Friday, August 12, 2011

The Gospel Trumpet May 16, 1901

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The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21, Issue 20, May 16, 1901
(Articles of interest only)

Faith and Reason.

Two travelers started on a tour
With trust and knowledge laden;
One was a man with mighty brain
And one a gentle maiden.

They joined their hands and vowed to be
Companions for a season.
The gentle maiden's name was Faith,
The mighty man's was Reason.

He sought all knowledge from this world,
And every world anear it:
All matter and all mind were his,
But her's was only spirit.

If any stars were missed from heaven,
His telescope would find them;
But while he only found the stars,
She found the God behind them.

He sought for truth above, below,
All hidden things revealing;
She only sought it woman-wise,
And found it in her feeling.

He said "This earth's a rolling ball,"
And so doth science prove it;
He but discovered that it moved,
She found the springs that move it.

He reads with geologic eye
The record of the ages;
Unfolding strata, he translates
Earth's wonder-written pages.

He digs around a mountain base
And measures it with plummet;
She leaps it with a single bound,
And stands upon the summit.

He brings to light the hidden force
In Nature's labyrinth lurking,
And binds it to his onward car
To do his mighty working.

He sends his message 'cross the earth,
And down where sea gems glisten;
She sendeth her's to God himself,
Who bends his ear to listen.

All things in science, beauty, art,
In common they inherit;
But he has only clasped the form
While she has clasped the spirit.

He tries from earth to forge a key
To open the gate of heaven.
That key is in the maiden's heart,
And back its bolts are driven.

They part! without her all is dark,
His knowledge vain and hollow:
For Faith has entered in with God,
Where Reason may not follow.

By Charles E. Orr.

The soul of man seeks for rest. The human heart longs and yearns, and yearns and longs for something in which it may find full contentment and perfect peace. This sweet fullness of rest is that for which man's inner being thirsts. It is often sought in wealth, fame, worldly wisdom and pleasure, in wantonness, and, again, in self-achieved philanthropy; but all these have failed to bring to the heart that perfect state of bliss and rest for which it longs. The benevolent moralist may derive much pleasure from his virtuous deeds, his self-governed thoughts, and the universality of his humane affections; but his very soul can scarcely yet burst into that exquisite joy and peace for which it secretly longs. Men have sought retreats in the green fields, in shady woods, by seashore and mountain lakes to commune with the voice of nature, thus to quiet the clamor of unholy passions and elevate their minds to moral heights where they hope to find the coveted boon of the soul. Alas, when the heights of self-cultured virtue have been ascended, the sought-for treasure lies yet beyond! Have a care, O mortal, that you worship not the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forevermore. The peace for which, by heavenly instinct, the heart thirsts, is not to be found in the creature, but in the Creator.
It is only when the soul, through the eternal sacrifice of Christ, is brought into connection with God that its deep avenues are thrilled with untold joy and filled with perfect satisfaction. This is beautifully expressed by the Psalmist in these words: "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." Happy indeed, and only happy, is the soul which has appropriated by faith in Christ the life and nature of God into itself. "Happy is the people whose God is the Lord." The righteousness of God is obtained only at the destruction of the selfishness of self. When the self-life is crucified, the barrier to human happiness is removed; and when the God-life is imparted, avenues are opened into the soul to all the deepest, sweetest joys of heaven. In God the trusting soul is fully satisfied. Its joy is complete. Its peace and contentment is perfect and full. The humble, trusting soul which has tasted of redemption's joys and known God as Father never looks at environment. Let circumstances be what they may, that soul knows that whatever God chooses is best, and therefore is contented.
God is the blissful home of the soul. He is a shield from every evil, a shelter from every storm. He is the Sun that beams down on the soul in peaceful light and heat. He is the Rock upon which the soul finds deliverance from unstableness. He is a Tower where the soul finds a safe retreat from all the happiness-destroying arrows of anxiety, doubt, exaltedness, impatience, etc. He is the Refiner that removes harshness, rudeness, unkindness, unmercifulness, and ingratitude and ravishes the soul with mercy, gentleness, and love. He imparts grace and glory - grace to enable the soul to endure the severest trial that can possibly be belched forth from the bowels of hell, and glory to create a rejoicing in the darkest hour of tribulation. You may sing to me of your happy home in heaven above, but I will sing to you of my happy home in heaven here below. Let me emphasize with all the force of language that, down deep in God is a balm for every wound - there is all that is needed to satisfy the deepest yearnings of the heart. To be crucified to self, to live unto God, to walk with him, and by faith and prayer to be impregnated with his life and love, is fullness of joy.

The Power of God.
By Emil Kreutz.

After Jesus arose from the dead he appeared unto his disciples as he had promised, and said unto them: "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." - Matthew 28:18. He then told his disciples to go, backed by the authority of all his power, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things whatsoever he had taught them. He gave them the promise that if they went he would be with them always, even unto the end of the world, to co-operate with them with all his power. We learn by the evangelist Mark that he made his word good; for after he had given them their final commission and instructions concerning his kingdom and was received up into heaven and sat there on the right hand of God, angels and authorities were subject unto him. The apostles went forth at his command, preaching his gospel everywhere, and the Lord worked with them, "confirming the Word with signs following." - Mark 16:19.
Most all religious people are willing to admit that the Lord gave the apostles power to heal the sick and that the power of the Holy Ghost worked with them, and so on; but the majority deny the promises of God as being handed down to us with the same privileges. We read in Paul's letter to Timothy that perilous times would come in the last days; people would have a mere profession of godliness, or "a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof," and he says: "From such turn away." - 2nd Timothy 3:1-5. The Lord promised the disciples that they should receive power after that the Holy Ghost was come upon them, when they should be witnesses for him, etc. Acts 1:8. This promise, we see, was made to all who would repent, believe, and obey him. Acts 2:38, 39; Galatians 3:14. We also see that God fulfilled the same to the Gentiles who met these conditions. See Acts 10:44-46; 11:15-17; 15:8, 9; 19:1-6. The promise still holds good, and will, as long as time shall last; for Jesus said he would be with us unto the end of the world. This is in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many profess to have received the Holy Ghost, but their ideas are very limited of his power and workings. Many claim his as theirs, and yet they fight and oppose his fruits and manifestations, gifts, etc. From the way some speak and testify of him we might think that the Holy Ghost was nothing more than a sunbeam or a puff of wind, or something like that; but what do the Scriptures teach? Is it not that he is the very God himself? Does not God in the power of the Holy Ghost fill all space? See Psalms 139:2-16. Yea, he knows all things, and is everywhere present. By his Spirit he made all things. There are many gifts and manifestations of the Holy Ghost, which we are told to seek after. God has placed them in the church to be enjoyed and possessed by his children until Jesus will come to receive her unto himself. It is true that during the apostasy the gifts of the Spirit became extinct, and human power and wisdom (or, rather, ignorance) were substituted in the place of the working of the Spirit's power. But, thanks be to God! he is moving on his people by his Spirit and causing them to again see and seek after these gifts. The Lord says: "I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence [the offence of departing from the Lord and his way in the apostasy], and seek my face." - Hosea 5:15. This is what the Lord now is calling, viz., to seek his face. Ezekiel 20:35. "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God." Seeking God's face is synonymous with a "pure heart," or sanctification. "In their affliction they will seek me early." - Hosea 5:15. Then comes the exhortation and promise (chapter 6:1-3) of the restoration of the blessings and favors that the saints enjoyed in the beginning of the gospel dispensation. Micah tells us: "Truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might," etc. Micah 3:8. This is prophetic of the true ministry in this present time.
There are people in the world who do not believe in the Spirit. The Sadducees in the Lord's time believed neither in angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees confessed both. There is a class of people to-day who might be called modern Sadducees. They do not believe in any manifestation of the Spirit; consequently they deny the existence of the Holy Ghost and his working. I have talked with some who quoted the words of Jesus in John 6:63: "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life," and argued that the written Word, or the Bible, was the Spirit, and taught that any manifestation of spirit, or heart-felt religion, was a delusion. But to say that the literal, written Word itself is the Spirit of God is an error, or delusion. There is a vast difference between the words of Jesus, spoken by himself, and what some ungodly, un-regenerated man quotes as his sayings. We frankly admit that the words of Jesus as he spoke them himself were Spirit and life to those that received the same; "for his word was with power" (Luke 4:32), and as he spoke and taught, the power of God (in the Holy Ghost) was present to heal the people of their diseases and sicknesses. Luke 5:17. The people "were amazed at the mighty power of God" that accompanied his teaching. Luke 9:43. We read concerning the teaching of the apostle Paul, that his "preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." - 1st Corinthians 2:4; Romans 16:10-14. He also told them that the kingdom of God was not in word [only], but in power." - Chapter 4:20. He told the Thessalonian church that the gospel came not to them "in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance." - 1st Thessalonians 1:5. Peter also tells us that the Holy Ghost was sent down from heaven as the early ministry preached the gospel unto the people. - 1st Peter 1:12. So, you see, the gospel, or the Word, was not the Holy Ghost, but the Holy Ghost accompanied the Word.
To illustrate, let me call your attention to electricity and the electric car. It beautifully illustrates the power of God. Let the car represent the individual; the track and wire, the Word of God; the little arm and trolley, faith; the motor within the cars, our wills; and the current of electricity, the Holy Ghost. There may be many cars on the same track, but the same current of electricity runs all, even as the same Spirit operates through those who are saved. 1st Corinthians 12:4-7. Every rail is connected with a little wire. This harmonizes with the thought of receiving all the Word of God, and that every precept is connected thus with headquarters, and we must stand upon or live by it all and have everything in perfect order that we may have the Holy Spirit to give life and power unto us and set us going for God. We can not see the current of electricity, but we can see the operations of it; neither can we see the Holy Spirit, but it gives life unto us and quickens our members into Christian activity. Jesus, in his conversation with Nicodemus, called attention to this by referring to the wind. We do not see the wind, but we feel it and see the effects of it. The little magnet, also, illustrates the workings of the Holy Spirit. There is an unseen power in it to draw; yet we do not see it.
Oh, that all God's people might pray, as the prophet did, that God would come down and make his power known, as he has in other ages. Isaiah 64:1-3. Stephen was a man full of faith and power. Acts 6:8. God has given us a Spirit of power, Paul says. 2nd Timothy 1:7. He also prayed for the Ephesian church that they might know the "exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe." - Ephesians 1:15-20. This is for all true children of God.

The Valley of Decision.
By William W. Fitzwater.

"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision." - Joel 3:14. While the Word is being preached in its purity against sin and Satan, there are many people - yea, multitudes - who realize their awful condition, and see their eternal destiny, and are brought down to the valley of decision where they are almost ready to decide for God. But they are like those whom our Lord spoke of in the parable of the sower: "That hear the Word, and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, . . . choke the Word, and it becometh unfruitful." We have an example of this in Acts 26th chapter. The apostle Paul was preaching the gospel of a risen Christ to Agrippa. The king exclaimed: "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." This king was brought to the valley of decision, and was almost ready to decide for Christ; but the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choked the Word, and he no doubt lost his immortal soul. Dear reader, has there not been times in your life when you were convinced of the truth and heard the wooing of the Spirit inviting your perishing soul to take of the water of life freely, and you have been almost ready to make your decision, when the enemy of your soul would discourage you by telling you to wait for some more convenient time, and that you were too young to decide for God, and that if you made that decision your friends would leave you and the pleasures of this life would be over with you? You have heeded his voice at the peril of your own precious soul. O sinner, beware! Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, ere it is too late. 
A few days ago the writer approached the bedside of a young man whose eyes looked as though he saw his eternal destiny. He looked into my face with horror and exclaimed: "Isn't death a terrible thing?!" Later on he said that he was lost - lost eternally - then passed from this world. No doubt this poor man had already been in the valley of decision and almost ready to decide for God; but he put it off from time to time, thinking that some day when he had accumulated more of this world's goods he would turn and serve God; but, alas! death decided for him, and he, without a doubt, lost his immortal soul. While, on the other hand, if he had heeded the wooing of the Spirit and served God while here upon earth, death would not have been such a terror, and he could have said like David of old: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
The man who lives in all godliness while here upon earth is comforted even in the hour of death; for God is with him, and after death he is transported to eternal bliss. But he who lives in sin is condemned to eternal misery and woe; for God has eternally declared that if we die in our sins, where Jesus is we can not go. John 8:21. "The wicked shall be turned into hell with all the nations that forget God," "where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
O sinner, take warning, and flee from the wrath to come! God is not willing that you should perish, but that you should come to repentance. Then why not repent, believe, and obey the gospel, that you may escape the wrath of a just God? "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." The invitation is: "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come, ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." - Isaiah 55:1. "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely." - Revelation 22:17. "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.? - Isaiah 55:7. Sinner, here is abundant pardon offered you; will you accept it and let your captive soul be set free, or will you reject it and still persist in sin and shut yourself from mercy's door? Perhaps you think that some day when you get ready you will make your decision, turn over a new leaf, and receive your pardon; but remember that it is not by turning over a new leaf, so to speak, that we receive the abundant pardon; but it is through repentance and faith. It is the Spirit of God that convicts you of your sins, and the goodness of God that leadeth you to repentance. God has said: "My Spirit shall not always strive with man;" therefore, take warning; do not trifle with God's mercy, or some day his Spirit will take its flight and leave your poor soul exposed to eternal ruin. "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near," or some day you will wish you had. Yea, as the poet has said:

"Some day when God's sweet Spirit,
So loving and so true,
Has taken flight forever,
And calls no more for you,
You'll see your sin and folly,
And moan in your despair;
But heaven ne'er will open,
Nor answer give your prayer.

Some day when God's fierce anger
Falls on this world of sin,
You'll knock as did the virgins,
But can not enter in,
Ah then with bitter weeping,
From those fair gates of light
You'll go with other doomed ones
Down to an awful night."

By G. W. Carey.

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." - Matthew 16:24. Self-denial is abstinence from that which can be used for our own personal pleasure or benefit. Regarding spiritual things and the life of a child of God, it has two or three features which should be studied with care by all who desire to live a life hid with Christ in God.
Many dear souls who have consecrated their all have made shipwreck by not making self-denials and keeping those that had been made. God requires us to be obedient children, and if we walk in the light that he gives us we then can retain the Spirit of God; but to refuse to walk in the light that he gives is to become rebellious, and darkness is sure to follow. Thus, light must be followed in self-denial as well as any other step in the Christian life.
Self-denial includes a rejection of those things that are superfluous and injurious. There are many foolish things that seem to be innocent to the unsaved and are even practiced by many who claim to be in a justified state which, when measured by the Word of God, a conscientious soul finds it to be best to lay aside. As we advance in grace the Holy Spirit, the detector, will bring those things to light and show us what things are not pleasing to the Lord. Superfluity in dress and living and exaggerating expressions will, by the Holy Spirit, be shown to be foreign elements that should not be found in, and are not consistent with, a holy life, and that they should be put away - should not at all be questioned. The desires of our nature should all be governed by a holy will, and should be brought into subjection to the glory of God. The desire for appearance in dress should be held in moderation; many things are used for mere display and give neither warmth nor comfort. The desire, or appetite, for food or drink should also be governed by a holy taste. Likewise, the tongue should be governed with equal care.
In any and all these things may come many things, whether dress, eating, or speaking, that would have a tendency to drown a soul in perdition. Then, dear soul, beware of the luxuries of life that may crowd upon you. By carefully following the leading of the Holy Spirit and the teaching of God's Word all the superfluities will be brought to light.
Self-denial also includes the use of property to the glory of God. The accumulation of property, unless used for the promotion of the cause of our blessed Master, will invariable prove disastrous to a soul. Prosperity generally leads to a strong desire for the opening of new avenues for the increase of money, and, where the guidance of the Holy Spirit is not sought, there is much danger of setting the affections on those things that are earthly, and of using the acquired property for selfish pleasure. Jesus warned the disciples against the deceitfulness of riches. Peter gave the same signal of alarm when he said that they who would be rich fall into temptation and a snare, which drown men in perdition. Therefore, we should be prompted by a pure motive in seeking to accumulate wealth; the aim should be to glorify God. In order to do this a self-denial will often need to be made of our own personal comfort that a proper distribution of the means that God has placed in our hands may be made. The Lord may lead to a distribution in various ways. Examples are given in the Word of the primitive Christians, and how they sold their possessions and gave to the disciples that proper use might be made of the money. Acts 2:45; 4:34-37. Also serve the sacrifice that Paul made. Acts 20:24; 1st Corinthians 9:19-27.
Moses gave an example of self-denial in refusing to enjoy the pleasure that was offered in Egypt by forsaking those things that he might be a servant of the living God. Hebrews 11:24, 25. Elijah's life was one of self-denial; not of seeking his own pleasure, but the will of God.
In every age, as well as now, the most devoted Christians have been, and are, a self-denying and sacrificing people - those who deny themselves the pleasures of this world in order to promote the cause of their Savior - who use their means to glorify God in feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, giving help to those in destitute circumstances, and aiding those who preach the gospel.
Jesus set forth the holy example of self-denial in his life. His living was, as far as can be learned, upon the simplest food; his clothing was also very plain. He denied himself the pleasures of this world, often abstaining from food and sleep, and, dwelling in communion with the Father, thus received strength for the arduous duties involved upon him. If we expect to have power with God we must deny ourselves in many ways. As Jesus has said: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself." The apostle Paul likewise teaches that, "Denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world." - Titus 2:12. Self-denial will cost some effort and, perhaps, a severe struggle; but the end will be glorious, and the victories won will fully repay all the efforts and struggles it will cost. Beloved, let yourselves sink into the sweet will of God; humble yourselves at the feet of Jesus, and be willing to go at his bidding. Follow Jesus in simplicity and leave the results with God.

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God.
By Mary Heldenbrand.

"But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God." - Jude 20, 21. There is something for us to do to keep ourselves in the love of God. This dark world is crying, "Faith will save you - only believe." The Word of God says "faith without works is dead." Then let the Word say what we must do: "My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my saying. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. . . Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. . . Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil." - Proverbs 4:20-27. "For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my laws." - Verse 2. Yes, there is much for us to do. A sectarian said to me: "We hear too much about do, do, among the saints, and not enough about faith." Well, when we do the commandments of God out of a pure heart faith will be the natural flow or fruit of the heart; and who can be saved by a profession and not a possession of the love of God?
Not enough has been said about being careful to maintain good works; for we can not let ourselves become careless on any means of grace and retain perfect victory. Hear the message unto the church at Ephesus. Although they had proved faithful on so many lines, the Lord says, "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." There is so much in that message for the saints to-day! Consider your first love with the love that now dwells in your heart and remember these words: "The pathway of the just . . . shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
Can we forget with what fervent love we first looked upon the shining faces of the saints and could say, My brother and sister, the grace of God making our hearts meet to be partakers with them in the glory of full salvation? Is the glory gone and yet the soul satisfied? Take heed, dear ones, that thy light become not darkness. My soul has been stirred to seek for more praise and glory to be the natural flow of my heart, being aware that the devil was trying to rob me and I in turn would rob God of the glory due his holy name. Our heavenly Father answered that prayer by permitting deep suffering to come upon me, and while I earnestly sought healing according to God's Word I was forcibly impressed with the thought that we do not seek food for the soul as earnestly as we plead to God to be healed bodily, or if we did, what showers of blessings would pour into our souls, and no doubt we would be spared much pain. God loves us and wills the richest blessings for us to enjoy; so these answers withheld for a time work out a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory to those who are exercised thereby - then we keep ourselves in the love of God. When I cried in earnestness of soul to receive the benefit he designed me to have I was healed, and my heart was filled with praise and glory. Praise the Lord! I remembered how I was glad to talk of salvation and divine healing, but did not cry out to warn precious souls against sectism lest they should turn from hearing of the goodness of God. It is only a trick of the devil to quiet down the saints on that line. Satan comes up as an angel of light and puts it as wisdom not to arouse the people against this way (the way of holiness), but the wisdom of God cries aloud and does not spare, to warn all people with a loud voice against sectism, or spiritual confusion. See Revelation 18th chapter.
I for one rejoice at the judgments of God; for they are righteous, and if we forsake his judgments they will turn upon us. May the Lord awaken the saints everywhere to a sense of their duty in keeping themselves in the love of God. A crown awaits every one that will prove faithful to the end. "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." - Revelation 2:10.

Selected By Joanna Ousnamer.

This is a subject which is deep and sacred; yet how lightly it is treated. Marriage is of God, and of heavenly origin; therefore it should be well considered before taking the holy vow. Thus saith the Lord: "From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh: . . . what therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." - Mark 10:6-9. So it is God that joins man and wife together. Listen to the apostle Paul's advice on this subject: "Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife." - 1st Corinthians 7:21.
In the 35th verse he adds: "And this I speak for your own profit." Since it is God that joins together, just leave the matter in his hands. Are you a child of God? then he has taken you under his watch-care and has promised to supply your every need. Philippians 4:19. Do you love him? he has said that all things shall work together for good to them that love God. Dear unmarried ones, if God sees it would be for your good to have a companion, he will bring it about; but if he sees it would be best for you to remain single, are you not willing thus to remain? Can you say: "Thy will be done?" If you would escape the tempter's snare, just turn the whole matter over to God and let him do the seeking as well as the joining. God knows best whom you could live happily with and keep saved. The devil would like to help you seek a companion; and when he gets you to ignore Paul's advice, "Seek not a wife," he has a thousand snares set for your soul. He will then muster a host of adulterous, free-love spirits and put them on your track.
How my heart has been made to bleed as I have looked upon dear young people who have started and run well for a season, but were captured by some ungodly, free-love spirit and led captive at his will. The devil would like to have the contract of mis-matching and bringing disgrace and shame upon the whole human family. Just look out upon this world and behold the sad homes, the broken hearts, the misery, and even crime caused by a mistake in marriage! I am sorry to have to say it, but evil concupiscence, urged on by the devil, is often the main object in marriage. May God have mercy on such individuals. Yet some of these will say that God showed them they must get married. Observe a newly-married couple. They set out for life, expecting all to be sunshine, since the highest object in life has been achieved; but, alas! the cares of life and the storms of time take hold upon them: they soon find out a mistake has been made somewhere. The truth is, God was not consulted in the matter.
As I see the many blighted homes, hear the wrangling and jangling, and see the separations, I can not help but say: "Oh! my Lord, what is the cause of all this? is not marriage honorable? is it not of God?" The answer comes: "Ye have set at naught all my counsels, and would none of my reproofs; . . . therefore shall they eat of the fruits of their own way." Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, for Jesus' sake let God do the joining! Be not meddlers in this affair!

Our Physician.
By D. Otis Teasley.

Chapter 1.

In this world, where sickness lurks on every hand, and in this age, when the human body is so far from its primitive vigor and strength, how necessary it is that every one have a physician; but while year after year brings to light numerous complicated diseases, quack doctors and medicine fakes increase in like measure. So, on goes the world of poverty-stricken mortals, with their systems drugged and their pocket-books drained, hastening to the grave in misery and pain, not knowing that God has promised by his divine power to heal all our diseases. What is to be wondered at more than all else is that, when the majority are told of this glorious privilege of being healed by faith in God, they turn in disdain away, saying that God will not heal our bodies to-day. But, despite the opposition of unbelieving men, God in these last days continues to heal all who will come to him in faith.
What! says one, do you mean to teach that God will heal the ailments of our physical bodies without the aid of medicine?
Yes, most assuredly this is the doctrine of the Bible, for the Lord has said:
"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." - John 15:7.
But, says the objector, was he not addressing his apostles when he uttered this promise?
True, he was; he was also addressing Nicodemus when he said: "Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God." - John 3:3. And where is the man - who believes the Bible - who will deny that these words are just as forcible to-day as when they fell from the lips of the great Teacher sent from God? So, the promise, "Ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done," comes just as forcibly to-day to those who will believe as it did centuries ago to the followers of Jesus of Nazareth.
But, says the nominal professor of Christianity, "The day of miracles has passed."
Then, the day of salvation is forever past, and the last ray of hope for Adam's fallen race has become extinct; for every time a soul is regenerated a miracle is performed. A miracle is anything that is performed outside of the known laws of nature, and Paul says we are grafted into Christ contrary to nature; hence, a miracle. No, the day of miracles is not past, nor do we have any reason to believe that it ever will pass away so long as time shall last; but it is obvious to all that the day of unbelief has long since arrived.
Tradition says: "Christ will not heal the afflictions of the body;" and, in direct contradiction to God and the Bible, the majority of professed Christians bow at her shrine and say "Amen." But the Lord says: "My words shall never pass away." "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." - Mark 11:24.


The opposers of divine healing generally argue that God created medicine and pronounced all his creation "very good," and that for this reason he considers medicine good and wants us to do all we can for ourselves by its use, and then when the last, dim ray of hope has fled and human aid has utterly failed, ask God to help. Oh, how cowardly is man to cling to self and human aid until all has failed and then take God as second choice!
Were it not for the Bible the fabricated "medicine god" would seem "very good;" but by reading Genesis 1:30 we learn that a portion of God's creation was for the creeping things of earth. Everything that was created was not good for man, but everything was "very good" for the purpose for which it was created. Also we notice in Genesis 3:17, 18 that since the creation the earth has been cursed that it should bring forth thorns and thistles. God created the whale to swim the deep, and the horse to live on dry land, and in this way God saw that it was good; but it would not be good to confine the whale to dry land, and cast the horse into mid ocean. Again, the worm subsists and flourishes on the tobacco plant; but when man robs the worm of its God-given food, it is not good. So we see that all things are "very good" only when used as God intended they should be, and all must confess that God nowhere in the Bible commands or even recommends the use of poisonous medicine. But God has given instruction in his Word just what to do in case of sickness; and as the advocates of the medicine theory insist that we must do our part - which is true - we will proceed to show from the Bible standpoint what constitutes man's part. If it includes the use of medicine, then, to obey God, we must take medicine; if it does not, then the medicine theory falls without support.
"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." - James 5:14, 15. When these conditions are met the effects are: (1) The patient is saved from sickness; (2) "The Lord shall raise him up." How much more could we ask? - saved and raised up, and that without a drop of medicine! Every professor of Christianity who resorts to medical aid in time of sickness only displays his total ignorance of the power of God and his lack of faith in Jesus Christ.
We will now notice a Bible example of two men who were afflicted. One had faith in God and trusted him; the other sought human aid, thus contrasting the powers of God and man. "In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, saying, I beseech thee, O Lord, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore. And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the Lord came to him, saying, Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord." - 2nd Kings 20:1-5.
"And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign." - 2nd Chronicles 16:12, 13.
Then, I ask, in whom shall we trust? Shall we, like Asa of old, trust in the puny arm of man? or shall we trust him who has all power in heaven and earth? We have his promise. He is faithful, and has power to perform what he has promised. Will we trust him? Yes, by heaven's grace we will! If the Word of God is true, which it most certainly is, without the assistance of drugs the prayer of faith will save the sick; but if human aid will add to the truthfulness or power of God's Word, then is it necessary to take medicine? If it will not, then it is unnecessary; and, more than that, it is harmful.


1. "The science of medicine is founded upon conjecture and improved by murder." - Sir A. Cooper, Physician to Queen Victoria.
2. "I declare as my conscientious conviction, founded upon long observation and experiment, that if there were not a physician, surgeon, chemist, druggist, or drug, there would be less sickness." - Sir J. Johnson, former editor of Medical Chirurgical Review.
3. "If the whole materia medica [drugs, etc.] could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be better for mankind, but worse off for the fishes." - Dr. O. W. Holmes.
4. "Our medicines have destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine combined." - Dr. J. M. Good.
5. "There has been a great increase of medical men, and diseases have increased accordingly." - Dr. Abernethy.
6. “Physicians have hurried thousands to their graves who would have recovered if left to nature." - Professor Clark, New York.
7. "In most cases patients would be safer without a physician than with one." - Dr. Ramage, F. C. R.
8. "Thousands are annually slaughtered in the quick sick-room." - Professor Frank, London.
[Extract from former issue of Gospel Trumpet]
It will be clearly seen from the preceding statements that physicians themselves do not claim as much for their medicines as do many of their blind patients. Some few "quack" doctors may clamor for their medicine theory, because of their income and numerous other advantages afforded them by their sorcery; but mast noted and learned medical men will acknowledge the bad effects of poisonous medicine. It is an undeniable fact that medicine will relieve pain and alleviate suffering in many cases; but, says Dr. Hall, "Medicine, even the mildest, is a poison and cures by setting up a disease greater than the original which it seeks to cure." From well-informed medical men we need not expect much opposition to divine healing; but from the popular and aristocratic doctors of divinity is where the most opposition may be expected, as many times to advocate the truth on this line would mean to sacrifice their coveted salary, or the giving up of their idolized sect. To many the sacrifice of Bible truth is preferable; but, thanks be to God! there are a few who dare to stand in defense of and practice the whole truth regardless of money or creed.


Poteet, Kentucky, May 7, 1901.
Gospel Trumpet Publishing Company,
Moundsville, West Virginia.

Gentlemen: I am just in receipt of a copy of your paper, and find it filled with the most abominable testimonies I ever read. When a man says that God will heal the sick or raise the dead he makes Christ's mission to the earth of none effect. That is not all. If he was to heal the sick, he would make a complete job of it; he would not make a botch job as you so-called divine healers do. And that is not all. There would be no use of any one dying; we could live always here on earth. I want you to understand that there is nothing impossible with God, and he can do anything, and at any time and anywhere, and he is the only power, and there is nothing done without him. And you can not find any evidence between the lids of the Testament that God will or has answered prayer to heal the sick since the apostolic day. That completed Christ's work, and it is now on record for our souls salvation. Of course God answered prayer all through the apostolic time in order to make the people know that he was the power. And now shall we say that God is still working with his people face to face to convince them that he is the living God? May God forgive such, is my prayer. Now, God's words are his Spirit, and we have it in a volume, and them that study it earnestly and for their own good and to understand the true mysteries of God have the Spirit of God; but those who study it for profit and gain and speculation, you soon see them teaching false doctrines condemning God's own words, and making Christ's mission to this earth of none effect. Now, I am no smart man, and not worthy of giving advice; that is, I feel that way, but I feel it my duty to give advice. This is my plan. Do not take my words for anything, but search the Scriptures and investigate it and the truth you will find in the substance thereof.
Yours respectfully,
T. A. Poteet and Sons, Publishers.


As there are many people in the land to-day filled with ignorance and unbelief because they do not know what the Bible teaches nor the power of the Christ of the Bible, we deem it expedient to write a few lines in answer to the above letter.
There was a time when the apostle Paul did not believe in the Christ of the Bible, and believed that he was doing the will of God by persecuting the saints and putting them in prison because they testified to the healing power of God and what he was doing for them day by day. He doubtless meant it all right, but his wicked heart of unbelief led him to do many evil things. One day he was astonished when the Lord called to him on the way and gave him to understand that he was persecuting Jesus when he was thus persecuting his followers. The author of the above letter is publisher of a paper called "The Christian Advocate and Advertiser." From his expressions we doubt not but his idea of Christianity is of a very low standard. People who deny the power of God to heal now are very apt to advocate the doctrine of sin-you-must, or in other words, they believe that every Christian sins more or less every day, thus denying the mission of Christ, who came to save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21. And Paul says you must not continue in sin. He says: "Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid." - Romans 6:1, 2. Paul further teaches that the man who commits sin is not a righteous man (see Romans 6:20), and the righteous man is free from sin. See Romans 6:18. To be a Christian is to be like Christ. "He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." - 1st John 2:4, 6.
But what about the healing power? We read in Hebrews 13:8 - "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever." After his crucifixion, and before he ascended into heaven, he met his disciples and told them to go and teach all nations, "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Here we find that the command was that they were to teach all nations the things he had commanded them; and this was to last until the end of the world. Now let us examine the Word and see whether or not healing was a thing to be thus continued. In Matthew 10:1 we read that he gave the disciples power to heal all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease; and in the seventh and eighth verses he commanded them to go forth and preach, to heal the sick, etc. In the tenth chapter of Luke we find he sent the seventy out in like manner. After his death and resurrection, and after the day of Pentecost, we find salvation work going on, people being filled with the power of God. And in the third chapter of Acts we learn of the lame man being healed at the gate called Beautiful. In the fifth chapter is one of the greatest divine healing services on record, and yet it did not stop. Two or three years after this Saul of Tarsus, the great persecutor of the saints, who was afterwards called Paul the apostle, went forth preaching the same doctrine, teaching and practicing what Christ had commanded his disciples before him. In the fourteenth chapter of Acts we find where he healed a cripple; in 19:12 where wonderful miracles were wrought; and in the twenty-eighth chapter where the father of Publius was healed. In Mark 16:16-18 we find that when Jesus gave his last commission to his disciples he told them that "these signs shall follow them that believe; . . . They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." The instructions given to the children of God are: "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." - James 5:14, 15.
There is no place in the New Testament where these privileges are denied the true followers of Jesus Christ. This is not only the Christian's privilege, but his duty. We desire to kindly inform the Christian Advocate editor that he can find no place in the New Testament where it states that the day of healing is to pass away as long as there are true Christians on the face of the earth. There is no place to show that it has stopped with believers. The only persons who are denied these privileges are unbelievers and hypocrites. We trust the author of the foregoing letter will search his Bible and advocate the Christ of the Bible who has lost none of his power, and in whose steps all Christians must walk.

A Warning.
By W. H. Oldham.

There has come under my own observation a great evil against which I deem it my duty to warn all saints, viz., attending sect meetings and co-operating with Babylon. When God gave the command in Revelation 18:4, i. e., "Come out of her, my people," he had an object in view worthy of our consideration. Babylon had become so corrupt that her sins reached unto heaven. She had become the mother of harlots, the habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird, and for this God proclaimed her desolation. Now that the innocent might not suffer with the ungodly, he calls: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues," signifying that if we did not obey the call we must share her miseries. Now it seems hard for some to comprehend the fact that, it is dangerous to stay in her presence or under her influence.
We find some precious souls that get salvation from sin and Babel confusion; their spiritual sky is unclouded; they understand where God has placed them in the body (church), and their experience is bright and clear; when they pray the petition is granted; they have the anointing for whatever God wants them to do. A change takes place; they no longer stand aloof from her; they cry, "More love," and that "we must attend their meetings if we expect them to attend ours;" then they get on a compromise and no longer execute the judgments written, but, instead, begin to prophesy deceit and speak smooth things to the people. Their experience, once clear, becomes darkened; formal worship take the place of spiritual, and alas! their preaching, testimonies, prayers, and songs have become as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal - the heart that was once closed to all unrighteousness now opens to give reception to foul spirits, and when aroused it is only to find that it is again under Satan's dismal sway. Take warning, dear souls, her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.

Spirit of Error Renounced.

Dear ones in Christ Jesus: I believe it will be to the glory of God for me to give a little of my experience with the devil of late, as it will not only clear myself before God but will be a warning to others who may be trifling with the same spirit of error.
During the latter part of last August we were engaged in an assembly-meeting in Montesano, Washington, and God was with us in power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. I was doing the preaching, there being no other minister present, and while feeling led to reprove certain ones for doing some work which was not in the order of the Lord the devil took advantage of me and caused me to say many things which were not in keeping with good Bible doctrine. I intended to say we should not try to pray people into the church over their sins before they had repented, and instead of making the matter plain on that line I said we could not even pray for God to convict sinners, and the devil brought many scriptures before my mind to prove that I was right. I wrote quite a long article to the Trumpet for publication, but God was guiding that part of the work and they did not see fit to publish it, but wrote me a brotherly warning, at the same time admonishing me to forsake this spirit of error. But I did not do it, and was led on farther and farther until I was constrained to even think it unbiblical to hold up holy hands in song or prayer. Quite a number who had confidence in me were led astray on the same line. I soon lost my confidence toward God. My power to pray and sing was gone. I had no energy to preach, and no power. I became impatient, and lost my gentleness and kindness. God ceased to furnish the necessities of life and my needs in the gospel work, and I soon began to realize myself forsaken. After several days of deep meditation I concluded that the best thing I could do would be to get saved. So I sent for Brother Bailey of Portland and after making a complete and clean confession of all my misdoings I got down humbly before God and was saved and afterwards sanctified.
But, oh, how sad to think of the time wasted and the harm done; for this was not only the cause of me losing my salvation, but several others also lost their experience by this deception. I renounce the thing in the name of Jesus and ask the forgiveness of all who have been harmed by it. I warn every soul who has been a partaker of it to stop at once; for its influence has no other effect than to blast your hopes, rob you of your peace in Christ, and cheat you out of your salvation. I thank God for such brethren to tell me in a spirit of love of the dangers of such spirits. May God bless their precious souls and cause them to be fearless at all times in telling precious souls the truth. Pray for me.
Russell L. Austin.
Montesano, Washington.

The Lord Is Our Portion.
By R. Rothman.

The Word of God teaches that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our strength, and with all our mind. Luke 10:27. Since God is perfectly just and reasonable, we would conclude that this commandment can be fulfilled; but there are not very many people who fulfill it. Most people worship the creature more than the Creator. See Romans 1:25. Men are covetous of the things of this life, and God terms this covetousness idolatry. See Ephesians 5:5. The children of God never get a fully satisfied experience until they really love God with all their ransomed powers. There is no other resting place than the bosom of God. Since God wants us to love him so sincerely, we would naturally expect his willingness to reciprocate, as it were - to show his personal favor to us in return. We find in the Word of God that this is true - God wants to love us more than earthly father can. When we receive the Holy Spirit by faith and exercise faith in his indwelling, he becomes the joy and comfort of our lives. A few scriptures on this line will, I trust, prove beneficial to the readers.
David uttered words of inspiration that give the experience of those who walk in the Spirit in the gospel dispensation. "The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places: yea, I have a goodly heritage. I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night season. I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore." - Psalms 16:5-11. The latter verses had special reference to Christ; but those who are in Christ Jesus are joint-heirs with him, and all these blessings are ours.
Christ himself in the Holy Spirit wants to dwell in our heart and be our satisfying portion. Paul wrote to the Ephesians: "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God." - Ephesians 3:14-19.
Those who are truly out in this evening light are those who are enjoying the Lord as their portion. God's saints are rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, and they are fully satisfied. This precious experience was prophesied of thousands of years ago. Isaiah declares: "For your shame [sin] ye shall have double; and for confusion [sectism] they shall rejoice in their portion [the Holy Spirit]: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them." - Isaiah 61:7.
We should not miss silent meditation upon the indwelling Holy Spirit and sweet communion with him. He wants to manifest himself to us in such a way as to hold our deepest affection. Jeremiah says: "The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord." - Lamentations 3:25, 26. "The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him." - Verse 24. "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." - Psalms 37:4.
God promises precious blessings to those who love him with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind. "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation." - Psalms 91:14-16. Reader, is the Lord this to you? If not, seek his face; let not a creature stand between thee and thy Creator, for he is worthy of all thy love. The Lord desires our affection, not because he needs it, but because we are not safe when it is not on him. "The Lord is my portion, saith my soul." Amen.

Why Praise the Lord?
By P. Casteel.

The apostle in speaking of Jesus said: "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." - Hebrews 13:15. "Rejoice evermore." - 1st Thessalonians 5:16. David of old said: "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord." - Psalms 150:6. "Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints." - Psalms 149:1.
The saints in this dispensation have much more for which to praise the Lord than in David's time. "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" - Romans 8:32. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16. Think of it! God, who spoke the world and the universe into existence, has given his only Son to bleed and die upon the shameful cross that whosoever will may wash their robes in the blood of Christ and drink of "the water of life" (Revelation 22:17; John 4:10-14), and live and reign forever. Revelation 22:1. This reign is not put off until death, as some people believe, but begins in this life. Truly the saints of God rule themselves! They are "kings and priest," "a royal priesthood." Revelation 5:9, 10;1st Peter 2:5, 9. They rule over themselves - over their passions, appetites, and desires. "He that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city." - Proverbs 16:32. Thus, becoming "kings and priests" to reign on the earth, they are free from all sin. "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." - Romans 8:2; 6:7. It was Christ's mission in the world to "save his people from their sins." - Matthew 1:21. He is able to keep them. "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." - John 10:28. "And no one shall snatch them out of my hand." - Revised Version.
We surely should praise God for such a Savior, who arose from the tomb conqueror over death, hell, and the grave, and has turned the bolt against the devil (so long as we "walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." - Romans 8:1), our lives being "hid with Christ in God." - Colossians 3:3, 4. He is a Savior who holds our lives, both spiritual and physical; for he said: "Fear not; I am the first and the last: . . . I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." - Revelation 1:17, 18. "I am the first and the last, and the Living one; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades." - Revised Version. This makes it plain. The people of God have a Savior, and a great one. Praise his holy name!
Dear saints, it is not enough that we praise God with our lips; but we should consecrate our lives and all we have to him. There should be a silent whisper continually going out from the heart of every Christian proclaiming the glory of God. Amen.

News from the Field.

We are saved and have victory in our souls over all the power of the enemy. We held meeting three weeks in the schoolhouse in Oklahoma, then came to Apollo and held meeting three weeks in a hall with good success. Both meetings were successful. Some who had gone away from the Lord returned and were made to shout the praises of God because of sweet deliverance from the bondage of sin. 
W. G. and E. J. Billig.

Chillicothe, Illinois.

Meeting closed here April 29, having lasted eight days. Good interest was shown and we were also provided with a large hall in a good location. Brother A. J. Ellison was present to expound the Word, which God blessed. Deep conviction was seen, which we trust may result in the saving of precious souls. The meetings were well attended and the little church was edified. We solicit your prayers.
Harry and Sadie Tyler.

West Lodi, Ohio,
May 4.

We are glad to report that we are saved, sanctified, and have victory in our souls over the world, the flesh, and the devil, for which we give God all the glory. We came to this place yesterday and began meeting in the name of Jesus, and will continue the work as long as the Lord leads. The saints here seem to be very much in earnest and desire to push the work of the Lord. The congregations are somewhat small, but are interested as the Word is put forth in the Spirit and with power. All are enjoying the meeting very much, and our earnest prayer is that souls may be saved before the close of the meeting. We ask the prayers of the saints that we may be kept humble and that the sword of the Spirit may be kept sharp. God forbid that we should round the edges, blunt the point, or make a compromise with the devil!
A. M. Dick and
A. J. Kilpatrick.

Murphysboro, Illinois,
May 7.

I am glad once more to report victory through Jesus' name. Since my last report I have been busy in the work of the Lord, holding meetings in various places in Missouri, where God sent forth his Word with power and precious souls were made to see their need of a gospel experience. Some became angry when shown their condition by the Word of God. May God deal with them in mercy, and help them see their need of salvation.
We commenced meeting here in a schoolhouse Saturday night. It is a dark place and the pure Word has never been preached. Sectish night and drunkenness prevail, and pride has deceived the hearts of the people. However, a few have been convinced of the truth through reading the Trumpet and are anxious for the experience. Earnestly pray that God may lead them out into the glorious light and experience of his truth. From here I expect to go to St. Louis and then to the Grand Junction camp-meeting. Pray that God may keep me humble and working to his glory.
A. Snively.

482 Baker Street,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 30.

We are glad to report victory in the name of Jesus. We were thankful for the privilege of meeting dear Brothers Byrum and Kilpatrick who were with us a few days and encouraged the little church; it was a real blessing to us all. A few believers were sanctified. We are praying the Lord to send some one here to take charge of the work. We feel the Lord's hand on us to go into the field, part of the time at least. Now, if the Lord lays his hand on any one to come, it ought to be a man and wife. A sister would do, if she is able to do housework and preach, but would say none should come without first corresponding with us. The work here is principally house-to-house work. We found a dear soul the other day (a consumptive) who had been longing for some one to come and speak to her about her soul. She was enable to lay hold of the promises and receive Christ as her Savior, and was much encouraged and strengthened in soul and body. I pray the Lord to speedily send some one here. We have many calls in the country and little towns. We feel like going to their rescue but can not until Father sends some one else here. If any feel led to help push the work here in this wicked city by prayers or means or time, the Lord will reward you for the same.
L. Sheldon.

1127 Sharp Street,
Augusta, Georgia,
April 26.

Once more I report through the Trumpet after spending five weeks with my family; but I was not idle. I held meetings here with the saints three nights a week also street meetings every Sunday afternoon, which were well attended by white and colored with great interest shown. March 12 I left for Darlington, stopping at both Columbia and Georgetown two nights. I found the church in the latter place to be on the advance, for which I give God the glory. I then continued on my way and stopped at Darlington and had a meeting in the name of Jesus. I found a few honest souls that were walking in all the light they had. I arrived at the assembly-meeting at Columbia, which was glorious from beginning to end. Believers were sanctified and the sick were healed.
It was well attended and was the best meeting ever held at that place. The workers were Brothers Green, Coleman, William, Goodwin, and Sisters Waddell, Edward, and Miller, whom the Lord wonderfully used in singing the new songs which made melody in our hearts. The shouts of praises went up from every honest soul. "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!" Brother E. P. Stokes was ordained elder in the church of God. Four were baptized at the close of the meeting.
After leaving there we began meeting at St. Paul, South Carolina. It was a glorious meeting from beginning to end and was well attended. There was a wonderful case of healing. A lady had been sick for nine weeks, and she sent for the saints to come and pray for her. She was healed and attended the next day and was saved. We can say that God is just the same to-day. Hebrews 13:8. At the close of the meeting we had a glorious ordinance service. From there Brother Green and myself went to Ashton, South Carolina and held meeting a week with good success. Two preachers escaped from Babylon and her confusion and others followed. The field is ready to harvest. Pray ye that the Lord send more laborers into his vineyard. From there I came back to Columbia again and held one meeting. I am now home with my family preparing to go to the camp-meeting at Moundsville, if the Lord be willing.
R. J. Smith.


Winn, Michigan.

My testimony is that I am saved, sanctified, satisfied, and willing to do whatever the Lord wishes. He is my healer, and my all. I had the grip this winter and the Lord healed me. Pray that I prove faithful to the end.
Mrs. A. Hunt.

Breckenridge, Michigan.

I thank the Lord for his power that keeps us from all sin. I have taken him for my physician and have been healed many times by the prayer of faith. The children have also been healed. Pray that I may keep low at the foot of the cross.
Anna Myers.

Mendon, Missouri.

I wish to testify to the goodness of God to me and my family. I am praising the Lord for this great salvation that keeps me every day from sin, and for his healing power. In March one of our little girls was sick with fever. We prayed for her and she was healed. When the children get sick they want us to pray for them. Praise the Lord for healing faith!
P. H. Neff.

Potash, Alabama.

I am praising God for salvation from all sin. The way is as high and holy as ever and more easily seen. God has shown me the need of more uncompromising laborers in the field. I ask the prayers of all the little ones that I may see and hear in a sinless way - that I may not stumble to the loss of my own and perhaps others' souls. See 1st Timothy 5:20, 21.
B. B. Adamson.

Breckenridge, Michigan.

I thank God for full salvation. Jesus is my Savior, Physician, and Friend. Praise his holy name! he has healed me instantly several times, for which I give him all the praise. He has healed me of deafness of five years' standing. I could not hear the clock tick unless I opened the clock door. Pray that I prove faithful to the end.
Mrs. Emily Putman.

Charleston, South Carolina.

I am praising God for present salvation which keeps me saved from all sin with joy and peace ever abiding in my soul and an eternal resistance against the powers of darkness. I am measuring to the Bible line. I find the Lord faithful in all his promises; for I have taken him for my Physician and he heals me of all diseases, for which I give him all the praise. I find his Word a sure foundation according to Matthew 24:35. Pray that I live very humble and meek for the Lord.
Carrie Tobin.

Burgess Store, Virginia.

I am praising God for full salvation by two works of grace - justification and sanctification. I find much joy in believing God's Word and it is so sweet to trust him. His service is not hard to a willing heart. I was once a member of the Baptist sect. I left it and joined the Methodist sect. I found no satisfaction in either. A brother came to this place and preached the true Bible doctrine. I can praise God for a willing heart to receive it, and now I am happy in the church of God, free from all sectism. Pray that I may be kept humble at Jesus' feet where he can use me for his glory.
Maggie Burgess.

Millwood, California.

I praise the Lord for his goodness to me. I have had the glorious liberty of the children of God, but I got away from the Lord and suffered untold misery and despair. He let me down almost into the jaws of hell itself; and I thank God that he did not leave me in that condition. I have learned a valuable lesson which I shall not easily forget. Brethren, pray that I may not get into this dark and dreary way any more. I need your prayers very much that I may stand the test and be a faithful follower of God. I long to be with the saints of God, but can not at present.
W. L. Britton.

Coleman, Michigan.

Early last winter our girl nine years old was taken with scarlet fever. She became so bad that we thought we would have to give her up. But we held on to the Lord and sent a telegram to a brother and sister for prayer. Praise the Lord, he healed her! Our little girl three years old also took it, but one of the brethren came in and we prayed for her. She was entirely healed at once. Pray that God may keep us doing his holy will.
J. W. Booker and Wife.

St. Johns, Michigan.

I am praising God for perfect victory over all the darkness and delusions of the devil. I can truly say the Lord saves and sanctifies my soul. I have sweet peace that the world can neither give nor take away. Brothers Shelly, Foot, and Branam held meeting two weeks at this place. The Lord wonderfully used them in clearing up the darkness that had caused a division among the children of God. How I praise God for sending them here! My earnest prayer is that God may keep us in perfect unity and in the love of God. Pray that I may be kept just where the Lord can use me to his glory.
Mrs. Nettie Griswold.

Rosebud, Illinois.

I am praising God for salvation that keeps me from all sin. I also praise him for sanctifying me by faith in the blood of Jesus. Praise the Lord! He has healed my body many times, for which I give him all the glory. I am afflicted now and want the saints to pray for me. I know God can heal me. I take him for my physician and I do praise his holy name that I ever learned to trust him. He has led me out of sectism into the one body. Praise the Lord! Pray that I may be kept humble at the feet of Jesus.
Annie C. Mausen.

Martintown, Wisconsin.

I have my feet on the solid rock Jesus Christ where I can pass through storms of persecution. Pray that I may be filled with wisdom and spiritual understanding, and that I may be fruitful in the knowledge of God who hath delivered me from the power of darkness, and hath translated me into the kingdom of his dear Son. God is my Savior, Keeper, and Healer. He healed me of several diseases over a year ago, and I have not taken any medicine since. Last winter he healed me of scarlatina. I was taken sick about noon and broke out that night, and during the night the Lord healed me. I can not praise the Lord enough for all his goodness to me. Pray for me.
Mrs. N. Martin.

New Orleans, Louisiana.

I wish to make known the wonderful blessings our heavenly Father has bestowed upon me through the name of his Son Jesus. He has wonderfully healed me of consumption through the prayers of his faithful children. I had three brothers that died with the same disease and the physician that attended them said they could not be saved. But praise the name of Jesus! I found a Physician whose skill the consumption could not go beyond. Yes, dear one, I found one that enables me to say with the Psalmist, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases." Praise his holy name for ever! He has wonderfully led me out of confusion and justified me by faith and sanctified me with his Holy Spirit. I give him all the glory. Pray for me. My prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless the Trumpet with every convenience for spreading the gospel of Jesus.
Andrew Brown.

Deland, Illinois.

When I was about fifteen years old I was converted and joined the Methodist sect, for that was all the light I had at the time. The Lord having blessed me with a good voice to sing, I joined the choir and made as much show as possible. I also joined the Epworth League, which is another branch of the sect to entrap the young. In this division and delusion I remained five years. In the spring of 1900, just after leaving school and entering upon farm duties, I became slightly ill. As is the custom with all sectarian people, I began to doctor. But I did not get any better. Then I took my Bible and began to read all I could find about healing. Thus I served the Lord about a week. I was much better, when a catalogue of Weltmerism fell into my hands. I began to read it and found they based the theory on the Bible; so I was deceived and took a month's treatment, paying in advance. I found it one of the greatest frauds Satan has at this day. Brethren, beware of this device of Satan; he is slaying his thousands through this instrument. To the reader I would say, whenever you are weak and your faith is being tried, never pick up such literature; for you will be deceived if you are not very cautious. Satan tries God's people hardest in their weakest point.
The next remedy I tried was Osteopathy. By this time I had spent all my money; so I was in poverty and weaker than at first. I gave my note for two month's treatment. After taking a month's treatment it proved to be as big a fraud as any. Just at this time (when I was broken hearted and a mere skeleton and people were telling me the graveyard would get me soon), some Gospel Trumpets came into my possession. By the time I read three or four I was determined to trust the Lord. I went to work and have since not missed a day on account of sickness. I praise the Lord for all of those afflictions; for had I not had them my soul might have gone to eternal ruin. Pray that the Lord keep me humble and obedient.
C. A. Thomas.

Akron, Indiana.

Dear Saints of God: I feel a burning testimony in my soul and must tell you what God is doing for me. Nothing gives me greater joy than to tell you all that God still saves and sanctifies and keep me pure and free in my soul. I never appreciated the privilege of having a pure heart as I do now. Jesus says it is a blessed state and I am proving it to be so more and more. It seems to me it is the greatest blessing God could confer upon mankind - a pure heart. I am so glad this does not come by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saves us by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. God stirs my soul with a holy zeal to preach purity of heart by the blood more than ever before. I keenly feel my inability, but I have not forgotten the words of Paul in 1st Corinthians 26-28: "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are." When we feel our weakness and inability it is comforting to look in God's Word at the beautiful lessons of simplicity taught us by the wisdom of God, wherein he uses such feeble instruments to accomplish such wonderful things. Let us take courage and "be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might." Recently while passing through a trial the Lord gave me 2nd Corinthians 4:7-9: "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair [not altogether without help or means - margin]; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed." Praise our God, who knows all of our perplexities and brings us off more than conqueror in every trial! We may through pressing trials be thrown into a state of perplexity for a time; but, how comforting, we are not in despair! If the enemy can succeed in keeping our minds in a turmoil he will destroy our peace and make inroads upon our souls; but, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." - Isaiah 26:3. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7. Here is a promise to keep not only the mind but the heart, and Jesus says: "Let not your heart be troubled." I can also testify to a real willingness to suffer - not only for Jesus, but for his body, the church. "Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church." - Colossians 1:24. I am willing to "endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory." "If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him." Pray for me. Your sister in Christ.
Nora Hunter.

Divine Healing.

Healed By The Lord.

I wish to tell you what God has done for me. I was crippled and traveled on crutches and canes eight years. In 1895 a brother gave me a tract published by the Gospel Trumpet Publishing Company, and giving the testimony of Sister Mary Cole. It gave me my first information of divine healing. The doctors said that I had to be a cripple all the rest of my life, because of the erysipelas. Praise God! I was healed in December, 1895.
I have also been healed several times since. Last June at the Hubbard camp-meeting in Oregon I was healed of a cancer. Praise God! I am in my 76th year, and have not taken any medicine since I was healed in 1895. My trust is in God. I am abiding in him, and he has taken up his abode in my heart. Praise his holy name! My living is by faith in God, through Jesus Christ my Savior.
J. W. Hockaday.
Pittsville, California.

Healed By the Power of God.

One week ago I began to have a sore throat which seemed to be developing into what is called quinzy. I tried home remedies that I knew of but did not get any better, but kept getting worse; yet I did not send for a doctor. This was the fourth time that I had been afflicted with quinzy. Twice the doctor performed an operation and twice the Savior healed me through prayer. He is the best physician; for he heals the body and the soul. I give him all the thanks and praise. I was so sick that it seemed I could not bear it; then I sent for a sister to pray for me, but the same night I suffered much. Next day she came again and I was very sick. She called in a brother who was here and they prayed for me. The healing power went through me and I became better in body and soul. Next morning I could eat, for the first time in a week. Now I am nearly well. Pray that I may ever do God's will
Sophie Ganzen.
Henry, Illinois.

God's Healing Power.

I wish to testify to the great healing power, as it may be strengthening to some of God's children who think their case is hopeless. Two years ago I had a fall from a building, which crippled me very badly. Something in my breast seemed to grow worse until in March I was taken very sick. I grew weak and trembling. I was awful sick. I began to vomit blood. My wife wanted to send for a doctor, but as soon as I could speak I told her I did not want a doctor, for if I had a doctor I would die. I told her to send for a brother and sister who at that time were in Dublin. They came and anointed me and prayed for me and I felt better. On Tuesday following I was again taken with vomiting. I sent for the elders according to James 5:14 and was anointed again. To-day I am praising God for a full salvation. On Tuesday I suppose I vomited a gallon of blood, but as soon as I was anointed the second time I felt that the work was done.
There are but few of God's children out in the light in this section. I ask God's saints to pray that I may fully discharge every duty, both towards God and man. Pray that God send more laborers here, for the fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. May the blessing of heaven rest upon the Trumpet, is my prayer.
J. D. Holland.
Dublin, Texas.

Child Healed of Gravel.

I am praising God for a present salvation that saves and keeps me from sin and gives me real firmness in my soul to stand for Jesus regardless of the world. He is my Savior, Sanctifier, and Healer. I am all given up to Jesus and can say from the bottom of my heart, "Thy will be done, O Lord." The Lord healed my little two-year-old boy of a bad disease. Last Tuesday morning he was not well and at times suffered great pain. Upon examination wife found the lower part of his abdomen was swollen and inflamed. We had the doctor come in and examine him. He pronounced it gravel and told her to give him soda water to drink, thinking it would cause the gravel to pass from the bladder. But when I came home from work that night he was suffering terrible pains and was in a critical condition. I knew Jesus was able to heal so I got down on my knees and told him all about it. I was impressed that the Lord wanted us to meet the conditions as recorded in James 5:14, 15; so we had two brethren come and anoint him. I received the witness that the work was done. After sleeping good all night he passed the gravel next morning, and by night the swelling and inflammation were all gone and he was well. Praise God forever! It pays to put our trust in Jesus, for he will always prove true. Pray that wife may get saved and learn the wondrous secret of confiding in the Lord. Pray that I may ever keep humble at the feet of Jesus and do his precious will at all times.
W. R. Butler.
Alabama City, Alabama.

A Trial of Faith.

I was taken with a pain in my foot, between the instep and ankle, which grew worse and worse, until the elder was set for. I was anointed in the name of Jesus (James 5:14) and then I went to sleep and rested well. I went to meeting and testified that I was healed, and said that if my foot got any worse than it had been, I would do nothing but trust the Lord. Next morning I had another hard spell; for six weeks I suffered night and day. I asked the Lord why he permitted the enemy to touch my body. The answer came that it was a trial of my faith. I said Amen. By that time a hole was eaten in my foot. One after another would tell me what to do, and I would tell them what a great Physician I had. Praise the Lord! I attended the assembly at Augusta, Georgia. I told the Lord I would obey him. When I went I could hardly walk, but when I left the meeting I could walk as well as ever. The hole was yet in my foot, but in about three weeks the Lord removed the hand of the enemy and made my foot sound and well without any human aid. 
The Lord showed me I was to send some money to the Trumpet Office which I had thought of using to get some shoes. By next morning much snow had fallen, but I said I would trust the Lord for shoes, as it was his money and I was his child. The same day the Lord gave me a pair of shoes. 
Dear ones, live the life the Word demands of you! I ask the prayers of all.
Lena Cooper.
Atlanta, Georgia.

Healed by Faith in God.

My whole soul goes out to God in praise for his wonderful saving power. I was once a poor, lost invalid, dreading to live on account of my sufferings, but shrinking at the thought of death, the grave, and judgment. Some years before my marriage my health began to fail and continued to do so until I was a nervous wreck. I endured sufferings from pains and aches in my head, body, and limbs such as is beyond the power of language to express. I was also attacked with severe fever. At times I would have such great sensations of oppressiveness that it seemed I could not revive. I suffered ten years, during which time I was treated by as many different physicians, and for as many kinds of diseases; but none were able to relieve me. I was treated with electricity, and kept in bandages and trusses; but these things only added to my suffering. Finally the specialist concluded that there was only one thing that could be of any benefit, and that was for me to go to the hospital and undergo a surgical operation, as it might be successful. 
One evening my husband chanced to stop at a little mission. He became deeply convicted of his sins and began seeking for pardon. For one week he sought God, then he found him. I had been convicted for many years, but it seemed I could not understand how to seek salvation. I had called my minister in, hoping to get right with God; but he never asked me anything about my soul. But, praise God! I now know what to do. As I kept my heart centered on God he came to me in wonderful power at my own home, and gave me peace. Glory to my dear Savior! I will praise him forever.
Finally the time came to go to the hospital. Among those whom I was bidding good-by was an old lady who told me that God would cure me if I would only allow him to do so. She invited me to come to a place where I might be anointed and have people pray with me for healing. The following day, instead of going to the hospital as I had intended, I went to a little mission. With simple, child-like faith a few children of God knelt around me and prayed for me, anointing me with oil according to James 5:14. I just simply believed the Word of God and stepped right out in faith upon the promises. At supper that night I ate heartily. Before this I could only drink broth. I continued to gain rapidly in strength, but at times had some wonderful test of faith. For hours I would remain on my knees praying: "Lord, I do believe! I am healed, I know it!" Then God would come and quicken my faith and give me the victory. Have I not a right to praise him? Halleluiah!
I am well and happy in the Lord. Over six years have passed since I was healed. I can not tell it often enough. Why should I keep quiet? Husband and I have been in this glorious light for three years, and the way is getting better.
We take the Gospel Trumpet, which we love to read because it is pure. There is a nice little church in Pittsburg and we have a nice meeting-house. People are gathering in to hear the truth and God is working upon their hearts and blessing the work wonderfully. Praise the name of Jesus for his goodness to his children that put their trust in him!
Mrs. David Sopp.
Ingram, Pennsylvania.

Healed of Erysipelas and Other Afflictions.

God has saved us from all sin and sanctified our natures, and healed us many times. I find it sweet to trust in God through all trials, temptations, discouragements, and afflictions. Praise his dear name! I find in him a present help in every time of need. Truly we have proven him true to his Word, that he will never leave nor forsake those who put their trust in him. We have been saved six years and the Lord has been our physician. Our first real test was erysipelas on husband's face. It started under his eye one evening after meeting at our house was over. He was healed of this instantly, during a meeting, and was also healed of malarial fever, and got up and testified to his healing. He perspired freely and so thought it not wisdom to go out into the evening air; so I went out with the saints as they left. When I came in his face was swelling, and was then greatly increased in size. I called back a brother and sister who had just started. We had prayer and his face stopped swelling until about noon next day. So we sent for the same brother and sister. It started again and by the next evening before we could get an elder it was all over one side of his face. His eye was swollen shut and it was getting up in his hair. During this time we were fasting, and praying God for help. We got the witness that as soon as the Word was obeyed it would be healed. So he had victory over it before the brother came. As soon as the Word was obeyed the work was done. Some of the world said it would bother him again; so we trusted the Lord to take it out of his system. And he permitted it to raise up in a boil. This gave him much pain; so we sent for the brethren and they rebuked it, and he has never been troubled since. Praise the dear Lord! We have had many cases of healing that we could not trust in any other physician. We can say, The Lord's will be done. We are in his hands, to heal us or take us home.
It pleased the Lord to call one of our little ones home. She was the joy of our hearts and was very loving and good and talked much about Jesus. She would hold up her hand and sing and say she was saved. She was sick only three or four days. We sent for the brethren to anoint her Sunday evening, and she claimed her healing and seemed better next day. But Wednesday morning she told me the Lord was not going to heal her. She seemed to know that she would not get well. We are thankful to all the dear ones that aided us, and for their comforting words. Bless the Lord for his comforting Spirit in every time of need and trouble, to help us say from our hearts, Not my will but thine be done! Several of the dear saints' little ones have been called home this winter. We greatly sympathize with them in their bereavement; but we mourn not as those who have no hope. It is a blessed consolation to know that if we are true to God we shall meet them again, never to part any more. The Lord has promised never to leave nor forsake those who trust him, and he will not allow more to come upon us than we are able to bear, but with all our trials he makes a way of escape and gives us grace to stand. Praise his name!
David W. and Sarah E. Benton.
Colfax, Washington.

The Saved and the Unsaved.

In these days there are two classes of believers in the Christian religion - those who have an experience of the grace of God in their hearts, and those who have a theory in their heads. The latter class are contented to follow the instructions of their teachers and have a form of godliness without having any of the power. These are as really lost as the heathen; for we must be born again, or have spiritual life, to enter heaven. The other class are those who know Jesus as their personal Savior who have been made new creatures through the power of the Holy Spirit. All dead professors believe we can not live free from sin; but the children of God know that it is possible to be kept by the power of God at all times and in all places. Sinning professors have no foundation for their (un) belief in the New Testament; but all the prophecies concerning the gospel dispensation and the words of Jesus and his apostles assure the saints of God that they are in blessed possession of the truth. In Jeremiah 31 is a precious prophecy of this present time: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: but this shall be the covenant that I shall make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people." - Verses 31-33. With God's laws written in our very being we can and do live free from sin.

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