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Volume 21, Issue 12, March 21, 1901
(Articles of interest only)
Fight of Faith
By A. S. Kriebel.
Thy grace, O Lord, on me conferred
To human mind unknown;
To eye unseen, to ear unheard -
Unfathomed like thy throne.
Upon this throne of holiness,
By grace, in love I reign,
With scepter of thy righteousness,
Complete o'er sin's domain.
Should foes arise, my soul assail,
In Jesus' name I'll stand;
By faith in God I shall prevail
O'er Satan's host and land.
Our captain leads - the "Lord of hosts"
Triumphant o'er the foe.
Courageous be, though Satan boasts;
We'll raze his ramparts low.
Lift up the hands, faith's battle wield;
Let the weakest say, "I'm strong."
In holy war, with sword and shield,
Rout every foe along.
Courageous then in prayer, and song,
Hear Heaven's trumpet call:
"Quit you like me;" "Only be strong!"
Till every foe shall fall.
Equipped in holy armor bright,
Loins girt with truth about;
In fiercest fight put foe to flight,
By raising victor's shout.
All darkness flees at God's command
From heavens holy light;
Then on his Word take firm thy stand,
Press faith's unflinching fight.
The Unity of God's People.
By Lorenzo Cook.
In the morning of this gospel day the people of God were in perfect unity. Unity is an element of heavenly origin, and is an endowment bestowed upon the people of God. Unity and harmony exist in heaven, and may be effected and enjoyed in the hearts and lives of the children of God, by salvation. To this end Jesus earnestly prayed the Father to keep his disciples in oneness or unity, even as they (Father and Son) were one. John 17. The salvation of men from sin, with a perfect conformity to the pure gospel, made unity among the primitive Christians; and they preserved unity as long as they adhered to the whole gospel, and nothing but the gospel. But when erroneous doctrines began to be tolerated, and the church became slack in keeping clear from false teachers, the unity was soon destroyed, and "the mystery of iniquity" gradually developed into the great apostate hierarchy of Romanism. The apostasy was brought about by men becoming perverted, and departing from the simplicity of the gospel. The prophet, as will be seen in the following scriptures, prophesied of the gospel day, that the grace of salvation through Christ would effect unity, "Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, . . . and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: and I will give them one heart, and one way." - Jeremiah 32:37-39. "And I will give them one heart, . . . that they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God." - Ezekiel 11:19, 20. "For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent." - Zephaniah 3:9.
The foregoing prophecies undoubtedly refer to the unifying power of the gospel salvation, which gives all that are saved a heart (spirit) to serve the Lord, with one consent. It was prophesied of Christ, by Caiphas, "that Jesus should die for the nation [Jewish]; and not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad." - John 11:51, 52. Also Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep [disciples], and am known of mine. . . And other sheep I have [beside Jews], which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear [obey] my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." - John 10:14-16. In the preceding texts it is taught, that those whom God shall gather out "from all countries" (nationalities), and give them one heart (or spirit) and one way (doctrine), shall have one shepherd (or head - Jesus), and be gathered together in one fold (the church of God).
The one fold is frequently designated by the apostles as the "one body." Jesus said, "There shall be one fold." Let us see what some of the apostles say concerning this fact. There is one body (fold), one Spirit (heart), one Lord (shepherd), one faith (way or doctrine). See Ephesians 4:4, 5. Jesus said, "There shall be one fold," and Paul confirms the fact that Christ's statement is fulfilled, by saying, "There is one body." You will observe he makes it as certain that there is only one body, as there is one Spirit, and one Lord. It is clearly defined that the body is the church. See Colossians 1:24. Therefore there is one church. It is again declared that "ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." - Colossians 3:15. The only institution that is approved in the New Testament is the divine institution called the "one body." "church of God," or "kingdom of God." God calls men into this divine institution only. All calls into human organizations by man, are unscriptural, and divide, instead of unifying. The Lord adds unto the church every one when he saves them (Acts 2:47), and sets every member in the body as it pleases him. See 1st Corinthians 12:18. The Spirit inducts each member into the body (verse 13) or kingdom of God when they are born of the Spirit. See John 3:5. In the days of Christ and the apostles, salvation unified even Jews and
Gentiles together into one body of Christians. It mattered not how much enmity existed between Jew and Jew, or between Jew and Gentile, salvation through Jesus Christ reconciled them together in the one body, and made peace, or unity between them. "For he [Christ] is our peace, who hath made both [Jew and Gentile] one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; having abolished in his flesh the enmity, . . . that he might reconcile both unto God in one body, by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby." - Ephesians 2:14-16. Therefore the foundation of the unity of the Spirit is salvation, and for any one to willfully depart from the unity of the Spirit is to become un-reconciled to God, and forfeit their salvation.
The Unity of the Spirit.
Paul in exhorting the brethren at Ephesus, says: "I . . . beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." - Ephesians 4:1-3. It was presupposed that unity was already existing among the Christians at Ephesus; hence they were exhorted to keep the unity of the Spirit. Also it is implied that Christians are to endeavor to keep the unity in the bond of peace. There is an effort to be made therefore by the children of God to retain unity. The apostle gives very definite instruction how to keep in unity, and in the bond of peace. Walk "with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love." Humility, long-suffering, and brotherly love are very essential elements of unity. Every person that will keep humble, long-suffering, and in brotherly love, will thereby continue in unity of spirit with all the people of God. It would be well to observe the fact that, to keep in unity is to keep in the bond of peace. So long as Christians follow peace with all men (Hebrews 12:14) and are at peace among themselves (1st Thessalonians 5:13), they will continue in unity. This unity of the Spirit is not to be had by joining any institution of man; but it is a divine affinity existing between only those that have the birth of the Spirit. All we need to do to get into the unity of the Spirit is to become joined unto the Lord. "For he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." - 1st Corinthians 6:17. None but those that are joined to the Lord have the unity of the Spirit. Then, by Christians keeping joined unto the Lord, they keep the same spirit, and have what is called in the New Testament "fellowship of the Spirit." "If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, . . . fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." - Philippians 2:1, 2. Paul associates brotherly love and being of one accord and one mind, as essential to unity. Hence the children of God are earnestly exhorted to love one another. "Let brotherly love continue." - Hebrews 13:1. "Love the brotherhood." - 1st Peter 2:17. "Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves." - 1st Peter 4:8. "Being knit together in love." - Colossians 2:2. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." - John 13:35. "Be kindly affectioned one to another, with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another." - Romans 12:10. "Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous." - 1st Peter 3:8. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" - Psalms 133:1. The unity of the Spirit may be destroyed by entering into evil strivings one against another. This drives out brotherly love, and breaks the unity of the Spirit, causing ill feelings to exist. "Stand together in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel." (Philippians 1:27), "till we all come in the unity of the faith." - Ephesians 4:13.
"The discretion of a man defereth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression."
- Proverbs 19:11.
God's Faithfulness In Judgment.
By Mary Heldenbrand.
God is faithful, who has promised. It is well to remember that God is just as faithful to execute the judgments written as to fulfill the promises made by him, if we will obey him. Who has not read of the warning to the Israelites if they would disobey and reject the counsel of God, and how they were punished for disobedience, as well as received the blessing for obedience? "Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? . . . God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?" Our hearts break forth with the Psalmist: "Thy judgments are just, thy laws are equal."
The examples of the Jews were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come, that we should not tempt Christ as some of them also temped him; or provoke, or disobey, as some of them, and were destroyed of the destroyer. "therefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall." This scripture is well applied to this generation; for if the true spiritual condition of the professing Christians to-day were written out it would look more gloomy than that of ancient idolatry. To whom much is given, of them will much be required. "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him." The true cause of departing from God is the absence of that godly fear that holds him in just esteem. Seeking the honor that comes from the world, robs God, and sinks the soul in the deceptions of the enemy. There are three messages in the 14th chapter of Revelation that come forcibly before the present age. He who will heed the first will readily give ear to the two following; for he will love to honor God. The beloved John looked and beheld the Lamb of God, and they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth, and in their mouth was found no guile; for they are without fault before the throne of God. "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth [to bring it more personally to each of us, he continues], and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." Praise God for such a wonderful creation. Let the people of the earth turn from vanity to worship God, their creator and preserver, the one who gives the seasons and fills our hearts with joy and gladness. He is the author of every good and perfect gift. But there is another reason we should fear God and give glory to him. "For the hour of his judgment is come." Judgment against Babylon, that great city - not a city of the earth - for "upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." - Revelation 17:5. Now turn back to Revelation 14 and the reader will better understand the message of the second angel. "And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." The term used to denote her sins is verified in the spiritual confusion of sectism all over the world, the number of creeds and faith that have brought about spiritual fornication. She hath made all nations to drink of her wine. The main object of her ministers is to get joiners; and were the true shepherd of God to cease crying out this message of God, the offense of the cross would cease. But how then should he declare the whole counsel of God and keep back nothing that is good for the people, since God is faithful to his Word? Oh! hear the awful doom that awaits him who will not flee for his life. "Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul. Be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance; he will render unto her a recompense." - Jeremiah 51:6. "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues; for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." - Revelation 18:4, 5.
Lest some dear souls may be deceived or faint-hearted by the ridicule or censure of the sectarian preachers for withdrawing their names as well as their hearts from her worship, let us read what the third angel sounds forth with a loud voice, to further warn the people. "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand [be joined to him], the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb." - Revelation 14:9, 10.
Which will you choose, dear one whom God is calling - the contempt and indignation of a righteous God, or bravely take a stand for God alone and face a frowning world? It can not hurt you, but will drive you nearer to God. He is faithful to keep that which we have committed to his care, the keeping of our souls against that day. He writes his name in our forehead and is indignant at any other name. Yes, he is a jealous God, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Oh, fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come.
How We Got Our Bible.
By H. W. Nelson.
For many years when a boy it was the query of my mind whenever thinking of the matter, where we got the Bible; how it was transmitted to us; how we knew it was the same now as when first written; together with other kindred questions. In after years it was considerable satisfaction to have these answered by a knowledge of the facts concerning the preservation and transmission of the Bible. I am well aware that the soul that has an experience of salvation knows by the witness of the Spirit that the Bible is the true Word of God without knowing just how we got it. However, to know this will in no way detract from the former but even strengthen our faith in the Precious Word.
In those early days when the Bible was written there was neither paper nor printing presses. All the writing or printing was done by hand on scrolls of papyrus, a kind of plant that grew on the river Nile, or the more expensive vellum, a parchment made from calf-skin. It is manuscripts of this latter kind that have been preserved to our day.
The manuscript of the Old Testament was always preserved in the temple at Jerusalem and might also be found in other synagogues throughout the world. After Christ had finished his mission on earth and his apostles and disciples were using these old writings to prove that he was in truth the Messiah, about 75 A. D. the Jewish Rabbis issued what they called The Standard Hebrew Text of the Bible. To produce this they mutilated the original writings in many places to make it more difficult or even impossible to prove there from that Jesus was the Messiah or the Christ. In the writings of many of the early church Fathers we find charges to this effect preferred against them. Fortunately, however, prior to this time, about 285 B. C., King Ptoelmy Philadelphus had the original writing translated into Greek for his library at Alexandria. This version has been called the Septuagint, or the LXX. As the Greek language at this time was the common language spoken even among the Jews themselves, especially those that were scattered, the LXX. was the version used almost exclusively by the apostles and early Christians. As we shall see later, all the Bible translators down to the present time used the Standard Hebrew Text instead of the LXX., and this accounts for the discrepancies often found in the quotations in the New Testament from the Old. These are found on the whole to agree with the Septuagint. This point, however, has already been fully explained through the Trumpet; so we will pass on to consider the New Testament. It does seem almost incredible that the reformers of every age should cling to the old Hebrew text when there is such abundant proof that the apostles used the LXX. Nevertheless there have been eminent men of learning in the past that have stood out strongly in favor of the Septuagint.
Unfortunately there are none of the original writing of the apostles now extant, but there are three sources to which we can go to ascertain what these were, viz.: (1) Versions or translations of the original or copies into other ancient languages; (2) Fathers' quotations in the writings of the early church Fathers; (3) Greek manuscripts or transmitted copies of the original. The former sources are not so important as the last, as the evidence they produce is indirect, but they are valuable in settling disputed readings. So copiously did the Fathers quote from scripture that it is estimated that if all other sources were lost the Bible could still be re-produced from their writings. The manuscripts were produced by laboriously copying from some other manuscript, or sometimes one would read and several copyist would write as he read. From this you will see how easily errors might creep in as these were copied and recopied for centuries. Hence, generally speaking, the older the manuscript the more reliable it is. There are two general divisions of the manuscripts to which we have access to-day: (1) The Uncial, which are the older ones and are all written in capital letters, with no punctuation whatever. Also where a letter or word was to be repeated it was simply indicated by over-scoring it. The object of this device was to save space, but it made them more difficult to decipher. (2) The Cursive, which are of later date, ranging from the ninth to the fifteenth century, and are written in more or less of a running hand. At the head of the Uncials stand four great manuscripts belonging to the fourth and fifth centuries. These are the oldest that we have. They are the Vatican, Siniatic, Alexandrian, and Ephraemi Rescriptus. These, strangely enough, are possessed respectively by the Roman Catholics in the Vatican, at Rome; the Greek Catholics at St. Petersburg, Protestant Britain in the British Museum, and Infidel France at Paris. The first two are of the fourth century and the last two of the fifth. Besides these there are many hundreds more of later date and more or less fragmentary. Armed with these materials the textual critic or the translator proceeds to find out what the original text of the autographs was. Where the two first named manuscripts agree in their readings it is usually considered authentic, especially when corroborated by some of the others. Where they do not agree, the reading that has the greatest preponderance of evidence is accepted. In this way the entire New Testament is gone over and the original writings of the apostles, as far as they can be ascertained, gleaned from the errors that have crept in. It is from this that we sometimes find in the margin of our revised version, "Some MSS. read," etc. There was not enough evidence to conclude it was the original and yet quite a few manuscripts read that way; so it was simply marked in the margin.
The first link forged in the chain by which we come down to our Bible as we have it to-day was the revision of the old Latin Bible by Jerome in 385 A. D. After translating the New Testament he undertook to translate the Old from the Hebrew, using the text referred to above as The Standard Hebrew Text. This translation was called the Vulgate and for more than one thousand years afterwards was the basis of every version of the Scriptures made in western Europe. Though it contained many errors, as subsequent research has shown, still the Roman Catholic Church, as she has many other such foolish things, decreed in 1546 that it was the only authentic version. While the Bible had been translated into the old Anglo-Saxon more than once, still the first translation in the English that to any extent corresponds with our English of to-day was that of John Wycliffe. This he accomplished about the year 1384. He was one of the leaders of those who have been termed "the reformers before the reformation." It was shortly after this that John Huss appeared in Bohemia advancing the same truth that Wycliffe had. Wycliffe did not have access to the Greek or Hebrew manuscripts and doubtless could not have used them if he had, as by this time classical learning had not revived in England. He based his translation on the Vulgate mentioned above, and of course handed on its errors as faithfully as its perfections. There are some phrases, however, that originated with him that we find in our authorized version of to-day. Printing had not yet been discovered, but nevertheless Wycliffe's Bible spread extensively throughout England and had the effect of turning many from the idolatry of Rome to serve the true and living God in spirit and in truth.
Soon after this there came a revival of learning and the treasures of the ancient languages were once more unlocked. In 1519 Erasmus, the greatest scholar of his time, issued a Greek New Testament, which caused a terrible outcry amongst the clergy. It was through the reading of this that William Tyndale was imbued with the desire to give England the Bible translated from the original tongue. In 1524 he began his life work, but he soon found that he could not accomplish it in England on account of the opposition of the clergy, so he fled to Hamburg Germany. Here in exile amid poverty and distress he worked assiduously at his self-imposed task, counting no privation too great if he could but give his countrymen the Word of God in their own tongue. Some time before when he was feeling the burden of this work resting upon him he declared in the presence of some priest that if God would spare him he would one day make the boy who drove the plow in England know more of the Scripture than the pope himself. This by the grace of God he accomplished, but not without its difficulties and discouragements. Once he had his translation completed and in the hands of the printer (The art of printing, by the way, had by this time been invented) when it was discovered and he had just time to snatch some of his precious sheets and escape to the city of Worms. Here in seclusion he finished his work, and shortly had for the first time a New Testament printed in English. When these began to pour into England it caused a tremendous commotion amongst the clergy and they seized all they could lay their hands on and burned them. The bishop of London conceived the idea of buying them all up to burn them. Accordingly, he engaged a merchant, who happened to be a secret friend of Tyndale's to procure them for him. This he did, paying Tyndale well for them. The bishop burned the Testaments, but with the money received from him Tyndale issued a new and much improved edition, which soon flooded England from one end to the other. It was everywhere read and talked about. Finding they were unable to stay the spread of it, the priests and bishops preached against it, warning the people against errors which they alleged it contained. However, the popular desire for a people's Bible was now so strong throughout England that nothing could put it down, and before it was vanishing the long night of superstition and soul-bondage that had so long held sway. Tyndale, however, was not destined to see the full result of his work. He was, after many attempts, treacherously seized and after two years' imprisonment strangled and burned at the stake. While he had issued many editions of the New Testament, he had not finished the translation of the Old up to the time of his death. Hence it remained for another to give the English the whole Bible in their own tongue. This man was Myles Coverdale. He produced his version of the Bible about 1539. Unlike Tyndale he did not go to the original languages, but translated from the German and Latin and followed other translators especially Tyndale in the parts he had translated. Quickly following this there appeared many other translation, the chief of which was the "Great Bible." By this time there was no opposition from the king, as he had quarreled with the pope and refused to acknowledge his supremacy. In fact he ordered a copy of the "Great Bible" placed in every parish church. About thirty years after followed the "Bishops' Bible," in Queen Elizabeth's reign. This was the last translation of importance until about forty years after, when King James 1. ascended the throne. In 1604 he called a counsel of bishops and clergy to consider revising the translation then in use and producing an authorized version. This was at once undertaken and in 1611 was produced the Bible which we commonly use to-day, called the King James' or the Authorized Version. In this work they spared no pains to make it as perfect as possible. They studied the Greek and Hebrew and compared their work with translations into several other modern languages, as German, French, Italian, etc., in the endeavor to arrive at the correct meaning of each passage. Many of the apt and expressive phrases of the former translations were incorporated and after revising their work again and again at last they produced the beautiful flowing translation that we have to-day, which all English Protestants for years have so loved and reverenced.
However, as a natural consequence of the lapse of time, many words of our language, through usage, gradually changed their meaning, some becoming broader, some narrower, and some altogether different, so that as we read our Bibles, taking the words in their accepted meaning of to-day, we often miss the shades of thought intended to be brought out. Besides this, there have been many discoveries which threw much light on the Scriptures. When the King James' version was made they did not have any manuscript older than the 10th century, whereas now, as we saw above, we have them of the 4th and 5th centuries. Also many more writings of the Fathers have been found, as well as many versions into other ancient languages. In addition to this the science of textual criticism has sprung up through the penetrating study of the classical languages, so that the scholars are very much better qualified to tell which was the original text and which were interpolations, or errors that had crept in. Hence for some years there was felt the necessity of another Bible revision. Accordingly in 1870 there was a convocation in Canterbury, England and two committees chosen, one to revise the Old Testament, and one the New. These invited the co-operation of American scholars, and shortly two similar committees were formed in America. The instructions given the revising boards were to retain the King James' rendering wherever the original would allow, and in other places to change as little as possible. They proceeded in the following way. A certain amount was agreed on and each member of the board taking the King James' translation as a basis, compared it with the original language, marking any corrections he deemed necessary. When the board met these were all considered and a common rendering agreed upon. The English board now submitted their work to the American board, who after examining it carefully, marked their preferences and returned it. The English board then went over their work again, considering the suggestions of the American committee. These they accepted where they thought they were an improvement and the rest they placed in an appendix to their work. In this way the entire Bible was gone through, and in 1881 was issued what we term the Revised Version. For reliability of text and accuracy of translation this is by far the best version that we have yet received, though it has not so far met with the general acceptance that the Authorized Version has. Owing to the different spirit prevailing on the two sides of the Atlantic there were many preferences of the American board that the English board thought incompatible with their instructions to change the King James' text only when necessary. Accordingly the Oxford University Press has issued an edition called the "New Original American Revised Bible, which contains in the text the preferences of the American board and in the Appendix those of the English board. For instance, the American committee have use the term "Holy Spirit" instead of "Holy Ghost" throughout, while the English committee retained the latter. There are many other similar cases.
As any version of the Bible that we have in English is, of course, but a translation, it is often beneficial to read different ones; because the translator does not translate word for word, but gets the thought from the original and then expresses that thought in English. For this reason his translation must of necessity bear the imprint of his mind to some extent. Hence when we have access to translations only, the more different ones we read the more likely we are to get the full import of the original. We herewith append the names of a few reliable versions, the perusal of which will throw much light on obscure passages. Conybeare and Howson's Translation of St. Paul's Epistles; Rotherham's Translation of the New Testament; Murdoc's Translation of the Syriac New Testament; The Emphatic Diaglott; Young's Bible Translation; English Version of the LXX. The Authorized and Revised Versions may also be had in parallel columns and a new edition has just been issued following the King James' text and giving the revised reading in the margin.
Let us look on the Bible not as a book to be revered but as an avenue leading to a knowledge of God's holy will, that we may do it. Throughout sectism this error has become almost universal. The book is reverenced, but so far as its effect on the life is concerned it has become almost a dead letter. I pray that God may bless this little sketch of his precious Word that has for all these centuries stood immovable against the combined assault of unbelief, ignorance, bigotry, and superstition, to give us a deeper love for it and a desire to search it more carefully to know his will as he revealed it through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, so that we may the better live according to it.
Sow Beside All Waters.
By T. E. Covey.
"Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, that send forth thither the feet of the ox and the ass." - Isaiah 32:20. As my soul has been stirred for some time, I will pen these few lines to stir up your minds by way of remembrance of our duty in sending forth those whom the Lord has called and qualified to preach his everlasting truth. How many there are that have to stay at home and work to support their families because of those who, having been entrusted by God with means, selfishly hold back what belongs to him. God will hold us accountable for this, and if we do not move out on this line and see that those whom God has called have the means to work for perishing souls, and also see that their families are cared for, our salvation will profit us nothing in the final judgment day.
"When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Again, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die [You that are righteous, be careful that you lay not a stumbling-block.]: because thou has not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou has delivered thy soul." - Ezekiel 3:18-21.
Dear saints, let us clear ourselves of this, that we may be unspotted from the world and unblamable before God. Let us labor to have God's approval upon us. "And that servant which knew his Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." - Luke 12:47, 48. Please notice with care the last half of the preceding quotation.
"If ye love me, keep my commandments." - John 14:15. Now this God commands. "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint [saint] supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." - Ephesians 4:16. "But they that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the Lord; and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness." - Isaiah 62:9.
"But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." - 2nd Corinthians 9:6, 7.
"For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not." - 2nd Corinthians 8:12.
"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts; which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy: that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life." - 1st Timothy 6:9, 10, 17-19.
"Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest." How many pray this, and then when it comes right down to what God wants us to do, are not willing to keep the few already out in the harvest-field.
May the dear Lord so impress this upon our minds, that we may pray with the understanding also; that we may sow beside all waters and send forth thither the feet of the ox and the ass. Amen.
The Garden of Eden and the Tree of
Life In the Midst of the Garden.
By John M. Helmick.
Whether the skeptic will allow us the privilege of believing the story of the creation or not, or whether he believe there was such a place as the garden of Eden or not, it matters but little from an historical point; but of their great value as types, it seems the world has but little idea. We may not understand the age in which we live, as foretold by the prophets, but we may look at the things told us in the types, and in that way understand them. To the Bible student who reads with the inspiration of the Spirit of God, these figures are intensely grand; but to him who reads for history only, they are dark and obscure. He who is a disciple of Christ must be a learner, and there is a wide field for him: for there are depths in the Word of God that man has never yet fathomed; heights that have never been scaled; breadths that never have been explored; and fields which, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are awaiting the pioneer. When we think we have learned all, we know the least. When we can see that we know but little, then we are ready to learn. He who brings to us a thought sublime from the blessed Word of God, a thought that lifts us higher, and that is deeper or holier, is a messenger of God, and brings to us an olive branch of peace on earth and good-will to man. We read in Romans 15:4: "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning." Again it is written, "All these things happened unto them for ensamples [types - margin]." - 1st Corinthians 10:11. And again, "These things were our examples [figures - margin]." - 1st Corinthians 10:6. It is written also, "That Moses put a veil over his face; . . . but their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away." - 2nd Corinthians 3:13-16. If Moses is read as history alone, the veil will blind our hearts; but, if it is read as types and Christ the antitype, the veil will be removed. I hope to awaken thought in this seemingly neglected, or unoccupied field; and bring out things new and old.
God created man in his own likeness: in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam. It took both the male and the female to make one complete man; for said God, they twain shall be one flesh. These two people God called Adam. See Genesis 5:1, 2. They were typical people. The real genesis of man is infancy, and all men are the first Adam. Whatever befell these types, is common to all the race of man. God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had made, to dress and keep the garden. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food: the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is as beautiful a type of the kingdom of God on earth as could be found; and its meaning is very far-reaching. Man had, and still has his origin in the kingdom of God. All things, except one, that God created and made, were for man while he was in the kingdom or garden. He should eat of the fruit of all the trees in the garden (kingdom), except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And God said, "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die [or, dying thou shalt die - margin]." - Genesis 2:17.
It was the design of God herein to show us the kingdom; what we lose by our fall and expulsion, and what we gain in Christ by our restoration. Man had a right to the tree of life while he was in the kingdom; but when he was thrust out, it was impossible for him to reach it, because God put an angel over the tree of life to guard it. The true tree of life is Christ. He that hath Christ hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. See 1st John 5:12. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is disobedience. For by the disobedience of one many are made sinners. See Romans 5:19. Disobedience is the only thing that causes condemnation; and condemnation is the knowledge of good and evil. There can be no sin without condemnation. The serpent is more subtle than any beast of the field which God hath made. So subtle and piercing is this spirit voice that it reaches the spirit ear of all mankind. Every person hears the same voice, and in the same way that those typical people heard it; but few there are who recognize it as the voice of the serpent. The child that is specially charged by its parents not to do a certain thing, is immediately seized with a desire to do that very thing; and as soon as the parents are out of sight it proceeds to do the very thing forbidden, and immediately it is condemned and sees it has done wrong. The devil voice had said, It is the very thing to do; and the child does just what was done in the types. It does not want to see its parents, but hides away from them, because it sees its nakedness with no covering for its sin. The child will repent for a time, because it is sorrowful at heart for its disobedience; but again and again it is tempted and obeys this voice, until the heart lets go of right, and it is thrust out of the garden (kingdom). So also the thief hears the same voice which says he can evade the laws and go unpunished. All sin and crime is the result of the devil's voice that man hears. All persons who come under condemnation, must repent; for they have committed sin. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ, and walk after the Spirit. So, disobedience is the fruit that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil bears. We partake of it, and the Holy Spirit gives us light, which light condemns us. For this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world. Not because those typical people sinned, are we sinners; neither because Christ was righteous are we righteous. By one, the door out of the kingdom was opened; and by the other, the door back into the kingdom.
For man's disobedience he is thrust out of the kingdom. Not only was Adam, but all men are, for all have sinned. Man is then told that by the sweat of his face he shall eat bread. That is, God withdraws his help when we are thrust out of his kingdom, and we must then trust in man and make flesh our arm to lean upon. Jeremiah 17:5, 6. Cursed be the ground for thy sake. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee. He who has lived and labored outside the kingdom, knows what thorns and thistles - the cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, and the lust of other things - the earth produces for him. Mark 4:18, 19.
How significant are thorns and thistles, in speaking of a sinful life. If we touch the things of this world, tribulations come, as pain from thistles and thorns. For in the world ye shall have tribulation. See John 16:33. This is the condition of all who are unredeemed; what an awful condition! Thorns and thistles shall the earth bring forth to thee. God has no promise to us while we are out of the kingdom - no more than he has for the beasts of the field. All he has promised in this life is in his kingdom, and not out of it. But, thank God! the garden exists to-day just the same as it did in the type. The tree of life stands just as grand and glorious as in the beginning. That tree is Christ. Not only is that tree the giver of eternal life, but its fruit is for food, and its leaves are for the healing of the nations." (Revelation 22:2) or "for bruises and sores." - Margin in Ezekiel 47:12. Not alone by the partaking of the fruit of the tree of life (Galatians 5:22) are we healed of all our sicknesses; but if we partake of the fruit of faith, by it we reach the leaves, which are spirit. Divine healing is entirely the work of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:28.
The tree of life is Christ the Lord, and is still in the kingdom, for, He that overcometh will God give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst to the paradise (garden) of God. See Revelation 2:7. Is there any way for fallen man to obtain freedom from the cares of life; the thorns and thistles? Turn to Matthew 6:24-33 and read the words of Christ: "Seek ye first the kingdom [garden] of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Christ is the repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. See Isaiah 58:11, 12. But I am asked the question: Have not many people who have been restored to the kingdom of God suffered with sickness and sorrow, want and the cares of life? I answer, Yes. I enter my Father's garden wherein is all manner of ripe fruit, sweet and delicious. I look upon the apples and would like some of them, but I say, They are not for me, they are for Mr. Smith. As I move along to the beautiful pears, I say, These are for Mr. Jones; those cherries are for Mrs. Brown; and those grapes are for Mr. Reed. So I might give away all the fruit of the garden to others, and refuse to put forth my hand and pluck and eat. Let me tell you, children of God, what our Father says, "All are yours; and ye are Christ's and Christ is God's." - 1st Corinthians 3:22, 23. Faith is the hand that takes hold of all things. Not human faith; for that can never reach God. Human faith is not true faith. One may believe one thing, and another believe quite another thing, and each will contend for his own faith; and often all this is only opinion and not faith. The faith of God will hold true in any emergency. What the world believes is not true faith, else there would be no difference in religions. There is only one faith. Ephesians 4:5. How shall I obtain it? It is a fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22. It is a gift of the Spirit (1st Corinthians 12:9), and he who has as much of this faith as a grain of mustard seed, has God back of it, and nothing shall be impossible to him. But it requires a supply for each thing desired. It requires the same quality or faith for healing that it does for salvation; but our salvation faith will not avail for healing faith. This faith is the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. That is, it is to be your evidence that you are to have the things you believe for, even though you do not see them. If you have the faith, it is your evidence that your prayer is answered. By this faith the lion's mouths were stopped; the violence of fire was quenched; and by it nothing shall be impossible to you. Matthew 17:20. It is the faith once delivered to the saints. Jude 3. God is its author and finisher. Hebrews 12:2. We must not try to impose our opinion on God, and call it faith; for we can not do that. No matter what our opinion is, the chances are that it is only human reason, and is wrong. God will not give you the faith for healing, and then not heal; but whatever he gives you faith for, you can move forward for, as it will obey you. O God, upon these lines open the eyes of the blind, to see the faith of God!
There went out a river also from the garden to water it. That river is still there, and is the beautiful river of life, clear as crystal, and it flows from the throne of God. This river is the Holy Spirit. The four heads into which the river was divided are the four attributes of the Spirit. Then, do not read these lines for history alone, but turn them to the Lord, and the veil shall be taken away.
Pleading For Sin.
Some time ago a religious paper, "The Christian Messenger," of New York, contained the following plea for sin from one of their ministers.
"Faith can never grow too strong to pray, 'God be merciful to me a sinner.' We are all Pharisees by nature, publicans only by grace, and let us shun as we would a viper all claims to sinless perfection. Paul never reached it, or, if he did, he was far from being conscious of his high attainment. When a comparatively young Christian he wrote, 'I am the least of the apostles.' After he had grown in grace a few years he could say, 'I am less than the least of all saints.' When he had grown old in God's service, he could subscribe himself the 'chief of sinners.' A certain Methodist bishop, in charging a class of licentiates, said, 'Aim at perfection, but I charge you, in God's name, never to profess it.' The place for true faith is on its knees before a holy God, weeping tears of penitence for its sins, and rejoicing only in his righteousness."
A. C. Dixon, D. D.
It is strange that religious papers and men who are claiming to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and claim to be trying to get people saved, would make such a plea for sin. However, it is not very often you see a man who has D. D. and LL.D. attached to his name, but will plead for sin and claim that no one can live free from it in this life. Did not Jesus Christ come to save people from their sins? And Paul testified that "we are kept by the power of God." He did not mean that we are kept "in" our sins, but kept "free from sin." What encouragement would it be to those who are going the way of sin to have a minister preach to come to Jesus and be saved from their sins, but that he can not keep us from sin in this world? Truly it would be holding up a weak Christ, one who is unable to fulfill his mission here on earth.
People who plead for sin and put in practice their belief on that line try to hide behind Paul while he was a sinner, before he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, when he was going about persecuting the saints of God, consenting to their death, and believing that he was doing the will of God. He was then persecuting those who were serving Jesus Christ according to the Bible, just as the so-called ministers of to-day who believe in sin will persecute those who teach and practice holiness; and doubtless some of them are deceived enough to believe that they are doing the will of God in carrying out such means of persecution. When Paul spoke of himself being the chief of sinners he referred to a time before he had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior from sin. When he said that he was the least of the apostles and the least of all saints, that did not detract from his perfection or freedom from sin. In his own sight he felt his unworthiness and entire dependence upon the Lord and was ready to be a servant to any one in order to help them along in the Christian life. Thus he was enabled to be a useful instrument in the hands of the Lord. There was one thing mentioned in the plan of salvation which Paul stated plainly that he had not yet attained, and that was the resurrection of the body, and he looked forward to the time when that would also be fulfilled in his case and the Lord was through with him here on earth.
After talking to the brethren about pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Paul said, "Let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded," etc. Philippians 3:15. So we see that he not only claimed perfection regarding his salvation, but that others also were perfect. In Colossians 1:22-28 he tells us how, through the death of Jesus Christ, we can be presented holy, unblamable, and perfect in Christ Jesus. See Colossians 3:14; 1st Thessalonians 3:13; 2nd Timothy 3:17, and Hebrews 13:21. These are some of the expressions of Paul. Again, we hear him tell the brethren in 2nd Corinthians 13:9 to be perfect and of good comfort, and he wished even their perfection. Read 2nd Corinthians 7:1; 1st Corinthians 2:6.
Jesus said to his followers: "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." - Matthew 5:48. He did not say, Be ye therefore perfect as the D. D,'s and LL.D.'s of to-day are perfect or as the "Christian Messenger" recommends you to be perfect, but "as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Do you suppose that he would have given a command that was impossible for them to obey? By no means. Again he said in Luke 6, "The disciple is not above his master; but every one that is perfect shall be as his master." Paul continued in 1st Corinthians 2:6, saying, "Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect." In 1st John 2:5, 6 we read, "Whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked."
A False Report.
I have just received information from reliable ones in Missouri that one of the anti-cleansing advocates has circulated the report throughout the southern part of Arkansas and Missouri that I have accepted the one-work heresy. Now, I am dead to my reputation; but lest the enemy has caused my name to be used to help influence souls into a deception, I dare not hold my peace. Now, it is only for God's glory and the good of precious souls that I declare this report to be false. I can truly say I have never accepted this heresy, neither have I been in the least inclined toward it. The Lord let me see in the very beginning of this heresy (while reading a letter that was sent me by some who were advocating it) that it was a deception of the devil, and in order to accept it one would first have to forfeit their salvation. My experience as well as God's word refutes this heresy. I am glad to tell you my experience is clear and definite; both in justification and in sanctification. In justification I received a complete deliverance from all my actual sins; and in sanctification my heart was cleansed - made perfectly pure from all inbred depravity. This experience has spoiled me for any arguments against the doctrine of the second work of grace as a cleansing. It has done for me just what the Bible says it will do, and my soul is satisfied with this precious Bible way; hence I am not looking for any other way.
Mrs. Della Fry.
Notes From the Journal of D. S. Warner.
December 13, 1877. The day was mild and fair; took a walk in the woods to commune with God; thought much of the words of God: "I will make a covenant with you." - Jeremiah 31; Hebrews 8:10; 7:20. Here I read that this everlasting covenant related to the new dispensation, and the apostle in Hebrews 10 actually connects it with sanctification. I felt like entering more personally and formally into this covenant with the Almighty. But, I thought, can a worm enter into an everlasting covenant with the holy God of the universe? God makes the proposition, and with solemn reverence I venture to step out upon it; and this I do in the name of the Lord Jesus, my only righteousness.
A covenant is an agreement of two parties in which both voluntarily bind themselves to fill certain conditions and receive certain benefits. God is the party of the first part of the contract, and has bound himself. Hebrews 8; Jeremiah 31.
1. "I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts."
2. "And I will be your God." - Ezekiel 36:28.
3. "They shall know me, from the least to the greatest."
4. "I will be merciful to their unrighteousness."
5. "Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."
O thou most high God, thou hast left this covenant in thy Holy Book, saying, "If any man will take hold of my covenant."
Now, therefore, in holy fear and reverence I present myself as the party of the second part and subscribe my name to the holy article of agreement, and, following thy example, will here and now write down the conditions on my part.
1st. "They shall be my people." - Jeremiah 31:33.
Amen. Lord, I am forever thine.
The vow is past beyond repeal,
Now will I set the solemn seal.
Solemn Covenant.
Lord, thou has been true to thy covenant, though I have been most unfaithful, and am now altogether unworthy to take hold of thy most gracious covenant; but, knowing that thou has bound thyself in thy own free offer to "be merciful to their unrighteousness," I take courage to approach thee, and would most earnestly beseech thee to fulfill thy wonderful offer to be my God, and I do most joyfully yield myself entirely to be thine.
Therefore, this soul which thou hast made in thine own image is placed wholly in thy hands. Do with it as seemeth good.
This mind shall think only for thy glory and the promotion of thy cause.
This will is thy will, O God; the spirit within this body is now thine; do with it as thou wilt in life and death.
This body is thy temple forever; these hands only to work for thee; these eyes to see thy adorable works and thy holy law; this tongue and these lips to speak only holiness unto the Lord; these ears to hear thy voice alone, these feet to walk only in thy ways; and all my being is now and forever thine.
This solemn covenant I make in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in fear and reverence, in the year of our Lord 1877, and on the 18th day of December.
In signing my name to this solemn covenant I am aware that I bind myself to live, act, speak, think, move, sit, stand up, lie down, eat, drink, hear, see, feel, and whatever I do, all the days and nights of my life, to do all continually and exclusively to the glory of God. I must henceforth wear nothing but what honors God; I must have nothing in my possession or under my control but such things as I can consistently write upon: "Holiness unto the Lord."
The place where I live must be wholly dedicated to God. Every item of goods or property that is under my control is hereby conveyed fully over into the hands of God, to be used by him as he wills, and to be taken from my stewardship whenever the great Owner wishes to do so; and it is not my business at all.
She whom I call my wife belongs forevermore to God; use her as thou wilt and where thou wilt; and leave her with me or take her from me, just as seemeth good to thee, and to thy glory. Amen.
Levilla Modest, whom we love as a dear child bestowed upon us by thy infinite goodness, is hereby returned to thee. If thou wilt leave us care for her and teach her, her true Father and owner, we will do the best we can, by thy aid, to make her profitable unto thee: but if thou deemest us unfit to properly raise her, or wouldst have her in thy more immediate presence, behold, she is thine, take her. Amen, and amen.
And now, great and merciful Father, thou to whom I belong with all that pertaineth to me; and thou who art mine with all that pertains to thy fullness and richness, all this offering which I have made would be but foolishness and waste of time were it not for what I have in thee obtained to confirm the solemn contract; for were it not that thou art my God, my promises would be but idle words. I could fulfill nothing which my mouth has uttered and my pen has written. But since thou, the almighty, omniscient, omnipresent, and eternal God art mine, I have a thousand-fold assurance that all shall be fulfilled through thy fullness. My ignorance is fully supplied by thy own infinite wisdom.
My utter weakness and inability to preserve myself from sin is abundantly supplied by the omnipotence to thy everlasting praise.
Glory be to thy holy name! Though I have solemnly pledged all things to thee, yet as thou art "my all and all," I have nothing to fear. Now, O Father, my God and Savior, I humbly pray thee to so keep me that all my powers of soul, body, and spirit; my time, talents, with influence, words, and works, shall continually, exclusively, and eternally, glorify thy holy name through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen, and amen.
Daniel Sidney Warner.
In covenant with the God of all grace and mercy who has become my salvation, my all; and whose I am forever to the praise of his glory. Amen.
Entered into by the directions of the Holy Spirit and signed this 13th day of December in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-seven.
I realized much strength by obeying the impressions of the Spirit in writing out the foregoing covenant. God seemed present as though I was making an agreement with a person whom I could see by my side.
Questions Answered.
Please answer the following questions in The Gospel Trumpet:
1. Does a justified person have the Spirit of God abiding in him, or is he only with him?
2. Is a justified person fully in Christ, or only to a certain extent? If the latter, what is the extent?
3. Are the terms "our old man" and "the old man" synonymous?
4. If the Adamic or inbred sin is no part of the soul and does not contaminate the soul, as stated in The Gospel Trumpet Volume 21, Number 5, what is there about it that necessitates a cleansing?
5. Please explain Romans 7:17, 18, 23, and Romans 8:3.
1. A person who is justified but not sanctified does not have the Spirit in the sense of an inward possession or the inheritance promised to all God's children, but yet he may enjoy the privilege of having the Spirit with him. See John 14:17 and 1st John 2:27.
2. A justified person is in Christ as fully as it is possible for a sanctified person to be. If a man is once inside a house he is in it as much as it is possible to be. The super-excellence of the sanctified state does not consist in being more fully into Christ, but in having him enthroned in us.
3. We know of no reason why the terms "our old man" and "the old man" should not be synonymous.
4. It was explained that the Adamic or inbred sin does not contaminate the soul in such a way as to produce guilt or defilement of conscience; and that therefore it does not debar a justified man, who has a clear conscience, from heaven. However, a refusal to be cleansed from inbred sin will affect the conscience and produce guilt. The removal of the Adamic sin necessitates a cleansing because it is unholy, being that disposition inherited from Adam that takes issue with God and does not say, "Thy will be done." It is not actually a part of the soul, neither is it guilt; yet it is a condition that needs to be removed by the blood of Christ, and its removal is a cleansing that perfects the soul in the love of God. Hebrews 13:20, 21.
5. An article will appear soon, Lord willing, explaining the seventh chapter of Romans.
Is it right for the saints to arrest sinners for disturbing meeting, and use the law?
It is right for the saints to do so if it is right for anybody, and the word of God certainly recognizes the justice of punishing wickedness. Read carefully Romans 13:1-6; 1st Timothy 1:8-10; 1st Peter 2:13-15.
I would like a little plain explanation on Luke 6:30. Have we a right to ask for what people owe us?
E. B.
The text reads: "Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again." The New Testament commandments are in accordance with a real living principle of right. To obey them from any other standpoint would be a blind observance, and would do the soul no good. Moreover, such an observance would not be what would please the Lord. Were we to try to obey the commands of the New Testament without the spirit of the New Testament in our hearts, we would make a failure and come far short. The Spirit and the Word go together. The Word throws light on the Spirit and the Spirit throws light on the Word. The Spirit puts a proper construction on the commandments of the Word. We sometimes see people who claim they have no need of the Word; that they have the Spirit, etc. It is all Spirit with them. Such run into rank fanaticism and do things directly contrary to the Word of God. On the other hand, we find many conscientious people who are endeavoring to serve the Word without the Spirit leading them, or without it working in and through them. Their manner is somewhat like the Jews of old who were so careful to obey, as Paul says, "in the oldness of the letter," and not "in newness of spirit." Such persons also go into more or less fanaticism, and, moreover, are in bondage, and subject to many accusations if they do not obey the Word of God just as it reads. It is certainly right to obey the Word just as it reads, but a passage needs illumination by the Spirit sometimes before we know just how it reads. The spirit of the New Testament is always in harmony with what is ordinarily termed good common sense, or what it might be better to call, wisdom.
Suppose we consider Luke 6:30 according to what would be a naked observance; that is, without any modifications. "Give to every man that asketh of thee." It does not say how much to give; so if a man should ask all that we have, our house and all our other property, even though it be all our clothing, we would feel obliged to give it. If a man asked you for your knife you would be obliged to give it, even though you knew his motive was to take his life with it. If a man asks you for money, you would feel condemned if you did not obey the text, though you know he intended to spend the money for drink or immoral purposes.
Such would not be the New Testament obedience at all. It would be worse than Old Testament bondage. Luke 6:30 should be regarded as a principle laid down which we are to obey in wisdom and not in the blindness of the letter. Christ intended that we should have wisdom. He said the Spirit would give us understanding and guide us into all truth. Therefore he could risk the committal of his commands to our comprehension.
The latter clause of the text has no reference to regular business dealings in which we expect pay for good sold or in which we are accustomed to ask for what people owe us. Obey this text according as the Spirit dictates to your good judgment and all will be well.
A. L. B.
News from the Field.
Caringer, Tennessee, March 9.
Since our last report through the Trumpet we have had the privilege of meeting with the little congregation here at Caringer, where we found them much encouraged to move forward. We find that Tennessee is ripe to harvest. We have more calls than we can fill. Any true minister can find plenty to do in the South. I had a letter a few days ago from Brother W. S. Brown of Maloney, Tennessee, stating that they were greatly in need of a minister to preach the Bible in their neighborhood. Any of God's true ministers from the north feeling led of the Lord to go to Brother Brown's, stop at Dayton, on the C. S. Railroad. Notify Brother Brown and he will meet you at the station.
M. N. Roark.
Dryden, Virginia, March 7.
God is keeping us saved; we give him the glory. After the assembly-meeting at St. Clair, Tennessee, we came to Bigstone Gap, Virginia, and began meetings in Jesus' name. We had large attendance. In this meeting the dear saints were wonderfully blessed; one was sanctified, just after the meeting closed. Praise God! Truly this meeting was owned and blessed of the Lord, and was a real feast to souls. We have just closed a meeting about two and one-half miles from Dryden. In this meeting we had a large attendance and real good interest. As the word went forth backed up by the mighty power of God, it convinced many of the truth. We believe some are willing to obey. One precious soul was reclaimed. Glory to God! By the help of God we mean to do all we can to lead precious souls out into this glorious light. Those wishing to write us, address us at Bigstone Gap, Virginia.
W. P. and P. Long.
Wade, Indian Territory, March 8.
I have been for some time trying to get the gospel introduced into this wicked place. I can not see much manifestation yet, but the people seem to have more respect for God's children. I can not yet see why the Lord led me to this place. However, I am satisfied; for I do not doubt in the least that the Lord has led me. It may be the Lord wants me to make a permanent home here. The people have given us a house and lot and want us to make our home here, and we will if the Lord is pleased with it. However, I only promise to stay till next fall, and the people said if I did not want to make this my home after this year I could dispose of our house and lot in any way I saw fit, and all would be right. So, I have not as yet decided; but I am praying and believing the Lord will do a work here. We have a Sunday-school now. Only one brother here is out in the light. We are financially pressed now and ask you to help us in your prayers. You that have been out in the work know what it is to be away from the saints among sinners and have to trust God for all things. I will be in the work; for I can not be idle.
James D. Ferrill.
Monroe, Indiana, March 6.
We can report victory in Jesus' name over our common foe the devil, for which we praise God.
We have been holding some meetings lately in company with Brother C. H. Eldridge of Tekonsha, Michigan. Met with the church at Willshire, Ohio (which is my place of worship) and held meeting one week. The Lord wonderfully manifested his power to save, sanctify, and heal. The church was instructed in the word of God and more firmly settled in his will. While here Brother Eldridge had a severe attack of nervous prostration and grip, the former trouble being chronic. He was anointed and prayed for, and the Lord heard and raised him up. Praise God! From there we went near Rockford, Ohio, and held meeting ten days in a hall. This is a new place. Brother Botts of Ft. Wayne was there for a short time last fall. Had good attendance and attention was given to the Word. Three consecrated and many, we trust, were won to the truth. The people were very friendly to us in supplying our needs. May God reward them for their hospitality. Brother L. Reynolds of Decatur, Indiana, assisted in this meeting. I came home on February 22 and held two meetings in Brother Johnson's house; one hand was raised for prayer. Brother Eldridge returned home the 25th. We are much encouraged because of the outlook for successful work for God in these parts. Brethren, please pray for me and the work of the Lord here.
Elmore Cook.
Oxford, Kansas, March 9.
We are glad to report victory in our Redeemer's name. We have been in meetings almost constantly since New Year's. First at Lyle, Oklahoma, where a few saw the light and began to walk in it. From there we went to Anthony, Kansas, and held a cottage-meeting with the saints. God blessed our souls, and we continued on our journey to Kiowa, where we helped Brother Bryant in a two weeks' meeting, a few miles out of town. The weather was quite cold; so not many attended. But good seed was sown, and we trust God for the increase. In company with Brother Bryant we came to Oxford and held a few days' meeting. One man sought pardon of sins. Brother Bryant went home and we came to Potwin, a new field. We held up Jesus as a perfect Savior at the Golden Gate school-house. The Lord gave wonderful victory and liberty in preaching the Word. One dear old grandma eighty-four years old got free in the Lord. One was sanctified, many acknowledged the truth. The people came in crowds toward the close of the meeting, and were very attentive. We pray God to bless them for their kindness to us. Truly God is good. He has been bountifully supplying our needs. Let us trust him, for God wants his children to have confidence in him. We find many promises to those who trust in God. Pray for us.
S. and A. McAlister.
Muscatine, Iowa, March 11.
I am glad to report that God has been faithful to keep us from the evils of the world, sin and sickness, and also from the devil himself; for which we praise God. For the encouragement of others, we would say that this winter's campaign has been one of success throughout, although in some places the result was not as satisfactory as in others. Nevertheless we give God all the glory for what he has done, and believe that lasting good has been accomplished in each meeting. At Carthage, Missouri, was a man that had fallen under the morphine habit. He came to Jesus during the meeting held at that place and the Lord gloriously saved and wonderfully healed him. delivering him completely from the morphine habit. We hope the Lord will keep him from getting into such a horrible condition in the future. From Carthage we went to Webb City, where the Lord blessed in the administration of His Word. Some differences among the professors were settled, and a few souls were saved. The next meeting was at Muscatine, Iowa, resulting in good throughout, and the saints are now having good meetings, and appear to be in good working order. May God bless and keep them by his mighty power from all evils. From Muscatine we went to Clinton. Here the saints, in part, were deceived under the influence of the antichrist spirit to such a degree that they could not determine the line between sectarians and anti-sectarians. God, in his love and mercy, drew the line for them again, and those who were deceived among them received the truth and were restored again into favor with God, except one, "who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them," and who refused to come to the meeting. May God pity the poor man and grant him repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. At this place there were a few conversions and some were healed. Praise and honor to the God of heaven who doeth all things well.
A. J. Kilpatrick.
Athena, Oregon.
I desire to give in my testimony for Christ. He has so wonderfully saved me that I can trust him in everything. In time of distress he healed my body, and I give him all the praise. I was then a member of the M. E. denomination, and felt I had a work to do among my own people. But alas! all my efforts seemed to be in vain, and I found myself alone in this work. But the blessed Master has always stayed near me. If those who have tracts and Trumpets will please send me some, I will distribute them, and prepare for the work to begin here. Pray that I may do my whole duty and be kept humble, also pray for my unsaved family.
Susie S. Brady.
Farmerstown, Ohio.
I praise God for a complete salvation that brought me out of the Amish sect. After I was out I thought I had to join some other sect, so I started for Michigan to find some sect that would be more according to the Word of God. Praise the Lord, he led me to a people that were free from all sectism and out in the evening light. When I heard them preach the full gospel, I found it to be just what I wanted. Since then I have been happy in the way. It is greatly desired that some of the saints come here and preach the truth. I live four miles southwest of Sugar Creek, Ohio.
J. H. Hostetter.
Edinboro, Pennsylvania.
My testimony is that the Lord saves and keeps me by his divine power. I am so thankful he lifted me up out of darkness; for I was so blind I could not see how merciful the Lord is to those that will put their trust in him, and stand on the promises. Dear brethren and sisters, do not get discouraged, but let us come humbly to the feet of Jesus and he will lift us up out of our troubles and heal us from our sicknesses. He has healed me many times, for which I give him the glory, and by his grace and strength I shall live for him who set me free. I was a sinner and he justified me, and to-day I have perfect confidence in him. Please pray for my dear companion, who is unsaved, that he might walk the Lord's way with me.
Kate Pifer.
Frankfort, Kansas.
I appreciate the privilege of testifying to the goodness of God. Jesus is my justifier, sanctifier, and healer, of both soul and body. Glory to his name! I accepted the whole truth about thirteen months ago, and I praise the Lord that the way grows brighter every day. My soul thirsts for a good sermon, sent forth with power. The Gospel Trumpet is a welcome visitor at my home. I love to read its pages over and over. I look up the references and ask God to show me the truth, and it is revealed. Oh, how my soul does rejoice in the truth! I praise God that I am serving a true and living God that saves and keeps us washed in the blood of the Lamb. 'Tis sweet to trust in Jesus. I am leaning on his everlasting arm, which is able to deliver us in time of trouble. Above all let us take the shield of faith, wherewith we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I ask an interest in your prayers that my husband may see the light, and that I may be kept humble at the feet of Jesus, walking in the light as it shines upon my pathway. May God bless the saints everywhere.
Mrs. C. C. Mercer.
716 Franklin Street, Peoria, Illinois.
I feel led to testify to the saving and healing power of God, and deliverance from sectism. My early life, after I reached the age of 17, was spent in sin and dissipation, entirely disregardful of the worship of God. But I was converted at the age of 23, in the Salvation Army, when God, to a certain extent, blessed the labors of part of the members of this schism. (But sad is the change; for surely Babylon is fallen. Instead of souls, it is now money). About a year after my conversion I thought I was called of God to go out as an officer; but I resigned in about 14 months. After four years of communion with my Savior, in an evil hour self conquered, and although I never went back to drinking or those sins, I was a rebel and had I been called away I would have been lost. Shortly before I was reclaimed (four and one-half years ago) my wife was healed in Chicago in answer to prayer and laying on of hands. That was the means of getting me back into the fold. Praise God forever. About a month after I yielded to the Spirit's call, I was healed of a severe case of indigestion, from which I had suffered for three years. I give God all the glory. About this time the Volunteers of America were organized, and under promise of greater freedom to go where I thought I could do the most good, I entered the movement as an officer; but I now found that things were not as represented, and that it was all a movement of man's. So in January, 1899 I resigned and moved back to Joliet, Illinois, my old home. There I heard the true gospel and one church preached, but could not see or accept the teaching until God himself by his Word revealed it to me, for which I praise his name. I have felt a great desire many times to go and teach others the way, and bring them to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, but as I look at the failures of some who have gone out to preach before they were qualified, I feel I had better stay at home forever rather than preach anything I can not practice in all its truth; for if we do not possess all things we can not teach all things as Christ has commanded us. I ask the prayers of the saints that I may be led of God in all things.
Weslely Vail.
Vesta, Washington.
About two years ago I started in the strait and narrow way - the beautiful evening light. It grows brighter as I grow in grace. I am fully satisfied with Jesus. He is everything to me. When I came to the Lord to be saved it seemed to me that I was giving up a great deal for salvation, but praise our dear Savior's name, my reward exceeds my sacrifice a hundredfold. It was as copper in exchange for gold. I was first converted when twelve years of age, and from that time until nearly three years ago lived up to what light I had on the Word - being in a saved condition only part of the time. When I first heard the light preached, it seemed very strange to me. I did not want to give up sectism and fashion to accept the humble way and companionship of the saints, for I knew that would mean a farewell to many of my friends. For a while, the more I would consider it the less I felt inclined to do it. My parents were just coming out into the light at the time, and had begun to take The Gospel Trumpet, which they dearly loved to read. I could hardly bear the sight of it, and would not deign to read it. I grew worse, getting farther from God, becoming more miserable myself, and making it very unpleasant for the home. Mother would often remonstrate with me, and I would feel sorry for my actions, and try to do better; but to no avail.
We are commanded to walk while we have light lest darkness come upon us. This I had failed to do, and as a result I backslid. O dear ones, the Lord meant just what he said when he uttered those words. Henceforth I expect to walk in every ray of light, let the cost be what it may. It pays now and in the end. A few months later two ministers came to our neighborhood preaching the pure Word of God. It was preached so plainly, the Holy Spirit convincing and convicting, that I saw my awful condition and after a hard struggle gave my heart to God. Oh, what peace came to my soul! It seemed to me that I was living in a new world; for truly, had I not entered the New Jerusalem? (Revelation 21). Since then I have had no desire to turn back. I know the world with all its pride and inducements has no real joy or peace to give. All I want to live for is to glorify God.
We are in great need of more gospel workers here in the West. While, of course, there are not too many in the East, yet there are many more than in the West. Is not God leading some of them to come here and help break the bread of eternal life to the dying? It behooves us to do all we can. We are in one of the greatest reformations this world has ever seen; yet that is not all - it is the last. Oh, let us plead with God in behalf of lost souls. "As soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children." - Isaiah 66:8. Of course we all would like to see everybody saved; but that is not sufficient. We should get in such earnestness that we will go to the Father with pleading and supplication stamped upon our hearts, that he will help us to do all we can. Would to God that he would roll such a burden for lost souls upon the hearts of all who have ability to work in his vineyard, that they could not rest until they knew they were in God's order.
Sophia Hines.
Cushing, Oklahoma.
SMITH. Everett Smith was born December 12, 1877; died January 21, 1901, of consumption. He made his return unto the Lord a few days before his death, and died triumphant in the faith. He said he felt perfectly clear before God. Among his last words were praises to the Lord. He leaves one sister and one brother.
Mrs. Kate Bradshaw.
Grand Junction, Michigan.
GOWENS. Jennie A. Gowens, daughter of Brother and Sister William Adams, of Covert, Michigan, departed this life March 1, 1901; aged 22 years, 1 month, and 2 days. During her last illness Sister Gowens was a great sufferer and in her distress was led to call upon the Lord. He heard and received her. She leaves a sure witness behind that all was well. May God bless and care for the two little ones left behind without a mother. May God's blessing rest upon the bereaved ones.
W. B. Grover.
Bluegrass, Indiana.
BARKER. Mrs. Sarah Barker departed this life February 24, 1901; aged 52 years, 1 month, 28 days. She united with the U. B. denomination when 22 years old and lived up to all the light she received. Six years ago she yielded to a brighter life, which is the oneness in Christ, and has since been a faithful worker in the cause of Christ. Her voice could often be heard in exhortation or prayer, or earnestly entreating precious souls to come to Jesus. Although our hearts are crushed with sorrow, yet we realize that our loss is her eternal gain. Her decease was sudden and unexpected. May God help us to say, "Thy will be done." She leaves a husband, seven children, and many friends. Yet we weep not as those who are left without a hope.
W. A. Barker.
Maple Hill, Kansas.
CONQUEST. Robert Otis Conquest was born February 6, 1880; died March 4, 1901. He came out into the clear light of the gospel three years ago, since then he has been walking in all the light he had. He left a bright evidence of his acceptance, and talked of the goodness of God as long as he was conscious. Almost his last words were: "There is nothing so real as salvation." A few days before he became sick he sent money to the Trumpet Office for a library to be placed in the penitentiary of Kansas. After he became sick he also sent a telegram to the Trumpet family for prayers. But it was the Lord's will to take him to himself. It was the writher's privilege to be with him during the last two days of his illness, and to mingle our prayers with his. When the end came we could truly say: "How blessed it is to die in the Lord!" He leaves a grandmother and other relatives, his parents having died while he was young. May God bless the bereaved, and bring them to a knowledge of salvation.
S. S. VanBuskirk.
Divine Healing.
Healed Many Times.
I have been saved in this precious light over five years, and am glad I live in a time when we have the pure gospel preached to us. I do rejoice in taking the Lord for my all and all. I have a family of seven children and we take the Lord as our physician. He has healed us many times of many different things. I will mention some of the afflictions to the glory of God: typhoid fever, the croup, chills, sore eyes, burns, and something like erysipelas. We take everything to the Lord without using any kind of earthly remedy, and always find him a present help in time of need. I feel safe to recommend our God to any suffering one, as a physician that will never fail, and one that is always ready to hear us when we meet the conditions of his Word. Pray that I may be humble.
Dora Hooper.
Petersburg, Indiana,
March 6.
Chronic Complaints Healed.
I am glad to testify that God has saved me from my sins, and cleansed my heart from inbred sin. I praise him for the Holy Spirit dwelling within and keeping my heart pure. After I had tried all recommended remedies for two chronic complaints, I gave my health into Jesus' keeping forever (by his grace I intend to trust him for all). He healed me perfectly. Last summer my hair came out, so that I had five or six bald spots an inch square. While at the Moundsville camp-meeting I was anointed according to James 5:14, 15. In a short time it came in thick, and now there are no bald spots, but instead thick hair about four inches long. All glory be to Jesus. I can not praise him enough for all he has done for me - saving, sanctifying, and healing. My experience is that whatever the trouble, sickness or heartache, we may have - no matter how great - if we take it to Jesus Christ he will give us sweet peace that passeth understanding. In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God; and the peace of God which passeth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Agnes Wissler.
Salem, Ontario.
Trusted the Lord.
We wish to add our testimony with the number of God's witnesses who are testifying to what the Lord is doing for them. Praise the Lord for his healing power! Our little girl five years old was sick with lung fever. She was taken sick on Wednesday and kept getting worse until Saturday. During part of the time she was unconscious. We saw that she was quite sick, and the thought came to us, "Whose hands will we trust her in - man's, or the Lord's?" But we read in the Word (Psalms 118:8) that it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. So we took her case to the Lord. We sent for a brother who believed in divine healing, so that our faith might be stronger, according to Matthew 18:20. When the brother came in we told him why we had sent for him. So we knelt around the bed on which the sick lay, and, placing our hands upon her, asked the Lord to heal her, and he heard our prayers. This is the first divine-healing testimony that we have sent for publication; but we have experienced divine healing in our family before. We are surrounded by opposition, even from those who profess to preach the word. Pray that we be true to the Word. May the Lord bless his dear saints everywhere.
T. M. and S. J. Brown.
Sedan, Illinois.
Jesus is My Physician.
I feel that it would glorify God and perhaps encourage some one for me to write my testimony of healing. While going to school I was taken with the grip. As soon as it was known that I was sick, the matron said that I must have a doctor. I told her that I did not want a doctor, but she just insisted on me taking medicine. I said I did not need it. She wanted to rub my throat and chest with turpentine. I still refused to let her, so when the professor heard it, he wrote to my brother to learn what to do; said he never met with such an obstinate, stubborn case in his life; that I had flatly refused to be treated. It created quite a sensation in the institute. I wrote to a dear saint to pray and get all the brethren to pray for me. In the meantime I heard of a sister who lived in town and anointed and prayed for sick folks. I asked for her to be sent for; but the matron would not allow her to come, as she did not believe in divine healing. So I sent for mother. She received the telegram about dark, and prayed nearly all night. She received evidence that I was not going to die, and next morning I was told that I looked so much better, and that my eyes were brighter. I did not think I was going to die, but I felt that the Lord had a purpose in keeping me sick so long. I had trouble in my side and Satan tried to make me believe that I was going to have pneumonia. But, praise the Lord! after two weeks of severe testing, I was healed. The sicker I became, and the more I suffered, the stronger I was on the promise. Praise God for a physician that can stop the fever and such terrible cough as I had! Oh, I do praise God for his sustaining grace in such a time as this: away from home, among a people that do not believe in divine healing. I ask the saints to pray for these people, also pray for me to be more firmly settled on all his promises, that this testing time may be as bread cast upon the waters; that it may be found after many days. Ecclesiastes 11:1.
Pearl G. Owens.
Evergreen, Florida.
Testimony of Healing.
We feel that it is to the glory of God to testify to the healing of our baby. This winter she was taken with a severe cold and grip, and was very sick. She would cough very hard, and then her little body would be so warn out that she would just lay and cry, refusing to eat and play. Had we been relying upon the arm of flesh we would have been alarmed; but our trust was in God and our faith took hold upon him as we took her case to the one great physician who healeth all our diseases. He has been our only physician for several years and has healed us many times. We were agreed for her healing, and prayed for it in faith believing; but she did not get any better and coughed as hard as ever. We held on by faith, but thought she would have to be anointed according to James 5:14, 15; but before we could attend to that she began to improve; and we recognized the hand and power of God upon her, until her healing was complete. Without one drop of medicine or consultation with any but the one great physician who has healed her, she is sound and well, through the precious blood of Jesus. To God be all the glory. Any one seeing her now, a babe of two years, lifting and carrying the chairs around the room, would not recognize the little sick one whom Jesus has so recently healed. How lovingly Jesus said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven;" how tenderly he received them and blessed them. He also gave us these precious promises: "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you;" "Pray one for another, that ye may be healed;" "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." O dear ones, it means so much to be in God's order, and to really abide in him and his words in us, so that we can pray the real prayer of faith. Jesus is indeed a never-failing friend in every time of need; truly he is our elder brother. "For we have not an high priest that can not be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." How beautiful the promises: "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee;" "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." May the dear Lord bless this little testimony and use it to his honor and glory, that his dear name may be magnified thereby. "Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord." - Isaiah 43:10.
Carrie M. Maggart.
613 Post St., San Francisco, California,
February 23.
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