilly in God, and is satisfied. He who has thus found the haven of eternal rest to his soul in Christ, will never have a thirsty or hungry soul, but will ever be led in green pastures and beside the still waters. “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” ... John 4:14. Bless his name!

Deceitful Workers.
By W. D. Rick.

          “Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully.” ... Jeremiah 48:10. With God as our helper we will write what he has given us on this subject. First, we will notice that our text speaks of “the work of the Lord.” What is this work? Jesus said, “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” ... John 6:29. Any work, therefore, that leads people to believe on Jesus, is the work of God. But take notice: “How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” ... Romans 10:14. Therefore, preaching Jesus is the most important factor in the work of God. But those that do this deceitfully (margin ... negligently) are under the curse of God. May God open our eyes to the truth.
          Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets.” ... Matthew 7:15. We who are his must obey this command as well as every other command of the Savior. Therefore, dear reader, I beg of you to stop and consider what kind of religious teachers you are supporting. But we can not beware of false prophets unless we can tell them when we see them. Well, Jesus has given a standard text whereby we can discern good and evil, if we ourselves are saved. Praise God! The text is simple ... so simple that even a child can understand it. It is this: “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin;” and “He that committeth sin is of the devil.” “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil.” Read 1st John 3:8-10.
          By this simple text the majority of deceitful workers can be discovered; for they, as a rule, confess that they sin more or less every day. We wish to stop right here and thoroughly expose such sinful priests, because we have known them so long as to become acquainted with their duplicity. They disobey John 12:4. We will explain.
          They usually require a total abstinence from such sins as murder, theft, adultery, etc., but wearing ornaments (1st Peter 3:3), foolish talking (Ephesians 5:4), using tobacco (2nd Corinthians 7:1), laying up treasure on earth (Matthew 6:19), and belonging to sects (Romans 16:17), etc., they pass lightly over, and allow that persons may do any of these and still be Christians. Shame on such priests! They require the saved drunkard to pledge total abstinence from liquor, but the fashionable lady may still wear her jewelry and be a child of God! But God says: “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” ... James 2:10.
          Dear reader, note again, the vast majority of such blind guides preach for money. See Micah 3:11. No preacher should engage to preach for a stated salary. He should merely accept what is freely offered him. Mark that when Paul asked for money, it was not for himself but for some one else. See 1st Corinthians 9:18; also Galatians 6:6. Again, they generally live in pleasure (1st Timothy 5:6) and waste precious time in games, ungodly shows, dances, banquets, etc; all of which are fatal to spirituality. Those pleasures also are often injurious to the body and morally degrading. A person who is really saved in Jesus finds plenty of pleasure in his service, and want no other.
          Again, we wish you to consider this carefully ... they do not “prove all things.” ... 1st Thessalonians 5:21. Can any person prove by the Bible that it is his duty to become a Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Quaker, or a Crusader? If so, we should like to hear the proof. “But” says one, “sects have been in existence so long, they must be all right.” This is no proof. We must prove all things by the Bible. See Acts 17:11.
          Now if any person will make an honest, careful search in the New Testament, he will find no other church but the church of God. It was founded by Jesus (Matthew 16:18), and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; therefore, there can be no need for any other church to be organized by man. The members of God’s church are all saints (1st Corinthians 1:2), and therefore have faith enough to overcome the world (1st John 5:4), and can trust God for the healing of their bodies. ... James 5:14, 15.
          Now, if any one can show us a better church than God’s church, which we have just described, we should like to hear of it. Dear reader, if you are a supporter of sectarian (denominational) worship, and are honest before God, we ask you in Jesus name to go to your preacher and ask him to explain, or preach a sermon on, Revelation 18:4. Please write in a few words what is the explanation, in substance, is, then mail it to me at Bigrock, Michigan. We will file the answers given, and some time later, God willing, they will be classified and published in the Trumpet with comments. Perhaps some will say in reply to you that Revelation is a sealed book. But do not be misled. What is a “revelation?” Literally it signifies “an unveiling”; I. E., a making plain. The German name of the book is “Offen barung” which means “a making open.” In Revelation 22:10 the angel told John to “seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book.” This shows it not to be a sealed book. “All scripture. . .  Is profitable.” ... 2nd Timothy 3:16. How could that be if any part of it were impossible to be understood? The truth is, Revelation and all other parts of God’s Word can be interpreted only by the aid of the Holy Spirit, who will guide us, if we are under his influence, into all (not part of) the truth. ... John 16:13, 14. Praise God! So if any part of the Bible is hid, it is hid only to those who are blinded by the god of this world. ... 2nd Corinthians 4:1-4.
          To be sure, many sectarians would have us believe that the Scripture may be interpreted in various ways, to suit almost anybody’s foolish notions; but what says the Word? ... “Knowing this first that no prophecy . . .  Is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not. . . By the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” ... 2nd Peter 1:20, 21. The same Spirit that gave it will now interpret it. Halleluiah!
          Another question may arise in the reader’s mind which may be hard to answer. It is this: If sectarianism is wrong, why then are there so many sectarian missionaries making sacrifices in order to convert the heathen? Well, they are probably misled, some by money, others by fame, etc. But do not think because the world is so filled with deceitful workers that they are right. Hear the Bible. Romans 10:2, 3; Matthew 23:15; Jeremiah 23:21 and 14:14. But, praise God, there are many God-sent workers (and the number is constantly increasing) who are running to and fro throughout the world, preaching the everlasting gospel of freedom from sin (Matthew 1:21), holiness (Hebrews 12:14), and judgment upon the wicked. Hebrews 9:27 and Matthew 23:33. They take up no collections, but believe and practice all the New Testament, which is the only perfect and complete rule for people to live by. As they have rejected all party names (1st Corinthians 1:12, 13), they ask no one to join any organization, except God’s family (Ephesians 3:15), and this by being born into it through the agency of the Holy Spirit. Compare John 3:5 with 1st Corinthians 12:13.
          Dear reader, if you have no true Holy Ghost preachers to minister to you ... nothing but deceitful workers on every hand ... we know how to sympathize with you, for that has been our condition for some time; but God has graciously answered prayer, and we expect very soon to have a glorious revival of his work here, through the instrumentality of one of God’s servants. So get in line with God and pray the prayer of faith recorded in Hebrews 3:2, and he will surely verify the promise of Malachi 3:10. Amen.

News from the Field.

          We came to the island of Saba seven months ago and the Lord has used us to stir up the people. Many have been saved and a great number are searching the Scriptures to see whether or not these things are so. There are only two churches, Anglican and Roman, and the people have been kept in total ignorance of the Bible plan of salvation. Now, the Sabbatharians have followed us with plenty of their literature.
Fred A. Dunnell,
Barreterre Street,
Kitts, British West Indies.

          We are glad to report victory in the precious name of Jesus. We have just closed a meeting at Eastpoint, Kentucky, with good results. Many souls were saved and sanctified and are rejoicing in a Savior’s love. We are in the work nearly all the time. Truly the harvest is great and the laborers are few. Our only desire is to see precious souls turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. We are saved and sanctified by two works of grace.
W. H. McClure and W. F. Jones.
Daysboro, Kentucky.

          The assembly-meeting at Eubanks closed with victory for God. A number consecrated for pardon and sanctification, and some were healed by the power of God. To him be all the praise. The pure Word of God was administered in the power of the Spirit. One soul followed the Lord in the ordinance of baptism. We also had a precious ordinance service in which several of the dear saints partook, and were happy in so doing. Ministers and gospel workers present, were William Fitzwater, Rosa Colburn, Mother Lane, Brother and Sister E. J. Fitzwater, Mrs. M. E. Creekmore, Mrs. Laura Green, Miss. Cora Green, and Miss. Maggie Green. We ask the prayers of the saints in behalf of the Lord’s work here in Somerset. Any one desiring meetings in this state or in Ohio, please address me at Crayton, Kentucky.
M. N. Roark.
Somerset, Kentucky, August 11.

          After having a call to the ministry, and having felt the burden of souls upon me for many months, I resolved to respond to the call when the Lord said go. One morning upon rising from my bed I told my dear wife that the time had come for me to go. The first meeting I held was at Shelby City, where the pure Word had never been preached. Here I found honest people whose hearts were open to the truth and who received the same gratefully.
          From there I went to Eubanks, in respond to a call in the Trumpet, and held meetings a few days with the saints. Afterwards I went to Harris Creek and held meeting a few days in the Baptist meeting-house. This was a new place. There was a general acknowledgment of the truth, and I was invited to come back in the near future. I then returned to the Moore school-house and held meeting a week. Many acknowledge the truth, and a few of God’s children made their escape from sect Babylon. Old men said they had never heard the full gospel before, and that it is the only way. I then attended the Eubanks assembly-meeting where I met Brother M. N. Roark and other ministers and enjoyed the rich blessings of God for ten days. Brother Roark and myself came here to Somerset and began a meeting. Pray for us and the success of the meeting. My permanent address is Rowland, Kentucky.
William Fitzwater.
Somerset, Kentucky.

          I can report victory in my soul and a victory in the meeting at Chesaning, which was truly a success for God. The saints were encouraged and settled in the truth, backsliders were reclaimed, and sinners convicted. The ministers present were Brothers Cook, Hall, Grover, and Foot, whom the Lord used in sending forth the Word, by which much prejudice was removed. The people were sorry that the meeting closed so soon. There is a good opening for another meeting here, if the Lord directs any one to come.
          Brethren, do not be slack in reporting victory for King Jesus; it encourages the saints. You know they are scattered, a few here and a few there, and it rejoices our hearts to hear of souls being saved. There is “joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” ... Luke 15:7. In time of war every battle is reported at head-quarters; and when it is a victory, what shouts of joy there are! How much more should the saints shout for victory when the devil gets beaten and sinners are snatched from his grasp. Praise God!
William Larner.
Luce, Michigan, August 13.

          We can testify that we hold victory over the enemy of our souls, and are made glad as we behold the wonderful works of God. We have just closed a few days’ meeting near Prospect, Newton County, in which God honored his Word and blessed those who were under its influence. It is a hard matter to get the people out to hear the gospel; however, good interest was manifested during the meeting, among the few that attended, and I think that God will bless the seed sown by causing it to grow and bear fruit which may be reaped here after. One dear brother was healed and sanctified, two others were justified and afterward were perfected by the Holy Ghost. “He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us.” ... Hebrews 10:14, 15. Praise God, he sends forth his Spirit into our hearts to bear witness to all truth.
          We go to Vowel, Winston County, and begin meeting August 9, in the name of our God, and, the Lord willing, will be at the Plattsburg camp-meeting. Pray that the Word of the Lord have free course and be glorified, and that his work ever increase here in the South.
J. E. Forrest and L. V. Strickland.
Dixon, Mississippi, August 7.

          We are praising God for salvation and victory through Jesus, who causeth us to triumph. This salvation is wonderful; each day the way grows brighter and brighter. We have had four of the most precious camp-meetings I ever attended. Judgment went forth on all lines; hypocrites were made to tremble, and saints to rejoice. Bless the Lord! There has been some compromising among some of us here in Washington, but I do bless God that we found it out and renounced it, and God blessed in so doing. The Word went forth on Babylon as I have not heard it for some time. Nearly all the ministers of Washington were present. Brother McCully was with us at the Colfax camp-meeting. We were very glad to have him with us.
          The Lord opened the way for us to get a farm near Creston. The duties of our family require wife to settle down for a while and let me be free to go as the Lord leads. I am saved and kept, bless the Lord! We are happy, for we feel we are in the order of the Lord. Our permanent address will be Creston, Washington, Box 115.
G. W. and M. E. Bailey.
Creston, Washington, August 13.

          It has been some time since my last report in the Trumpet, but I have not been idle all this time. I had gotten into wrong teaching and left the true light; but, thank God, I came back again, and to stay, by the help and grace of God. The truth is clear and sweet to me, and the two works of grace are more so than ever before. I truly thank God for leading me into his full light. After the meeting last summer at Bigstone Gap, Virginia, we held a few meetings near there with good success. After that I held a meeting at Overnfork, Kentucky. The Lord blessed his Word and a good opening was left for another good meeting. I then moved with my family to Chicago, Illinois, where we opened a mission, which we kept open all winter. The Lord then made it plain that I should close the mission and go out in the gospel field again, which I did, after putting my children in the Children’s Home at Grand Junction, Michigan, where they have a good home. Thank God for it! I left my wife in Chicago and came to the Muscatine, Iowa Camp-meeting, which commenced July 20 and lasted eleven days with great success. The truth went forth with power and souls were saved, believers sanctified, and the sick healed. The church was left in a good condition. Brother Chapman and I came here with the tent, where the Lord is blessing his truth to the salvation of souls. From here, the Lord willing, we will go to Sweetland, Iowa, where we will hold meeting as long as the Lord wills.
John Van Laanen,
5177 Homan Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.
From: Rochester, Iowa, August 9.

          Once more in Jesus name we greet the Trumpet readers. July 8 we took train at Bartow, Florida for Savannah, Georgia. From there we went to Wrightsville, where I met with Brother R. B. Wren and held a few meetings at the residence of Brother J. F. Henderson, which was to the glory of God and the spread of the gospel. On the 18th we reached the assembly at Sunshine, where we met quite a number of saints. The meeting lasted eight days and closed with victory for God and a general sinking down and moving up among all the saints. The work at this place has been greatly hindered for lack of a minister, or shepherd. Notwithstanding though a few seemed to be standing clear.
          After this meeting Brother Wren returned to his home and I returned to Wrightsville to await the Mason Bridge meeting. During this time I held a meeting for the colored saints, which was truly a success. They wish a colored minister to come to them, as they greatly need help. Any one feeling led to go can address Sister Aggie Wright, Lovette, Georgia. The Mason Bridge meeting was not what it should have been, owing to stubbornness and indifference manifested among the people. While the saints seemed to make a real advancement in their souls, the world treated the Word with very much indifference, though quite a number expressed a desire for prayer in the last services. May God help them to get saved, is my prayer.
          The work in southern Florida is moving along very nicely, though it seems that we have passed through fire for God. The church at this place has undergone quite a test, yet we can praise God that it has been no worse. We feel that victory is at hand. We are looking for one of the best camp-meetings ever held in the South. Dear ones, remember us at the throne of grace, that God may have his way with us and lead us in the way of all truth. Truly the Lord has been good to us. He supplies all our needs, and heals us when we are sick; yes, it will do to trust him. I am praising him now for the sweetness and completeness there is in Jesus. Dear ones, pray much for us.
W. O. Williams.
Hurst, Florida, August 9.

          The meeting closed here last night with victory for God and the dear saints. Brother F. M. Williamson, Sister Martha E. Davis, of Hammond, Louisiana, and Brother S. N. Hillburn, of Osyka, Mississippi, were with us and gave out the Word without compromise, but with power and demonstration of the Spirit of God. The battle has been on here for more than twelve months, in which time the truth has held the advantage ground: but in this meeting victory was signal and complete. Eight happy souls were buried in the clear rippling waters of Tangipahoa River, symbolizing the burial and resurrection of Jesus, who is our pattern. Twenty-three happy saints with praises on their lips took part in the ordinance-meeting. There are others that will apply for baptism when another opportunity offers. Quite a number of precious souls arose for special prayer, at the close of the meeting. The devil is mad and his roaring can be heard from the jungles of sectism. Sect Babylon is boiling over with frenzy, but “they that found the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.” ... Malachi 3:16.
          The saints here have been shut out from the (so-called) churches, also the schoolhouses; but, praise God forever, and old-time gin-house, with a little repairing and furnishing, is quite inviting when the Holy Ghost fills the hearts and souls of God’s people, and they fill the air with songs of joy and gladness. The attendance and order during the meeting were excellent. Where Jesus is, the devil can not stay: he may linger around the border of the camp, but he does not come to the light, lest his deeds be reproved.
          “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” ... Romans 8:31. The sects are joining their forces, and Gog and Magog are being gathered together to battle against the saints. People that heretofore have been alienated from each other are now mingling in singing, prayer-meeting, and formal worship, organizing against the truth. Oh, may the Lord help us and verify his ancient promise to his people, in which he says: “Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding-place.” ... Isaiah 28:17.
J. M. Hutson.
Hutson, Mississippi, August, 9.

Hartsells, Alabama, August, 10.

          We are here in the midst of a precious camp-meeting. Souls are being saved, sanctified, and the sick healed. Last evening Brother Raymond, who is about fifty years of age, fell from an apple tree, seriously injuring himself and causing great suffering. He called for the elders of the church, according to James 5:14, 15, and the Lord healed him. He was immediately able to attend services. A number of other sick people are being healed. Quite an interest is manifest in the meeting, and God is using his ministers in presenting the Word in all its purity. Calls are coming in from many places in this country for meetings.
          The meeting at Sherwood, Louisiana, was really successful. Many came to hear the gospel preached in all its fullness, and there was quite an awakening among the people. The Lord saved precious souls from their sins and sanctified believers. There was much sickness in this community. From one to three persons were sick with fever in many families, at the beginning of the meeting; but God graciously showed his healing power in raising them up in answer to prayer, as was pleasing unto him. On Sunday afternoon Brother Holton’s boy, about twelve years of age, fell from the gallery of the house, and, like Eutychus (Acts 20:10) who fell from the third loft while Paul was preaching, was taken up, supposing him to be dead. Prayer was offered in his behalf, and it was soon found that there was life in him. Elders were called and he was anointed and prayer offered for his recovery. From all appearances he was dying, and it was supposed that his neck was broken. He revived to some extent, and about three hours later a physician who was at the meeting offered to give a free examination to find out the extent of the injury. After giving a thorough examination, he stated that it was a serious injury of the spinal column at the base of the brain, and that inflammation was likely to set in, which would result in paralysis. After leaving the house he said the case was a fatal one. But God, who is mighty to deliver, and “a very present help in time of need,” extended his love and compassion and healed the boy, insomuch that in less than three hours he came walking into the meeting, made well by the power of God.
          The Lord has many precious saints in the state of Louisiana.
          G. B. Collins has done much injury to the cause of Christ in many places in the South. There is a great need of many true and anointed workers in the South. The people are anxiously calling for the pure gospel.
          From Sherwood I went to Meridian, Mississippi, where a very interesting and profitable meeting was held. Souls there are seeking a closer walk with God.
E. E. Byrum.


          I wish to testify to God’s goodness to me. He is wonderfully preserving me, both soul and body. I praise him for the precious truth I get through reading the Trumpet. It has proved such a blessing to me, as I have not had the privilege of hearing the truth preached much since I have been in the light, which has been a little over two years. I am holding up the truth to the people to the best of my ability. I ask the prayers of the saints.
J. A. Carter.
Chandler, Oklahoma.

          Dear saints of God: I am praising the Lord for his grace that keeps me saved and sanctified, and for a satisfying portion he is supplying me with. It pays to trust the Lord and do his will. I find in the Word that his grace is sufficient. My heart’s desire is to do the will of God in all things and live low down at Jesus’ feet, so that I can be an example in this world before all. Pray that I be true to the Lord and ever be on my guard to trust him for all I need. I have trials, but they are for my good as long as I love the Lord. Praise the Lord for his precious Word!
M. E. Putnam.
Joppa, Alabama.

          I am saved and kept by the power of God. He heals all my infirmities and sicknesses, for which I give him all the praise. I am so glad that God opened my eyes and showed me what a sin sectism is, and that he taught me how to trust my body as well as my soul in his care. I can not praise him enough, for he has healed me many times. Pray that I may be healed of a soreness in my side. I intend to serve God, let come what will.
S. M. Clark.
Norwood, Missouri.

          The Lord removed the burden of guilt from my heart and gave me the witness that I was his child, a few years ago, in a meeting conducted by the Volunteers of America. I joined myself to this sect and fellowshipped with them for some time, yet my heart was made sad because of its corruptible teachings, and with the lives of those who were to feed the lambs. But I clung to the Lord, and he kept me through it all. Praise his name! He soon showed me that I would have to forsake this sect, and I obeyed him and came out; but not discerning the body of Christ, I would go to sect meetings to get food for my soul, but all in vain. I realized the need of a deeper work of grace in my heart, and I was hungering and thirsting after it; but the Lord knew all about it, and has supplied my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. In reading his precious paper, the Gospel Trumpet, I could see the glorious doctrine of sanctification, and by faith I have entered the standing grace. Praise the Lord! The peace in my soul now flows like a river. I enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit at all times and under all circumstances, and my heart is cleansed from all sin. The Lord gives me the courage to tell the truth to those who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. I now realize that to be true to their souls is to be true to God and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. I also thank God for healing my body of nervousness, heart trouble, and other ailments, when drugs and doctors failed. Truly he took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. Pray that I decrease and the Lord increase in my life.
Oliver Anderson.
213 West 18th Street,
New York City, New York.


          JOHNSON. ... Sister Nannie Johnson, aged 32 years, died at her home in Ceredo, West Virginia, July 21, 1901. Sister Nannie joined the Baptist sect when quite a young girl and lived to what light she had until three years ago, when she heard the light of the gospel in this evening time. She embraced it and was fully saved, sanctified, and lived a devoted life. She was prayed for during her illness and received instant relief from pain. But it pleased the Lord to take her away, and we can say: Thy will be done, dear Lord. She was willing to go and knew for days that she was going to die. She would call her husband and children to her and admonish and instruct them, pointing out the way of life to them. Pray for the husband and three children that they give their hearts to Jesus. She was a faithful wife, a loving mother, and a devoted Christian. We can not mourn our loss when to her it is such gain.
Mrs. Jennie Carey.

Divine Healing.

Healed of Rheumatism.

          I praise God for healing my body. My left knee was so swollen that I could not turn in bed. My daughter sent for an anointed handkerchief, which I applied when it came. Praise God, the very next morning I could turn myself. I truly praise God for his wonderful healing power. I have been saved seven years, and am trusting God for all things. Pray that I ever be found doing God’s will.
Lydia Ruffner.
Rossmoyne, Pennsylvania.

Healed of Sciatic Rheumatism.

          I wish to testify to God’s healing power. In the latter part of March I became afflicted with sciatic rheumatism, and for four weeks suffered much pain. During a part of this time I could neither stand on my feet nor turn in my bed. There being no elders near, my companion wrote for an anointed handkerchief which we applied with prayer and faith in God’s promises. Knowing the work was done, I rested on God’s promises, and to-day finds me well and praising God for his goodness to me. Pray that I may be kept humble and do the will of God.
S. Crocker.
Hill City, Kansas.

A Wonderful Deliverance.

          On the twenty-fifth of July I was taken very sick with female trouble. We called upon the Lord and he delivered me. In four days I was able to sit up. I was very weak, and so we were asking the Lord to give me strength. The saints were holding meeting near Federalsburg. I desired to go, and believed God would give me the needed strength. Some said it would be a miracle if I were able to go. I requested the saints to pray that I be strengthened. Praise the Lord, he heard and answered prayer. I rode to the meeting in a buggy, a distance of fifteen miles. I enjoyed the meeting all day, then rode home. I rested well that night, and have since been gaining strength. Praise the Lord! To God be all the glory, for he made me well. Pray that husband and I keep saved and be sanctified.
D. E. Harper.
Rhodesdale, Maryland,
August 7.

Scarlet Fever Healed.
          I wish to state to the glory of God, that he has power to heal. Our little girl seven years old had a severe attack of scarlet fever and was very sick before we knew what it was. We took the case to the Lord according to James 5:14, 15; and still the child lingered thus for three or four days. A great deal of my work being in an office, I went out about 5 P. M. for a walk. As I walked and prayed, these words came to my mind: “If we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” ... 1st John 5:15. I said: “Father, I not only believe, but I know you hear me, even know my thoughts before I utter them.” A strong impression came to me that Stella would get well. I returned home and told the family. The impression came to me that I should get some olive-oil and anoint her, which I did in the name of the Lord; and the fever broke.
          Another girl, four years old, took it in the same way, and was healed in twenty-four hours; that is, the fever broke and she began to amend. We began to trust the Lord in December, 1899. We got rid of a lot of pride and took the Lord for our family physician, after having tried fifteen doctors in three years, to no avail. We are alone here, but God is with us. Praise his name forever!
D. J. Pancake and Family.

By Annie Shipley.

          In the beginning God created man in his image, and also created him a help-meet (a woman), and gave them permission to eat of the fruit of all of the trees save one. That tree, said he, is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. “Thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” But alas! The serpent being very subtle, came to tempt Eve. He did not tell her how pleasant the fruit was to the taste, but tried to have her disbelieve the penalty God had pronounced should they eat, namely, death. He told her that in the day they ate thereof their eyes would be opened and they would be as gods, knowing good and evil. The temptation was great, and she yielded to unbelief of God’s Word and believed the serpent and ate of the forbidden fruit, thus plunging the human race into sin and unbelief. How sad were the results! Instead of becoming gods, as the serpent told her, when they heard their Lord in the garden, they, being ashamed, hid themselves from his sight. But “the Lord called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid.” ... Genesis 3:9, 10. From the day that Eve ate the forbidden fruit and gave to her husband and he did eat, unbelief has been settling down on the hearts of those who disobey God and his precious Word. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; . . . But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” ... Genesis 6:5-8. So the Lord told him to prepare an ark, that he and his house might be saved; but the people did not believe God’s declaration, and continued “marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.” ... Matthew 24:38, 39. Did not God warn them? And did not Noah, when he was preparing the ark? God said: “My Spirit shall not always strive with man.” ... Genesis 6:3. But they would not believe; nevertheless Noah believed God and built the ark and he and his house were saved.


          “And there came two angels to Sodom at even.” ... Genesis 19:1. Two angels sent from heaven; yea, sent to seal the fate of the thousands of unbelievers in Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot invited them in and treated them kindly; but the people, both old and young, filled with madness and unbelief, rushed to Lot’s house and surrounded it to do them violence. But God smote the people with blindness. Then the angels sent Lot to his two sons-in-law, but they would not believe, and so the angels took Lot, his wife and two daughters, and left in haste. And fire fell from heaven and destroyed the city and all therein. We have not the time to relate all the instances in the Old Testament where unbelief brought grief and disaster, but we will go now to the


          “And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” ... Matthew 1:21. When the shepherds heard the heavenly choir announce that the coming Messiah was now born in a manger in Bethlehem, the Jews would not believe that this humble child was their King. Afterwards, when he was preaching, they said he had a devil. Last of all they crucified him, for which their city was afterwards destroyed. Hear him say in pleading tones: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” ... Matthew 23:37. They would not believe, hence were destroyed. Again, in Revelation 21:8 we see that the fearful and unbelieving will meet the same fate as liars, murderers, whoremongers, and sorcerers. Jesus commands: “Have faith in God.” ... Mark 11:22. Again, “Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” ... Hebrews 11:16.


          “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” ... John 14:12-14. “If ye abide in me, and my Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” ... John 15:7. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” ... John 16:23, 24. Dear sinner, “ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” ... Matthew 7:7. Believe God’s Word. “Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not . . . Pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” ... Malachi 3:10.
          “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily, while it is called To-day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. . . But with whom was he grieved forty years? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.” ... Hebrews 3:12-19.

By John C. Blaney.

          We can not please God without faith. We have God in us in proportion as we have faith in his Son Jesus Christ. We realize the power of God in our life and labors for him, in proportion as we are in possession of gospel faith. The faith by which we can glorify God is the faith that worketh by love. We may have faith by which we could remove mountains, but if the ruling power which governed such a faith were not love, we would be nothing. God would not be pleased with us and our works if faith were used in any way besides that which worketh by love. The apostles James and John had faith to call fire down from heaven like, Elijah, but Jesus suffered them not to do so, but said: “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” ... Luke 9:55, 56. Faith has for its foundation, God, the Eternal Rock. Faith has for its limits; the possibilities that lie within the power of God: as there is nothing impossible with God, therefore, “all things are possible to him that believeth.” ... Mark 9:23.
          Faith is that divine power by which we appropriate to ourselves, or for the benefit of somebody else, the legal right to the fulfillment of a promise of God, thus placing him under solemn obligation to give that for which we ask. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” ... Hebrews 11:1. Faith looks not at circumstances or things temporal, but on the unseen and eternal. Faith makes no affinity with human reasoning, and is not governed by feeling; yea, it even sets aside the laws of nature and laughs at the power of fire and water, even scorning to tremble in the midst of fierce wild beasts, whose mouths have been closed by the power of faith. The crossing of the children of Israel over the Red Sea, the sun and moon standing still at the command of Joshua, the three Hebrew children walking unharmed in the midst of the fiery furnace, and Daniel being in a den all night with a pack of hungry lions ... all these are a proof of this. Likewise, the laws of gravitation have been set at naught, as the ascension of Enoch and Elijah proves; and the gates of Hades have been opened and spirits of the dead brought back to earth again to reanimate their bodies of clay, by the power of faith, as the resurrections of many is incontestable proof.
          As God is the same to-day as he always was, the possibilities for men to be in possession of faith such as the apostles and prophets possessed, are just as great to-day as ever. The trouble is, such a lack of humility exists among people who profess to know God, that not many can be trusted with any special gift of faith. There is so much unbelief among the people that not many mighty works can be done. May God’s people cry unto him for an increase of faith, and live very humble before him. Amen.

Exodus 22:25.

          “By usury is generally understood the gain of anything above the principal, or that which was lent, exacted only in consideration of the loan, whether it be in money, corn, wares, or the like. . . The Hebrew word for usury signifies Biting. The law of God prohibits rigorous imposing of conditions of gain for the loan of money or goods, and exacting them without respect to the condition of the borrower, whether he gain or lose; whether poverty occasioned his borrowing, or a visible prospect of gain by employing the borrowed goods. See Exodus 22:25, 26 and Leviticus 25:33-37. This law forbids the taking of usury from a brother that was poor, an Israelite reduced to poverty, or from a proselyte. But in Deuteronomy 23:20 God seems to tolerate usury towards strangers . . . The Hebrews were plainly commanded in Exodus 22:25, etc., not to receive usury for money from any one that borrowed from necessity, as in that case in Nehemiah 5:5, 7. And such provision the law made for the preserving of estates to their families by the year of Jubilee, for a people that had little concern in trade, could not be supposed to borrow money but out of necessity; but they were allowed to lend upon usury to strangers, whom yet they must not oppress.
          “This law therefore, in the strictness of it, seems to have been peculiar to the Jewish state; but in the equity of it, it obligeth us to show mercy to those we have advantage against, and to be content to share with those we lend to in loss, as well as profit, if Providence cross them: and upon this condition a valuable commentator says, ‘It seems as lawful for me to receive interest for money, which another takes pains with, improves, but runs the hazard of trade, as it is to receive rent for my land which another takes pains with, improves, but runs the hazard of in husbandry.’”
... Selected from Alex. Crudin.