Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Gospel Trumpet, April 25, 1901

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The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21, Issue 17, April 25, 1901
(Articles of interest only)

The Lord’s Table
By Emma I. Coston

While near the window sitting,
One cold and wintry day,
A sparrow lightly flitting
Seemed pleadingly to say:

“The snow my food has covered,
I can not find a seed,
So close to you I’m hovered,
Please give me what I need.”

While near the fireside sitting,
The same cold, stormy day,
My thoughts went lightly flitting
To regions far away;

To where the cruel famine
Has stripped the land of seed,
And left the children crying,
“Please give us what we need.”

Then to my Bible turning,
I opened it with care
When lo, (by faith discerning)
I saw a table there,

Bread for the hungry broken,
Enough, and still to spare,
A free and heavenly token
Of Father’s loving care.

A lesson, too, on giving,
The Lord would have us learn;
From what we are receiving
God looks for a return.

Our very choicest blessings
Are willed, so that a share
Belongs to helpless orphans,
And needy everywhere.

Look up! Ye sad and sighing,
Obey the Savior’s call,
Come, eat, both weak, and dying,
“The supper is for all.”

The very God of heaven
That sends the sparrow’s food,
To us his Son hath given;
We’ll praise him as we should.

A wonderful salvation
For sinners steeped in sin!
From every tribe and nation
His object is to win.

He is a loving Savior,
O sinner, hear his call,
And win his loving favor 
His supper is for all.

Liberty in Christ.
By J. M. Harrington

“If the Son therefore make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” - John 8:36. Thank God for the privileges we find in Christ! Many fail to comprehend the real trueness of this scripture, name, freedom, or liberty. What is the freedom that Christ has reference to here? By carefully studying this text we learn it is freedom from sin. Many claim we can not be made free from sin in this life; yet they claim to follow Christ. We ask such to read the following scriptures: Titus 2:11, 12; Matthew 1:21; 1st John 3:8-10.
My soul doth magnify the Christ of the Bible for the privilege of knowing the “Truth,” which makes us free. It is sad to behold the great mass of professors who are cold and formal, having no life or power, and asserting that we can not live without sin. In our own strength we can not live free from sin, but in the strength of Christ we can. He is able to save all who come unto him. Thank God for the privilege we have of being free indeed! Those who have sought and found salvation understand the meaning of liberty. We are set free from sin, condemnation, and guilt, and are now living with an eye single to the glory of God. Oh, the many heartaches and trials people have because they have not yielded all to Christ, who would liberate their precious souls form all sin. Some may say: “I do not see how you can live for Christ in this wicked world.” We do not see how any one can get along in this wicked world without living for Christ. Those that have tried being a Christian will confess it is the best life to live. Why stay away from Christ and miss all the joys of a Christian life, and at last lose your soul? My sinner friend, bound by the fetters of sin, why not bow to the mandates of heaven and be set free? Some admit Christ came to set us free, but claim we do not enjoy the liberty in this life, but will enjoy it after death. What says the Word of God? “But now being made free from sin, and become the servants of God, ye have your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life.” - Romans 6:22. Sad will it be to behold the many at the judgment seat of Christ who have lived in sin and are then called to meet God without being made free by the blood of Christ.
The mission of Christ in this world was not only to forgive our actual transgressions, but it was also to cleanse, or sanctify, the soul; while he died for sinners, yet he gave himself for the church, that he might cleanse it. - Ephesians 5:25-27. Some claim this to be the Jewish church. Was Christ the head of it? If so, when? When was the Jewish church subject to Christ? What was Moses the head of? We all know it was the Jewish church. This is only a dodge to uphold the “one work theory.” Again we read: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” - 1st John 1:7. Can sinners walk in the light? We answer, No; for they have no light. Christ is the light of the world, and sinners do not have Christ. Certainly it is meant for the children of God. What is the result of walking in the light? They would be “cleansed from all sin.” How could they have been cleansed after being a child of God if the “one-work theory” (being entirely cleansed in the first work) were true? We learn by reading the Word that Christ came to forgive actual transgressions and cleanse the depraved nature, and thus liberate us from the last and least remains of sin. Brethren, do you enjoy it in the full sense of the word? If not, do not stop until you have the full benefit of the atonement.
Can we continue in liberty? What says God’s Word? - “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” - Galatians 5:1. God not only desires us liberty, but he wants us to continue in it, obey the truth, and keep it. Oh, what a blessing we can be as saints of God by continuing to stand in the liberty of Christ. When we go to camp-meeting we will not need to get worked over, but will be filled with life, love, and liberty, and ready to push the battle. O beloved saints, be true, be prayerful, do your duty in spite of the devil, and you will always have victory and liberty in Christ. One of the leaders in the “one-cleansing” element told me he had reached a stage where he enjoyed liberty, which he did not have when he stood with the Trumpet people. It seems very strange for a man to shout, sing, and preach, and tell of the wonderful things he enjoyed for six or eight years, and then deny it. If he was right then, he certainly is not right now; if right now, he was not then. A very poor plea indeed to pull off and say he is not with any certain people. One thing is sure: every saint of God is free in Christ if the language of our text be true. Brethren, let us each do all we can to publish this liberty everywhere we go.

Church of God vs. Babylon.
By George L. Cole

From the time the apostasy gained supremacy, or the professed church became drunk with the spirit of compromise with sin and false religions, devil worship, etc., none of the wise man of Babylon (confused religions) have been able to discern the church of God as an institution of heavenly origin, distinct from, and versus all mixed religions, but have ever tried to associate all into one mystical body and assume that to be the church. But alas! All that the wisdom of man can combine of mixed religion is only “mystery Babylon.” But, thank God! To the church of God in the evening time the Word and Spirit reveal “Mystery Babylon the great whore” in opposition to the “Church of God, the Bride, the Lamb’s wife.” The Spirit of God is that which unifies, blends, or tempers together all the redeemed in the one body, the church of God, Christ’s Bride; but the spirit of compromise is that which mixes and associates all false religions and their devotees (and will welcome to her embrace any of the redeemed ones who will submit to her police of Satanic liberty - falsely called Christian), forming a mystical body (composed of many bodies, yet of kindred spirit), “Babylon the great whore.” While the church of God is purely Christian, Babylon is entirely Antichrist.
This is not too strong when we identify all the redeemed with the church of God and all others that have a religion of any kind with Babylon confusion. But to cause the unification of all the redeemed in the church of God, they must come out of Babylon which is not their native home and remain in the church of God exclusively. The accomplishing of this is the prime object and mission of God’s church in the evening time of the world. God has called forth this reformation and imbued it with his uncompromising Spirit for this very purpose. Let us keep this in view.
I, for one, purpose to stand by the lines which God has drawn; let Babylon rage and her merchants wail; “we shall shout as the city doth burn.” “Halleluiah, shout the freedom; in the living God we stand!” Will the church of God let her banner trail in the dust and suffer the “pure bride” to be humbled to the plane of that rival “the great whore, and mother of harlots?” See Revelation 17:5 and 19:2. Or shall Zion hold her peace while Babylon assumes to be the church of God and “makes all nations drunk with the wine of the wrath of her fornication [compromise]?” Never!


The church of God has her fellowship and Babylon has hers; and there is no affinity between these two kinds of fellowship - no mixing. The Spirit of Christ is that which produces fellowship in God's church, and Antichrist by his spirit of compromise produces Babylon fellowship. Since it is impossible for a man to have the Spirit of Christ and Antichrist at the same time, it is equally impossible to have their diverse fellowship; i. e., fellowship with Christ and Antichrist. Therefore we must ignore one to accept the other; "For either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye can not serve God and mammon." If a man has fellowship in Babylon, he has no fellowship in the church of God; and if a man has fellowship in the church of God, he has no fellowship in Babylon, and Babylon has no fellowship for him.
Every sect organization ignores the true fellowship. It matters not how much salvation, Spirit of God, and true fellowship a person may have, he is not received into their fellowship until he is admitted into membership, etc., by which the power, authority, and claims of the institution, are acknowledged, although the new joiner may comprehend but little of the nature and contents of the cup from which he is expected to drink, which the revelator says is the "wine of the wrath of her fornication." We admit that each sect presents a peculiar phase of this Babylon fellowship; nevertheless the whole business is combined to some extent. There is a chain of fellowship running throughout the whole realm of sectism, from associational holiness to the devil worship of spiritualism, Christian Science, and paganism. You would scarcely think that the popular preachers of the holiness associations are connected in fellowship with the pagan priests; but do you know these men are in full fellowship with the whole Protestant world? and do you know that many of the more liberal sects (as they are called) are full of Spiritualists and Christian Science advocates? and do you not know that the very spirits of devils that permeate Christian Science and Spiritualism are the same that roam throughout the pagan world, and that the science of one and the philosophy of the other are identical while bearing different titles? Romanism (which is badly saturated with pagan rites and ceremonies, picture-worship, etc.) is now quite acknowledged by Protestants in general. In brief, Protestantism, Romanism, and Paganism can, and have, met in a world's congress of religions and called it a "world-wide brotherhood of religion." Therefore if we stand in fellowship and compromise with these holiness associations, factions, and sects, we cease to be identified with the church of God, but are joined with Babylon where their fellowship connects. Let me speak plainly so as to be understood. All the would-be churches of God, or independent congregations assuming to be the church of God, that have fellowship with Babylon or any part of Babylon, have no fellowship in, or with, the church of God whose fellowship is in the Spirit and free from all Babylon fellowship. Furthermore, to acknowledge any institution, organization, assembly, congregation, association, alliance, brotherhood, army, class, etc., that has the Babylon fellowship - to count such the church of God is only Babylon.
God is not confining the call, "Come out of her, my people," to the few children of God in the old Roman Catholic sect (which compromised with the pagan world, admitting it with its sin and devil-worship), or from Lutherans and Episcopalians and others of the oldest and more corrupt sects of Protestantism; but he is calling them "from all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day." - Ezekiel 34:12. God is calling them out of the Y. M. C. A., W. C. T. U., Booth's Army, national and state holiness associations, Free Methodists, Pentecost Bands, missionary associations, Dowie's sect, and every other man-made creed or non-creed faction, to remain in the body of Christ where salvation alone constitutes membership and fellowship; but all this is condensed into the one little phrase: "Be ye separate." No union with creeds, sects, secret societies, or open orders for moral or religious benefits; no affinity with, nor fellowship for, these things; no compromise - dead to the world; "delivered from this present evil world:" God's church stands on holy ground. "The whole limit round about is most holy" - an exclusive Christ, church, and fellowship; the world and devil, false spirits, teachers, and doctrines all shut out; shut in with Christ and his truth and people. Amen. If the church of God would be kept pure she must be radical. There is just enough leaven of compromise in every religious institution (except the church of God) to sap her vitals, destroy the spirit life of her best members, and in process of time humble her to the plane of the most fallen and degenerate sects.
In Jesus' name the church of God must protest against the slightest wavering from the plane of heaven's purity, perfect unity, holy fellowship, uttermost salvation, and have Holy Ghost power and authority against every invasion, in order to maintain her virtue, holiness, and power. But we all very well know if we hold this attitude Babylon will fight us; Rome will hate us; Protestantism will disown us; holiness associations will cast out our name as evil; everybody will call us narrow, selfish, bigoted and unsociable, and our demonstrations against false doctrines and false teachers and compromise in general will be called imperialism, tyranny and un-charitableness. But let us be bold and courageous. Christianity began this way and must be the same when Jesus comes.


Have almost ceased, and do you know why? Where are the showers of eggs, rocks, and clubs, and mobs headed by sect preachers - occurrences saints of fifteen and twenty years ago were familiar with? This alone ought to open our eyes. Jesus said of the professing world: "Me it hated because I testify that the works thereof are evil." I, for one, remember the saints' testimonies of twelve years ago, and they were full of what Jesus said was in his testimony. But now we have more wisdom and caution; we would not stir the devil for anything; and to offend the Pharisees like Jesus did (Matthew 15:1-13) would be real harsh now, and a confession next in order. I will point out some of the symptoms common to the earliest stages of compromise: being "very cautious," "getting wisdom," "feeling there is not enough love in the saints," "been too harsh," "must say less about pride and outward adornment," "say less about Babylon, coming out," etc., "do not question people's salvation because of doctrine," "quit preaching doctrine," "attend sect meetings," "work at Babylon altars and in her revivals," and "see light in Babylon." Next they begin to pick at the saints, speak lightly of this reformation, let down divine healing, use simple remedies, seldom say anything about sanctification, and fellowship Babylonians and reject admonition. Next they join in with them and fight the church of God. But God and his church are battling against Antichrist and his church (Babylon), because they are of different spirits - hence are opposed.

The New Testament Church.
By Alvin J. Ellison

Article 5.


We now enter upon another signification of the church which we will consider according to the truth of God's Word. As the ancient, literal city of Jerusalem was considered the holy place of the Lord under the law of Moses because of the temple being located therein wherein God dwelt, so it is with the spiritual Jerusalem - the New Testament church - in the gospel dispensation. It is now the holy place of the Lord - his dwelling place; therefore it is the antitype of literal Jerusalem, as we now read: "But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem; . . . to the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in heaven." - Hebrews 12:22, 23. As the apostle here writes of this heavenly Jerusalem (i. e., of heavenly character) he calls it the church of the first-born; i. e., the church built by Jesus. Therefore it is clear to our minds that it is another signification of the New Testament church. By reading Revelation 21:9, 10 you will find this holy Jerusalem is called "The bride, the Lamb's wife," thus again proving it a relative signification of the church.


"And the walls of the city had twelve foundations [stones], and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." - Revelation 21:14. It is clear that the revelator is here describing the foundation of the church, as he refers to "the twelve apostles of the Lamb." But, to more definitely prove this point, we will read the description of the foundation as given by the apostle Paul. "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord." - Ephesians 2:19-21. It is certain that the apostle is here describing the foundation of the New Testament church as he particularly speaks of the twelve apostles being a part of the foundation.


First - her walls. "In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city [spiritual Jerusalem]; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks." - Isaiah 26:1. This text throws light upon the fact that these scriptures are revealing to us the beauty of the church of God in this gospel dispensation. Let us praise our God for such glorious truths. Second - her gates. "Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise." - Isaiah 60:18. Glory to God! This is still an unfolding of the glorious truth which enlightens us so as to more plainly behold this spiritual Jerusalem. As the gates of literal Jerusalem were a protection to the city in case of an attack by the enemy, so it is with the gates of praise in this spiritual Jerusalem. When attacked by the enemy of all righteousness we, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, begin to shout the praises of King Jesus. By our walls of salvation which are devil-proof, and by our lofty praises, the enemy is defeated and "Victory" is constantly the shout. Halleluiah to God for such a place of safety! "Wasting nor destruction shall no more be within thy borders." This agrees with the words of Jesus: "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! thou art mighty upon the earth, and thy king is greatly to be praised. Truly the inhabitants thereof have found the "pearl of great price." Yea, they have sold all they possessed to obtain it. But ah, beloved reader, it pays. Third - her watchmen. Behold, "I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." - Isaiah 62:6, 7.
In this text the Lord shows the diligence and boldness of his ministers who are set upon the walls of spiritual Jerusalem to warn the inhabitants thereof of any approaching danger, and that they may become thoroughly acquainted with the city laws and ordinances, and learn to be a praise in the hands of their God. That this object fail not, he has commanded that these watchmen keep not silent until they see the glory of God revealed through the proclamation of the wonderful judgments of God in this establishing of Jerusalem as above desired.


"The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give her light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God, thy glory. Thy sun [light produced by the Son of God] shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon [the light of the church] withdraw itself. For the Lord shall be thy everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended." - Isaiah 60:19, 20. How precious it is to be a citizen of this wonderful Jerusalem and constantly live under the perpendicular rays of the Sun of righteousness. How we are made to rejoice as we are called "out of darkness into this marvelous light;" and how it causes praises and thanksgiving to pour out of our hearts as we read: "And thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw itself." Glory to God for this wonderful, wonderful Jerusalem. The sun and moon here spoken of have been prefigured by the great, literal moon, and the sun which gives natural light to the planet upon which we live. As the literal sun is the source of all literal light, and the reflection of the sun upon the cold, dark moon beautifully illuminates the heavens by the rays of the sun which it receives; just so it is with the spiritual sun and moon which illuminate Jerusalem. To you who are bewildered and discontented in the weary, darkened land of sin, I would say, Come over into this goodly land and become a citizen of Jerusalem. You need not fear the inhabitants thereof; for the Lord has made us "harmless as doves," and "thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation." - Isaiah 33:20. Your safety shall be sure; "For in those days Jerusalem shall dwell safely." - Jeremiah 33:16. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it and is safe." - Proverbs 18:10.
Having now described to you this holy Jerusalem I will conclude by saying it is the New Testament church into which you may enter "without money, and without price;" only forsake your sins, and you shall have a welcome. Amen.

"Fair city of the gospel day,
Long have they sang of thee,
But sang thy glory far away,
And failed thy light to see.

'Come,' said an angel voice to John,
'I'll show the Bride of Christ;'
He showed him New Jerusalem,
In bridal glory dressed.

The holy New Jerusalem
Came down from God, all pure;
In her the Lord doth dwell with men,
And keep us evermore.

Thou art the Mother of us all,
Thou art the Church of God;
And all within thy sacred walls
Are washed in Jesus' blood.

The Lamb of God, himself, thy light,
Shines out in crystal rays;
We call thy walls Salvation, bright,
And all thy gates are praise."
D. S. W.

Self Abnegation.
By Mildred Moore

God tells us that except we forsake all we can not be his disciples. And, again, "Go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up thy cross, and follow me." - Mark 10:21. "Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." - Luke 12:23, 24. Christ said to the rich young man: "Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me." - Luke 18:22. From the beginning it is a denial of self to be with Jesus. How many to-day hear Jesus saying: "One thing thou lackest yet; go, sell all thou hast," or even part! How many are sorrowful! How many will awaken at the judgment and exclaim: "Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me." - Matthew 25:44, 45. Many say they and all they possess are consecrated. Do God and those under our roof find us to be so? Do we make others feel just as much at home as we? You may say: "Amen, I'll go where you want me to, or stay if you say stay;" but as to giving all your goods to feed the poor, do you say: "Really I can't believe God requires of me to give, no, not even half?" Do we act so? O dear ones, may God help us to prefer others before ourselves. Many times when God calls upon us for things do we fail? May God help us remember the fate of Ananias and Sapphira. When we do give, give in the way God commands. God says not to give grudgingly, but that he loves a cheerful giver. It is easy to be mistaken in our consecration.
We expect the ministers to trust him for their needs, and so God teaches; but what does he tell us? "Work . . . that ye may have to give to him that needeth." How is it to-day with those whom God permits to have a home and dwell in it? May God help us to welcome his children as into Father's house and not ours; and may he help them to be willing and ready to aid in household duties, as Paul, who labored that he might not be burdensome. If all we have belongs to God and we are all one family, are we not all on a plane of equality? Why should some have plenty and others suffer need? Do we say that we have naught that is our own? Dear ones, be like Paul who counted all things loss for Christ's sake; then our souls will be fat and flourishing, and free-will offerings frequent. There will not be so many long, dry sermons and testimonies; but they will be sharp as a two-edged sword. Simply from the fact that we are dead and our lives are hid with Christ in God, it will be no longer self, but Christ that liveth in us. God then gets glory out of our lives because we let the Spirit wield the sword, and God alone receives the honor and glory. Let us lose self to gain Christ.

The Work of the Lord.
By James S. McCreary

"We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain." - 2nd Corinthians 6:1.
There are some who seem to think that too much is being said about the financial part of the work of the Lord; but when we see the condition of many who profess to be the people of God, we are of the opinion that not enough has been said about it and feel like sending forth a note of warning to awaken souls from the awful stupor of covetousness that the enemy has succeeded in throwing over some, causing them to lose sight of their responsibility in the financial part of the work of the Lord, and resulting in spiritual death.
Jesus says: "Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he can not be my disciple." - Luke 14:33. Everything has to be forsaken and given over to the Lord in order to obtain the experience of salvation. This includes our earthly possessions as well as the abandonment of our old life of sin. When the young ruler came to Jesus and questioned him what he should do in order to obtain eternal life, Jesus said: "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me." - Matthew 19:21. Some say that was only a test of obedience. But would not the young man have received what Jesus promised, had he obeyed him? If this is true in his case, would it not also be true in every other case that comes under these conditions? At this critical point the young man failed, as many others are doing to-day, and went away sorrowful, his heart being set upon his possessions. Jesus then said: "Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." - Matthew 19:23, 24. By this we see that all must be forsaken - given up to God. The disciples understood that this was what Jesus meant, for Peter said: "Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee." - Verse 27.
The poor man is required to give up as much as the rich man, and the rich man as much as the poor man, and that is, all that he hath. "Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: but the rich, in that he is made low." - James 1:9, 10. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." - 1st John 2:15. If professors are unwilling to give liberally of their means for the spread of the gospel, it certainly shows that they love the things of the world more than the work of the Lord. "But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" - 1st John 3:17. This will apply to the need of means for the spread of the gospel as well as for personal needs. Any one would be blind indeed not to see the need of means for the spread of the gospel in this present time. Some are ready to find fault with some of God's ministers who sometimes are compelled to go to work with their hands (for means to support their families and carry the gospel into new fields) and at the same time they are withholding that which would supply their need and carry the gospel to others. When we look upon the field white to harvest and see the many places where tabernacles could be used during the coming summer, and the opportunities for distributing thousands of pounds of free literature, we feel like asking: "Who is responsible and who will be held accountable for the work that is not done and for the souls that are lost but who might have heard the truth?" No one can come up to the judgment with the excuse that they had no opportunity of using the means that God gave them to use for his glory. Some people say that all they have belongs to the Lord, and that they are only his stewards; but when he wants to use some of the surplus of what they say belongs to him, they say they can do as they please with what belongs to them. They can find a very good description to themselves in Ezekiel 33:31.
Is it any wonder that we sometimes find people in this condition who are always trying to get an experience of salvation, and, yet, year after year finds them still dissatisfied and unhappy - not willing to sacrifice self and give to the Lord what belongs to him. "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." - Luke 12:48. A man who has an estate valued at fifty thousand dollars which he could easily dispose of and put the money to work for God and yet have a comfortable living left, can not expect to come up clear in the day of judgment after having given only as much toward the work of the Lord as a man who labors for his daily bread at a dollar and a half a day.
God wants his people to be in such condition of heart that they can give liberally, "not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." - 2nd Corinthians 9:6, 7. The way people give to the work of the Lord is usually a good index of the condition of their heart. There are some who gave more when they belonged to some denomination than they do now to the work of the Lord. As the reason for this they say they were compelled to give so much then, but are free from that now. Of course, in the work of the Lord there is no man who has any authority to compel any one to give; but if professors have not enough of the love of God in them to compel them to give as much, or more, to God's cause than they did while under the iron-clad creeds of Babylon, they should come to the Lord for a real experience of salvation which will make matters easy. Praise God, his yoke is easy and his burden is light. It should be esteemed a glorious privilege and a pleasure instead of a hardship to even sacrifice our own comfort for the salvation of the lost, and be workers together with God.

By R. Rothman

"He is faithful that promised." - Hebrews 10:23. It is a source of great comfort and deep assurance to the Christian to realize that our God is faithful. This is a quality most precious. The faithfulness of God consists in his fulfillment of the promises he has given - to the strict carrying out of the words he has spoken. Moses said to the children of Israel: "Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations; and repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face." - Deuteronomy 7:9, 10. At this time the people of God had some experimental knowledge of the faithfulness of God, having seen how he fulfilled his Word in delivering them from the land of Egypt and caring for them in a miraculous way in the wilderness; but we of to-day have much more to assure our hearts than the Israelites. We can look back through thousands of years and see how God has truly been faithful in his dealings with his people, and this makes us feel certain that his faithfulness will not fail in the future. Praise his name!
It is truly a happy day when we arrive at the point where we take God at his Word and count him faithful that has promised. So many always want signs; but "blessed are they that believe and have not seen." When we can say deep in our soul, "God is faithful," we truly have a faithful God to deal with - for we receive of God only in proportion to our faith. If we count God faithful, he will prove it to us. "To the righteous he showeth himself righteous," and those who trust in his Word will never be disappointed. True faith must ever rest upon the simple Word of God; let us therefore stand unshaken on his Word. For "he is faithful that promised."
The Lord is not only faithful himself, but he desires his servants to be the same, and only the faithful can be really used by him. Paul said to Timothy: "And the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." - 2nd Timothy 2:2. The faithfulness of the ministry consists in being true, exact, loyal, uncompromising, watchful, and diligent, teaching the Word of God with all sincerity and reverence. In these days when Jesus Christ is making war on all false religions - Babylon - he can use only such ministers as are faithful. "These [powers of Babylon] shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." - Revelation 17:14. Dear brethren, it is a glorious thing to be counted worthy by the Lamb to fight with him; for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings. Glory to his matchless name! Let us be faithful.
God himself is faithful; he desires his ministry to be faithful; and he also wishes each one of his children to be faithful. He has given to each of us some talent or talents, and he wants us to use them to his glory and the salvation of souls. We should seek his highest will in our lives, and be faithful stewards during the few, short years we remain on this earth, and throughout all eternity we will enjoy the fruit of our labors. Dear ones, will Jesus say to us, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord?" or will we be negligent and live for this world, and hear these words of terror from the Judge: "Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strewed: thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." - Matthew 25:21-30. God grant that we may be faithful.
God also requires that his church be faithful. One of the worst things that he has against Babylon is that she is unfaithful. Instead of preaching the pure Word of God she perverts the doctrine of Christ and teaches falsehoods with here and there a gospel truth. From Roman Catholicism to the latest holiness sect there is more or less compromise. This condition of affairs the prophet foresaw. "How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water: thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them. Therefore saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies." - Isaiah 1:21-24. God is pouring out his judgments on the unfaithful city, and is calling his people into the one fold, Jesus Christ. And from those whom he has delivered from Babylon he desires trueness. The prophet, after seeing the corruption of modern, so-called Christianity, was immediately assured of the Lord that there would be a glorious reformation. God said: "And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin: and I will restore the judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city. Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness." - Isaiah 1:25-27. Praise God for the faithful city in which the pure Word of God goes forth unto victory.
Just at the present time there are those who once professed high standing among the saints that have turned aside from the way of life and are turned unto compromise with the devil's works. Let us say with David: "I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." - Psalms 101:3. God's pure truth will triumph, and those who stand by it will rejoice throughout eternity; but woe unto them that are returned to their filthiness; it were better for them never to have known the way of truth, than, after knowing it, to turn aside. While a few have been overcome by the adversary, there are multitudes who are true and faithful. Let us again say with David: "Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me. He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight." - Psalms 101:6, 7. Brethren, let us not be weary in well doing; for "he is faithful that promised." Amen.

Assuring Words.

Those who are saved in Christ Jesus have, in the Bible, a precious treasure-house from which they may draw words of life and comfort. It is truly worth while giving up sin and consecrating our lives to God, to be where we can take these words to ourselves: "Fear thou not for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. . . For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; for I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 41:10-14.
With God as our loving Father, we look forward to only victory and everlasting joy; for he is able to keep our trusting, obedient souls. "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." - Isaiah 40:28-31.
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusteth in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him." - Psalms 28:7.

Questions Answered.

Luke 16:19. - We have been taught that the rich man's name is "Dives." If it is, please tell me where I can find it.
J. N. S.,
Rhodesdale, Maryland.

You will not find it in the Bible. It is a Latin word meaning rich or a rich man, and for some reason or other it began to be used as a proper name referring to the rich man in the parable, until now it has become a customary word.

Please explain Romans 13:8 - "Owe no man anything;" also Matthew 12:31, 32, and Hebrews 10:26.
J. F. P.,
Bluefield, West Virginia.

Read the verses preceding Romans 13:8 and you will find that what is contained in the first six verses is summarized in verses 7 and 8, though the latter are much more than the sum of what precedes. We should be subject unto the higher (governmental) powers and not resist the ordinance of God (civil law). Since the officer of the law is ordained for the putting down of evil we are to be subject not only for wrath's sake (the wrath of the law) but also for conscience' sake; that is, he is a minister of God to us for good, and it appeals to our sense of right. We are then to support such by paying tribute. Now, to be still broader (verse 7), "render to all their due," whether it be tribute, custom, fear, or honor. Broader still, "Owe no man anything, but to love one another." Do not owe any man, except it be in reference to love, which is a debt we must be continually paying. Keep everything paid up and suffer no obligation to continue except what is comprehended in love. The question arises, Does this apply to financial matters? It applies to anything wherein an obligation is left unmet. Of course, if a man borrows a sum of money and gives a good note, the note is as valuable as the money, but when it becomes due it must be paid or satisfaction given otherwise. Thus, we see, a great principle is taught in verse 8, and it will apply wherever the word "due" will apply, with the single exception of charity, which is ever and always due to every one.
Matthew 12:31, 32 and Hebrews 10:26, in point of reference to the unpardonable sin, were explained in the March 28 number of the Trumpet.

Please explain Matthew 5:19.
J. D.
Bozeman, Montana.

The text reads as follows: "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
"Commandments" - the law commandments. Verses 17, 18. "Kingdom of heaven" - righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost as experienced in this life. "Great" - faithfulness in New Testament obedience, consequently full of faith and power. "Least" - weakly in spiritual experience, caused by a lack of carefulness to keep the precepts of the kingdom.
In this verse Christ gives emphasis to the fact that the Old Testament (law) commands needed to be kept while they were yet in force, and that he himself was disposed to keep them. Read verses 17 and 18. Every jot and tittle of the law had to be fulfilled before it passed away. He that was careful to keep every command would likewise carry the same faithfulness in obedience when once the kingdom was set up, and thus he would become great. He that was negligent enough to break the least commandments of the law would have the same disposition to negligence in the kingdom, and would not be great in strength and fortitude as a New Testament soldier. But mark! if a person broke as many commands as did the scribes and Pharisees he could not even enter the kingdom. Verse 20. His righteousness first had to exceed theirs. What a strong rebuke to any who supposed Christ did not keep or honor the law while it yet lasted!

Does the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire put a person on the same platform with Adam and Eve before the fall?
Yes, in respect to moral purity.

Explain 1st John 1:7.
I. S.
Arkansas City, Kansas.

This text reads: "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." It is a text frequently referred to by the opposers of sinless perfection, but is nearly always altered by being quoted different from what it reads. When rightly understood it perfectly harmonizes with the doctrine of living without sin and does not form the least objection. In treating this verse so that it will be clearly understood it will be helpful to consider verses 5 to 10 inclusive. Please refer to them as they are mentioned. It will be seen that these verses arrange themselves in pairs, or couplets. 5, 7 and 9 are truths and are each followed by a consequent arising from a denial. Thus, 5, and 6 form a couplet, as follows: Statement (verse 5) - "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." Consequent (6) - "If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie." In like manner verses 7 and 8 are a couplet, thus: Statement (7) - "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." Consequent (8) - "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves." In the same manner verse 10 is taken with verse 9, thus: Statement (9) - "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins," etc. Consequent (10) - "If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his Word is not in us."
Thus it is seen that verse 8 logically belongs to verse 7, and should not be taken by itself, as separated from verse 7, or any other qualifying passage. The above arrangement will naturally explain verse 8 without anything further, but we will consider the tense of the verb "have" in this verse. It says "have no sin," and it might be asked why it does not say "had" instead of "have." The tense is present tense to correspond with its counterpart in verse 7 where the tense is also present. If the verb in verse 7 was "cleansed" (past), then "have" in verse 8 should be "had" (past); but since it is "cleanseth" it must also be "have" (present). The idea that we have sin is true only in the same sense that it is continually kept cleansed out by the blood of Christ. In the first place the blood of Christ cleanseth; from what? From sin. Then we must have sin in the sense of its being constantly cleansed, not repeatedly cleansed, but kept cleansed. The idea is this: "If we say we have not sin [to be cleansed out of us], we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us," and is virtually the same as "If we say that we had no sin to be cleansed from, we deceive ourselves," etc.
A. L. B.

Causing Division.

"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them that cause division and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." - Romans 16:17. To separate the children of God is a work that can not be attributed to the Spirit of God: "These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." - Jude 19. However, after they have separated from the body of Christ, the church of God, and wish to continue in a profession, they usually proceed to "draw disciples after themselves." - Acts 20:30. Now, therefore, it becomes our painful duty to inform the church of God at large that our once beloved brother Gorham Tufts, Jr. (formerly a missionary to India) has become a "factious man," causing division and drawing away disciples after himself, etc. In Jesus' precious name we faithfully warn you: Beware of this man, and avoid him. He has been faithfully dealt with since his return to America, by many of the able ministers, again and again, hour by hour, and day after day, until weeks and months have elapsed; sometimes he was stubborn, then relenting; many times he was fearful that the ministry would get discouraged and cease their efforts. He would say: "Now don't give me up; just hold on and perhaps I will get through all right after a while;" and, thank God! he gave them grace to hold on for him until he became rebellious against the humble efforts of the ministry and began to declare there was division. Then it became necessary to warn the saints of his schismatic spirit and work of the separating the people of God. Hence his work (whether in America or elsewhere) is independent and separate from the church of God. Therefore whoever supports him, upholds him in division. But God says MARK and AVOID such. We are humbly yours in the one body,
George L. Cole,
Otto Bolds.

April 3, 1901.

To the saints abroad: I feel it my duty to add my testimony in reference to Gorham Tufts, Jr., that he declared himself separated from the saints, and that he had "the Gospel Trumpet stamp off," and had renounced all the consecrations and confessions which he had made since his return from India.
A. B. Palmer.

Jacob Wrestled With God.
By H. C. Meyer.

"And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."
Truly, Jacob realized that he had met with the angel of God. He had not known who it was that wrestled with him until daybreak, when God saw fit to reveal it to him, and bless him. Then he was very thankful that his life had been preserved. Doubtless Jacob felt his insignificance as never before, and saw how unworthy he appeared when brought in contact with such a merciful, loving God. What a joyful surprise it was for Jacob when he found it was God with whom he wrestled, and who had brought him such great blessings as to make him a prince having power with God and man.
It is possible the Lord did not appear to him in the same way as he did to John who wrote the book of Revelation while on the Isle of Patmos; for John says he fell as one dead when he heard the voice of God speaking to him. When Daniel, after fasting three weeks, saw God in a vision, he said: "There remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength. Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground." - Daniel 10:8, 9. Yet, this we know, that Jacob received power, and God's blessing rested upon him because he had prevailed. Now we will see when he received this power, and when he prevailed. It was not until God had disabled him, and taken away his own strength by dislocating his thigh. When we have no strength, and no source of help, we learn to cling to the Lord more earnestly, as did Jacob, after he had wrestled in his own strength all night without avail. Now it was near morning and the one with whom he wrestled started to leave; for said he, "Let me go, for the day breaketh, and I must go." But now, Jacob could only cling helplessly to him, and he said, "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me."
The lesson God no doubt desires us to learn from this is that, in order to prevail with him as Jacob did, and receive power and favor, we must faithfully hold on to him and his promises. We can not do this in our own strength, but by simply trusting, as those who greatly need his help and support day by day, and hour by hour, in this trying pathway of life. The Psalmist says: "He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. This shall be written for the generations to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord." - Psalms 112:16-21. So if we are in need of anything, and ask the Lord for this in our petitions, let us remember not to wrestle with him in such a way as to try and force the desired blessing out of his hands; for that is a wrong way of doing. He stands with his arms outstretched to help and receive; and his hands are full of blessings for every one. He says in his Word that the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land.- Isaiah 1:19. He only waits to see hearts that meet his conditions and who come in faith resting upon his precious Word. God knows best what every one needs. Many times if one had his own way, he might not foresee what would prove hurtful to the soul, and so God gives and allows his children just what is best for them, and what will glorify him the most. The Lord said that our heavenly Father knoweth we have need of all these things. Again he said, speaking of the time when he would no longer be on earth in person: "And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." - John 16:23, 24. Let us ask the Lord for whatever we need, for he has promised that our joy shall be full. If one of Jesus' little ones should read these promises of God, who has not yet ventured out to ask for what the heart desires, just do so now as you read them, and pour out your heart to Jesus, who listens to every humble petition of his children. You will be blessed like Jacob of old, only with much less effort, for God looketh upon the heart, and not upon the efforts put forth physically.

News from the Field.

Camden, South Carolina,
April 13.

I am praising the Lord for his goodness to me and can testify to his wonderful salvation for soul and body. Halleluiah! At present I am laboring to settle my family in this town where it will be convenient for them and myself while I labor in the gospel work. I have been preaching some here and pray the Lord will plant the truth in this place. I could use free tracts and Trumpets to the glory of God.
E. B. Haynes.

Kansas City, Missouri,
April 12.

This will inform you of our whereabouts and that we are yet laboring in the Master's vineyard. Two weeks ago we felt much impressed to come to Kansas City and investigate what has been known as "The Whole Gospel Mission," Corinth. 27th and Bell Streets. I am sorry to say that the true light has not been shining here, neither has the mission been worthy of its name; for the preaching has been mostly done by different Babylon preachers, by invitation. As the Word in its purity was being set forth by the Spirit of God the people began to see the difference between chaff and wheat. Some who had before attended the mission would not come to hear the straight Word in all its fullness. Others came a few times, finding fault and murmuring against God's holy Word. Most of these were holiness professors. But, "What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord." Ere long it was blown to the four winds and God began to send in honest souls, some of whom came to the mercy-seat for salvation. Others are under conviction, but will not yield to the call. As the Lord has no material here for a mission work at present, such will not be carried on. Prayer-meetings will be held by the few faithful ones, and they will be glad to have any of the brethren stop with them. Address Samuel Jacobson, Corinth. 27th and Bell Streets. Remember me in prayer.
Alvin J. Ellison,
Hamilton, Missouri.

Cherokee, Oklahoma,
April 11.

We are glad we can again report victory in Jesus. The Lord has greatly blessed us in working for him this winter. Most of our work has been in western Kansas, and Oklahoma. Coming from Stillwater we went to Augusta, Oklahoma, where we met Brother Helm in a meeting, assisting in the Lord's work. Some were saved, others sanctified, and the church was strengthened. From there we went to Aline in company with Brother Helm. Here we began meeting in the name of the Lord, Satan trying to hinder; but we had a very good meeting. One soul was delivered from sin and Satan's control, and a number were healed. The devil was defeated. To God be all the praise. From there we came to Cherokee to hold meeting a few days, but much rain has hindered. We will be here a few days yet, the Lord willing, and will then go to Pratt County Kansas and hold services at the Mount Pleasant schoolhouse April 20, 21, and from there we will go as the Lord leads. Brother Helm will go from here to Manchester, Oklahoma. We ask the saints to pray for us.
James P. Eden and Wife.

Graysville, Tennessee,
April 4.

We are saved and enjoying good health, both in soul and body. Praise the Lord! We are now in the midst of a good meeting and souls are accepting the truth. Sect holiness has been taught here to a great extent, but God's little ones are hearing his voice and coming home to Zion as fast as they see the light. Wife and I have been in company with Brother N. S. Duncan and wife over two months. Before we came to this place we held meetings seven miles west of here at Mount Pleasant and Brown's schoolhouse. Both meetings were victories for the truth. At Mount Pleasant we were permitted to hold meetings in the M. E. church a week, when we received orders to get out. Of course this helped God's little ones to see the evils of the sect to which they belonged. At Brown's schoolhouse some few souls were saved. Brethren in the ministry, let us be up and doing; we have no time to be idle; from every direction people are calling: "Come over and help us." Being turned out of the church did not hinder the meeting. About two hundred yards from the church stood a schoolhouse in which we continued the meeting without missing a service. Truly all things work together for good to those that love the Lord.
W. A. Sutherland,
Greenville, Tennessee.

Union Grove, Alabama.

We can truly report victory in our souls over all the power of the enemy. The Lord has been keeping us very busy in his work with signs following, the spiritually dead being raised to life, believers sanctified, and the sick healed. To his dear name be all the praise and glory. After leaving our home the 13th of March we held the first meeting with the saints at Woodlawn, Alabama. Brother W. H. Johnson was ordained elder. Meeting closed with real victory on the Lord's side. We then went to Elyton and found the saints needing help. The enemy had caused division among them which was doing much hurt to the cause. Judgment went forth backed up by the power of God against division and swept it away. Unity was restored and the church is moving out as never before. It truly has taken the power of God to overcome the trouble, and to his name be all the praise. We stopped a few days with the saints at Bessemer. One soul found deliverance from sin through the blood of Jesus, and the church was greatly strengthened. We then came to Oxford and Anniston and had some precious meetings with the saints. Twenty-three followed the dear Lord in baptism at these two places. We are now holding meeting at this place. After this meeting I expect to join my family for a few days and then go to eastern Tennessee. Those desiring meetings can write us at Millville. At the request of the saints I will say that the Lord has provided me with a home in Alabama. Any one desiring to help in the furnishing of it can write me at Millville, Tennessee. Pray that the Lord keep his hand upon us and use us to his glory.
Samuel Ford and N. E. Setser.

Von Luen Road,
Johnstown, Pennsylvania,
April 13.

Thinking that possibly some of our brethren and friends where we have labored would be glad to know of our whereabouts we will say that something over a year ago, owing to various discouraging circumstances, we gave up the work of the ministry, and have been practically out of it since that time.
We have been in this city since last April, and I am at present in the employ of the Cambria Steel Company in the capacity of stenographer.
We are saved and making an honest endeavor to please God in this wicked city. We have been well most of the time since coming here, with the exception of our two children; but the Lord has been faithful to heal them in answer to prayer. 
Do not think, beloved, that we have denied the faith, but pray for us that we may know just what the will of the Lord is concerning us.
We would be glad to have any one going through here, or near here, stop and see us. When you get off at the station, take a street-car with the name "Horner Street" on front of car, ask the motorman to let you off at Wall Paper Factory, and inquire for us at the nearest house, as they can tell you where we live. Our house is open to you at any time. We would be pleased to hear from any who desire to write us.
A. T. Rowe and Wife.

Petersburg, Indiana,
April 12.

It is some time since we reported through the Trumpet, but we are going about our Master's business, battling against sin in the strength of the Lord. We came to south western Indiana, February 20, and for a time we were kept from having public meetings on account of small-pox; so we held meeting a week in the residence of Brother John Wilson. On Sunday we were permitted to use the schoolhouse. We closed this meeting with a good interest manifested, expecting to return in a few weeks, as school would be closed so that we could have meetings in the schoolhouse. From there we went to Knox County Indiana, and sent forth the truth about three weeks near Pond Creek. The late heresy has left such devastation in these parts that only a few are in a state of spiritual prosperity. The dear ones have nearly all renounced the heresy, yet the awful, deadening effect has reduced some that were formerly active and very spiritual to such a state of despondency that they have no energy to press into the things of God. It seems they are spiritually paralyzed. It was a struggle for some to get free from the snare of the devil. The spiritual stagnation, principally caused by the one-work heresy, has spread to such an extent that some congregations which formerly had glorious prayer-meetings are now disbanded entirely. May the few standing for God be encouraged and those gloriously delivered that are struggling for freedom. From the Pond Creek meeting we returned to Brother John Wilson's vicinity and last night closed a two weeks' meeting here. A good interest has been manifest throughout the meeting and we believe a goodly number are won to the truth. Some asked for the prayers of God's people, but did not yield and get saved. A few are standing for God here; others are settling down in a backslidden condition and are making no effort to get out of the kingdom of Satan. The people have been very kind to us at the above named places for which we are very grateful. We will hold meetings a few days in another schoolhouse near Petersburg and then go where the Lord directs. Our permanent address is North Star, Ohio.
Lorenzo Cook and Wife.

Mumford, New York,
April 3.

We are saved and sanctified through the truth and kept from sin by the almighty power of God. Carnal sectarian preachers are denying the power of God to make and keep us holy, but, nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, and the Lord is gathering out a people for himself from this place. Bless his dear name! Souls are hungering and thirsting after the truth, and sinners are opening their houses for the proclamation of the gospel. A brother from the West Indies who has been saved eight years and is also an earnest seeker after truth is with me. He was a preacher and believed in the Millennium theory, but seeing it not to be the Word he has resolved to give it up and stand on the Word and that alone. The Lord is wonderfully using us and we believe it is his will we should be together. We need the united prayers of the saints that we may have boldness as valiant soldiers and go forward unfurling the banner of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Joseph Johnson,
William Best.

Eastland, Texas.

We are praising the Lord for salvation from all sin, and for sending Brother Otto Bolds to Texas to hold meetings. The Lord was present and the Word went forth with power. God put his seal upon it and sinners were made to see their need of Christ. Some sectarians asked for prayer. Seven were saved and two sanctified, and the church received wonderful help from the Lord. The meeting closed with a precious ordinance service, seventeen happy saints participating in the ordinances of God's house. Praise God, it was a real feast to our souls. Brother Bolds and Porter and Sister Porter left for Indiana. May the Lord richly bless them in their labors and help them win many precious souls to the truth.
Wife and I are not traveling in the gospel work this year, but are farming for the Lord. We felt it was the Lord's will for us to have a tabernacle, and this seems the best way for us to get one. We would like to purchase one for the summer meetings. If any of the saints know of one we can get, please notify us at once. We want a good one, about 30X40 feet. We would like to get it by the first of July or sooner. If any of the saints feel that the Lord would have them assist us in getting the tabernacle by that time, we will refund them their money as soon as the crops are sold. We expect to give our time to the gospel  work after this year. Dear ones, pray much for us and the work here in Texas. This is a large field of labor and the laborers are very few. We have meeting every Lord's day. The dear Lord blesses our souls as we lift up the standard of God's truth. We praise the Lord for a willingness to do his precious will at any cost. It means much to be where we can say, "Thy will be done, Lord, and not mine."
J. T. Holland.

Reedsburg, Wisconsin,
April 4.

We are glad to give our report of the work God gave us in Saint Paul and Minneapolis this winter. We came to Saint Paul last November and began meetings in a hall; they were so poorly attended that we felt the Lord wanted us to hold them from house to house. At first a number of houses were open for us, but as the people heard the plain truth they began to oppose it. Nevertheless God's Word went forth. "The Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following. Amen." - Mark 16:20. One poor woman who had been away at an asylum was so shocked when her little baby died last January that her mind gave way and she was soon a subject for the same place. We laid on hands and cried mightily unto God and he answered by restoring her mind and giving her quietness and assurance. Her gratitude and praise to God knew no bounds. Her healing made a wonderful impression upon the people who knew her former condition. In these meetings my brother sought for the blessing of sanctification, and last week God gave him the witness that the work was done. Praise God! We found only three here who took the Trumpet and were out clear in the light. Many professors who heard the truth resisted all the influences of the Holy Spirit to lead them out of sectish bondage into the glorious liberty enjoyed only by the saints of God. "And he gave them their request, but sent leanness into their souls." - Psalms 106:15. I distributed hundreds of tracts and many Trumpets, in homes and shops, and upon the streets; also secured a few subscriptions for the Trumpet. May God's blessing rest upon this seed sown.
From Saint Paul we came to Boyceville, Wisconsin. Here Brother and Sister Anderson are standing alone. In spite of much opposition God helped us to present the truth, and we believe much good was done. From there we came here where we shall make our home while ministering to the church. Any of God's children living near or at Baraboo who would like to have us come and hold meetings, write us at either place.
William B. Hawkinson.


National Military Home,

I praise God that he has set up his church here in the Soldiers' Home. The fire has started; where it will stop God only knows. Soldiers are being healed and converted every week. I praise God for the manifestation of his power here. We ask the children of God to pray for the upbuilding of the church in this place - the Soldiers' Home. We have enlisted in the cause of King Immanuel.
Martin L. Harry.

Hurst, Florida.

I am praising God for his goodness to me in saving me, and keeping me each day. I can not be thankful enough for what he does for me. Truly I can say, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Satan tempts me in various ways, but when I look to Jesus for help he gives me sufficient grace to overcome every temptation of the wicked one. I am praying God to keep me saved and trusting him continually. I desire an interest in the prayers of God's true saints that I may live the life his Word demands.
Bertie Peacock.

Independence, Oregon.

Some time ago I sent for prayers for salvation and healing. Praise God! he wondrously saved me, and healed me of the neuralgia with which I had been afflicted for two months. It has been two years since I first heard the true gospel preached and accepted the light. For a while I had an up-and-down experience. I thank God that I now have salvation in my soul by building upon the solid rock Christ Jesus. It pays to trust God for all things. I have been afflicted with asthma for over five years, and am suffering with it very much now. I ask God's saints to pray that I may be healed, and sanctified.
William Osborn.

Bessemer, Alabama.

I desire to testify to the glory of God that Hebrews 13:8 which says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and to-day and forever, is true. He healed me a few weeks ago of the small-pox. I was unable to sleep because of the disease; but I stood upon God's promises with a standing rebuke against the powers of the enemy. "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it." - 1st Corinthians 10:13. I praise God for making a way for me to escape from all the powers of the enemy. I inquired of the Lord what was the cause of this affliction, and the answer was that it was a trial of my faith. My wife was afraid I should be taken to the pest-house; but, praise God! he defeated the enemy. God says for us to be of good cheer, for he has overcome the world. Peter says, "If need be ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." - 1st Peter 1:7. I praise God for a knowledge of his healing balm. I know the remedy will restore and preserve me, and deliver me from all the powers of the enemy. It is real strength unto my soul, and makes me to stand more firm. Pray that the fear of the Lord may continue upon me.
W. H. N. White.


Enon Valley, Pennsylvania.

BARKER  Our dear Sister Rosella Barker was born January 29, 1881; died December 21, 1900. She was an invalid all her life.
Margaret Barker.

Enon Valley, Pennsylvania

BARKER  Our dear father, J. T. Barker, died April 7, 1901, at his home near Enon Valley, Pennsylvania. He was born near Saint Clairsville, Ohio, September 22, 1832. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn over his departure. He has been out in this light over three years, and was prepared to go. Having been ailing all winter, he was confined to his room three months. We all hope to meet him in heaven where there shall be no parting.
Margaret Barker.

Neosho Falls, Kansas.

GRAY  James B. Gray was born May 12, 1849, in Jefferson County, Indiana; died at his home in Rose, Kansas, on the 11th of April, 1901. He leaves a saved companion and eight children. Brother Gray was converted 21 years ago and about 8 years afterward accepted the pure gospel. He was always ready with hands or means to do what he could for the glory of God. Feeling his call to preach the Word, he shrank from his duty and passed through many trials on account of disobeying the Word; but two years ago he went forth in Jesus' name, and God wonderfully blessed his labors. He died triumphant, leaving clear evidence of having salvation. May God bless the family and help them to live so as to meet him.
S. G. Bryant.

Divine Healing.

Healed of Lung Trouble.

I had lung trouble and while attending a meeting I asked the saints to pray for me. I did not get better. The next day I went forward and the elder laid on hands and I was wonderfully healed, for which I give the Lord all the praise. I am saved, and sanctified by a second work of grace. Pray for me.
Jack Lay.
Tyrone, Missouri.

Health Improved.

Some time ago I wrote for prayers and an anointed handkerchief. Praise God, I am much better in health than I was at that time. We have not used medicine at all for two years. The Lord has healed me many times. I am trusting the Lord for all things. Praise his holy name!
Thomas M. Hearn.
Sharptown, Maryland.

None But God Could Heal.

I am praising God for the wonderful blessings he has bestowed upon me. I am happy in Jesus alone. I tried doctors, and was made poor in wealth and poorer in health. Jesus says: "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." "He sent his Word, and healed them." - Psalms 107:20. In Romans 8:13 he says again: "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken [revive, or resuscitate - Webster] your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." Knowing this to be true, and also reading: "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm" (Jeremiah 17:5), I began to take God for my help, and I am saved and sanctified through the truth, and praise God for his healing power. I was bothered with dyspepsia for three years. Nothing effected a cure until I took Christ for my physician. I am growing stronger every day, growing healthy. I can truly say that I have found a friend in Jesus who is everything to me, and is the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Pray that I may be kept humble at Jesus' feet.
W. J. M. Ginn.
Fernwood, Mississippi,
March 20.

Jesus Healed Me.

In March a little girl was born to us. I was doing well, as the Lord had wonderfully delivered me without suffering as some do. But a few days afterward the enemy made an attack upon me, and I came near leaving this world. Soon after the news went out that I was dying, I was able to be up and do my work. The manager of the hotel came and wanted husband to have a doctor. After I heard that the doctor was coming it seemed to excite me; but praise God for holy boldness to stand and let God have his way! God has gotten to himself glory by healing me and giving me grace to be true to him.
Since we came to Florida I have had a testing; but if I had never been through a test how could I encourage people to trust the Lord? "The husbandman that laboreth must first be partaker of the fruit." I can not tell you how great an impression God's wonderful dealings with us have made upon the minds of people. Soon after we arrived husband was for three months unable to work because of an injury to his right leg. We had very little money and no furniture; but God abundantly supplied, so that we can keep house and be comfortable.
Oh, dear ones, it pays to live for God. I ask all to pray that God may use us to his glory in letting our light shine for him.
R. L. McElvene.
Punta Gorda, Florida,
March 30.

Healed of Bone Scrofula.

In 1896 I was taken very badly with what the doctors called bone scrofula. The disease started in my right arm and changed to necrosis of the bone, which spread all over my body. I tried three doctors and all the medicine I could get that I thought  would do me any good, but neither medicine nor doctors helped me. Then Sister Jones from Dry Fork came to see me and laid on hands and prayed for me according to Mark 16:18 and the Lord stopped the pain. My faith was very weak; so Satan persuaded me to use medicine again. I became worse and my right wrist was drawn out of place. The largest bone in my right arm came out, six inches of it at once. The disease dislocated my left ankle and then started upon the small of my back, at which place several pieces of bone came out.
God showed me that I had to either quit him or the medicine; so I quit taking medicine and took the Lord for my physician, and he healed me sound and well. I can walk now quite well, while before I could not get out of bed for a long while without help. About four weeks ago Satan afflicted me with one more gathering; but the Lord soon healed me of that, for which I give him all the praise. He has also cleansed me from all sin and has sanctified my nature, and I am kept by his power. Halleluiah to God! He also healed me of the grip. To his name be all the glory. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his Word. The Lord took away all desire for tobacco, which I had used for ten years. I find that the "Lord is a present help in every time of need." Pray that I may ever be kept humble and true to God.
Asa Nelson.
Harman, West Virginia,
March 29.

Trusted the Lord.

Two years ago the Lord saw fit in his love and mercy to bestow the greatest of blessings, salvation, upon me. Up to that time I knew nothing of salvation, although I was a member of a sect. I did not know we could be saved from sin, although the Bible says this to be our Savior's mission. Matthew 1:21. Neither did I know of divine healing.
When I was saved I was in very poor health. I was then taught that it was my privilege to be healed; but for some time I felt the Lord had already done so much for me that I could not ask for more. After a time I began to wonder if God really wanted me to come to him in sickness, or to do what I could for myself. At this time I took chills and fever. I knew I could take medicine to stop them; but I did not have much light and did not know what the Lord would have me do. So I began to ask him. Soon I had a very bad heartburn, which I was subject to. I had always used soda, vinegar, or raw potato, any of which always gave relief in a very short time. Since they were articles of food I thought there would be no harm in using them. I began to take first one and then another until I had taken all three; but I had no relief, but rather grew worse. I wondered at is as none of the articles had ever failed to give relief before. I was in great misery. I then decided to leave myself with the Lord and not take anything. I told him I would trust him to heal me if it was his will, and if not, I was willing to suffer. Then the pain left almost instantly and in a few days I went to the Albany camp-meeting. I felt the Lord would then heal me of the chills; so I asked some of the brethren to pray for me, and, although I had just had a chill and the fever was high, I was healed, the fever leaving instantly. Next day I began to wonder if the chills would come back, and began expecting them; and they did come back. Then I saw that I had not trusted the Lord as I should, and began praying. I was anointed and have not had a chill from that day to this.
As I had other afflictions such as heart and lung trouble, I asked the Lord for a complete healing, and, praise his name! he gave it to me. At that time I only weighed about 115 pounds, and now I weigh 145 pounds and have never had trouble with my heart or lungs since, and my heart-trouble was of about eight years' standing.
The Lord also instantly raised me up a year ago last winter when I could not turn in bed and my limbs seemed to be paralyzed, simply by believing and obeying Mark 16:18. I had been so sick for several days that some of my folks who are unsaved wanted me to use medicine. They thought because I could not offer the prayer of faith at once that I ought to do something else. I told them I knew I was in the hands of the Lord and was satisfied, as I was doing all that God required. I thought if there were elders I could call for, I would be healed; but I did not know what to do except wait upon the Lord. Mark 16:17, 18 came to my mind again and I saw that it did not say elders, but those that believe. My daughter who is saved was talking to me about my healing, and I told her if any one that believed would lay hands upon me and pray I believed I would be healed. She said she believed the Lord would heal me. I was lying on the lounge and could not bear any weight on my feet or raise up without help, and then with great pain. She kneeled down and we both prayed, then she went out into the yard to pray. She said afterwards she had meant to hold onto God until he did something for me. She had no more than knelt down when I was walking the floor and praising God. Oh, may we never forget to praise our God for his goodness to us; for he fulfills all his promises if we will only let him, and there is a promise in his blessed Word for our every need. I have found other promises that have been of more value to me than the healing of my body, such as: "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." I could tell you much more of God's goodness to me. I praise God that I am permitted to live in this evening time of the gospel dispensation, and for the literature and saints that led me into this blessed light of the gospel. I would say to the young saints that are weak in the faith: Trust the Lord; ask God to show you his will, and when you are all given up to God and he has his way, all will be well. I ask an interest in your prayers.
Lydia Osborn.
Independence, Oregon.

Promises To The Sinner.
By J. M. Harrington.

"For the wages of sin is death." - Romans 6:23. The only promise to the poor sinner is death. We learn from the Bible that God can not lie, and we believe what it says. When he tells us we will get our justice, we may settle it that it is true. If we give our mind, heart, soul and body to the devil and his cause in this life, we must not expect to receive anything except what we earn. With all our toil and struggle working for the devil, we will be called to meet death and will receive just what we have lived for in this life. Oh, if poor sinners would only stop and think, "What am I getting out of my life? and what will the end be? it seems they would surely give their hearts and lives to the Lord. Some will say, "I am my own master, and I mean to get all the good out of this life I can."
We admit it is left to your option to serve God or the enemy of your soul. "Christ died for the ungodly." - Romans 5:6. He spilled his blood for you that you might honor him. Hence we read: "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." - 1st Corinthians 6:20. Here we see the desire of Christ was that men may honor and glorify God by a holy walk in this life. Colossians 1:22. Men are left without any excuse since Christ has made his advent into the world. Men who desire to live in sin may do so at their own choice; but remember, you are promised death. Sinner, why not choose that which is for your own good, both for life and eternity? Living and obeying the precepts in God's Word is good for man temporally, spiritually, and physically. Then why not come now and prove his power to save? "Righteousness is to be desired, but sin is a reproach to any people." To live right brings peace to the home, the community, and, best of all, peace to the soul. We will have our trials and tribulations in this life, but we have the promise: "I will never leave thee." But, oh, the sad condition of the poor sinner! No peace in the soul, perhaps none in the home, and none in the world; but the saddest thought is of leaving this world and going to the long, long home to reap the fruit of their labors, which is death.
My heart is grieved as I pen these few lines, and my very soul cries out: "My Lord, save the poor, guilty sinner," and then I pause as I remember the declaration of truth: "Come, for all things are now ready." Those that will, may come; those that will not, may die in their sins. The question is asked: "What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" - Mark 8:37. There will be nothing to exchange. If we lose our soul we can only say, "I have spent my life in folly, and must reap my reward, which is death." We hear the glorious command from the Word of God: "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." - Ecclesiastes 12:1. Again, the Psalmist says: "Oh, satisfy us early with thy mercy." So God wants us to serve him in our youth. Oh the joy and peace we debar ourselves from by staying away from Christ! It is not on account of ignorance that men stay away from Christ, but on account of sin and wicked deeds. Hence Christ says: "Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil." - John 3:19.
No sinner can give an excuse for living aloof from Christ. You can not find a sinner but can tell how Christians should live. This proves they know what is right and what is wrong. They will have no excuse. If Jesus Christ had not brought deliverance, man might have had good reason to excuse himself. One may say: "Was I not born in sin?" Yes, you was born with a nature in you that leads you away from God; but Christ died to redeem you. Therefore you may be changed into the image of God - not only be saved from actual transgressions, but sanctified, or cleansed, from the power of sin. We are not responsible for our fallen, or depraved, natures, but we are held accountable if we do not come to Christ and be saved from the last and least remains of sin. 
Sinner, life is offered to you - peace and happiness in this world, and joys forevermore are at God's right hand. Why not accept? All you need do is to forsake sin, confess the same, straighten up your past life as far as lieth in your power, and believe in Jesus. He will then roll the burden away and make you free. God says: "See, I have set before thee this day life and good, death and evil." - Deuteronomy 30:15. Which way will you choose? "The way of the transgressor is hard." This truth is proven in our own observation. Think of those who have gone to the penitentiary, jails, and to the gallows, all on account of sin. Those that live for Christ are ever ready to testify that: "It pays to live for Christ."

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