Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Gospel Trumpet, August 22, 1901

(Click on page to enlarge)
The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21, Issue 33, August 22, 1901
(Articles of interest only)

Haste and Be Wise.
By G. C. Elliott.

How great is the Lord,
Who has made by his word,
The earth and the dwellers therein;
Who has sent from above,
The dear Savior to love
And to ransom our souls from their sin.


Come, sinner, just now
At the mercy-seat bow,
And yield all thy life to his will:
Then join us and sing
That the Lord he is king,
For he’ll save if you yield to his will.

Then what will you say,
In the great judgment day.
When we stand with the great countless host;
And the books are unsealed,
And what’s written revealed,
And you find that your poor soul is lost?

Why will you refuse,
Endless gladness, and choose
To walk in the follies of sin?
Oh haste and be wise,
Choose a home in the skies;
He that knocketh shall enter therein.

Gathering or Scattering.
By S. V. Austin.

          “He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth abroad.” Now if this be true ... and you know is ... it is well for us sometimes to come into the presence of Jesus Christ, and to learn that while no man has any right to pronounce sentence upon us, yet Christ has. And not only has he the right to do this, but in unmistakable language in his teaching he has made a clear line of demarcation between man and man, setting certain people on one side and certain on the other.
          No verse that I know of in the whole realm of the teaching of Jesus Christ is more searching than the 30th verse of the 12th chapter of Matthew ... “He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” One can imagine that it fell from the lips of Jesus quietly and calmly but it is a veritable throne of judgment, dividing men swiftly and surely into two opposite camps, leaving no middle way, no neutral ground. As the Master uttered these words in the old days, and by uttering them divided the crowd in front of him, so from that time until now, through every successive century, among all sorts and conditions of men, the voice has come as the line of divine cleavage, separating men to the right and to the left. We are ranked as gatherers or scatterers.


          What is the claim the Master sets up for himself? Listen: “He that is not with me is against me.” So far we have no claim made; but in order that the statement may be understood, he goes on to explain it by saying: “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” His claim is that he is the gatherer. His mission to the world was to gather together. Having set up this claim for himself, he proceeds to say to the men and women around him that every human being is exercising through life the great force that gathers together with Christ, or that other force which is of hell, and which scatters abroad against Christ. Christ claims for himself that he is God’s Gatherer, and says that every man is either with or against him, gathering or scattering.
          Now let us take these two facts and look at them a little more closely, patiently, and prayerfully, in order that we may understand them. What does the Master mean when he says, “Gathereth with me?” “Caiphas, being the high  priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, nor consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.” ... John 11:49, 50. I am not interested for the moment in the words Caiphas uttered, but I press to that which comes after: “And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus [this is John’s exposition of it, John’s inspired statement] should die for that nation; and not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.” Verse 51, 52. This does not simply mean the one nation. It most explicitly states “Not for the nation only, but . . . The children of God that are scattered abroad.”
          This is a clear statement that Jesus Christ came into the world to gather in one the family of the most High. Now turn away from the gospel narrative and come to the day in which we live. Behold the scattered condition of the children of God in the different sects. Can anyone get comfort out of such a state of division? I hope you have never said that it is a part of the divine plan that Christendom should be split into a thousand fragments. I tell you, it is not. He who prayed the great intercessory prayer, which took hold of heaven in my behalf, and in your behalf, for all time, said: “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that the world may . . . Believe that thou hast sent me.” We are not one, and that is why the world does not believe that God sent Jesus. How it is to be deplored, this state of division, and that many will contend for the sects in the face of such positive declarations from the lips of the divine Master ... “That they all may be one!” Jesus came to gather, and he says you and I, individually, are helping or hindering ... are with him, or against him; that we are gathering or scattering. Let me say, first of all, if you are not gathering into the one body, which is Christ, then you are scattering abroad: and so are working against Christ. In view of these facts, it must be said, all that are gathering into the different denominations are against Christ, and thus, are antichrist. The influence I exert in the world is created by my relationship to Jesus Christ.
          If I am with him I am a gatherer. If I am his and he is mine, if Christ be found in me really and truly, what will be the effect? ... I shall be bringing men to the truth, and God will be glorified in the salvation of souls. Christ came to gather into one the children of God that are scattered. That was his mission. How is he going to do it? He will do it as God does everything, fundamentally. He will not tinker with externals, but will go to the heart of the matter. He will not attempt to paint or cover on the outside that which is rotten. He will demolish that which is old and will bring in better things. How does he do it? He comes into the midst of men himself to reveal God, to restore the divine government, to do battle in his own life and in his cross and passion, with the sin that has divided humanity. Dear reader, which are you doing ... gathering or scattering? Amen.

The Seven Churches in Asia.
By P. Casteel.

          There are many people who believe in a plurality of churches and in support of their theory quote such scriptures as they think sustain the idea of more than one church. By the help of the Lord I shall endeavor to make this subject plain. The following are some of their proof texts: “John to the seven churches which are in Asia.” ... Revelation 1:4. “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying, . . . What thou seest write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches.” ... Verses 10, 11. “The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” Verse 20. “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” ... Chapter 2:11. “And all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts.” ... Verse 23. “I Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.” ... Chapter 22:16. “And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased daily.” ... Acts 16:5. “The churches of Christ salute you.” ... Romans 16:16. “And so ordained I in all the churches.” ... 1st Corinthians 7:17. “But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God. ... 1st Corinthians 11:16. “Let your women keep silence in the churches.” ... 1st Corinthians 14:34. “The churches of Asia salute you.” ... 1st Corinthians 16:19. “For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus.” ... 1st Thessalonians 2:14. “So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God.” ... 2nd Thessalonians 1:4. In 1st Corinthians 7:17 Paul speaks of every church. Yes, there were indeed several churches: as, The church of God at Corinth, The church of the Thessalonians, The church of Ephesus, The church in Sardis, The church in Pergamos, The church in Philadelphia, The church in Smyrna, etc.
          Now let us examine more closely and find whether or not Christ organized, or instructed his apostles to organize, so many churches, and all differing, one from the other. In Matthew 16:18 he says: “Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” In Chapter 18:17 he said, “Tell it unto the church.” “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” ... Acts 2:47. “And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things.” ... Chapter 5:11. “And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem.” ... Chapter 8:1. “And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people.” ... Chapter 11:26. “Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas.” ... Chapter 15:22. “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.” ... 1st Corinthians 14:4. “Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.” ... Colossians 4:15.
          We could quote many more texts which contain the word “church” in the singular number, but it is unnecessary. We find that Christ built one church, which was subject unto him. “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” ... Ephesians 5:24. What brought about this subjection or complete obedience of the church? Answer: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” ... Verses 25, 27. Christ built but one church. He loved it. He died or it, to sanctify and cleanse it. “The blood of Jesus Christ . . . Cleanseth us from all sin.” If there had been seven different churches or sects, that would have necessitated the offering of himself seven times ... once for each church. This was not the case. “For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” ... Hebrews 9:26, 28. Therefore, if those seven churches were seven creeds, they were not Christ’s church, but belonged to the family spoken of in Revelation 17:5; otherwise there would have been a necessity of several Saviors. Let us see what the Word says about that. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” ... Acts 4:12.
          The church is also spoken of as the body of Christ. “And he is the head of the body, the church.” ... Colossians 1:18. “That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.” ... Ephesians 3:6. “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” ... Chapter 4:12. “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.” ... Chapter 5:23. Other bodies can not live, for they are destitute of a head; and no body can live without a head.
          The seven churches were one body, and Christ was their head and Savior, which is plainly taught in the following scriptures: “John to the seven Churches which are in Asia. . . I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” ... Revelation 1:4, 9. John was writing to the seven churches in Asia, and called himself their brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. Yes, he was their brother in the church, or kingdom of God. They were all members of God’s family. They were together the body of Christ, and he the head and savior of the body. Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 5:23. “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.” ... Hebrews 2:11.

“Without Me ye Can do Nothing.”

          Of late the thought has come to me again and again, with new and living power, that when we are fully yielded up to Christ, and his death, we are utterly helpless, except as his Spirit energizes us. He said to his disciples, and he says to us to-day, “Without me ye can do nothing.” At first we do not fully realize the deep meaning of these wonderful words. We can not quite comprehend that all self-sufficiency is to be laid aside, that henceforth it is to be “all of Christ, and none of self.” It is so new, and so strange, not to be able to think or plan or pray any more of ourselves, that we can hardly understand the blessed exemption from all self-seeking or self-doing. We had thought that Christ must do the greater part, and yet that we must do a little to help him. We do not know to what a state of helplessness we have been reduced by our yielding to the power of the cross of Christ, and sometimes we are only taught by our failures. We seek to plan in the old, natural way, but are surprised to find that we know nothing by ourselves. 1st Corinthians 4:4. We seek to think on the old lines, but soon realize that we have no sufficiency “to think anything as of ourselves.” 2nd Corinthians 3:5. We seek to pray in the old-time activity of prayer, and are greatly surprised that we are helpless in prayer. We do not understand this state of helplessness. We are bewildered and almost frightened, and think we must be indifferent to the things of Christ; and yet we know that down deep in our hearts we never cared so much, and were so keenly alive to the things of God. We see death written on all of our powers, and we know not what to do. But just at this point of despair the Savior whispers to our fainting hearts the words, “Without me ye can do nothing,” and we see that it is his death that we have entered into, in order that we may know his resurrection. These experiences come to us again and again on different lines before we fully understand the lesson the Lord is teaching us, for in this respect we are made perfect only through suffering and seeming defeat. We see “the sentence of death” (2nd Corinthians 1:9) written on everything in ourselves, and yet across the gloom of that death comes the rainbow of promise, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” So we see that we are not to remain in this death, but to continually triumph over it in the resurrection might of Jesus Christ. And thus do we come to understand the meaning of those mystical words in 2nd Corinthians 4:10 ... “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.” We bear about the dying of our blessed Lord for the very purpose that through this dying and this state of complete helplessness the life of Jesus may have opportunity to reveal itself. When we first yield up to the death of Jesus, it means all of this, but he has to work it out in us day by day, and while the helplessness and death can not be otherwise than painful, yet the life made manifest is so glorious that we learn to rejoice in the death that brings the glory. May the Lord teach us not to struggle against this helplessness, but to learn to rejoice in it as a necessary means to a blessed end. Notice that it is only “we which live” that are “always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake.” ... 1st Corinthians 4:11. Those who do not live are not given over to this death of Christ. We must first be spiritually alive in order to know how to die daily with him. Paul said, “I know nothing of myself” (1st Corinthians 4:4); and again he said, in respect to his service, “I have nothing to glory of.” 1st Corinthians 9:16. Paul gloried only in the cross of Christ, which was death to all his earthly thoughts and ambitions; but he found nothing in himself of which he could glory. Let us praise God for all our helplessness, and sorrow over it no longer. Let us not beat against the bars of our cage any more, for our nothingness shall reveal his might, and our helplessness shall make manifest his strength, so that he shall have all the glory. With each new revelation of our nothingness let us say softly to our fainting heart, “Always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake,” and because it is for his sake, we can rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. He gave up all for our sake. And he lets us now give up all for his sake.
          Dear Lord, we will evermore lie at thy feet in all our helplessness, and be willing to have no power or strength to do, to think, or to pray, except as thou dost evermore work in us thy life.
... Triumphs of Faith.


          Beloved, let the Holy Spirit work in, upon, and through you. Do not hinder him. He is not only the same mighty Spirit, but the same willing Spirit as “in the beginning.” Then he hovered over the darkness and chaos, “and God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” He is hovering to-day; bless his precious name! And if you will be utterly yielded, actively and passively, and cease your struggling effort to get light, listening, you will hear God speak, and your whole being will soon be flooded with light. Your efforts are vain, oh, so vain: not even those efforts which you call spiritual, your inward struggle and your wrestling prayer, will bring light and order and rest and beauty. It is his creative voice, now as in the beginning, that brings us into spiritual light and order.
          Christ has done all. The awful struggle between the powers of light and darkness was accomplished ages ago, and light belongs to you; it is yours by Christ’s purchase. Will you cease fighting the darkness and let him speak the Word of light into our soul? You listen, receive, and obey until your whole being is full of light. For if “thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” How sweetly simple. An eye single to his glory, an utterly yielded heart and life, not considering self or men, not considering anything but him: “Looking unto Jesus,” “listening every moment to the Spirit’s call,” the whole body full of light. Thank God! No struggling or fighting or blind groping for light; he is the light, and he fills with unspeakable sunshine.
          There is no need, some one has said, to take a lantern with you to see the sun rise. So, beloved, if you will let him arise in you, you will find that all your planning and thinking and reasoning are like the lantern ... utterly useless. Likewise if he can abide in you he will shine through you as easily as he shone upon you and in you. “Let your light shine.” Oh, his abiding is so different from our resolutions and determined efforts and repeated consecrations. It can not be dark where he is. Halleluiah! It may be dark, dreadfully so outside, all around, in circumstances; it may be only darkness in the voices of the people around, but in him ‘tis light, always light, the heart is full of a sunrise glee. There may be, there is, not only darkness but lowering storm-clouds outside, yea more, even the lightning flash and the thunder peal, with the clash of colliding and destructive forces, he speaks, and inside ‘tis not only light, but a “great calm;” no chaos, but the order of a new creation pervades all. Oh, my precious sister, brother, let God. Salvation in all its lengths and breadths is of him. It is yours to receive and let, and the darkness will give place to light, the storm in your life will be a calm, and the peace of God will rule in your mind and heart. Then his work in you will be like the work of creation’s beginning day, not only good but very good.
          A few weeks since, a Christian worker of some prominence and much promise stood by us on a platform, where we had delivered a very simple message for Him, and told us how full of hard, earnest work the days had been, and how the nights were restlessly spent in planning and thinking and praying until her head had ached and her body was weary and worn. “I thought ‘twas right,” said she, “but to-night I see my mistake, a new light fills my being; I am to let him plan and work; and now I see that what I regarded so necessary only hindered him.” And with a long-drawn breath that meant rest to mind and heart, she said, “I never can be thankful enough for this night’s message.” Ah, so many of us have thought ourselves to death ... our minds have killed our hearts. He gives rest to both, for “we are not sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.” He would like to think through your brain and love through your heart. Will you let him? It is not hard for him, and you will soon find it easy to let. And while you let the life of the vine flow unhindered through you as a branch, the “much fruit” will appear, and the Father will be glorified. “For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.” He is the cause, and he makes us in heart and lip and life the glorious effects of his indwelling power. Thus our lives become an ever unfolding of the beauty and power of God among men. Oh, beloved, we have tried so hard to make men see Christ in us; let us cease our trying and let the Holy Spirit reveal in us as he did in Paul the Son of God from heaven, and through us will be relived among men the life of that same Son. And there is no other way to produce Christ-likeness real Christ-life, but by letting the Holy Ghost possess and use us. He was the author and finisher of the life of Jesus on earth. He produced the character of Christ. He is the same mighty Spirit to-day, equally able, now as then, to produce Christ-like characters if he can have human habitations. This he must have, for the work of the Holy Ghost is to blend the divine and the human. So with beautiful condescension he seeks your cooperation and mine. Will we let him work in us both to will and to do? Will we receive and cooperate with him? This is all he asks. If we will, he will wash us in the blood that cleanseth from all sin. There will lurk no hidden foe in heart, mind, or life. He fulfills the will and desire of Christ in saving to the uttermost. But he not only saves within; he clothes us with the garments of salvation and covers us with the robes of righteousness; and this he does not in a hard, cold, severe way, which is always fraught with pain, but beautifully, delightfully, “as a bridegroom decked himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.” Oh, how exquisite as well as mighty is the work of the Holy Ghost, causing us to greatly rejoice in the Lord and always to be joyful in our God.
... Selected.

The Way to Heaven.

          While the thoughts of heaven are beautiful, there may be other thoughts that come like a blight over the spirit of many. Man is prone to draw a veil over the scenes that awaken thoughts of torment and woe. He invites thoughts of heaven, but banishes thoughts of hell. There is no pleasantness in the thought of eternal punishment. To think of spending an eternity in hell brings a terror to the soul. Whatever may be our feelings or thoughts, either heaven or hell shall be the eternal destination of all mankind. These two places are set before all who inhabit the earth. There is a way that leads from earth to heaven, and there is a way that leads from earth to hell. The way to heaven is called the way of life: the way to hell is called the way of death. These ways are set before every man, subject to his choice; he can take the way of life and gain heaven, or, he can take the way of death and make his bed in hell ... “See I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” ... Deuteronomy 30:15, 19.
          It is not enough to say and to hope we are going to heaven; we must walk in the way that leads there, else our sayings and hopes will be vain. Should you desire to go to the city, you must take the way that leads there. The way that leads to heaven is by the commandments, of God. The Scriptures say: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” ... Revelation 22:14. The Lord said: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” ... Matthew 7:21. The Bible is the book God has given to teach us the way to that goal of eternal peace and rest. There is no promise for us in that blessed volume nor an intimation from which we can glean a ray of hope of gaining heaven, if we are knowingly violating any of its commandments. Only those who do his commandments will enter through the gates into the city.


          An impure fountain does not send forth a pure stream; if we desire the stream to be pure we must make the fountain pure. A holy and pure life naturally flows from a holy and pure heart. The wisdom of Solomon declares that “out of the heart are the issues of life.” The state or condition of the heart determines the manner of the life. One wiser than Solomon said: “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts,” etc. ... Mark 7:21, 22. This saying illustrates the fact that, the interior of man, or the heart, controls the exterior life. He further illustrates this by a cup and a platter, which, he says, make clean on the inside, and the outside will be clean also. We shall take it for granted that every reader will agree with us when we say that Christian conduct necessitates Christian experience, and that where the former is wanting the latter is also wanting.
          All men naturally are in sin, and consequently without a Christian experience. Christianity is not a mere profession; it is a real, inward, or heart, experience. In the plan of redemption we find certain things required of man in order that he may obtain this change in his moral condition. The principal thing required, and one which covers almost the whole, is


          The Scripture tells us that repentance is a godly sorrow for sin, or, that “godly sorrow worketh repentance.” ... 2nd Corinthians 7:10. This is unlike the sorrow of the world. When a man has committed a wrong, and because this wrong is made public and he stands in danger of punishment by the law he experiences a sorrow, his sorrow is only of the world. A child who, having disobeyed its parents, grieves through fear of punishment, does not sorrow in a godly sense, and such sorrow contains but little or no merit. But when through force of temptation he disobeyed his parents and sorrows because he has wronged a parent who loves him, he may be said to sorrow in a godly sense. When a man wails and laments and seeks a Christian life merely to escape the torments of hell and to gain heaven, he is not truly penitent; but when in his very soul he grieves and sorrows because he has sinned against a God of love, having no thought of reward or punishment, but sorrows only because he has wronged a Being who loves him ... then he experiences a godly sorrow.
          When a man sorrows in this manner he will turn away from his sins and forsake them. It must be obvious to the reader that a man can not be said to be truly sorry for his sins when he continues in them. But when in true penitence he turns away from his sinful life, God will pardon him. “Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil.” ... Isaiah 1:16. “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” ... Isaiah 55:7. When a man is truly sorrowful because he has sinned against God, he not only ceases to walk in the ways of sin, but gladly makes right, as far as he can, all the wrongs he has done. We do a kind act toward God by doing it toward man, as Jesus says: “In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me:” and we wrong God when we wrong our fellow man; consequently when a man truly repents he will make right, as far as he can, all the wrongs he has done to his fellow man. We have this exemplified in true repentance of Zaccheus, when he said: “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.” ... Luke 19:8. Jesus, upon seeing such penitence, said: “This day is salvation come to this house.” The law governing the restitution of wrong in true repentance is recorded in Ezekiel 33:15 ... “If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that which he hath robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.” The fruits of repentance are the forsaking of sins, of making right the wrongs we have done, of forgiving those who have wronged us, and of confessing our sinfulness to Him who sees and knows the heart; and “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” When pardoned, man experiences a change of affections; he experiences a change in his feelings and exterior life; he is no longer a sinner, but a Christian.
... From a tract by C. E. Orr.

“The Master is Come, and Calleth for Thee.”
By J. Grant Anderson.

          Where in the annals of the world’s history can a sentence be found that has so great import, so mighty a meaning; that portrays such wonderful love as is found in the subject before us? Alexander the Great conquered Greece, and with his Grecian armies conquered the whole world. Kings and queens laid their crowns at his feet: he had the whole world at his command, and surely exerted a wonderful influence; but in what respect is the world better to-day? Men with master minds have arisen from time to time, and have exerted great influence over the people of their age, from which wonderful benefits have been derived; but where has the man arisen who spake as this man spake? When and where has a man been born who has exerted so great an influence, set so perfect an example, spread light over so great a region of darkness as the one we call Jesus? The acts of great men have been handed down to us through long generations, and we honor them for their goodness; but the coming of Jesus Christ marked the greatest epoch in the history of our world. “Oh! That men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.” ... Psalms 107:21.
          God made man in his own image and placed him upon a holy plane: he was only a little lower than the angels and had dominion over all the earth. But man soon fell from that high pedestal upon which he stood, and for thousands of years his soul was dragged by lust, down through the valley of bitterness, degradation and woe. As the intent of his heart was always evil, it repented God that he had made man, and he set about to destroy him (See Genesis 6:6). Noah found favor in his sight and the world was saved. A law was then given to restrain men from evil, yet they continually rebelled against God. They would not keep his commandments; they killed his holy prophets, and in despair he sent his own Son, saying, “They will reverence my Son.” ... Matthew 21:37. So Jesus, the brightest character in glory, laid off his crown, bade farewell to his home and came down to redeem us from the curse of a broken law. And how was he received? “He came unto his own, and his own received him not.” ... John 1:11. Truly he was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. He laid down his crown for them and they gave him a crown of thorns. They spit upon him and mocked him, until the tear-drops trickled down his cheeks as it were great drops of blood. They led him forth as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. He came to lighten men’s burdens and to give them the light of life.
          At Christ’s coming man was like a candle whose light had gone out. He had no power within himself to relight; hence, environments remaining the same, he would forever remain in a state of darkness, a state of spiritual death. When Christ came into the world he declared: “I am the light of the world.” ... John 9:5. “In him was life, and the life was the light of men.” ... John 1:4. When Christ comes in contact with a man, he lights him up and sets him all upon fire for God. He does not set him upon a shelf and tell him to sit there and shine, but the command is: Go forth and shine, and let your light so shine that sinners will not be ashamed of God. It might be well to notice here that men can not shine without God in their souls. Bible repentance precedes the shining of true light from the soul. Some people get salvation, then lose the grace of God out of their souls, but keep up their profession and continue talking. This is not letting light shine, but the crackling of thorns under a pot. The effort to make our light shine is the very power that extinguishes what light we may have had.
          Nineteen hundred years ago the great Master came to this world, and to-day he calleth for thee. He came to be the Savior of men. He conquered sin, death and the grave, and to-day he is Lord of all. Yea, to-day he is crowned with glory and honor, for he by the grace of God tasted death for every man. Hebrews 2:9. He ascended far above all principalities and powers and has a name above every name. He is a mighty sovereign, He is King of Kings, and Lord of lords. Jesus in his last prayer, said: “Father, the hour is come; glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me, where I am, that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me.” ... John 17:1-5, 24. To his disciples he said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself.” ... John 14:2-3. Jesus has gone, and to-day we anxiously await his return. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but his promises will not. They have waded through darkness and blood and escaped every effort to prove them false, and to-day they will dispel darkness and bring sunshine into the hearts and homes of men. Jesus declares: “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” ... Revelation 2:10. “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” ... Revelation 3:11.
          Beloved, be true to God, “and when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” ... 1st Peter 5:4. It will not be a literal crown, but a crown of eternal happiness ... a crown of eternal rest. It will never tarnish or grow dim, but will continue to shine on and on throughout endless ages; yea, it will shine when the sun shall have been consumed into ashes and the planets shall have crumbled into dust. Glory to God for the Christian’s hope! With this hope before me I press onward, soaring far above the conflicts of this cold and friendless world, “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” ... Hebrews 12:2.
          Heaven now holds another bright charm for me. Angels came and carried away our sweet little innocent babe. They took him away from this rough old world and transplanted him in the paradise of God, and to-day he roams in heavenly fields, among the lilies fair. God plucks many flowers from this world, to beautify our heavenly home. In times of temptation, when earthly friends seem to forsake me, those little hands seem to beckon me on.

“I can hear a sweet voice from on high,
It is cheering my spirit to-day;
Since my treasure is up in the sky,
I must gain it and live there for aye.”

          Dear reader, I am not discouraged; are you? If so, the love of God calleth thee to turn there from; yea, “The Master is come, and calleth for thee.”

Communication of Faith.
By Mary Heldenband.

          “Hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints; that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” ... Philemon 5:6.
          That the communication of our faith become effectual one to another, it must be through the Christ-life in us; for there is none good but God only, and any good thing in us must be of the Father. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much; just so it is with faith: we must be full of love and faith to communicate it to others. It must be toward our Lord Jesus Christ, and in perfect unity with all saints. This unity is the glory the Father has given those kept in his name. The apostle Paul, writing to Philemon, says: “We have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother.” Is there not now as much joy and consolation in the faithfulness of the saints? It encourages and strengthens the souls of the saved; and as faith grows and is communicated, it increases with the increase of God, enabling us to admonish one another, and so much the more as we see the day approaching; for the Lord will come, and will not tarry. The husband-man waits patiently for the fruit of the earth until it receive the early and the latter rain. God is sending the latter rain upon the earth, that he may receive the precious fruit. Behold, the fields are white unto harvest, and the reapers are thrusting in their sickles, while sin and wickedness abound on every hand, because of which the love of many shall wax cold. Reader, will it be you?
          “Arise, and shine, O Zion; for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.” As children of the day, we must excel in good works. While every thing glides along smoothly, you may not be of any distinction: but let something go wrong, and then is when you will either excel in good works or (God forbid) do as the hypocrite and the sinner ... deny the Lord who has bought you. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation; be ready unto every good work; ready to distribute and willing to communicate. If you have nothing but your faith, let that be effectual.
          The letters of the saints in the morning of the gospel day give examples of their faith. How they sought to instruct and edify one another, and to provoke unto love and good works! Let their example be followed more closely now. Let the saints of God get better acquainted with each other by getting better acquainted with God. The closer we cleave to God the more we feel at home with his children. A sense of strangeness between God’s children is a sure sign of spiritual decline. Take warning and do not sit at ease in a lukewarm state, where you have not enough faith for yourselves, to say nothing of imparting to others. There seems to be an idea that one can hold faith or let it alone; that it is a matter of choice. Well, salvation is a matter of choice, too; but you can not have it without faith, nor without it can you bring forth fruit unto life eternal.
          Let us glance at the Word to see what part faith plays in the redemption plan. We are justified, sanctified, and kept by the power of God; we receive all the gifts of the Spirit and possess all the promises through faith and obedience. Praise God forever! Let us strive to be of greater help to each other.

“Press on, my brother sister,
And face the deadly foe;
Thro’ Jesus Christ we’ll conquer,
While traveling here below.”

By Mary A. Phillips.

          “Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” ... James 4:4. We all like friends, but we can not expect to find true friendship in those who are of this world. “Marvel not if the world hate you.” “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” ... John 15:19.
          We can not trust the friendship of this world, for we are often betrayed and forsaken by those we had supposed to be our best friends. Did not Judas profess to be a friend to our Savior when he betrayed him with a kiss? But there is One who is a friend to all; One who sticketh closer than a brother; One who hath said: “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” He is a friend not only of the righteous, but of sinners. He was the best friend the Pharisees ever had when he likened them to vipers, and whited sepulchers full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. He gave his life for those who crucified him, and while dying, he cried, “Father, forgive them!” Oh, what an example for us mortals who can hardly forgive those who trespass against us. Lord, help us to have the spirit of Jesus.

A Remarkable Dream.

          One night, a few weeks ago, after retiring I fell asleep. In the midst of my slumbers I dreamed. It seemed that I had just been where the Word of God was preached in its fullness. I received a commission to go and investigate an underground work that was going on in a cave. This cave had recently become quite a noted place and many religious people were visiting it, and nothing more was seen of them. In company with a friend (I do not remember seeing his face) we went to the vicinity and inquired for the cave. The name sounded familiar, something like the cave of Adullam, as near as I can remember. We suddenly arrived at the foot of a hill where inquiry was made of a man who was stationed there as a guard. “It is right here,” said he, uncovering the mouth of the cave, which seemed to be hidden from the view of the passers by. He also told us that he was there as a watchmen.
          We entered through the narrow opening, which required considerable carefulness to avoid falling into another deep, dark cavern, and after proceeding a few paces, the place opened before us into a large underground place, or cavern, the ceiling of which varied in height from ten to thirty feet. It was lighted by some unseen artificial light. The main passageway was broad and curved around, near all the principal place, of interest. It soon reached a place where there was a rapid incline downward. As we approached the opening to this place, a man who seemed to be of some importance in the regulation of the work there, stood in the way and asked if we desired a guide, to which we promptly replied that we did not. He then said it was his business to furnish guides for the people who entered, and that it would be necessary for us to have one in order to receive the benefits to be derived, and to see the beautiful sights. Again we informed him that we did not intend to have any of their guides, neither did we intend to participate in any of the affairs of the place.
          “Well,” said he, “as you will not have one, I will tell you what the guides do. Their business is to rob the people. First, they draw their minds away to some newly arranged scenery or mound, and explain its history for ages in the past, until all are intensely interested; then they will rob them of their money and valuables.” Said he, “Look there, at your left, and you will see how it is done.” As we looked, we saw near us a guide with a company of people who were amazingly interested in what he was telling them as they gazed upon the outside of an arch and cavern which were supposed to contain great unseen beauties. As the guide pointed with one hand to attract their attention, with the other hand he was picking their pockets and robbing them. He also had two other accomplices who were going through the crowd robbing the people.
          As we proceeded along the way we saw guides at almost all the principal places of interest, leading the people from place to place along the way. As we came to a short curve in the road, some one said to us: “This road leads down into Gehenna.” Just as we came near a rapid incline in the way, we saw some one sitting at a table or desk and looking over his accounts and receipts of the day. We were told that he was the “boss” of the place, and upon glancing at him we saw it was the devil himself, who had assumed the garb of a man so as not to appear hideous to the sightseers of the place. Realizing that we were making our investigations in the confines of the enemy’s territory, we moved onward, merely speaking to him, rather tauntingly, asking if he had become rich that day, to which he replied that he had not. When we were only a few steps away we heard him say to the secretary: “Here is a receipt from…(mentioning his name).” The name mentioned was that of a brother whom I had not seen nor heard of for about two years, and who had, when last I saw him, received a special favor from the Lord. I wondered why that brother should now be in correspondence with this place of deception and even sending his means to support it. The thought came that probably the brother was being ensnared and needed warning.
          We next went down the steep incline and into the lower apartments. Here we could see where the road curved around and ended in the flames of Gehenna. But in the apartments into which we had just entered was the final “exchange” of the place. Here everything was counterfeit, but very highly polished and a close imitation of the genuine. This place was in charge of a minister who had swerved from the true way. Here the people were to exchange their money for gold, if they had any that the guides had not stolen. We were asked to make the exchange. We asked to see the gold, of which heaps of it were just out of reach, but were told that all our money must first be delivered over for exchange, then and abundance of the gold would be given for the amount delivered. It was not to be examined critically until the exchange was made. We told him we were not so foolish; that we were there to investigate the place and intended to examine the gold. He forbade us doing so; however, I hastily leaped forward and secured a package of his treasure and broke it open before him, showing him his counterfeit coin. I then told him that I was a detective sent there to investigate the place, and had done so to my satisfaction and intended to blow the whole thing and expose it as a fraud and deception. He then threatened my life. I told him the place had been investigated and would be exposed whether I was killed or not.
          We then retraced our steps and came to the place where the man furnished guides, and asked him what he kept in that cupboard-like place in the wall. “There,” said he, “is where we keep the genuine money which the guides steal from the people.” Whereupon he opened a side door where we could see the great heaps of genuine money, which was forever beyond the grasp of the rightful owners. We were now ready to proceed through the narrow passageway to the entrance of the cave. We, however, learned that the guides never brought any of the people back to this place, and that comparatively few, if any, ever found their way back again. We soon came to the entrance, which was shut; but upon giving the proper signal the door opened, and we were safe on the outside. My friend suddenly disappeared, and I was awakened from my slumber.

Deceptions And Counterfeits.

          “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain.” ... Joel 2:1. “Whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul. But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” ... Ezekiel 33:4-6. We live in a day when there are many deceptions and counterfeits abroad in the land to lead unwary souls into captivity and into the snare of the devil. The Bible tells us that in the last days false teachers and doctrines will arise. Peter says: “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.” ... 2nd Peter 2:1, 2. Again, we read: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” ... 1st John 4:1. It is because of false teachers going forth and “privily” (2nd Peter 2:1) bringing in false doctrines, false statements, and such like, in order to deceive souls, that we lift our voice in warning, that precious souls may be on the alert and keep their eyes fixed upon the Lord, instead of some wild hallucination, faith stories, etc., whereby a snare is laid to lead souls astray and rob them of their liberties in Christ Jesus.
          A great number of readers of the Gospel Trumpet have for some time been receiving a paper entitled “God’ Revivalist and Bible Advocate,” published by M. W. Knapp. These have been sent forth through the instigation of G. Tuffs, Jr. He also has been sending printed circular letters, bearing the date of July 14, into all parts of the country. As the Trumpet has always been a swift witness against evil-doers, it shall continue to send forth an alarm in Zion. When we thus send an alarm and expose sin and wickedness and evil-doers, it is not with a spirit of malice nor hatred, but for the love of precious souls, and with a hope that the Lord may deliver deceivers from their deceptions, and evil-doers from their wickedness, that they may turn unto the Lord and walk in the ways of his truth. This man, G. Tufts, Jr., who for years has known the ways of the Lord and preached against sectism, has now joined the abominable thing. The “Revivalist,” is the organ through which he can spread himself and his doctrine, and bring in money from the people. We are aware that men sometimes become deceived, even to the extent that they forget they were once purged from their old sins (2nd Peter 1:9); but it is hard for us to believe that this man has not taken this step willfully. As he has so widely circulated his letters and sent rolls of papers to all parts of the country, it is necessary for us to first take up the matter of the work of the paper, called the “Revivalist,” and their creed.
          The editor, M. W. Knapp, a few years ago was a Methodist, and in his paper of January 17, 1901 he publishes the following concerning himself:

Why I withdrew From the Methodist
Episcopal Church.

          It was not because of any complaint against my Christian character. My last Conference passed my character, and the pastor of the church where my name was identified testified:
          “To whom it may concern: This is to certify that Rev. M. W. Knapp and family are acceptable members of the Freeman Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Cincinnati.
          “Rev. M. W. Knapp’s character as a minister is clear before God and man, and as he can not appear before his Conference brethren, I, as his pastor, cheerfully render this certificate as required by Discipline.”
          The presiding elder, to whom I sent my withdrawal, referred to in last week’s Revivalist, among other things writes:
          “While I most sincerely regret to part with you, and believe that I express the feelings of a large majority of both ministers and laymen in our Conference when I also express their regrets at the separation, yet I recognize the consistency of your action, and hope that your work may glorify God and help in the establishment of his kingdom in the earth.”
          It was not because of any hard feelings toward the denomination or its ministers, to both of which I was deeply attached, and the facts which compel the separation pain me more deeply than I can express. My love especially to my brethren of the Michigan Conference doubtless has blinded me from seeing my duty in this regard sooner than I otherwise would. The following are some of the reasons which led to my decision:
          First of all, God has so filled my hands, heart, and life with providential, evangelical work outside of the Methodist Church, that I have little time or means to invest directly in it, and I feel that it is inconsistent to be a member of a body, and not act with it and not give it my support.
          Second. Because of the sinful complicity of the Church and many of its leading officials with the liquor-traffic.
          Third. Because of the awful conformity of the Church to the world, and the union of its ministers and members with its fraternities, fairs, festivals, and fashions.
          Fourth. Because modern Methodism, with its unsaved membership, worldly officials, godless choirs, and complicity with the world, is but a travesty on original Methodism and primitive Christianity.
          Fifth. Because of her neglect and rejection of Bible holiness, claiming to be a society for its spread, when she is becoming largely a society for its suppression, tolerating a mere theoretical holiness and rejecting the true.
          Sixth. Because while in some places she opposes sanctification, yet there is evidence that in others she seeks members under the pretense of being a genuine holiness Church. I can be no party to this.
          Seventh. Because she is largely substituting education for the baptism with the Holy Ghost, the corner-stone of her university at Washington being laid by Free Masons.
          Eighth. Because she welcomes an unsanctified officiary, instead of men “baptized with the Holy Ghost and full of faith and of the Spirit,” as the Scripture demands.
          Ninth. Because after repeated admonitory warnings from many of her sons and a recent call by her bishops, she absolutely refuses to repent, and is sailing faster than ever into the whirlpool which is engulfing her.
          Tenth. Because I believe the time has come when I can serve her spiritual interests better upon some rescuing life-boat than upon the sinking ship.
          Eleventh. Because the Bible forbids being unequally yoked together with unbelievers, while the Methodist Church yokes up with license voters and all kinds of sinners.
          Twelfth. Because for weeks the matter has come up in such a way as to have hindered my faith and prayers had I refused.
          Thirteenth. Because after months of earnest prayer and consideration I have a solid, sweet assurance that God so leads, and that He who has given me victory at every other crisis in my experience will be with me in this, and bring out of it the greatest good to man and the greatest glory to himself.
          O Methodism! Methodism! How oft some of thy sons would have restored thee to thy former power and to primitive purity, but ye would not. Behold, thy commission is taken from thee and given to others (Holiness Churches), who are bringing forth fruit unto holiness. Oh, that thou hadst been true to God and to the work of spreading scriptural holiness which he committed unto thee! Then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.

          In the same paper he says: “What are people to do when their mission in a dead or dying Church is done?” His answer is: “Unite with some branch of the true vine. . . It is a mistake that we advise people indiscriminately to leave their respective Churches to unite with a new Church. We never have done this and we do not do it now.”
          That is as much as to say that Editor Knapp has seen the corruption of the so-called Methodist Church and views a very dark picture of the same, yet he does not seem to discern the church of God, the pillar and ground of the truth, of which Jesus says (John 10:9), “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” Jesus says, “I am the vine, ye are the branches.” Each one who enters through the door, Jesus Christ, is a branch of the true vine. There is no way of joining any branch of God’s church, as each branch is in-grafted directly into the true vine. Anything else called a branch of God’s church is a humbug. The editor says he does not advise people indiscriminately to leave their respective Churches to unite with the new Church. The Lord, however, says to his followers who have been ensnared into these so-called “respective Churches” with their various beliefs and walls of division: “Come out of her, my people.” He discriminates, however, and tells just who shall come out from among them. He says “my people.” All who are not his people can remain in, if they desire, which leaves just about such a picture of sectism as Editor Knapp saw in Methodism, the picture of which is given in Revelation 18:2, 3. We have heard it stated privately and publicly that Editor Knapp and his followers were out of sectism and taught the Word of God in all its purity and fullness, in their preaching, and also through their paper called the “Revivalist.” They having published a number of pieces concerning the Gospel Trumpet and its teaching for advising people to come out of sectism, and having tried to smooth things over in general, we felt it a duty before God to make further investigations.
          A few days ago a visit was made to the “Revivalist” office. It is unnecessary to give the details of the investigation, but a notice of a few points and a few questions and answers while there will be sufficient to show the situation. We find that they have a religious organization called “The International Apostolic Holiness Union,” of which Seth C. Rees, of St. Louis Missouri, is the general superintendent; M. W. Knapp, editor of the “Revivalist,” associate superintendent; and his wife, Mrs. M. W. Knapp, treasurer. Mrs. Knapp stated to us that they had a regular organized holiness union, which people could join by taking the pledge and signing their names to the constitution and by-laws, of which she gave us a copy. The following are a few of the many questions asked Mrs. Knapp, with her answers:
          Question: Do you teach sanctification?
          Answer: We do; we also teach that people can be healed.
          Question: Do you teach that people should be immersed by water baptism?
          Answer: No, we do not teach it necessary.
          Question: Do you teach feet-washing?
          Answer: Oh, no, no; we do not believe in that.
          Question: Do you believe in the Lord’s Supper.
          Answer: We do sometimes observe the Lord’s Supper.
          Question: Do you believe in a coming millennium of a thousand years’ reign here on earth?
          Answer: Yes, sir; the Lord’s coming is a very prominent doctrine with us.
          Question: Have you any missionaries in foreign countries?
          Answer: Here is a picture of two of our missionaries in Africa. We have just sent three to India a few days ago, one of whom expects to take charge of the work there. He is a wonderful man of faith. He travels about, trusting the Lord alone, never asking anybody for a cent of money. We took up a collection for him at our camp-meeting here, and he received four hundred dollars. Since then, only a few days ago, they raised twelve hundred dollars for him at Portsmouth, Rhode Island camp-meeting. He says he has received twelve or fourteen thousand dollars in this way ... just trusting the Lord. His name is Tufts.
          Question: Has he joined your association?
          Answer: Oh, yes, he has joined.
          Question: When did he join?
          Answer: About two months ago or more. It was since March.
          Question: Is it necessary for a person to leave the denomination to which they belong in order to join your association?
          Answer: Oh, no, we do not require that.

          These are a few of the many questions asked. As we proceed you will understand why we publish these questions and answers. It is not that we are trying to make a thrust at these people, but that their false position and doctrine may be brought to light and exposed, and that precious souls may not be captured in the snare of the devil. In a recent copy of the “Revivalist” is a piece written by G. Tufts, Jr. entitled


          Since my conversion seven years ago, I have been identified with the Gospel Trumpet people of Moundsville, West Virginia. . . It was one of the greatest crosses of my life to consent to being out from among this people, as I have a host of dearest friends who have stood loyally by me with their prayers and means, and who do not understand the cause of my leaving (my accusers not making their reasons of my renunciation public). Yet I shun self-vindication. But loyalty to the truth compels me to state the charges, which are the following: Because I believed and practiced the Scripture, “Owe no man anything,” because I believed in taking the Sermon on the Mount literally; because I prayed too much; because I preached hell too much; and, lastly, because I planned a visit to the Revivalist office in Cincinnati. I simply state that God has led me out, and I give him all the glory.
          In January of this year I was led of God to visit the Revivalist office. . . I was received with open arms, and given the utmost liberty among them.
          Since then I have prayed and fasted a great deal, seeking the clear leadings of God, and I feel clearly led to cooperate with “God’s Bible-school” in the evangelism of the world, in the spread of the gospel, and shall make the Revivalist office our American headquarters.
Gorham Tufts, Jr.

          It is like probing into the confines of corruption, to take up some of these trivial excuses which he sets forth as the cause of his renouncement. He had been faithfully dealt with for months, with much kindness and long-suffering. The facts concerning his case were not only told him privately, but it was published publicly that he was filled with the spirit of division and compromise, and in league with sectism. By reading his own words and those from the “Revivalist” editor and his followers, it is plain to be seen that we published the truth of the matter, which at first he stoutly denied. Yet, he says that his accusers did not make their reasons of renunciation public. There are some things, to be sure, that we would not care to give publicly. As to the seemingly trivial charges for which he says he was renounced, we would say, his statements are only a blind to the real truth; but, as he has made mention of them, it might be well to notice even those small reasons given.
          First, he says, because he believed and practiced the Scripture, “Owe no man anything.” He had been spoken to concerning that scripture. He was making a great hobby of it, and we felt he should be clear himself on that line, as he made such an ado over it, and wrote him that if he was going to make such a hobby over that scripture, it would be well for him to pay his own debts, of which we knew of a few hundred dollars indebtedness of years’ standing which remained unpaid, and remains unpaid to the present time. We made mention of this as a suggestion. It was for his fanatical ideas and practices on this and other scriptures that he was admonished. For instance, where the Bible says, “Give to him that asketh,” he insisted it means give money to every one that asks for it; even if it were a drunkard who he knew would spend the money immediately for whisky, it should be given him. Scores of dollars were spent in this way and not to the glory of God; but he refused to receive any kindly admonition on this line.
          Second, “Because I believed in taking the Sermon on the Mount literally.” We know nothing about his teaching on that line. Probably some one else has talked to him or heard him teach it, but we do not remember of ever having heard him teach anything of the kind.
          Third, “Because I prayed too much.” We have no objection to any one praying. We did admonish him while at Moundsville last winter, that his much praying would avail nothing unless he would measure up to the Word of God, as he was with us a few weeks and wanted to shut himself up in his room all day long, week after week, and roam about in the cemetery and grove at night. He said that was the way he did in Boston and elsewhere. He did not wish to come out of his room to meet the family or attend services, and his meals were carried to him. Finally he showed us some books, asking us to read them, and we found that they were experiences concerning Roman Catholic monks and others who had isolated themselves for weeks and months, sitting upon sharp stones, doing penance, and playing the part of a hermit, until finally they reached a wonderful experience and became noted for the same. We finally told him that if he did not come out of his room and meet the family and attend services, as a brother should, and that if he insisted on remaining in his room, we would place a notice on the door, “No admittance; a monk inside.” We told him that God wants men of prayer, but he wants men of action ... men who will believe when they pray, and then put their belief into practice. After this he ceased in some respects to play the part of a hermit, but said if he could find a cavern among the rocks in the hills, he would go and spend two or three months alone.
          In our travels we have found that he has left a streak of fanaticism in many places where he has been. We have found that his advice to those seeking spiritual help was to shut themselves up in a room alone and pray all night and all day, instead of giving the needed words of instruction to help them into the experience by a living faith. He would tell them that he spent weeks in that way. The poor souls would go away discouraged. There was quite a difference between the humble prayer of the publican, and the long faithless prayer of the Pharisee who prayed to be seen and show the length of his prayers. We believe in prayer, in the prayer of faith, in prolonged prayer, and importunity when necessary; but not in pharisaical fanaticism.
          Fourth, “Because I preach hell too much.” We never objected to him preaching hell, just so he kept in line with the Word of God.
          Lastly, “Because I planned a visit to the Revivalist office in Cincinnati.” When leaving Chicago on his last visit to Moundsville, he had intended to stop at the Revivalist office on his way, although we knew nothing about it. After reaching here he kept all his plans to himself. In fact, he told us he had no plans laid, and we were not aware that he had until he afterwards called us to his room and said he felt condemned before the Lord for what he had told us when he stated that he had no plans laid. He said that God held him to make a confession to us, that he already had his plans made to visit the Revivalist office and go in with them if he found things satisfactory. He was not forced to make this confession by any means, but of his own accord requested our presence, and said that God required it of him. Furthermore, he acknowledged his condition, and things unnecessary to mention here.
          It seems like a very simple thing to enter into individual matters and explanations, but those who have been receiving his written and printed letters and articles through the paper will not think it unnecessary to have these explanations made. In the private letters he writes, dated July 14, 1901, he says he shuns “self-vindication.” He further states, “I still believe and teach and practice the truth, as always; I am one with all the dear saints of God,” etc., and says: “I have not joined anything nor anybody, and still believe and teach full salvation and the unity of all believers.” Mrs. Knapp, the treasurer of the association, says he joined them two months ago, or more. He says also in the letter and his articles “We feel led to cooperate with a number of dear people whom we have met recently in Cincinnati, Ohio, and who are out on full salvation lines and New Testament principles. Their paper ‘God’s Revivalist’ shall be our organ as long as the Lord wills.” In another article mentioned, he says, “I feel clearly led to cooperate with ‘Gods Bible school,’” etc.
          Now, these people and the Bible school mentioned teach that it is not necessary for a person to be baptized with water. Jesus, in his last mission to his ministers, told them to go forth and baptize them that believe. Matthew 28:19. People may ridicule the idea of feet-washing, which Jesus taught his disciples to teach the people to observe. Matthew 28:20. They teach people to stay in sectism among unbelievers, and the Lord says for them to come out. Revelation 18:4; 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17. There are many other things which he once knew to be false doctrine, which now he can, for the sake of filthy lucre and prominence, either take up and sanction, or keep still about, in order to gain influence. People who are out on full salvation lines and New Testament principles will not oppose New Testament doctrine. There are many people who have not the light on the Word of God, but they will not fight the truths of the gospel. When a man so turns from the truth and takes such a stand, it is because he has a wrong spirit ... a deceptive spirit. He may tell great stories of faith and wonderful manifestations that would get the eyes of the people fixed upon him, and wind around them the web of deception; yet that will not save their souls. People can in this way be carried away, as it were, with some rapturous performance, until they become robbed of their liberties in Christ Jesus, and thus be led on and on, until finally the faith they have in some man will lead them to a point where they will throw away what little experience they have left for counterfeit or false doctrine. It does not appear much like shunning “self-vindication,” when we realize that he has had scores, and doubtless hundreds of circular letters published trying to vindicate himself, and had also been trying to vindicate himself through a number of articles in the Revivalist, and by holding special meetings in various parts of Chicago, visiting from house to house, and such like.
          We desire to say, without further comment, that he was dealt with by the Church in Chicago, who labored faithfully for the welfare of his soul for a number of weeks. He was at Moundsville six weeks, during which time every effort was put forth to help him and lift him out of his trouble. He confessed, privately and publicly, that he had received only the greatest kindness and love shown him during his stay with the Trumpet Family here at Moundsville. We would say, as we have heretofore said, that the cause of his taking the step that he has is because he failed to obey God and fell under a compromising spirit, which has finally led him into a league with sectism. We pray God, if possible, to deliver him out of the hands of the enemy and the deceptions and snare of the devil; and that the Revivalist people may not only be led to see the picture they have described of Methodism, but may discern the body of Christ, his Church, and forsake all but the Lord alone, and be, as Paul says, “complete in him.” May God enable his children everywhere to take a stand for the truth and walk in the light as he is in the light. Those who have been somewhat ensnared or led away by this compromising spirit, we pray God to help you take your stand at once where you can rejoice in the love of God with joy unspeakable and full of glory.


          I am giving God all the praise for what he has done for me. He has led me out of darkness and sectism into the glorious light. He is my justifier, sanctifier, and healer. Praise his dear name! I was a member of the Methodist sect about thirty years, and I am sorry to say, without the true light and understanding of the Word of God. A dear saint of God gave me some tracts and Trumpets to read, which gave me light on the church and divine healing. I began to earnestly search the scriptures and to pray for more light. At that time the Lord permitted me to be afflicted, to show me my lost condition. It was a hard struggle to give up professing and humble myself before God as a sinner, when I had been a member of the Methodist denomination for so many years. But when I became willing to take God at his Word, and consecrated all to him, oh, what peace came into my soul! ... peace that passeth all understanding. I at once had a brother and sister agree with me in prayer for my healing. I was instantly healed, insomuch that I arose and dressed myself alone. I was weak for a few days, but soon began to do light work. I gave up doctors and medicine and have had no use for them since. This was three years ago last November.
          For a number of years before I was saved I had very poor health. At times I was very low with heart trouble and other afflictions which made my life miserable. Praise the Lord, he is now my physician and my all. Through trials and temptations I can see his loving hand working out for me greater blessings and a brighter experience in his love.
Helen Eddy.
Scotland, Ontario.

          I desire to testify to God’s wonderful goodness to me. I am freely justified and wholly sanctified, and am trusting him for all things. Praise his precious name! We have taken him as our physician and he has always proved true to his Word. Our faith has been wonderfully tried at times, but the Lord through his Word would show us that it was for our good. So we would just trust it all with God, knowing that all things work together for good to them that love him. Dear ones, let us stand true to God, who knowest our hearts. “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, . . . Might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” ... 1st Peter 1:7.
          It has been nearly two years since I was saved. I praise God for deliverance from sin, sectism, and all worldly conformity. Now I can say the Lord is my shepherd. Truly these are perilous times, when we see so many going on in sin, unconcerned about their souls, and so many in sectism who have not the knowledge of God. Yet the Word of God is so plain that a wayfaring man, though a fool, need not err therein. It makes me rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory that God through his mercy redeemed me and translated me into the kingdom of his dear Son. Pray that I always be found sitting at the feet of Jesus, learning of him and doing his will at all times.
Fannie Cook.
Eugene, Indiana.

News from the Field.

          We are still in the battle for the truth. We have had good meetings here and are satisfied a work has been done that will last. We expect to hold two or three more meetings in this country before we return home [Wade, Indian Territory]. Pray for us and the work the Lord has for us.
James D. Ferrill and W. T. Seeton.
Edwardsville, Oklahoma, August 9.

          Since our last report we have preached at different places around here. We held one meeting near Camp. Several manifested a desire to be saved. We were in meeting a few days with Brother Mason at Bexar. There seemed to be very good interest. We have decided not to have our camp-meeting, on account of the drought in this country. Please remember us in your prayers.
S. R. McElmurry.
Camp, Arkansas, August 7.

          We have not been idle since last we wrote. In company with Brother Davison, Sister Henton, and Sister Tillie Craft and husband we commenced meeting July 12, five miles from Findlay, Illinois at a place called Friendship. Good interest was shown. Five were baptized and two reclaimed. The attendance was quite large. On July 24 we closed, and commenced a meeting three miles from Kirksville. The meetings were well attended and souls were made to weep on account of their sad condition. The little church was much benefited. From this place Sister Henton and Sister Craft and husband were called home. We closed the meeting here on August 5 and went to Milford, where we are at present. A good interest is being shown and we are looking for blessed victories in the Lord. Pray that we may be kept humble.
Harry and Sadie Tyler.
Milford, Illinois, August 12.

          We are glad to inform the readers of the Trumpet that we are fully saved in Jesus, with continual victory over the enemy, for which we truly praise the Lord. We went to Crayton, Kentucky, July 18, where we found dear Brother M. N. Roark and others holding meeting. A good interest seemed to be manifested. The meeting continued about ten days and a few souls were saved, some sanctified, and eleven baptized. At the close of the meeting about twenty-four took part in the ordinances of feet-washing and the Lord’s Supper. We truly enjoyed a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Praise his name forever! We then came to Miller’s Station, near Carlisle, and stayed a few days. Interest in the meeting seemed very good.
          We left Brother Roark and wife in the meeting and returned to Jeffersonville, where we are preparing for the General camp-meeting of Kentucky. We are anticipating a good meeting, and earnestly desire the prayers of the saints, that precious souls be saved. Let all attend that can.
Thomas Carter and J. E. Watts.
Jeffersonville, Kentucky, August 8.

The General Western Camp-Meeting.

          The general western camp-meeting at Neosho Falls, Kansas has passed, but the works of our divine Father wrought in the hearts of his children while it was in progress, will live forever. The great drought, under which the western states (particularly Kansas) have suffered, kept many of the saints from coming to the meeting, but it did not hinder the blessings of God from descending upon those in attendance. A great many souls were saved, and many received the second work of grace. The altar work throughout was the most thorough, I think, of any I ever witnessed. There was none of that herring of the seekers into an experience, but they were exhorted to tarry and guard their offerings, like Abraham of old, until the fire from heaven fell upon them. The converts were commanded to proceed to the water and be baptized according to the Word, which command they obeyed. Baptism was administered on four occasions. Twenty-nine in all were baptized. A great many sought healing, and there seemed to be not one among them that failed to receive it. The ordinances of feet-washing and the Lord’s Supper were observed near the close of the meeting in a service rendered very sacred by the manifest presence of Christ. Brother Emil Kreutz and Sister Drusilla Trent were ordained to the ministry by the laying on of hands according to the Word.
William G. Schell.


          OWENS. ... Beulah Belle Owens, daughter of R. H. and Louie Owens, of Sherwood, Louisiana, died July 26, 1901; after an illness of only a few days’ duration. Her age was 9 years, 5 months, 8 days. Her short life was one of faith and trust in the Lord, and now she has gone to be with him evermore.

          SPILLMAN. ... David Spillman was born March 25, 1820; died July 26, 1901; aged 81 years, 4 months, 1 day. Funeral services conducted by Brother David Smith of Melrose, Ohio, at the saints’ meeting-house.
R. Spillman.

          RYLAND. ... Parvin M. Ryland, of near Blachleyville, Ohio, died at the city hospital at Akron, 10 o’clock Saturday morning, from injuries received Friday evening while working. Brother Ryland fell a distance of about fifty feet and struck a stump, sustaining internal injuries which caused his death. During the night he suffered terribly, but Saturday he sank rapidly and the end came about 10 o’clock. Brother Ryland had some friends working in Akron who communicated the sad news to his family. It seems that our brother was assisting a fellow workman when he was seized with a fainting spell which caused his fall. Brother Ryland was born near Polk, Ashland County, Ohio, May 12, 1850; died August 3, 1901; aged 51 years, 2 months, 21 days. He was wedded to Malinda Fair, who with three children survives him: he was converted at the age of sixteen years, and always remained strong in the faith, until last winter he was privileged to meet with the saints near Burbank and obtained sanctification. May his departure be a warning unto many who are out of Christ, and may the Lord bless bereaved ones.
John H. Moore.

Divine Healing.

Healed of Intestinal Trouble.

          I consider it a duty as well as a privilege to testify through the Trumpet to the wonderful healing power of the Lord. Last week our baby, nineteen months old, was very low with bowel trouble, even at death’s door, when the dear Lord healed him. We give him all the praise. He has been our physician for five years. The Lord sweetly saves, sanctifies, and heals me.
Jennie Caldwell.
Moundsville, West Virginia,
August 7.

Eyes Healed.

          My eyes have been more or less afflicted all my life. It was the general prediction among my friends that I would become blind, as had some of my relatives. But, praise God, he healed my eyes. When I became willing to do his will the pain all ceased.
          I would say to those that go to God for blessings: Examine yourselves and see if you are doing his will and are in his order. If you have left something undone, turn it over to the Lord; he most graciously waits to grant you mercy.
          Brothers and sisters, whatever it may be your duty to do, ask God to provide the way, and he will do so. Pray for me.
F. A. Lee.
McCalls Creek, Mississippi.

Healed of Consumption.

          God saves me from my sins, sanctifies my nature, and keeps my soul in perfect peace. Praise his name forever! I was raised a Lutheran, and did not know we could be saved from sin in this life until nearly four years ago, when, while attending a meeting held by the U. B. sect, I realized I was a sinner and met the conditions, and God for Christ’s sake forgave my sins. Yet I was not fully satisfied in my soul until I met with the saints of God. I then heard the truth more fully taught, and I fully surrendered, to walk in all the truth. This was about a year ago.
          In the spring of 1889, five different doctors pronounced me afflicted with consumption. They said I might with good care and treatment live a few years, but gave me no hope of ever being well again. But our dear Savior healed me sound and well. I was buffeted and severely tried by the enemy for some time before I could get perfect victory. When I first heard the truth on divine healing I accepted it and received God’s healing favor; but through lack of faith I lost the victory, and being worse, I went back to the use of medicine.
          Having received light on the Word, I felt condemned, and began to be much concerned about my condition. I began to cry mightily unto God for an unwavering faith. After earnestly seeking, I received the desire of my heart. Praise our God!
          Last Decoration Day I was thrown from a buggy by a frightened horse. I was severely bruised, and was hurt inwardly, so that I could not speak for some hours. My husband, being unsaved, sent for a doctor; but I refused to take the medicine. The saints came and offered up the prayer of faith, and I was healed. The doctor said it would be some hours before I could speak; but he did not know the Great Physician and his power to heal. I am determined to trust God to the end, and live alone for our dear Savior.
Mrs. Sophia Walch.
Walla Walla, Washington,
August 1.

God Heals.

          For eight long years I was a continual sufferer with female trouble. If I would work a half day, I would be compelled to go to bed. I doctored six years, but was no better, but rather worse. I heard two sermons preached on divine healing, and knew the Lord was willing to heal me. Jesus says, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” ... John 6:37. So in accordance to James 5:14, 15 I sent for a Brother and Sister, who came and prayed for me and anointed with oil and the Lord raised me up, for which I praise his dear name. A few days after I was healed I did a large day’s work and felt as well as I ever did. I truly praise the Lord for what he has done. Words can not express my gratitude to him. May the dear Lord encourage precious souls suffering with diseases to take Jesus for their physician and bring all their sorrows, troubles, and sicknesses to him, who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
          Also my little daughter was healed of a very bad cold, for which we are very thankful to our blessed Savior, who is ever ready to help those that put their trust in him. I can also testify to God’s saving and keeping power. Praise his dear name forever! “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” ... Philippians 4:4.
Mrs. Alice Brightwell.
St. Albans, West Virginia.

By George Q. Coplin.

          The greatest need of the world to-day is a real awakening from the lethargy and spiritual stupor that is fast settling down upon the people. Men look in wonder and surprise when they hear God’s messengers proclaiming that perilous times have come upon us. They at once question the fact, as they have felt no alarm and have realized nothing perilous about the present time. They feel that if there was ever a time when peace and safety prevailed, it is now. Nevertheless, one of the greatest burdens of God’s message to humanity to-day comes in the words of faithful warning announcing the solemn truth that the perilous times prophesied of in 2nd Timothy 3:1 have come upon us in these last days.
          God’s messages and warnings to men have always been ignored and rejected by the majority because they did not harmonize with their ideas and notions. No doubt there was but little, if any, fear or uneasiness felt by the antediluvians just prior to the flood, though they were faithfully warned by a messenger of God; but, the warning ignored, God sent his judgment upon an unprepared world, sweeping into eternity those whose hearts were hardened in sin and unbelief. Christ has given us to understand that as the condition of the world was in those days, so should it be in the last days, and so should he find it at his second coming.
          In Luke 17:26 we read: “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” He tells us further how that they were entirely absorbed in worldly things, were unsuspecting until the very day that Noe entered into the ark. Some might wonder why the people gave so little heed to the warning of Noe. The reason was, their hearts were so hardened that they could not hear the voice of God. We read in the Scripture of a class of people who have ears and hear not, and eyes and see not; yet they are held accountable for their condition. This does not mean that they fail to hear literally with their ears and to see literally with their eyes; but it does signify that their hearts are in such a seared condition that God’s eternal truth makes no impression thereon. Therefore their souls are completely deaf to the voice of God. Some one might inquire what brings so many people into this condition. There is but one cause assigned in the Word of God; it is found in Hebrews 3:13 ... “But exhort one another daily while it is called To-day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” Sin is the very power that hardens the human heart and severs all communication with heaven. This is the very reason that the masses of to-day can not understand the present truth nor “discern the signs of the times.”
          The highest ideal of the majority of religious professors of the present time is a life of sinning more or less every day. The prophet says that their iniquities have separated between them and their God, and their sins have hid his face from them, that he will not hear. See Isaiah 59:1, 2. May the Lord in his mercy sound an alarm so loud and long that such ungodly professors will be awakened from their stupor, before the hand of death is fastened upon them. The idea that all must and do sin, is one of the most deadly opiates that the devil is using to deaden the minds and hearts of the people. It is surprising also to notice how diligent and successful the enemy has been in scattering this falsehood everywhere. There is enough poison connected with this one idea to cause instant spiritual death in all who imbibe it and take it down for truth. But worse than this, it will certainly bring eternal death later, unless renounced and cleansed away in the atoning blood of Christ. Thank God for a complete remedy for sin, found in the fountain which was opened in the house of David, foretold by the prophet in Zechariah 13:1. We read in 1st John 1:7 that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin; in verse nine, from all unrighteousness. Not only does it cleanse, but through Jesus Christ we have victory over sin and need continue no longer therein. Romans 6:12. Again, John says, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin” (1st John 3:9), and, “We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not.” ... Chapter 5:18. Therefore, let all who have accepted this soul-destroying doctrine of “sin-you-must,” heed the admonition given in 1st Corinthians 15:34 ... “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.”
          The first thing needful for such, then, is an awakening to their condition. This must be effected by the Spirit of God, and will, as soon as hearts are in a condition to receive it. The heart must also be awakened to its privileges in Christ and behold in him a perfect pardon and cleansing. When the soul reaches this point, it is then in a proper condition to seek God intelligently, and, if in real earnestness, will surely find him ready to forgive and “blot out,” as soon as the conditions of repentance are fully met. Better still, he is faithful to keep from falling and to preserve blameless unto his final coming.

And the Magicians Did So.
By F. J. Kiefer.

          When God called Moses and sent him to deliver his people from Egyptian bondage, he gave him signs to perform before Pharaoh. As Moses showed these signs before the Egyptian ruler, it is recorded that, “The magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments,” thus blinding the eyes and hardening the heart of Pharaoh to the great truth, that God was the God above every god that man raised up or worshiped. The narrative says this was done several times, until Pharaoh’s heart was so hardened that he would not believe when the power of God was so manifest that even the magicians had to acknowledge it, and gave up attempting to imitate the signs given by the hand of Moses.
          Now, all scripture is given as a warning, and for instruction, that the man of God might be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto every good work. As these were signs unto Pharaoh and to the children of Israel ... to the one for instruction; to the other destruction ... so we, also, may look upon it as prophetic of these latter times, when the spiritual Pharaoh is trying to keep God’s spiritual Israel in bondage under the exactors he has placed over them. Every sign that God has shown has been so closely imitated by the magicians of the present day that no one not instructed and humbled before God can distinguish between the true and the false, but can see no difference. Thus they are led astray and blinded to the truth of God.
          Who that did not have his spiritual understanding aroused by God himself, but would be deceived by the sophistries of Christian Science (so-called), when it appeals to man’s selfishness and pride, and makes him his own savior, leaving out the spiritual almost wholly? Or of Spiritualism, where it seeks to eliminate the human side and have man blindly follow so-called spirits of the dead into all the follies and sins of the age. Or Hypnotism, or all three combined, as in some of the latest manifestations wherein great power was manifested: but all to the glory and enrichment of some man, or set of men, who, for their own profit, work upon the credulity of their fellow men and bind them in chains under the power of darkness like the magicians, of old bound Pharaoh and the Egyptians in the days of Moses.
          But a time came when the magicians of old could go no further, and had to acknowledge that “this is the finger of God.” ... Exodus 8:19. But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, so that God had to bring all his judgments to bear upon him before he would let his people go.
          From this and other scriptures we are led to believe there is a place where the magicians of the present day can not go, and where the church will shine forth in the beauty and glory of God. God says to his servant: “If thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth.” ... Jeremiah 15:19. But there was a work to do before that could be done, for he says further by his prophet: “Thy words were found, and I did eat them.” ... Jeremiah 15:16. And then, “I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced; I sat alone because of thy hand: for thou hast filled me with indignation.” ... Jeremiah 15:17.
          The eating of God’s Word causes a separation, and we sit alone; then we can separate the precious from the vile, being indeed God’s ministers unto dying men. Then will it follow that “the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days [When shall this be?], In the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.” ... Isaiah 30:26. “Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God.” ... 2nd Peter 3:12.
          Now, that God’s promises are sure, and that he will fulfill them, we verily believe; still “thus saith the Lord God; I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them.” ... Ezekiel 36:37. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” ... Isaiah 1:19, 20. This comes first to God’s ministers, and through them to all the people; for how shall they hear without a preacher?
          Dear saints, arise to your privileges! It is only by getting down that we can hope to get up, and it is only by getting up that we can hope to convince the world. Study the first and second chapters of Acts and see what followed the first ten-day prayer-meeting of which we have any record. Amen.

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