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The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21 - Issue 23 - June 13, 1901
(Articles of interest only)
A Better Life for Me.
By Hattie Douglas.
As perishing souls I try to win,
Christ in my pathway oft I find;
Let him choose for me his perfect mind
I would humbly and meekly follow him.
For his is the gladdest way to go;
He showers the pathway with benefits
Which ours in his own will begets,
As the perfect way we are fain to know.
Just to be a rose from the Sharon tree,
A lily from out his garden fair,
To bear his fragrance and beauty rare
To a world of darkness and misery!
A ray from the Sun of righteousness,
A breath of balm from the lips of love,
His little messenger, his dove,
Some weary, worn traveler to bless!
A shady bough where the fired flee
And are lulled to blissful unconsciousness
As the summer breezes roll and bless
Oh, that were a blissful life for me!
But to be the queen of the loving heart
Of Christ, my king, and bride to be
Of him whose life is of mine a part
Oh, that were a better life for me!
The New Testament Church.
By Alvin J. Ellison.
Article 9.
Organization - the act of organizing. Organize - to furnish with organs; to act in order. - Webster.
Apostate teaching has so thoroughly blinded the minds of the people of this age that there are but comparatively few among the masses that are able to behold in their present blindness any church or organization apart from the humanly organized creeds of sectism. Others in their gross darkness say, "There can be no church without a human organization." But this is not true; it is only the production of an apostate ministry and the spirit of error with which they are possessed. If it were true, then there existed no church in the apostolic age whatever. But we hear Luke say: "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." - Acts 2:47. "Such as were being saved." - Emphatic Diaglott. Again, we read that Paul "sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church." - Acts 20:17. Thus many other scriptures might be added, but these are sufficient to prove there was an established (organized) church in the apostolic age. Well may it be said that this apostolic church was no humanly organized creed, because we have just noticed that salvation was the only mode of induction into the church, and that the Lord added the members to the church as they were being saved. Moreover, there existed no humanly organized creed under the head of Christianity until the organization of "Mystery, Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots, and Abominations of the Earth." - Roman Catholicism. This hell-born institution arose in the latter part of the third century. The "harlots" (Protestant creeds) of this old "mother" have been constantly born into the world since the year 1530 A. D. So, you see, the church to which the Lord added daily such as were being saved, was neither Protestant nor Catholic. No, it was his own established church, against which the "gates of hell shall not prevail." Now, since to organize is to furnish with organs (officers), to set in order, we shall proceed to show that the New Testament church is thus thoroughly organized, and that it exists exclusively and distinctly independent of all man-made organizations. For this wonderful truth we appeal to the Word of God.
"And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build [organize] my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - Matthew 16:18. All Bible students are familiar with the fact that the above quotation is the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. He here declares himself to be the sole organizer of the New Testament church. It is therefore conclusive that, all humanly organized creeds of men form no part of the New Testament church, but are rejected sects, or heresies; i. e., cut-off parts or factions.
In the Ephesian letter we read that God "set [Christ] at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head [president] over all things to the church, which is his body [people], the fullness of him that filleth all in all." - Ephesians 1:20-23. "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence." - Colossians 1:14-18. These beautiful scriptures clearly prove that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only head of the New Testament church. Moreover, he shall continue to fill this office until the consummation of time. "For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. . . And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him [the Father], that God may be all in all." - 1st Corinthians 15:25-28.
First, the ministers. We have already proved that the church of which we read in the New Testament does not consist of human organizations, but of that divine institution organized by the Son of God himself. Hence the ministry of which we read in the New Testament fill their office in the New Testament church. In Acts 20:17 we read that Paul "sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church." Peter, in his first general epistle, exhorts the elders to "feed the flock of God," also testifying that he himself was "also an elder." There is a vast difference between the manner in which the New Testament church ministry is made when compared with the workings of human organizations. To be a minister of a human organization, they require you to join their sect, obtain (in many cases) a seminary education, thereby being thoroughly drilled in their particular sect doctrine; then, ere long you are sent forth to proselyte. Moreover, men choose to be an hireling minister as a life business, and prepare themselves for the same just as a lawyer chooses his position in life and prepares himself for it. God has neither called nor sent such ministers. In the New Testament church men have nothing to do with the choosing of their position in the church. For, "Now hath God set the members every one of them in the body [church], as it hath pleased him." - 1st Corinthians 12:18. God by the Holy Ghost makes his own ministers, choosing for that position only whom he pleases. "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers." - Acts 20:28. When one has been thus called and sent, and after laboring in the capacity of a minister until he has thoroughly proved himself to be a God-sent New Testament minister - for a bishop (minister) must be blameless, the husband of one wife (if married), vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach, not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre (money). One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; he is then ordained by the imposition of hands, by one or more of the already ordained ministry, according to Titus 1:5-9. There are several titles ascribed to the ministry as given in the New Testament - viz., "Elder" - 1st Peter 5:1; "Bishop" - 1st Timothy 3:1, 2; "Overseer" - Acts 20:28; "Steward" - 1st Corinthians 4:1. Sectism has corrupted the use of these titles by declaring the "bishop" to be greater than the "elder," etc.; but Jesus said, "One is your master [overseer], even Christ; and all ye are brethren." There are, however, two classes of elders in the New Testament church; viz., local overseers, as was the apostle James, and traveling overseers, as was the apostle Paul; but this does not give the one preeminence over the other, so long as they each live in accordance with the discipline - the Word of God.
We Must Know.
By William W. Fitzwater.
Being in the last days of perilous times while there are so many false faiths and doctrines advocated, the people have become so confused that they almost doubt if any one is true. We hear them say that this one thinks he is right and the other one thinks he is right, and it is hard telling who is right; but there is a way to know who is right so that there will be no "think-so" about it, but a "know-so." John says: "He that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him [Christ] in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us." - 1st John 3:24. This is how we know who are abiding in Christ, or who are right, so to speak. It is those who keep his commandments. While this is the case, it will be well to set forth some commandments and see who are keeping them. Then we can tell who are right. There are a great many people rocked to sleep in the cradle of "sin you must," while their preachers sing their little song: "There is no one that lives free from sin in this life; we all sin more or less every day. We will all sin as long as we are in this mortal flesh," etc. Hear the solemn blast from the trump of God: "Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame." - 1st Corinthians 15:34. We are here commanded to "sin not." "Some have not the knowledge of God," says the apostle. We learn from this that those who commit sin are ignorant of the righteousness of God. They have not an experimental knowledge of salvation. "I speak this to your shame," says Paul. Shame, oh, shame on people who are professing godliness and are yet committing sin!
Again the apostle says: "Ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God even your sanctification." - 1st Thessalonians 4:2, 3. Here we are commanded to be sanctified. There are a great many sin-advocating so-called preachers who oppose sanctification, and who would no doubt erase this strong command from their Bibles if they thought it would remove it from every other Bible. But let me say to you, dear reader, if they were to succeed in erasing this sanctification command from every Bible in the land, it would nevertheless be present to condemn at the judgment bar of God. Jesus says: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Some one may ask why it shall not pass away. Let David inform you: "Forever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven." Let us then right ourselves with the Word here and we will be right there.
"So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought [are obliged] to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." - John 13:12-15. Here we are commanded to wash each other's feet. Say the opposers: "I will tell you what I think about that. In those days the people wore sandals - a kind of shoe consisting of a sole fastened to the bottom of the foot, leaving the top of the foot exposed to the mud and dirt. It was for this reason, I think, feet-washing took place." Yes, that does pretty will for a "think-so," and an opinion of man. But it will not stand the judgment of God's eternal Word. We are not talking about "think so's" as opinions of men; but we are talking about facts and commandments of God. Let us quote our text again: "He that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him. . . Hereby we know that he abideth in us." It is true that the people in ancient times wore sandals, and it is also a fact that they wore them long before Christ appeared on earth. The fact that Jesus says, "I have given you an example," proves beyond all contradiction that it is a Christian duty enjoined upon us by our Lord. The Lord sealed this command with a "do" - "that ye should do as I have done to you." Says one, "That is too much for me to swallow. I can not do it." Just let me suggest a remedy so that every one can swallow this command and obey it. This is the remedy: mix pure gospel faith with this command and you can take it without any trouble and it will be well with thee. Jesus says: "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." - John 13:17. "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." - Matthew 7:24, 25. Reader, are you hearing and doing all the commandments of God? if so, when the mighty winds and floods of God's eternal Word of truth fall upon you through the mouths of the holy ministers of this reformation, you can truly say, Amen. Halleluiah! let the wind blow. Let the floods come; I know I am on the rock! On the other hand, if you are hearing and not doing these commands, and are building your faith and hope upon "may-be's" "think-so's," and opinions of men, you are building upon a sandy foundation which can not stand the mighty winds and floods and hailstones of God's eternal Word. "Every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the wind blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it." - Verses 26, 27. "And one [false teacher] built up a wall [his opinion], and, lo, others [false teachers] daubed it [endorsed it] with untempered mortar [false doctrine]: say unto them which daub in with untempered mortar, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones [God's written judgments], shall fall; and a stormy wind [God's Word] shall rend it. Lo, when the wall [opinion] is fallen, shall it not be said unto you, Where is the daubing [false doctrine] wherewith ye have daubed it? Therefore thus saith the Lord God; I will rend it with a stormy wind in my fury; and there shall be an overflowing shower in mine anger, and great hailstones in my fury to consume it. So will I tread down the wall that ye have daubed with untempered mortar, and bring it down to the ground, so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, and ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am the Lord." - Ezekiel 13:10-14.
"He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his Word, in him verily is the love of God perfected. Hereby know we that we are in him." - 1st John 2:4, 5. "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments." - Ecclesiastes 12:13. "And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments." - 1st John 2:3.
Inbred Sin.
By G. W. Carey.
"For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." - Romans 7:22, 23. "Lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood." - Deuteronomy 29:18.
Inbred sin, although not a scriptural phrase, is a term that designates the indwelling evil that exists in the heart, and from which all evil deeds spring that are so frequently manifested in the lives of many professors. It expresses, or designates, clearly the inherent corruption so prevalent in the posterity of Adam. This evil is as a root planted in the soil which sooner or later will send forth shoots or sprouts, telling plainly of the existence of the roots. When we see the manifestations of sinful tempers and dispositions, we manifestly conclude that there is a root from which they spring, for they will not exist without a cause. A cause invariable produces an effect and not an effect the cause; hence there must be a cause in order that an effect, may be produced. Then when we see an effect, we simply see what has been brought about by the cause. If we see malice, envy, jealousies, hatred, back-biting, slandering, bitterness, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, etc., we see what has been produced by a cause - viz., inbred sin, or inward corruption.
Inbred sin is not actual transgression; but transgressions are the outcroppings of inbred sin as a unit evil. Various phrases are found in the scriptures defining this germ of all kinds of sins. It is called the "old man," "old leaven," "carnal mind," "body of sin," etc.; but they all designate the single root of depravity, which brings so many dear souls into captivity that were once free and worshiped the Lord in the Spirit.
Actual transgressions are our own voluntary acts, for which we are responsible, and consist of disobedience to God's divine law, whether the sin, or transgression, be in words, thoughts, acts, or emotions. The law demands obedience, and a violation of that law is sin; thus, as the inspired writer says, "Sin is the transgression of the law." - 1st John 3:4. Here transgressions are made voluntary acts, and as we are free moral agents we become responsible for any acts of disobedience that we may perform. These are only remitted, or forgiven, through the blood of Jesus. Inbred evil is not a sin which we have committed or in any wise come into possession of except by inheritance; therefore it can not be forgiven, but must be purged, or cast out, by the blood of the Son of God. If it can not be forgiven, but must be cast out as designated in John 15:2, then it must be a principle separate from our actual sins, and one for which the guilty soul does not plead for pardon. If this sin were removed in regeneration, then there would be no need of further purging, or cleansing, as Jesus certainly teaches in this passage of scripture; for he says, "Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."
(1.) We see that the branches are live branches, or saved souls, and if they become dead they cease to bear fruit; then they are taken away (See Verse 6) and no longer belong to the vine. Therefore, to remain in the vine, or to keep saved, the branches must bear fruit. A justified soul, to retain his experience of salvation, must continue to bear the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, etc. - Galatians 5:22, 23. These are the fruits that a saved soul invariably bears.
(2.) We find the branches that bear fruit are purged that they may bring forth more fruit. As the branches are evidently regenerated souls, the question arises, From what are they purged? It would not be consistent with the Word of God to teach that their sins were not all forgiven, that there remained yet transgressions that the Lord did not see proper to remit, and therefore they must have a second regeneration in order to bear more fruit. He that has sins unforgiven is yet a sinner, and is not a branch in the vine. Then the only conclusion at which we can arrive is that the Savior desired to teach the existence of the carnal mind, or inbred sin, in regenerated souls; and as it was and is a hindrance to perfect love, perfect joy and peace, it was necessary to purge out the old leaven - to root out the body of sin - that there may be nothing to spring forth to mar the fruit-bearing in abundance.
The apostle Paul sets forth the teaching of inbred sin in believers in his epistle to the brethren at Rome. Read Romans 7th chapter. Here he first gives his infant state, without sin or transgression, but with the carnal nature remaining. Verses 7-10. Then he arrived at the years of accountability and became a sinner. Verses 10-14. Now comes another experience, and that is when he becomes old enough to know the law. He delights in the law of God (verses 20-23) and in this he was like a regenerated soul. A sinner does not delight in the law of God, but a converted soul does, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. But while there is a rejoicing in the Word of God, or his law, there is found another law that is striving to bring the soul into captivity again. With the unsaved this law, or old man, predominates supremely, and the fruits of unrighteousness are borne in abundance. There is a complete "following of the course of this world" with them; there is not the striving to overcome and subjugate this inbred evil that we see in the regenerated soul before its entire extirpation. The flesh is the law of sin that is described as warring against the Spirit and striving to gain the victory and bring the soul again into bondage.
Let us now examine the lives of the apostles and see if there were not some things that savored of carnality. While Jesus and the disciples were on their way to Capernaum, there arose a dispute among the disciples as to who should be the greatest. Mark 9:33, 34. The very men that Jesus had chosen to do his work of righteousness are here seeking for the highest seat in authority, - i. e., who should receive the highest office - and it led to a real dispute among themselves about the matter. From whence did this dispute arise? Surely is was not from hearts made perfect in divine love, and from which the roots of depravity had been purged! Does disputing arise from divine love? Does impulsive, worldly ambition, love for, and seeking of, honor arise from a heart from which sinful tendencies have been removed? Yet these men are found guilty of this very thing. According to the language of our Savior, there can be no question about their conversion. Their names were written in heaven. Luke 10:20. What was the matter with James and Peter when they asked of the Savior if they might command fire to come down from heaven and consume some Samaritans who would not receive them, which Jesus refused to do, saying that he had not come to destroy men, but to save them? Luke 9:51, 36. We do not find John making any such request after the day of Pentecost; but, on the contrary, we do find him teaching that, "Perfect love casteth out fear." If love had been perfected in John's heart, and the carnal nature taken away in regeneration, there certainly would have been nothing left to cause those uprisings and desires for vengeance. There are many other scriptural proofs of this root of all evil remaining in the regenerated heart, and it is not an unfrequent occurrence that we see the manifestation of it in the lives of those just converted. How often do we hear the confession of those who have struggled so long to overcome, and have tried to bind the old man that the deeds might not spring forth, and at last have found that binding will not do! There must be an entire extirpation, uprooting, and casting out of the old man, the root of all evil. Beloved, you may have fightings without, but you need not have fears within. Let love be perfected and fears will be cast out. Then the heavenly Father will have the supremacy in your affections, and the reigning of the Holy Ghost will bring you joy that is unspeakable and full of glory.
A Single Eye
By J. W. Harrington.
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." - Matthew 6:22. We learn by this text that we must live with a single eye to the glory of God. Jesus Christ, our great pattern, had a single eye; hence he said: "I come to do thy will, O God." No one can make a success of living for God except he live with a single eye, or, in other words, has his affections so centered in Christ that he will do all things to God's glory, and will have no desire to live for self, and will do nothing through a selfish motive; but every act of his life will be to exalt the name of Christ.
Living for Christ is not child's play; it means business to be a follower of Christ. "No man can serve two masters." The salvation of Christ in the very beginning was separate from the spirit of the world, and has ever remained so. By many, salvation is looked upon as a very small thing; and were we to judge by the lives of many who profess to have it, we would come to the conclusion that it is a small thing. But when we remember the language of Christ: "Not every one that saith, Lord, Lord," etc., we see that men will not be judged according to the way they have said "Lord, Lord," but according to their conduct in life, whether it be good or bad.
There are three reasons why we should live with an eye single to God's glory. (1.) It is for our good - spiritual and temporal - in this world. (2.) It exalts the name of Christ and causes men to reverence and honor him and his cause. (3.) It is for the good of our soul in the future. Hence it is very necessary that we live with a "single eye." I believe there are people who know enough about the truth to make them miserable. They know the way and understand what it means, but will not give up and live with an eye single to God's glory. In this condition, they enjoy neither God's salvation nor the world. How true the language of Christ: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Those living with a "single eye" - their treasure is in heaven, and their affections are there also. All they do for God and his cause, they do with delight, since they have confidence in the work they are in. Dear beloved saints, let us all see that we live to please God in all things and do our whole duty, and God will ever bless and encourage the soul.
"Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness." - Luke 11:35. Those who once loved God and his cause and rejoiced in the light and liberty of Christ - sad it is to see them go back into the world and sin. The latter end is worse than the first. How we should take heed and see well to it that our light does not go out, but that it is trimmed and burning. One may say, What can I do to keep my lamp trimmed and burning? We answer, Keep the grace of God in the heart - if it is there it will shine, but we can lose it very easily by not doing our duty. The Word says, "If ye do these things, ye shall never fall." The fact is, unless we do something we will fall. There is one thing no one can omit and live a spiritual life, and that is prayer. It unlocks the storehouse of good things to the soul. So to omit our prayers will be the means of our downfall. In order to take heed we must live a prayerful life. Remember, prayer is only one thing; we may pray much and neglect other duties and our light go out. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16. Those that manifest good works are the ones that will convince the world. All our prayers, preaching, going to meeting, etc., will be in vain unless we let good works accompany our lives, such as going to see the sick, helping the poor and needy, supporting the ministers, and helping bear the expenses of camp-meetings, or in any way that your means can be a blessing to humanity and push the battle forward for God. Those who do their duty will not fall, but will ever be shining lights for God. Beloved, look well to it that you keep in the narrow way. Keep your eyes on Jesus alone and he will carry you through. We will all receive just what we live for. If my experience is not what it should be, I am to blame; if yours is not what it should be, you are to blame. We must all answer for ourselves. Those who have a "single eye" have the promise of being kept in perfect peace. Thank God for the peace that maketh glad the city of God! Beloved, be of good cheer. Live every day to the glory of God, and it will be well with your souls. Amen.
Lift Up The Standard.
By Emma Tufford.
Chapter 2.
David said, "I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O Lord, thou knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my breast; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy loving-kindness and thy truth from the great congregation." - Psalms 40:9, 10. Brethren, shall we conceal any of God's truth and sugar-coat it over for fear of hurting some one? No! No! I reiterate my statement, the truth will not hurt one honest person.
Now do not misunderstand me to mean that I believe in going into a place and at once begin pounding Babylon in a harsh, rasping manner - not by any means, and I do not do it; for I know the Spirit of Christ will not handle the Word of God in that manner. I believe in using much wisdom. First, show the people the beauty of full salvation, the Bible standard of a Christian life, their glorious privilege in Christ, and the beauty of unity: then show them the other side, namely, sin, hypocrisy, crooked profession, the evils of sectism, and the fall of Babylon. If they are honest, they can not fail to see the difference, and will in due time heed the warning of God Almighty's Word. But if we do not hold up the bright light of the gospel, how will they ever get into the light? Dear ones, the Word of God is to expose sin and deliver people from the works of the devil. The search-light of God's eternal truth will uncover all the dark corners and reveal hypocrisy and error and sin of every description, and if we are not faithful in using God's Word to show people their error, danger, and privileges, we are not true to our calling. God will then sooner or later discharge us and employ men and women he can trust with his Word.
Our text says, "Lift up the standard." What is the standard? Isaiah says: "O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain. O Jerusalem [the church], that bringeth good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength: lift it up, be not afraid." - Isaiah 40:9. "The voice said, Cry." What shall we cry? "Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain." - Isaiah 40:3, 4. "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." - Isaiah 55:6, 7. Again we hear the voice of God Speaking through the mouth of the prophet, commanding his church: "Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles." - Isaiah 13:2. Who are the nobles? "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priest unto God." - Revelation 1:5, 6. The nobles are those who are kings and priest unto God. What are the gates? David says: "Open to me the gates of righteousness." Who is the author of righteousness? Jesus. Then he is the gate, the door to righteousness; or, the door to his kingdom. "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." How can he enter in? "Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God." Hence the mode of entrance is by passing through Jesus; being born of God. "The gates of righteousness," David says. Righteousness is sinlessness; hence it follows that, when we pass through Jesus, his blood washes away our sins and we become members of his body, the church. "And gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body." He is the true vine, and after we are inducted into him, his virtues flowing through us, by the power of the Holy Ghost, will purge and cleanse us from the old carnal nature - seed of sin that we inherited from the fall of Adam. "Every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it [cleanseth - revised], that it may bring forth more fruit." - John 15:2. The seed of sin is purged out through the blood of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. "And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith." - Acts 15:8, 9. The Holy Ghost sanctifies: "Being sanctified by the Holy Ghost." - Romans 15:16. The blood of Jesus sanctifies: "Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his blood, suffered without the gate." - Hebrews 13:12. And Paul plainly states that Christ cleanses (sanctifies) us after we are in the family of God (the church, his body). "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of water by the Word." - Ephesians 5:25, 26. Thus we have found how we get inside the gates of righteousness, and how we are perfected in Christ after we are in. Isaiah in looking down through the annals of time with his prophetic eye, saw the church of God in the gospel dispensation and prophesied of her: "In that day [gospel day] shall this song be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city: salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in." - Isaiah 26:1, 2.
Looking Unto Jesus.
By R. Rothman.
Many religious people are trusting too much in men and things, and not enough in the Lord who made them. There is a curse pronounced on those who trust in the arm of flesh. Doubtless the reason many people have not their prayers answered lies here. When we push by all earthly help and come to God direct through Jesus Christ and touch the hem of his garment, as it were, an answer is bound to come. Did many honest people in the popular churches of to-day but cease to trust in men and take the Word of Christ just as they read it in the Bible, he could soon lead them forth to Zion's bright plane. To be a disciple of Christ, we must forsake all - and this includes false teachers among the rest. We are to follow men only as they follow Christ, says God. It is a very natural thing for us to put more confidence in men than God intends his children should. Jesus wants to be our master, or overseer, our good Shepherd; and he wants us to be so free from all the devil's bands that we may follow him at all times. This following the Lord in the beauty of holiness is what mainly constitutes the precious evening light. It is a blessed thing to realize that we are living for the Lord Jesus Christ, and that he does really care for us. David seemed to have a glimpse of this experience of grace. He sang: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." - Psalms 121.
God wants us as saints and individuals to have all our trust in him; he also wants us as a church to make him our all in all. The prophet Zechariah, prophesying of the present day of grace, said: "The burden of the Word of the Lord in the land of Hadrach, and Damascus shall be the rest thereof: when the eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel, shall be toward the Lord." - Zechariah 9:1. The "burden," or chorus, the glad refrain, of God's people, is precious soul-rest when they look to the Lord as men and as nations - as saints and as the local assemblies of God. Contrariwise, there will only be unrest and continued dissatisfaction when we put our trust in an eloquent or learned preacher. God bless and use to the utmost his able ministers! but we must look to the Lord, or he will let us down. No matter how promising things may look, if we get our eyes off of Christ we will surely sink. "Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited." - Jeremiah 17:5, 6. This seems severe, but if we will observe God's dealings with his children we will see it fulfilled every time. Let us not merit the curse; but obtain the blessing by making God our all in all. "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit." - Verses 7, 8. The Lord wants us to esteem his servants highly for their works' sake, but let us not look to them for help when Christ wants us to look to him.
A great many people are urged by false teachers to take a profession of salvation without meeting the conditions of God's Word. Such professors do not get the real satisfying portion - the Holy Spirit - for he will not dwell in an unholy temple. But there is a way to receive the blessed promise of the Father so that the Spirit really comes into our hearts to abide. Blessed state! When one has obtained this pearl of great price, the Lord expects and demands that he be appreciated. We should esteem the Spirit above all else in this world. He will give us more joy and satisfaction than the world could possibly give, if we walk humbly with our God. But we can not retain the Holy Spirit as a guest and at the same time love the world and seek its vain honors and sinful pleasures.
By the way some people do not live up to their consecration, we conclude that they do not realize that when they go to the altar and present their bodies a living, holy sacrifice, they make a solemn agreement with the God of heaven. They seem to consecrate to men, as it were, and the result is that they become man-fearing, and instead of living unto the Lord, they live to please men. Under such circumstances God does not sanctify the seeker; for he accepts only those who really get on the altar, Christ Jesus. When one actually consecrates to God and lives true to his Word, he will get an experience that will stand all tests, and Christ will be his strength and satisfying portion.
We must learn to live unto God for we truly are personally responsible to him for our every action. One of the greatest powers of the devil over God's children lies in him getting them to look away from Christ to their brethren and sisters. No matter how true one may be living, if the devil can get us watching them instead of looking to Jesus, he will convince us that they are not right on some line or other, and will magnify their faults until we can not see their good qualities. Jesus taught Peter a lesson on this line that will be profitable to all who take heed thereto. Peter began watching John and wondering what he was going to do. Perhaps he thought the gentle, loving apostle was not zealous enough for the cause. "Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me." - John 21:21, 22.
Beloved, we have but a few short years to live here, so let us live them well. We can not spend our fleeting moments better than in the service of the Master, winning souls to him from the ranks of Satan. A faithful life on our part will surely tell on the right side, and eternity's ceaseless years will abundantly repay us for the little sacrifices we may have to make to be true to Christ. "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Let us so live that those watching may see the life of Christ manifested in us; but as for us, may we look unto Jesus at all times; for he will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on him, because they trust in him. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." If we keep looking to Jesus he will be able to guide us with his eye, and we will make a straight, blessed path from earth to glory, and he will be our strength, our all in all.
"Jesus, shine upon us truly,
May thy presence ever nigh,
Keep us perfect, pure and holy,
Ever guide us with thine eye."
Moundsville Camp-meeting, 1901.
It seemed pleasing unto the Lord to grant us the best camp-meeting yet held at this place. Long before the time arrived for the meeting people began to come, some coming weeks beforehand. A number of night services were held before the first day of the meeting, and from the beginning the Lord gave glorious victory. We had asked the Lord for a time of victory and an outpouring of his Holy Spirit upon the entire camp, and were not disappointed. Over fifty ministers and other gospel workers were present, and the Word of God went forth clear and powerful, and the judgments of the Word of God were sent forth without compromise by the power of the Holy Spirit. It has often been the case during the past that people came for spiritual help, or some under the influence of false spirits, and a number of the leading ministers were kept out of the services in private interviews, which has proved a detriment to many camp-meetings. But it was decided before this meeting began that it would be better for such persons to be present when the Word of God was preached that it might be effectual unto their salvation, and the work of the ministry in this way would be more effectual; and if any that were under false spirits must be dealt with privately, it could be done between meetings. God honored such a course to the deliverance of many precious souls. No record was kept of the number of consecrations, but from the beginning the Word was effectual in sending conviction to the hearts of sinners and showing believers the necessity of being sanctified and how to be led into this experience. Scores came flocking to the altar, where they found deliverance to the satisfaction of their souls; many were loosed from the binding powers of Satan, some of whom had evil spirits cast out of them. Healing services were held daily throughout the meeting, and many testified with shouts and praises to the healing of their bodies. Quite a number were baptized. On Sunday evening a precious ordinance service was held in the pavilion, in partaking of the bread and wine in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and also washing of the saint's feet. About three hundred saints participated in this and realized the fulfillment of the words of Jesus: "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."
Board and lodging for all in attendance were furnished free of charge. Over ten thousand meals were given free at the Trumpet Home, and everything on this line was in fulfillment of the Word, having "all things common." The Lord preciously moved upon the hearts of the people and provided, insomuch that, as far as expenses were concerned, there was no lack.
From 7:30 to 9:30 A. M. daily the ministers alone had special meetings for the advancement of their labors in the gospel field and to consider matters that would be helpful in their labors. Among the many things considered was the doctrine of Marriage and Divorce, which is mentioned in another column. Brethren everywhere in their travels met with cases concerning which it was difficult for them to give the proper advice, and the consultation of this brought out some very clear and definite points which were unanimously sanctioned by all the ministers present, and which we trust will be beneficial to the brethren everywhere in their labors. Many other matters of importance were considered. A false spirit with false doctrines undertook to impose upon the assembly, which was given no place, but was exposed and rebuked. A sweet spirit of unity prevailed throughout the camp-meeting. The judgments of the Word against sectism and sin of every kind were laid to the line, and we believe that the ministers and workers go forth from this meeting better qualified than ever before to preach the everlasting gospel and rescue perishing souls.
A Painful Duty.
We are truly sorry that the spiritual condition of G. P. Keeling is such that it becomes our duty to again inform the saints through the Trumpet that he is unfit for the ministry and unworthy the confidence of the saints. A year ago he made an effort to extricate himself from the awful spirit of Antichrist that led him into the anti-cleansing heresy, but it is now very evident that he was not delivered from that spirit, which is now breaking out in the form of doctrines that are as unscriptural and devilish as the doctrine of anti-cleansing. He now makes an attack upon the unity of the church in the following words: "There are some bodies of people that are holding almost in all things as we are, and I said I believed if it were not for the narrowness and clannishness among us that there could be a unity brought about among us in a short time, and that I expected to work to this end, hence I desired to get in touch with those people, not in order to separate myself from the people I am now with, neither to go over to them, but to see if there could not be a coming together of these different bodies of people. I believe God is giving many other people the same light he is giving us, and I believe it is real sectish and bigotry among us if we do not recognize and admit it. I believe too that God is giving this light to them independent of us as a body of people. This light, I believe, is being given through the Word by the Holy Spirit, and it is being done to cut off glorying from us as a people. This is what I hold to be God's reformation. Any other view I hold is clannish, and tends to sectishness among us. . . I hold God is rapidly giving the same truth to others, and in some places he is giving it to whole bodies of people together. God says, 'They shall see and flow together.' I do not understand this to mean they will flow to us, but the flowing is from both sides - the flowing is together."
The above is from a letter written by the hand of Keeling. The saints can see that this is a direct attack upon the unity of God's church, and is intended to set aside the gathering together of God's people entirely. If, as he says, there are other bodies of people to whom God is giving the same light, then it is true that God is gathering his people into several different bodies. Such an idea destroys entirely the evening light reformation. If we would admit that God is gathering his people into several different bodies, we must admit that he is not gathering them into one body, hence is not gathering them together at all. So his doctrine really teaches that the true gathering together has not yet begun, and lifts up the same old Babylon doctrine that has for centuries justified division among the people of God. But he is so blinded by the devil as to think he has advanced light, but it is not advanced light; it is the very same old Babylon idea that we were called to forsake when God came to our rescue with this glorious evening light.
Keeling's doctrine truly teaches that no unity of the people of God has yet been reached in this evening time. It holds that the zenith is to be attained to by a gathering together of several different bodies of people. This, he thinks, is light in the advance of anything God's people have seen; but it shows the blindness of his deceived heart; for such a gathering together of different bodies of people is nothing but the old Gog and Magog union that has been working in the world ever since this reformation started. I thank God that the saints have always been enabled by the Word of God to distinguish between the true gathering together of God's people into a perfect oneness in Christ by the Holy Spirit, and the Gog and Magog gathering together of various bodies of people into a conglomerated mass of corruption under the influence of the three unclean spirits which came out of the mouth of the dragon (heathenism), and out of the mouth of the beast (Romanism), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (Protestantism). Revelation 16:13. This very spirit has a strong hold upon Keeling, and he is laboring hard to get the saints to quit preaching that God is gathering his people together in one body and to accept the false doctrine that he is gathering them together into several bodies, and will after a while cause these separate bodies to flow together in some way and be tied up in a union of some kind. Such a doctrine from the mouth of a man who has heard the evening light as long as G. P. Keeling, is a shameful blasphemy against God and his Holy Word. Think of it, beloved, the one body of God's people is so sacred a term in the sight of God that in no instance have any of the New Testament writers ventured to use this term in the plural number. There is but one body of Christ, one body of God's people.
In the general camp-meeting at Moundsville this doctrine of Keeling was considered before an assembly of more than fifty of God's ministers, who, without a dissenting voice, pronounced it unscriptural and of infernal origin. When the truth was exposing Keeling's false doctrines, he arose and said that he had made a mistake in his letter by using the word body; he said he should have used the word peoples. We considered his correction and then proceeded to show him that it made no difference in his doctrine. To say that God has several peoples is just as erroneous as to say that he has several bodies of people - the meaning is exactly the same. The fact is, this is a real doctrine of devils, and a doctrine that no man can embrace without falling under the spirit of the devil. God has but one body of people. This body has been scattered in sectism, and God is now calling every member of his body out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day of sectism (Ezekiel 34:12), and he is calling them into one place - Zion. He is not dividing them into several separate societies, as Keeling states. And observe how he accuses God's people in the evening light of narrowness and clannishness because they are not willing to go and form a God and Magog union with another body of people. Oh, shame on such blinded impudence! How could it be possible for those who have forsaken sectism and are standing in the one body of Christ alone to tie themselves up as a body to some other body or people? God help us to see that the only way to tie ourselves up to another body of people is to go and join some other institution individually. There is absolutely no other way that we could form any union with Babylon; for we have formed no human organization, consequently have none to tie up to any other human organization. Those who have no human organization and are saved are in the one body of Christ with us, and no uniting is necessary; for we are all perfectly united in oneness. We truly believe that God has, since the beginning of this reformation, given light on the evils of sectism in various instances to people who never heard the preaching of the evening light, and they have walked in this light and stood clear from sectism before they knew that there was a general gathering together of God's people taking place throughout the world; and when some of God's people found them there was no necessity for any uniting with them - we were all one and worked together in harmony. But it is plain to be seen that this is not what Keeling meant, for he knows that we have always held to this idea. Had he referred to this idea, he would have had no grounds to call us narrow and clannish for not accepting his doctrine. So you can see he meant more than this. Well, I believe God's people can all grasp a correct idea of his doctrine from the quotation we made from his letter, and can see that the devil has been trying to use him in direct opposition to this reformation.
In order to maintain this doctrine he is compelled to twist a great many of the holy scriptures, which is common in his preaching, and was proved by a number of reliable witnesses before the assembly of the ministers. For instance, he has stated that 1st Corinthians 1:10 which says, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment," has no reference to oneness of doctrine. Well, I would like to know how we can all speak the same things and have no divisions among us when one preacher is preaching one thing, another is preaching an opposite thing, and the third is preaching something directly opposite to the doctrine of the other two, etc. You can readily see what spirit he is of. He has accepted the same old Babylon deception that we have been preaching against ever since we have been in the evening light; namely, that God's people must be one in spirit, but are not required to be one in outward appearance.
Touching the unity of doctrine, I would say that it is highly essential that a perfect unity of doctrine be preserved among the people of God. There are three kinds of doctrines mentioned in the New Testament; namely, doctrine of Christ (2nd John 9), doctrines of devils (1st Timothy 4:1), and doctrines of men. (Colossians 2:22.) New Testament unity consist of a perfect oneness among God's people in regard to the doctrine of Christ; that is, it is essential to salvation to believe every principle contained in the doctrine of Christ. Bible unity also includes a oneness in regard to doctrines of devils, and requires that God's people all stand in opposition to every doctrine of devils. No one can drink in the doctrine of the devil without polluting his soul. Doctrines of men are mere matters of conscience, and pertain neither to the doctrine of Christ, nor doctrines of devils. In these things God's people are required to see alike, and a difference of opinion in them will not mar the unity of the Spirit, provided they are not bound upon God's people as doctrines of Christ.
Let all God's people pay earnest heed to the solemn declaration of the apostle John - "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." - 2nd John 9.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we renounce the doctrine of devils that is being propagated by G. P. Keeling, and we no longer hold him as a Christian. We warn the saints of God everywhere against the awful spirit with which he is possessed. He was faithfully dealt with, and he rejected the truth, rejected admonitions of the brethren, and it was clearly shown and proven to the satisfaction of the entire ministry that he was under a false spirit, and in a deceived and unsaved condition. He was labored with for the salvation of his soul to no avail. The ministry stand a unit concerning his case, and do not recognize him as a minister until he repents, renounces the false spirit and false doctrines, obtains pardon, and gets in line with the truth. Even then we can not recognize him as a minister until he has fully proved himself as a Christian man. It is not a good thing for any one who falls under the spirit of Antichrist and is led astray to take up ministerial work immediately upon their being reclaimed. It is extremely dangerous to the cause, and such persons should be instructed to tarry at home and prove themselves to be in possession of full salvation, by a holy life in their home neighborhood. After full proof of their experience of salvation, it is then time enough for them to take up ministerial work. Let all the saints of God pray for this poor deceived man, but beware how you would sympathize with the spirit he possesses, for it is a poisonous venom that will destroy every soul that partakes of it.
William G. Schell.
George L. Cole.
N. S. Duncan.
Marriage and Divorce.
The ministers of God assembled in the general camp-meeting at Moundsville, West Virginia, to the ministers and saints scattered abroad, Greeting: Forasmuch as there has been a lack of understanding among us concerning the doctrine of Marriage and Divorce, it seemed pleasing unto the Lord that we should consider this important subject before the assembly of the ministers at this place. As we were assembled in one accord the Holy Spirit brought out the true doctrine of the New Testament on this subject, which we feel impressed by the Lord to make known to all the saints through the Trumpet, that all may receive understanding thereby.
It is perfectly clear in our minds that the true doctrine of the New Testament in regard to this subject may be stated as follows: Those who have obtained two or more companions by divorcing and marrying again, according to the laws of the land, while they were ignorant of the truth, have not thereby committed sin; while those who have thus obtained two or more living companions after they become enlightened on this subject, have committed sin thereby. In the assembly of the ministers the ideas expressed in the above words were confirmed by the following scriptures.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them [to them - margin]; for God hath shown it unto them: . . . so that they are without excuse." - Romans 1:16-20.
"For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are justified before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another) in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." - Romans 2:11-16.
"And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes." - Luke 12:47, 48.
"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." - 1st John 3:4.
"Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression." - Romans 4:15.
"Sin is not imputed when there is no law." - Romans 5:13.
"If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin." - John 15:22.
"And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth." - John 9:40, 41.
These scriptures surely teach that the sinfulness of the action of men is rated by their knowledge of the will of God; therefore there is no sin in total ignorance. Let us examine these scriptures carefully and see if this is not what they truly teach. In Romans 1:18, quoted above, it is stated that the "wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." It is evident that a man could not hold the truth in unrighteousness before he had obtained a knowledge of the truth; therefore we must conclude that the wrath of God revealed from heaven in the gospel does not concern a man until he has by some means received an understanding of God's will. That this is the true idea of the text is evident from the next verse, which states the reason why the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against the ungodliness of those who hold the truth in unrighteousness, in the following words: "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them: for God hath shown it unto them." So the wrath of God does not fall upon a man because of the wrong that might be committed by him until God had shown it unto him.
If any should ask us concerning the heathen, who have never heard the Word of God, we would answer that their condition is explained in the text quoted above from the second chapter of Romans, which says that "as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law;" that is, as many as have sinned having never obtained a knowledge of God's written Word shall be condemned in the judgment, but not by the written Word. What then is the standard of law from which God reckons their condemnation in this life and at the first judgment? This question is answered in the same text by the words, "When the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves; which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another." According to these words it is that portion of the moral law of God that is contained in the hearts of the heathen that condemns him. It is true that God in the creation wrote all his moral precepts in the heart of man, but this moral code has been to a great extent effaced from the hearts of men by sin; yet, as this text teaches, there remains in the heart of all men some traces of this moral law. This moral faculty is the conscience. By it all man are made to know, independent of the written Word, that they are beings subject to moral law; because when they do certain good acts they are by the moral faculty within them caused to feel justified in the same, and when they do certain bad deeds they are condemned by the same moral faculty to feel condemned. This moral faculty is the only code of laws from which God reckons condemnation upon the hearts of men who have never known the written Word; and by a transgression of the laws of conscience only can those who have not known the gospel commit a sin. According to these principles the heathen who should transgress the law of his conscience is guilty of a sin before God, and must perish, except he find the Savior to deliver him from his sin. But if it be possible for a heathen to live his entire life without doing what his conscience would tell him is wrong, he would never fall into a guilty state and would be saved as infants are saved. This principle holds good in Bible lands as in heathen countries. If a man in a heathen land, who knows nothing about the written Word, is entirely blind to the will of God in every respect, he has no sin. Also in a Bible land, if it be possible that an individual should be entirely blind to the will of God, he would have no sin. This Jesus plainly states in John 9:41, where he says to the Pharisees, "If ye were blind, ye should have no sin." On the other hand, those who know the will of God are guilty of sin so far as they act contrary to the same.
Acknowledging this principle to be substantiated in the text quoted above, we must apply it to every part of the gospel. This compels us to view the teachings of the gospel concerning Marriage and Divorce in the same light that we would view any other commandment. The scriptures which say, "Where there is no law, there is no transgression," and that "sin is not imputed where there is no law," must be extended far enough to take in every commandment of the New Testament; therefore we must view the commands forbidding divorces and second marriages while the first companion lives, etc., in the same light that we view every other commandment. We certainly believe that a man who knows nothing about the wrong connected with the use of strong drinks, as is doubtless the case in some parts of the world to-day, could use the same without committing sin; but those who know the will of God in regard to these things and that they are condemned in the Word of God can not use such things without being guilty of sin before God.
Viewing the subject of Marriage and Divorce in the same light, we must conclude that those who have obtained two or more living companions before they knew that such was wrong and contrary to the will of God are not guilty of sin; while those who have done these things after they received sufficient light that they are contrary to the will of God are guilty of sin. This principle, if carried out, will enable us to decide all cases of unscriptural marriages.
In marriage is implied both an act and a state, and in every case the state must be viewed in the same light as the act. If the act is adultery, the state is adultery; and if the act is not adultery, the state is not adultery. In the case of those who have entered unscriptural marriages in total ignorance, the act is not adultery because of their ignorance, and the state is not adultery. Therefore we can not upon scriptural grounds require such parties to dissolve their marriage union; but, on the other hand, since neither the act nor the state is sinful, we as ministers of the gospel must hold them to remain in their marriage union and perform their marriage obligations according to the Word of God.
In the case of those who have entered unscriptural marriages after they obtained light on these things, the act is adultery because of their willfulness, and the state is also adultery. Therefore we can not upon scriptural grounds advise them to remain in such an adulterous marriage union; but, on the other hand, we must as ministers of God require a separation in all such cases. It is not difficult for all who are yoked up in unscriptural marriages to see, under this standard of truth, where they stand and what is required of them to obtain salvation. They know whether they have entered their marriage union willfully or ignorantly. If ignorantly, it is not sinful and does not concern their salvation. If willfully and understandingly, their act of marrying was sinful, and therefore their state of marriage is sinful and adulterous, and always will be so (except in the case of the death of the former companion); and there is no obtaining of salvation in their case except they forsake their sins, which will include their present marriage relation.
Another point of vital importance connected with this subject is that of persons who are yoked up in unscriptural marriages acting as officers in the church of God. In 1st Timothy 3:2, also in Titus 1:6, it is written that the bishop must be the husband of one wife." It is also written of the deacons in 1st Timothy 3:12: "Let the deacons be the husband of one wife." Now we know that no man can have two wives in the sense of polygamy and be a member in the church of God, neither can a woman have two husbands in the same sense and be a member in the church of God. And as the language of these texts surely conveys the idea that there were some in the apostolic church who possessed two wives (for we can not see the propriety of the commandment if there were none such in the apostolic church), we must view these texts in a different light.
Before Jesus came into the world many of the nations - the Israelites not excepted - practiced polygamy; but the Savior abolished all bigamy and all second marriages while the former companions were living when he said to the Jews, "From the beginning it was not so" (Matthew 19:8); and again, "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." - Verses 4-6.
This doctrine of the Savior, which restores matrimony to the Edenic standard, cuts off bigamy; because God in the beginning created but one male and one female, thus rendering it impossible for the man to have two wives, or the woman to have two husbands. It also cuts off all second marriages; because it would have been impossible for Adam to have divorced his wife and married another, also for Eve to have divorced her husband and married another. Therefore, under the standard Christ lifted up, it would be impossible for a bigamist to obtain membership in the church of God; and to obtain salvation he is compelled to forsake all his wives but one. This has been done in cases where the gospel has been carried to countries where bigamy was practiced. Therefore, if there were persons in the apostolic church who possessed two or more companions, they were not cases of bigamy. But those bigamists, after they had put away all their companions but one, still possessed more wives than one in the sense that they had lived with them before they came into the kingdom of God. Such were doubtless referred to by Paul when he said the bishops and the deacons should be the husbands of one wife. We can see also very clearly that those who have more than one living companion, who have not been bigamists, but have lived with one at a time, having divorced one and married another, are to be viewed so nearly in the same light as the one who had been formerly a bigamist, that the command of the apostle requiring that bishops and deacons be the husbands of one wife will exclude them also from these offices. And if such persons are excluded by the New Testament from the local offices of bishop and deacon, it is not reasonable that they could enter the ministry as a traveling officer; because these offices are just as sacred as the local offices, and it is just as necessary that they be preserved blameless. Therefore we can not and do not as ministers of God recognize such persons as officers in the church of God. Yours in the unity of the faith,
William G. Schell. H. M. Riggle.
J. N. Howard. F. G. Smith.
A. B. Palmer. A. J. Kilpatrick.
C. E. Hunter. George L. Cole.
G. T. Clayton. C. O. Dodge.
D. Otis Teasley. Ora Teasley.
John H. Merica. T. J. Cox.
N. S. Duncan. W. P. Long.
E. J. Billig. William N. Smith.
Jennie Smith. James S. McCreary.
H. A. Hoffman. William Grumball.
A. L. Byers. Mother Smith.
Della Fry. W. W. Titley.
A. Radebaugh. H. C. Wickersham.
George Q. Coplin. William Drew.
Samuel L. Speck. Carlisle Alford.
Martin Olson. John L. Williams.
Samuel Martz. L. A. Kauffman.
Nora Hunter. Mahala Uber.
R. J. Smith. L. C. Mast.
William Ebel. W. A. Sutherland.
Robert Rothman. L. L. Porter.
F. W. Schoolcraft. Otto Bolds.
E. E. Byrum. Alvin J. Ellison.
The Lodi, California Camp-meeting.
Lodi, California, May 17, 1901.
The third annual camp-meeting of the church of God closed at about midnight May 13. A number of the different localities of this state were represented, also some in Oregon. The interest and attendance were good. The pure Word of God was administered in the power of the Spirit by Brother J. L. Green and others, and had its soul-saving effect upon a number of precious hearts. Many were convinced of the blessed way. The Lord was with us in saving, sanctifying, and healing power, which was manifested upon all who met the conditions of obedience. The quietness of the power and presence of God seemed wonderful. Sometimes the Holy Spirit's manifestations are with outward and loud demonstrations; but almost throughout this entire meeting there was a quiet hush upon us. No one could doubt the presence of God, the Holy One of Israel, in the midst of us. We could indeed shout his praises, but yet the holy awe of his presence was felt and realized.
A number of precious young people were saved. At the closing service fourteen seekers were at the altar. I believe all professed their faith and acceptance in Christ. We can truly say that great grace was upon us. We were made glad at the coming of Sister Laura Jarvis of Lahore, India, and her brother, George Douglas of Illinois. They came on the last Friday of the meeting and remained until the close. The missionary addresses were encouraging and soul-cheering, and resulted in a strengthening of confidence in the hearts of many in the God-appointed means of sending the gospel to the dark regions beyond. Brother and Sister Jarvis are truly one with us in the faith and fellowship of the Spirit. Brother Jarvis did not get to this meeting, as he is returning as speedily as possible to India on account of another famine in that land. Sister Jarvis and her brother will return later. We trust they will be able to meet with the saints in Chicago and Moundsville and elsewhere during their stay in this country. Our prayers and love go with them.
Brothers J. L. and C. O. Green and Sisters Bamford and Batton have gone to Fresno to the assembly-meeting. I expect to follow next week, D. V.
More than three hundred dollars are yet needed, beside that which has been promised, for the payment of the state camp-ground at Lodi. We trust every saint in California will invest in this beautiful spot for the work of God. Wishing you all the abundant grace of God, I am, your brother in the faith,
J. W. Byers.
News from the Field.
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel."
Caringer, Tennessee, June 2.
I am happy to report victory in Jesus' name. We have had some opposition to meet, but are gaining ground. The brethren here are lifting their voices against everything that is not in accordance with the Word. Brethren, let us all preach the Word, talk the Word, and live the Word, and let the devil find out we are alive. Any of the saints in Kentucky, Ohio, or Indiana desiring meetings will please write to me at Crayton Kentucky.
M. N. Roark.
Monroe, Indiana, June 4.
We are glad to report through the Trumpet that the Lord is still with us and keeps us from the evil of the world. The meeting near Petersburg, Indiana closed with a very precious ordinance service, in which eleven happy saints gloriously realized the fulfillment of the promise, "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." - John 13:17. We next held a meeting of eight days in Vincennes, Indiana. At this place a few were professing to be out of Babylon, but with the exception of one or two we found they were still drunken on Babylon wine and teaching anti-ordinanceism and the doctrine of the Millennium. The Lord bless those that are truly his, and keep them from the snares of Satan! At this writing we are engaged in the conflict of truth against error in the very wicked town of Monroe. The truth is winning the people and exposing the awful corruption of sectism. They are quite disgusted with the perverse living of some of the sect preachers who will even get intoxicated. Pray that the Lord will deliver poor, deluded souls from their sins and blind leaders. If any one wishes to write to us in regard to holding a meeting in southern Indiana or in southern Illinois, you may address us at Monroe, Indiana. Our permanent address is North Star, Ohio.
Lorenzo Cook and Wife.
Cayuga, Indiana.
For some time I have been made to feel and see the need of more active workers in this territory (central Indiana and central Illinois). Two things are needed to accomplish anything in spreading the truth here: first, a place to hold meetings; second, a suitable company to represent the cause they have at heart. We have secured a tent. With a little work and a few dollars we will be ready for the field. The great need is some one to go with heaven's authority and God-given qualification to both sing and preach the Word. As to preaching, we can manage to get on for a while, but singers we must have. Who will answer this call? who has the Lord been moving on for this kind of work? We have no choice or voice in selecting workers, but, dear ones, God is surely preparing some one for this work. There ought to be no less than three persons with the tent. At this writing there is no one but myself to begin the battle. Please let me hear from you.
W. A. Davison.
119 East Murdock Avenue,
Wichita, Kansas, May 20.
I am glad to report victory in the name of Jesus over all the powers of the enemy. It has been some time since I reported through the Trumpet. I have not been idle, but have been busy in the gospel work. Since last summer I have been working in northern Kansas and have seen many precious souls convicted, converted, and sanctified. I have had many warm battles with the enemy on the line of crooked doctrine and shoddy holiness. Different ones were teaching social purity, three works of grace, five works, one cleansing, and the pork delusion; but the Lord was with me through every battle, strengthening me in my soul so that I could teach them the truth in love. Some seemed to get help, while others stopped coming to the meeting rather than measure to the Word of God. In February, accompanied by Sister Augusta Charles, we went to Morrill, Kansas and began meeting. At first we received many persecutions on account of the former so-called holiness teaching. Even the boys threw nails at our hands while we held them up in prayers. They also threw beans, corn, and paper wads across the room; but after a few meetings the Lord gave us victory and sent out the intelligent people of the city who received the truth gladly. From there we went to Sabetha and held a few precious meetings in the name of Jesus. We stopped at a sister's house. Her little boy four years old had his fingers caught in the wringer, the cog going through the joint, causing much pain and agony. The Lord healed it instantly. To God be all the glory. We closed the meeting there on account of small-pox and went to Robinson and held precious meetings. From there I came home and left Sister Charles in the work. I will go to Nicodemus, Kansas for a few days and expect to be in the North some time. As Sister Charles will be home for a week, I will be alone. Pray that the Lord may ever keep me humble.
Cornelia Bateman.
Barney, Iowa, May 23.
I am glad to report victory on the Lord's side. Since my last report I have not been idle, but have been earnestly declaring the gospel of Christ with peace and joy in my soul. I have held meetings at Mill Creek Chapel, Amazonia, Fillmore, and at this place. The Lord has blessed in delivering his Word. Some of these places have been greatly cursed in the last two years with the "one work theory." They have succeeded in making some lose confidence in the Trumpet and the brethren, and the consequence is, they are discouraged to try to do much for the "one-work people" or the saints of God either. We trust God will lead the honest ones out of confusion. I have just closed a very precious meeting here. There were no great manifestations of power, but the saints received encouragement. Their hope was much brighter and the truth had a good impression on the community. There was good attendance for this time of year. From here I go home to stay a few days, and then to Fillmore and Easton, Missouri. May God encourage every saint and cause us to live so that our lives are a blessing to the souls of men. May God bless the ministers of this work and help them to be true and declare the Word of God. My soul doth magnify God for the true joys of salvation. Thank God for the Trumpet and for the many dear ones who are brothers and sisters indeed.
Dear ones, let us not fail to be thankful for the wonders of God's grace. He is supplying our needs spiritually and temporally, and many times he has heard our prayer and visited us with his healing power. Praise the Lord, oh my soul! Halleluiah for the blood that makes whiter than snow!
J. M. Harrington,
Milton, Missouri.
Fairplay, South Carolina.
After the meeting at McMinnville, Tennessee we went to Smartt and had a good meeting; but some of the people thought it was strange doctrine and would not come out. From there we went about four miles west of Smartt where the Lord gave us victory over the enemy. As the Word went forth in power, many who thought they were "complete in him" were made to seek for the faith once delivered unto the saints. Some thought they were sanctified, but soon found when the fire came that they could not stand. May God bless the dear ones there and at Oak Grove for caring for us while with them, also for supplying our needs. From there we came to Bridgeport, Alabama and held two meetings with success in the upper room of a large store. We had large crowds, but the people are cold and carried away in pride. Some good might be done there by sending literature to Fred Rickey. From there we came to Shellmound, Tennessee and held meeting one week with good success. The Lord gave us a glorious little meeting, for which we give him all the praise. We then came through to Georgia and stopped in Atlanta with the saints at 81 1/2 Decatur Street. One meeting was held there. The Lord refreshed our souls with showers of blessing fresh from heaven. All these places where we held meetings were new fields where the truth had never been preached. They are hungry for the truth. The Lord willing, we want to travel through that part this fall and winter in a wagon or hack. If any one wishes to travel with us or would have us travel with them, let us know soon, just as the Lord directs. We are now at my parent's home for a while, and are having meeting here every Sunday evening. Pray for us.
William E. Carter and Wife.
TATSO. Emily Tatso was born at Three Rivers, Canada, January 25, 1829; died May 29, 1901. She left the Roman Catholic sect and accepted full salvation and was baptized. Her last sickness was endured uncomplainingly.
R. W. Schofield.
MARSHALL. Sister Mary Marshall was born in Pennsylvania in 1853. She came to North Dakota and at the age of 34 married Sylvester Marshall. To this union were born four children. Sister Marshall departed this life February 4, 1901; age 47 years. She had heard and received the truth of this reformation and died rejoicing in the Lord.
A. B. Haverland.
North Point, Pennsylvania.
SEBRING. Sister Sarah A. Sebring departed this life to be with Jesus April 21, 1901; aged 76 years, 11 months, and 21 days. She suffered severely for some time before her death; but in her affliction she sought not the aid of medicine, but trusted in the Savior. To the encouragement of her friends and family, she left the testimony that she was ready and willing to go.
D. Otis Teasley.
CRAIG. Allie G. Craig was born July 14, 1861, in Mercer County, Illinois; died May 22, 1901, at Hartley Missouri. She was converted at the age of 20 and was sanctified wholly some twelve or thirteen years ago, and always held firmly to the Bible and its teachings. Surely she obeyed this injunction: "Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." Funeral services were conducted by,
R. C. Oldham.
GOODCHILD. Joseph Goodchild of Kankakee, Illinois was born April 16, 1857; died May 16, 1901, with lung trouble. Like many others, he neglected his soul's salvation until a late hour. About one month previous to his death he requested the saints to come and hold services at his home. It is believed by the little church there that he surrendered himself to God and gave evidence of salvation. His last moments were very peaceful. He leaves a wife and relatives. Funeral services at residence by the writer. Attendance fair. The Spirit gave liberty in presenting the Word.
George L. Cole.
Divine Healing.
Healed of Grip.
I have been sick for four weeks with the grip. To please some of my friends I used some simple remedies, but I did not get any relief. So I laid aside all remedies and took the Lord. He healed my body, for which I give him all the praise.
Mary Rikerd.
Otsego, Michigan.
Healed of Erysipelas.
I wish to testify to what the Lord has done for me. He keeps me and heals me. I was afflicted with erysipelas in my face and my eyes were almost swollen shut. But the Lord healed me, for which I give him all the praise and glory. Pray that I may do his will at all times.
Allie Casefeer.
Nevada Mills, Indiana.
Scarlet Fever Healed.
I am praising God for healing me of the grip. The devil said I must die, but I paid no attention to him. It did not seem like Jesus speaking. I put my trust in God and was soon able to work. I still had a very bad cough. The devil said I would keep that cough, and weaken and die. I paid no attention, and I am free from the cough. The Lord also healed my two children of scarlet fever and whooping cough. People said they did not think they were very sick, as it takes a long time to get over these diseases. They had to change their minds when they saw the children’s finger-nails come off as the effect of the disease. Praises be to God! He heals body and soul, and I praise him for the trial to prove his love to us.
Some time ago the Lord also revealed to me the sinful state of mankind. It seems to be far below the brute creation. It so shocked me that I had little strength for two weeks. I earnestly hope the Gospel Trumpet will stand on the solid rock as it now is. It is being tested by preachers of this reformation - those that have left and speak lightly of the Trumpet. They will no doubt come back. They all will soon know that it has already gone through the fire and is pure gold, the dross being all burned away.
Mary E. Ferguson.
Chicago Heights, Illinois.
Healed of Fever.
I wish to add my little testimony as to what the Lord has done for me. I am so glad I ever learned to take Jesus for my healer! He has never failed me yet for both soul and body. Praise God for such a wonderful Savior! We can go to him in every time of need. I over-worked myself and by so doing was completely exhausted, which threw me into a fever. I took a heavy cold which settled in my lungs. I did not know but what my time had come to die. I commenced calling upon the Lord to know and he revealed his will to me. I would have given up in a few hours more. I was sinking rapidly then and took right hold of God. He showed me plainly to send for an anointed handkerchief. It was applied as directed and I received the full benefit by complying with the Word of God. Oh, what a wonderful Savior we have to call upon in such an hour of suffering! I can never praise God enough for what he has done for poor unworthy me. Since God has raised me up I have been able to assume more duties for him than ever before since I have been saved. I often meditate upon the passage which says God “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” I often wondered if this passage would ever be fulfilled in my experience. I can now say that it has. After the Lord healed me I nursed a sick sister and had the care of two children and an infant. I took charge every night until twelve, and some times as late as two o’clock. Praise God, he surely has answered my prayer! I often would say to the Lord that I could not get the experience of this passage, but truly, dear ones, it has been fulfilled. It was surprising to some here when they saw me move around with strength and performing so many duties. I was surprised myself. Praise God for the full benefit of his Word! My soul is singing, “It is better farther on.” I praise the Lord for the privilege he gives me of writing and telling what he has done for me.
Libbie Cox.
1928 South Jackson Street,
Anderson, Indiana.
Chapter 1884.
And it came to pass in these days, that in a certain village in the country called Ohio, there dwelt priest of the harlot daughters of Babylon, and the inhabitants were taken with a disease called spiritual slumber (which is very contagious, and is spreading all over the country). It is caused by the sleepy potion called the wine of Babylon, or “the wine of the wrath of her fornication” [Revelation 14:8; 17:2; 18:3] which is administered by the priest of those harlot daughters. “They heal the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying Peace, peace.” - Jeremiah 8:4-13. And the people answer in their sleep, “we are delivered to do all these abominations.” - Jeremiah 7:3, 9, 10. The effect of these opiates are that, they cause those who take them to talk in their sleep, and when called to “awake thou that sleepest,” they answer, saying, We are not sleeping, let us alone, we are awake, we see. - John 9:41. Now the symptoms of the disease are, loss of spiritual strength, coldness, numbness, mumbling in their sleep, etc., and the result , if not arrested, is spiritual and eternal death.
Now there lived near this village a certain man, who was cured of this dread disease, by a certain medicine, called the “Balm of Gilead.” (Read Jeremiah 8:22; 46:11; 51:8). The immediate effect of which is, spiritual wakefulness and life, and the final result, eternal life. This man, being much concerned about the wretched condition of those inhabitants, went to a priest of one of the harlot daughters, and said to him, “What shall be done for those afflicted people?” The priest answered and said, “I know not. If you know aught to do for them, go and do it.” Then he thought within himself, now surely the medicine that cured me will cure them, if they can be prevailed on to try it. I will call together some others that have tested this remedy, and will tell them what it hath done for us, and will highly recommend it to them, that they may be prevailed on to try it and be cured. Now these daughters of Babylon builded houses which they called churches, some of them very grand and costly, and very pleasing to look upon, by those who delight in “the lust of the eye.” Now these houses, they say, they have dedicated to God; and they say they are holy and that God dwells there, which teaching is contrary to the Word of God. (See John 4:20-24; Acts 7:48, 49; 17:24; 1st Corinthians 3:16, 17). And the people are taught to revere those houses; but behold, they bring all manner of uncleanness and filthiness into them, among which are the vain pomp and show of the world, put on by them that worship in them, and also by a filthy stuff called tobacco, which men bring in in their mouths, and even some of the priest have their mouths filled with it, which thing causes them to spew out of their mouth a filthy slime about them, most nauseating to behold. In these houses they have machines to praise God with. When the priest says, Let us praise God, then the mouth of the machine is opened, and the people listen, and say, Well done.
Now this man before spoken of, being somewhat connected with one of these daughters of Babylon, and she, having one of these houses, in said village, in which they have a small room, in which they meet to pray, and though the children of this daughter are many, yet the room is large enough to hold all who come to pray, the greater number taking more delight in other things. In this room, therefore, this man said, Let us meet and tell of the wonderful power of the Physician to heal all who come to him. Therefore they met, and highly extolled the medicine that cured them, and also highly extolled and praised the Author of it. Now it chanced that a certain priest and Levite of this Babylon daughter, came to this room and hearing this remedy so highly extolled, they were moved with fear, lest their sleeping potions should be despised by the people, and they thereby lose their traffic; for by the sale of this stupefying wine they have their living. Therefore they arose and began to say, “It is naught, it is naught, these people are deceiving you; why hear ye them?” And they began to reproach and deride, and stirred up the people, so that the room was closed against this man, and those that were with him. So then they that were healed, went their way rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer reproach in the cause of their great and worthy Physician. Thus saith one who applied to the Great Physician, and is made every whit whole.
From Gospel Trumpet,
Volume 6, Number 22.
Perilous Times.
By J. G. Neff.
Those that have the Spirit of the Lord can discern by the signs of the times that we are living in the last days, which are to be the “perilous times” according to 2nd Timothy 3:1. That the spirits and powers infernal are doing their utmost, who can doubt? John the Revelator says Satan shall go out to deceive the nations. Revelation 20:8. This was to be at the expiration of the thousand years and near the end of time, when Satan was to gather Gog and Magog together. That John did not mean political or national powers by Gog and Magog, is a positive fact, the same as concerning the two beasts that he saw, viz., one of the sea, the other out of the earth, which are the two great ecclesiastical powers in the world to-day, and which Satan with all his shrewdness is marshalling together for the great conflict between the saints and the deceived.
One of the great deceptions of to-day is, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof;” or, in other words, denying the power of godliness, or God-likeness. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” - Matthew 5:48. “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” - 1st Peter 1:16. “Leaving us an example, that ye should follow in his steps: who did no sin.” - 1st Peter 2:21, 22. All such truths are denied by nine-tents of sect religionists as being improbabilities and non-essentials.
Another deception of the devil is that, the ordinances of the New Testament are nailed to the cross. Some think they are not done away with, but are non-essential. Christ says: “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” And “thus it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness.” Another trick of the devil that is deceiving multitudes of souls and dragging them down to hell is the revival of the old dragon power that deceived the heathen nations of the past. We see in the modern Spiritualism the same old “familiar spirit” deception. In Christian Science, Mental Science, and all so-called faith healings that are not strictly on the Bible line, we have the old “soothsaying” devil come back with new means to deceive those who have not their names written in the book of life. In Magnetism, Hypnotism, Weltmerism, etc., etc., is the same old witchcraft power, originated by the devil and practiced by man in the past. But while this was condemned by the laws of God and man, Satan took it back to hell for a season, but is now bringing it forth with “aliases” by the score. Then we have our modern “fortune-telling.” This also belongs to the “spirit of divination,” and is calculated to deceive mankind.
Space forbids me to mention all the modes of deception, both of ancient and modern inventions, that Satan has brought forth to deceive. But, beloved, be assured of this, we need not be surprised to see the devil take to the pulpit as a saint, or an angel of light, with his head full of the theory of the Bible, but his heart as empty of the Spirit of God as an iceberg is of warmth. We see some that were once valiant for the truth, but are overcome by the deceptions of Satan. Some are deceived by the devil on the line of sanctification as not being a second work of grace. Let us also notice that when we give place to one deception, others soon follow. This is a fact demonstrated by the anti-ordinance deception which has led some intelligent men to think they are resurrected and in heaven and have no more need of Jesus Christ. So this anti-cleansing deception also is not going single-handed, but is followed by the deception that, “Sins are forgiven in the act of baptism by water; to mourn and weep on account of our sins (as some teach) is only for weak men, and is not essential to obtaining salvation.” I would not be surprised to see most any kind of doctrine come out of this latest accession to Babel confusion.
We also see the free-love spirit of deception following this reformation with its blasting mildew of hell, dragging down precious souls for whom Christ died. Be up and doing! The judgment is near, and will reveal awful things that are practiced and passed over under the garb of Christianity. What an awful place heaven would be if those things that are done by professing Christians that expect to go there were allowed there!
We will notice one more deception - that of compromise. This is the latest, as far as I know, that Satan has tried to palm off on the church of God. But, dear saints, stand aloof from it! It is a canker-worm of hell, and will strip you of spirituality if you permit it to clasp you in its clammy embrace.
While I have mentioned only a few of the many deceptions with which Satan is flooding the world, we need not be overcome by any of them. It is the want of spirituality that opens the door for deception. Our body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, if filled by the Triune God, has no room for anything else. But empty, we seek rest and find none - we grab at those baits of deception as a drowning person at a straw. Beloved, let us dig deep for that experimental religion which brings spirituality. Without the Holy Spirit it is impossible to be spiritual. When we have the spirituality we have the experience of salvation and are not liable to be led off by delusions. Because of the deceptions of these last days, the times are perilous. Our souls are in peril of damnation by being overcome by these deceptive spirits. How needful it is for us to have the Spirit of God, which will guide us into all truth and be our Comforter in this world! He it is that gives us the evidence of our acceptance with God. Jesus said, “If any man will do his [God’s] will, he shall know of the doctrine.” It is blessed to know that the doctrine we believe is of God, and the delusive doctrines of men and devils can not deceive us. But we rejoice amid all of these perilous delusions, for we know our Master is soon to come.
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