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The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21 - Issue 11, March 14, 1901
(Articles of interest only)
Hope Thou in God.
By J. Grant Anderson.
O troubled soul amidst life’s transient throng,
Hope thou in God.
Whate’er bespeaks of right yet tempts thee wrong,
Hope thou in God.
Some day we’ll dwell where sin can not deface,
And walk and talk with Jesus face to face.
When storms of life and clouds o’ershade thy brow,
Hope thou in God.
Look up to him who pleads to save thee now,
Hope thou in God.
And now thy feet may rest, thine eyes behold
A pure, bright land of rest, of wealth untold.
If thou with joy wouldst hear the Savior’s call,
Hope thou in God.
Or be content with earth, whate’er thy life befall,
Hope thou in God.
Eternal life and peace are in his hands
To give to those who follow his commands.
When comes the eve of life’s departing day,
If thou has hope in God.
Thy soul shall mount on wings - thy soul shall say:
“Oh, hope! Blest hope in God;
Eternally in peace, I now shall roam,
And live and dwell with Christ in - home sweet home.”
The Gifts of the Spirit.
By R. H. Craig.
“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” - 1st Corinthians 12:6. “If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth.” - John 14:15-17. We can clearly see from these texts that God did not intend for his church to be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts. He gave us a Comforter to abide forever. Now the wisest thing I can think of is to be in favor with this heavenly messenger. Jesus says he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. - John 14:17.
Let us see then what office he fills in the church. “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.” - John 15:26. You can see he always points to Jesus. Again Jesus says that he (the Spirit) will bring all things to our remembrance. See John 14:26. Then he gives power. “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you, but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” - Luke 24:49. “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” - Acts 1:8. He is also a sanctifier. “That I [Paul] should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.” - Romans 15:16. He anoints and qualifies his ministry. “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me: because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.” - Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18; John 3:34. He brings conviction to sinners, and when he is come he will reprove (or convince) the world of sin. See John 16:8. By him are we to be taken into God’s church. “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body [church].” - 1st Corinthians 12:13. He (God) gave gifts to the church to profit withal; that is, that they might be benefited by them. “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another, the word of knowledge by the same Spirit.” - 1st Corinthians 12:7, 8. These gifts are of great importance and are much needed in God’s work. Solomon says wisdom is the principal thing. See Proverbs 4:7. James adds that if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and it shall be given him. See James 1:5. “To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit.” - 1st Corinthians 12:9. These gifts also are of much service to the church and should be earnestly coveted. “To another working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues.” - Verse 10. All of these gifts are given to the church to be used for the glory of God and for the benefit of the church. Again, he is God’s agent to unite us together. “In whom [Christ] ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” - Ephesians 2:22.
Now, dear reader, I want to call your attention to a well-known fact. That is, that the sectarian world to-day have rejected the precious Holy Ghost, God’s agent, in almost all his offices. Instead of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, it is Father, Son, and theology. This is their qualification for their ministry - their power, their faith, their discernment, their mode of church government, their teacher, and their comforter. They have set aside his healing, his discernment, his power to cast out devils by miracles. They use death-bed scenes and sympathetic stories to cause sorrow, in the place of preaching the word to bring conviction.
This is Babylon’s confusion. “Come out of her, my people.” - Revelation 18:4. “Deliver thyself, O Zion [church] that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon. For thus saith the Lord of host: After the glory hath he sent me [Christ] unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.” - Zechariah 2:7, 8.
What Is Man?
Or, Our Present and Future.
By H. M. Riggle.
Article VII. Materialist’ Arguments Considered.
In order to do justice to the reader, it becomes my duty to present the arguments brought forth by materialists to sustain their doctrine. In doing this, I shall present their strongest points and then reply to them. Also I will give their replies to the truths presented in the previous chapters, and then consider them.
1. Materialist. God only hath immortality. It is an attribute which belongs to him alone. If God only hath immortality, then man does not possess it. Proof: 1st Timothy 6:15, 16.
Reply. This indeed has a show of argument, if we would simply accept their wording of scripture without making examination. This they apply exclusively to the Father. But a careful reading of the text shows that Paul here refers directly to Jesus Christ the Son of God - “Our Lord Jesus Christ: . . . Who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords: who only hath immortality.” Other texts prove that it is Christ who is King of kings, and Lord of lords. See Revelation 17:14; 19:16. To take this text in an unqualified sense, as Adventists do, would deny the immortality of God the Father. It would also deny the immortality of angels. But we have already seen in the previous chapter that angels stand wholly upon the plane of spirit and immortal beings. See Hebrews 1:7, 14; Matthew 22:29, 30; Luke 20:35, 36. But it may be asked: In what sense hath Christ “only” immortality? The Word answers: “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first-fruits of them that slept.” - 1st Corinthians 15:20. “Knowing that Christ being raise from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.” - Romans 6:9. We all are yet mortal in body. We inhabit mortal flesh. The same is subject to death. But Christ has already received his immortal and glorified body. He, being already “raise from the dead, dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.” In this sense he only hath immortality. Our vile body will not be changed in the likeness of his glorious body until the final resurrection. So, since we yet inhabit a mortal body, decaying flesh, which is subject to death, and Christ the “first-fruits” has already received his glorified body, and “death hath no more dominion over him,” he only can be said to be wholly immortal. This is not a feather’s weight of evidence against the immortality of the soul.
2. Materialist. We are commanded to seek for immortality. - Romans 2:7. Why seek for something we already possess? If we are already immortal, it would be nonsense to seek it.
Reply. The word “immortality” is derived from two Greek words - athanasia and aphtharsia. The first of these means deathlessness - the latter means incorruption. In Romans 2:7 it is not athanasia (deathlessness) we are commanded to seek for, but aphtharsia (incorruption). This makes the matter clear. And, thank God, it does not in the least conflict with the multitude of scriptures already cited which so clearly teach that man possesses a spiritual conscious entity - soul or spirit - which continues to live after the decease of the body. We are commanded to seek for incorruption. We here inhabit a "mortal body," "mortal flesh." The same dies, and returns to dust. "It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: it is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: it is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. . . For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." - 1st Corinthians 15:42-44, 53. Here we see that the incorruption to be put on in the future is only for this mortal body, and therefore has not the weight of a shadow against the immortality of the soul. To "seek for immortality" is to live so that we may have a glorious resurrection unto eternal life, in an immortal and glorified body. A resurrection to eternal rewards, to eternal bliss, instead of one "to shame, and everlasting contempt." I challenge materialists to cite one text in the Bible where it is declared that our soul or spirit shall put on immortality. Where does it say, "Your mortal soul, your corruptible spirit, shall put on incorruption?" Who ever read such a text in the Bible? It can not be found there. It is found only in the writing and teachings of those who live outside the Bible, amidst the fogs and superstitions of darkened hearts destitute of the truth. But the good old Bible tells us plainly what part of us is mortal - "your mortal body" which "shall put on immortality." In the resurrection it is only "our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body." - Philippians 3:21. This is an object to be sought for by a humble, godly walk in this world.
3. Materialist. The soul of man is simply the whole being of man, body and mind. Proof: In the ark "eight souls were saved by water." - 1st Peter 3:20. Again, it is frequently said in the Old Testament that all the souls in certain places died. This could only apply to the individuals themselves, hence we conclude that the soul and body are the same.
Reply. We readily admit that there are a few texts in the Bible where the term "soul" applies to the individual. In fact it is so used to-day. We say of people in distress: "Poor souls! they need our sympathy." But this by no means destroys the fact that man possesses a spiritual entity called the soul, which is separate and distinct in substance from the body, and continues to live after the body returns to dust. The following scriptures do most positively teach this fact. Job 14:22; 2nd Corinthians 4:16; Micah 6:7; 3rd John 2; Matthew 10:28; Genesis 35:18; Luke 12:20; 16:19-31; Revelation 6:9, 10; 2nd Corinthians 5:1-9; Philippians 1:21-25. In order for materialists to uphold their doctrine, they must simply brush aside the clear testimony of all these texts, with many more, or try to sneer them out of the Bible. But God's word abideth forever.
4. Materialist. The soul must be mortal; for it can feed on material substances. Proof: "I will eat flesh, because thy soul longeth to eat flesh; thou mayest eat flesh, whatever thy soul lusteth after." - Deuteronomy 12:20. "As cold waters to a thirsty soul," etc. - Proverbs 25:25.
Reply. These texts refer only to the individual. We use similar expressions to-day: "Poor soul, he must be hungry or thirsty; let us give him bread to eat or water to drink." Surely men are pressed hard for argument to support a doctrine, who will resort to such logic as this. Shame on such ignorance. What an argument to overthrow the immortality of the soul! While our outer man does feed on material substance, our "inner man" feeds on spiritual substances. See Isaiah 55:12; 1st Peter 2:2; John 4:14; 6:48, 50.
5. Materialist. The spirit of man simply means his breath. Proof: "All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils." - Job 27:3.
Reply. This text comes far from proving that the spirit of man is the breath he breathes. In fact it does not say so at all. But let us examine this argument. The Materialist says "spirit means breath." The Bible teaches that "God is a Spirit." - John 4:24. So according to Adventism, the only God we have is a mere breath. Let us substitute breath for spirit in a few texts. "Father, into thy hands I commend my breath." - Luke 23:46. "Then was Jesus led up of the breath into the wilderness." - Matthew 4:1. "But there is a breath in man." - Job 32:8. "The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in breath." - 1st Corinthians 7:34. "The breath itself beareth witness with our breath that we are the children of God." - Romans 8:16. Oh, how dark and godless the leaven of Adventism! How ridiculous their position! But when driven from this position they generally shift to another position and make a stand behind another "refuge of lies;" viz., "Spirit means life." Let us examine their argument. We will substitute "life" for "spirit" in a few texts. "And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a [life]." - Matthew 14:26. "A [life] hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." - Luke 24:39. So with all the twisting that men can do, the Scripture still teaches that "there is a spirit in man." - Job 32:8. The same goes to God at the death of the body. See Ecclesiastes 12:7.
6. Materialist. The Bible teaches that "the dead know not anything." Proof: Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6. If this be true, they are in an unconscious slumber.
Reply. This can apply only to the outer, physical man, that which sleeps in the dust of the earth. The text applies only to that part of man's being which is declared to be "dead," i.e., our mortal body. But while at death the outer man returns to the earth as it was, and sleeps in unconscious slumber, knows not anything (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Matthew 27:52; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6), the soul or spirit, the real inner man, goes to God, and remains conscious. Ecclesiastes 12:7; Acts 7:59; 2nd Corinthians 5:1-9; Philippians 1:21-25; Luke 16:19-31.
7. Materialist. In the very day a man dies "his thoughts perish." - Psalms 146:4. Does this not prove that memory is destroyed in death?
Reply. Not by any means. The mind is one thing, and its thoughts another. "Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity." - Isaiah 59:7. The wicked have thousands of thoughts, schemes, and lust, which they expect to carry out, but they are all cut off by death. Their thoughts of iniquity are all defeated and perish. But the overthrow of their thoughts and plans in death does not destroy their memory. Abraham said to the rich man, "Son, remember," and he did remember, that he had five brothers whom he did not desire to come to that place of torment.
8. Materialist. The Bible teaches that the soul will be redeemed "from the grave." Proof: Psalms 30:3; 49:15; 89:48. If this is true, it sleeps in the grave with the body.
Reply. The regular Hebrew word for grave is "geber." In none of the texts just cited is the original word "geber," but in every text it is "sheol" - "the unseen state." Sheol and its counterpart hades, as we have seen in the previous chapter, represent the dwelling-place of all departed spirits, between this probation and the final judgment, while geber represents the dwelling-place of the body. We will give the rendering of the Septuagint Version of the texts. "Thou hast brought up my soul from Hades." - Psalms 30:3. "But God shall deliver my soul from the power of Hades." - Psalms 49:15. "Deliver his soul from the hand of Hades." - Psalms 89:48. So when these texts are understood in their true light, they perfectly harmonize with the host of scripture texts which so clearly teach that the soul does not go down into decomposition with the body.
9. Materialist. "Man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity." - Proof: Ecclesiastes 3:18-21.
Reply. Only in the few things spoken of. "They all have one breath" - both breathe the same air. Man's physical life is the same as that of the animals, and his death just as inevitable. Both die, and so far as man is taken from the dust, he, in common with the beast; returns to dust again. But to say that man morally and spiritually hath no pre-eminence above a beast is to deny the Bible: and in fact the above text does not teach any such thing. Thus one by one the props which hold up the Advent structure fall under the hammer of eternal truth.
We will next briefly examine a few of their replies to the truths presented in the previous chapters.
1. Materialist. It is argued that "our earthly house of this tabernacle," in 2nd Corinthians 5:1 does not refer to the body, but to this literal earth. Its dissolving refers to the day of judgment, as Peter states in 2nd Peter 3:10-12.
This reasoning is unsound from the bottom up. Our earthly house, the tabernacle in which we now dwell, and in which we groan, Paul plainly tells us is our body. See 2nd Corinthians 5:6, 8. When it dissolves - our body dies - we move into another sphere, where we are absent from the body, and present with the Lord." - Verse 8. Amen.
2. The materialist argues that the narration our Savior gave of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31 was simply repeating a Pagan belief which the Jews received from the Romans. They say Christ used this language, although it was fiction, to reprove the Pharisees for trusting in riches. He used it because it was their belief, and thus with their own false doctrine reproved them.
Oh, shame on such an imputation. They are forced to acknowledge that either their creed is false, or Christ told a falsehood, and openly endorsed one.
So rather than give up their creed and abandon their fallen sect, these "dumb dogs" actually impugn the Son of God. If this belief of the Jews was fiction, then Christ, instead of exposing it, endorsed and openly taught it to his hearers. Surely Jude describes the condition of these presumptuous preachers who claim "no pre-eminence above a beast," when he says: "These speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them! . . . To whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever." - Jude 10-13. One falsehood compels its holder to bring up others to help it through. So when the foregoing argument is thoroughly exposed, these crafty prophets take another turn.
3. They say that the whole was simply a parable. That the rich man represented the Jews - the literal seed of Abraham. These were cast out. That Lazarus represented the Gentiles - the despised - and these entered the bosom or family of Abraham.
Being naturally a little inquisitive, I would like to ask the propagator of this a few questions. 1. If Lazarus represented the Gentiles, whom did the dogs represent which licked his sores? If you answer, The Samaritans, I ask you, Were not the Samaritans Gentiles too?
2. If the rich man represented the Jews, whom did his five brethren represent?
3. What is meant by the death of the rich man? If you answer, the cutting off of the Jews from favor with God, I ask you, Did not Lazarus die also?
4. In what sense were the Gentiles "carried by the angels" into Abraham's bosom after their death?
5. Will you please explain the language of Abraham where he says to the rich man in torment, "Remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented."
6. If Lazarus represents the Gentiles, and the rich man represents the Jews, will you please explain what Abraham meant when he said to the rich man after death: "Between us [Lazarus and Abraham] and you [the rich man] there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you can not; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence." Especially would we like this explained since the Bible so plainly teaches that Christ has "broken down the middle wall of partition between the Jews and Gentiles," and reconciled both in "one body," brings them into "one fold," so that in this gospel dispensation "there is neither Jew nor Greek: . . . for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28; See John 10:16; Ephesians 2:14-16.
By Clara M'Alister.
"And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. . . Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." - Luke 21:34-36.
Listen to the words of our Savior, commanding us to watch and pray always. How many there are of Christ's followers to-day, that come far short of this injunction, and who, if "that day" were to come now, would not be found watching and praying. In all Christ's teachings before he ascended to glory he tried to impress upon the minds of his disciples that they must continually watch and pray. Even in his awful agony in the garden, his thoughts were turned from his own sorrows to the future of those he loved. And when he returned and found them sleeping, he commanded them to "rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation." Perhaps if Peter had been praying instead of sleeping, he would not afterwards have denied his Lord and then gone out and wept bitterly, but instead, he might have been rejoicing in Jesus' love and had victory in his soul. And so it is with us; if the Spirit is leading us to pray, we should not neglect it for sleep or anything else; for if we are not continually watching we are liable to be overcome by the tempter and brought into shame and sorrow.
"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." So if we are found off our guard (watching and praying) even for an hour, it might be the very hour in which our Lord shall appear, and woe unto those servants that have not their lamps trimmed and burning and filled with oil, when the Bridegroom cometh. We must prepare them beforehand and keep them ready, that we may be able to enter in before the door is shut.
How spotless our souls must be that we may be able to face the Lamb of God and to stand in his presence without fear.
"The Lord is coming shortly,
According to his word,
Taking vengeance on the wicked,
And them that know not God:
Oh, who shall then be able
In that awful day to stand?"
Shall you, dear reader? May God help all who have not the wedding garment on to hastily prepare to meet the Bridegroom.
"Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, . . . lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch."
The Lord's Garden.
By Emil Kreutz.
"And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food." - Genesis 2:8, 9. No doubt this was a beautiful place. Though we have not a very complete description of the same, yet we may have an idea from the expression, "Every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food." No doubt all the pleasant trees, and flowers, and bushes and plants that we have now scattered through the earth grew there; consequently it was a beautiful place. It is referred to as such in another scripture. Everything was perfect. It was called Paradise.
I was wonderfully struck with admiration when I visited the horticulture building at the Omaha exposition, three years ago, and saw the great variety of plants, and flowers, and fruits that God has provided for mankind, and such a sweet fragrance and perfume arose from the flowers. I could not but praise and bless the name of the Lord for these things. I shall never forget the feeling I had while there - such a sweet sense of the kindness of God in providing these things for our happiness and enjoyment came over me.
Now God has promised to make his church like the garden of Eden. See Ezekiel 36:35; Isaiah 51:3. In Joel 2:2, 3 we have a description of the apostasy - the dark and cloudy day - in which is the expression: "As the morning spread upon the mountains." This language is used in connection with that about the dark and cloudy day. Then in the next verse it says: "The land [God's tillage, or church] is as the garden of Eden before them [before the people of sectism, which made God's church a "desolate wilderness"], and behind them a desolate wilderness," i.e., after sectism had had her sway. They brought devastation and ruin to the Lord's garden and set up the gardens of Babylon in its place. "False plants and a false seed" were planted (Isaiah 17:10 - LXX.), and strange vines and wild trees. See Jeremiah 2:21; Isaiah 5:2-4; Ezekiel 17:3-6; Isaiah 34:13-15. But the Lord has promised to restore again his garden and make it as the garden of Eden. "For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord: joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody." - Isaiah 51:3. Praise God!
In Psalms 80:9-19 we have a description of the church in its prosperity in the morning time, also of its apostasy, and a prayer for the restoration of its primitive purity and blessing - that the Lord would visit and cause his face to shine upon his garden and vines. In Isaiah 35 we read: "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice, even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon [Lebanon is noted for its immense forests of evergreen trees and fertility.] shall be given unto it, the Excellency of Carmel [Carmel signifies an excellent vineyard, the vineyard of God.] and Sharon [his song]; they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the Excellency of God." - Isaiah 35:1, 2. "And in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes." The LXX. reads thus: "Then shall there be a joy of birds, ready habitations, and marshes." Instead of the false and strange slips and plants of the Babylon gardens, the wild plants, trees, and flowers, such as thorns, briers, brambles, nettles, and the like, we have promise of fir-trees, myrtle, cedars of Lebanon, palm-trees, and all the pleasant plants and flowers that grow, such as the lily of the valley, and the rose of Sharon. "Yea, also, a garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire [or cypress] with spikenard, spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense: myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices: a fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon." - Song of Solomon 4:12-15. These all signify the graces of the Holy Spirit - the fruits of the Holy Spirit manifested in those individuals who are planted in the house of the Lord. The call is made by the Lord: "Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out [and the church invites the Lord]. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruit." - Song of Solomon 4:16. And as the fragrance of his garden flows out to the passers by, they cry out: "Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women? whither is thy beloved turned aside, that we may seek with thee?" And the church answers: "My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies, . . . he feedeth among the lilies." - Song of Solomon 6:2, 3. Again the church calls to the Lord, "Come, my beloved, . . . let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vines flourish, whether the tender grapes appear, and the pomegranates bud forth: [and the church promises] then will I give thee many loves." Again, "The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manners of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved." - Song of Solomon 7:11-13.
Again the Lord says: "I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk: . . . [then the invitation to us] Eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved." - Song of Solomon 5:1. And yet again the Lord says of his vineyard and garden: "I the Lord do keep it; I will water it every moment; lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day. . . He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit." - Isaiah 27:3-6.
God's Plan to Save
By Willis Pelton.
There are many precious promises in the word of God for the poor soul that is lost in sin. As God is not willing that any should perish, he has made it possible that every one can get a genuine experience of salvation. It is a personal thing between every man and God as to where he will spend eternity. Just think of it - every one of us must stand before God in the day of judgment and give an account of ourselves. That will be the time when the very secrets of our hearts will be made known; and if we are not saved, we certainly can not stand the test, but will be "banished from the presence of God and the glory of his power." "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out." - Luke 13:28. In Isaiah 19:20 God promised man a Savior, by believing in whom he might escape all of this, and as we can see his promise fulfilled in Luke 2:10-13, it proves that "he is faithful that promised." - Hebrews 10:23. He has promised to save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21; Isaiah 1:18; 55:1-3; Revelation 22:17.
But God can not save any unless they first do just what he tells them in his Word. The first step for the sinner to take is to leave off his sinful habits, according to Isaiah 55:7. If he drinks liquor or uses tobacco he can not expect God to save him from them until he first quits the use of them himself, and all other sins must be likewise forsaken. [Editors Note: Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.] He must also confess to God that he has sinned against him. 1st John 1:9. If he has ever robbed or defrauded any one, he must pay it back (Ezekiel 33:15) as far as possible. If he has not means enough, he can go according to God's word in 2nd Corinthians 8:12 - "For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not." But this is not all there is to do. Jesus tells us that we must forgive our enemies or God will not forgive us. Matthew 6:14, 15. No matter how badly they may have treated us, or what they may have said about us, we must forgive them just the same and it must be from the heart. When God forgives our sins he says he remembers them no more. See Hebrews 10:17. So when we forgive others we must not still hold it against them, for that would not be real forgiveness at all.
These are the conditions that God requires us to meet in order to get salvation, and when they are fully met, it then puts us on grounds where it will be very easy for us to exercise faith to believe that God receives us as his child, knowing that we have done all that he requires of us to do. If a person does not feel any different at the time his faith takes hold on God, he has a right to claim the promise that God accepts him just the same, and an unwavering faith will bring the witness of God's Spirit when God sees fit. "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." - 2nd Thessalonians 5:24.
Pure Testimony
By John C. Blaney.
"A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies." - Proverbs 14:25.
"And they overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." - Revelation 12:11.
It is acknowledged by all Christians that we are near the end of time, and certainly the signs of the times point that way. This is an age of deception such as this world has never seen hitherto, an age, the end of which will bring us to the judgment, and consummation of all things pertaining to time. This is an age of peculiar perils to the Christian, especially at this particular period. "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
The Judge of all the earth says to his peculiar people, whom he has redeemed, "Ye are my witnesses," and also declares that "a true witness delivereth souls." There is a tendency among the saints in this reformation to shun to declare the whole counsel of God, especially that part of his counsel which pertains to the fall of Babylon, or modern schisms. They who are delivered, in appearance at least, from the thralldom of human ecclesiasticism seem to be afraid to expose to others what they themselves claim they are freed from. People who claim they are all the Lord's and will step out of the ranks of Babylon and identify themselves with this light of truth, will seldom testify publicly in the presence of sinners or sect professors against Babylon. They will give a testimony such as any professor might give, and yet nobody receives such light from it as might lead them out of the city of dark confusion into the glorious evening light. But there must be a reason for this; as people have a purpose in view, at which they aim when they speak, or act. For my part I would say that the reason I came out of Babylon was because I realized she was fallen, and God was calling me and all his people out of her. The reason I testify to this fact is because I realize the danger there is in being yoked up with her institutions, and tainted with her false doctrines.
"A faithful witness delivereth souls." Some think that by refraining from clearly exposing the fall of the so-called churches they will better win people to the truth and get God's people out of her; but let us stop a moment to consider what a faithful witness will do. Jesus Christ is called the faithful witness. See Revelation 1:5. A witness is one who gives testimony for what is true, and against what is wrong. Jesus testified that the works of this world were evil. John 7:7. This world at that time was composed of Judaism and paganism. To-day the world is composed of paganism, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism, and if Jesus were here he would utterly ignore these institutions as Christian, and testify against them regardless of public opinion or prejudice. I know that Jesus never used any language by way of ridicule against even the hypocrites, but plainly declared the naked truth. Truth will never do any harm when declared, and spoken in love. I know God hates lightness in those who profess to be declaring his words, and a fun-making, or ridiculing spirit is not of God. He wants his people to testify in such a manner that the trumpet will give forth no "uncertain sound." "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?" - 1st Corinthians 14:8. When this is done wherever it is needed, by the Spirit of God, sectarians will either get saved or fight against the truth, and their true character will be manifest, and souls delivered.
I am well aware that if our testimony is not radical in every respect, more people will profess among the saints who profess to be out in this evening light. But you will find that such people always get badly hurt when they hear a clear testimony for the whole truth, with power through the Holy Spirit, and they will find fault, and be afraid the people will get prejudiced against the gospel. It is a notable fact that most of the societies which profess to believe in holiness, and healing, and unity, have been organized since this reformation started, a little over twenty years ago. Many who profess to have holiness are members and supporters of some secret society, and refuse to leave their un-scriptural craft, renounce it for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ, who never had anything to do with organizing such divisions. Some would like to consider such as Christians, and fellowship them as such; when all their preaching and so-called gospel work is to keep people from coming out of their sect and joining the ranks of those who have returned and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads. To be sure, such will be popular with the majority of professors, but we must remember that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." This verse describes how the saints of the apostolic days were victorious over the powers of the enemy. They testified persistently against the devil and his messengers, not regarding their lives, and exposed the false religions of that age; not admitting any worship as acceptable in the sight of God except the pure, simple worship of Jesus Christ. The natural consequence of this was persecution, but they loved not their lives unto the death. Praise God! The person who will be a true witness, and always give a clear, true testimony, will never be popular with timid and false professors. He will be cried down as uncharitable by those whom the Lord abhors, but he will have victory in his soul through the blood of the Lamb, and joy unspeakable through the consciousness that he is in the right.
At all places where this glorious truth is preached by the messengers of God, the false teachers of Babylon will try to preach as much truth as they can, and still keep their people in their sect, and thus deceive their souls. There is no doubt some go forth with a pernicious spirit, railing against sectism, and do harm; but more harm will be done by a compromise with Satan through the saints than by his messengers who cry out against his own works. Let every true child of God keep humble and not be afraid to expose the devil and his works wherever they are manifest, and God will take care of the results.
It was the bold testimony of the saints which brought about this reformation, and if we want to be clear in the judgment we must continue to hold up the truth through this pure testimony, and expose every new move of Satan. The only way in which false spirits can be brought to light is by wisely, and in love, testifying to and declaring the whole counsel of God. This will discover the false and sectish spirits which lurk in the hearts of so many professors of to-day. Amen.
A Few Pearls From The Word.
When men find the Lord to the satisfaction of their souls, it is usually the result of getting in earnest about the matter. Half-hearted efforts in seeking the Lord seldom amount to much. "But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul." - Deuteronomy 4:29.
The children of God out in this glorious reformation have privileges enjoyed by very few. We have access to the pure word of God and have it taught by men filled with the Holy Spirit. These great privileges carry with them corresponding duties. "What nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day? Only take heed to yourself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons." - Deuteronomy 4:8, 9.
Among the popular religions of to-day, obedience to God's word is considered a matter of little consequence. But God's children have ever prospered only to the extent that they obeyed his words. "Now therefore harken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you." - Deuteronomy 4:1, 2.
So many people treat God as an unreal being. Did they act as though God were truly watching them and able to reward and punish their every action and thought, we feel sure they would prosper more in their souls. "Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath: there is none else. Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the Lord thy God giveth thee, forever." - Deuteronomy 4:39, 40.
Growlers And Grumblers.
When you see people stumbling around over this one and that one, murmuring, complaining, growling, grumbling, everything going wrong, and having lost confidence in almost every one, you can readily conclude that such people have something very badly wrong with their own hearts. In the first place they will get their eyes upon some mistake or crookedness of some one and upon something else, until one thing after another comes up through the magnifying-glass of the devil's spectacles, and they can see nothing but crookedness, and almost everybody will seem as crooked as they themselves are. A miserable life indeed. When the heart gets wrong in this way the contents generally come out through the mouth by way of words, murmuring, complainings, etc., or in evil thoughts, and such like, making life miserable for themselves and those around them. On the other hand, the one who lives for God will look along the highway and see the rich blessings of God. The crookedness and oppositions of others will only be along the wayside, just off the Christian's path, and can all be trusted away with the Lord, and the soldier for Jesus will go on with sweeping victory over all the power of the enemy.
Great In His Own Sight.
In these last days when the word of God is preached in all its purity there are many things to be met and much prejudice to be removed. The devil has sent his messengers ahead in many places to disgust the people on almost every line of truth; or where it has been preached and received by many, the enemy sometimes captures some souls and turns their hearts from the truth in a way that will fill the hearts of the people with much prejudice; but despite all these, the words of the grand old Book stand firm upon the Rock of ages. Truth is just the same, and when all self-efforts and human institutions fail, the manifestation of the glorious truth will shine forth more prominent than ever, as it was in the days of Moses when he wrought miracles by the power of God, the magicians did the same things. This was repeatedly done in a marvelous way, insomuch that it would have been very difficult for people to have told which was the genuine, until finally God saw fit to show forth his power in a more miraculous way that out did all the works of the magicians, and the name of the Lord was glorified.
In these days, while God is marvelously working, yet the devil is sending forth his messengers, doing wonders. We read in Revelation 16:14 where it says, "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Here we see that in these last days actually miracles will be performed, and yet not by the power of God. The word of God teaches holiness. It opposes sectarianism, but as the truth goes forth and is shown to be the word of God concerning holiness, sectarians begin to preach it, to the disgust of the people. As divine healing is being taught, they also teach on that line, but will not square to the word of God concerning the oneness and unity of God's people. Christian Science has some truth connected with it, but the thing itself is only a tool in the hands of the devil to deceive souls, not withstanding their occasional cures. Spiritualism is another deception, with its devil-possessed mediums, Mesmerism, Hypnotism (or in other words weltmerism), and such like, are only deceptions and fakes and things that tend to disgust and prejudice people against the truth. On the line of divine healing, almost wherever you go there is much prejudice existing on account of the teaching of Mr. Dowie of Chicago, more properly called "Big John," as you will readily perceive by his assumptions. It is true, he has done much teaching on the line of divine healing and giving the word of God, and had he kept in line with God would have been, no doubt, a useful instrument in his hands; but, like Saul of old, he failed to keep "little in his own sight," until he has been the means of turning people from the truth instead of winning them. His converts now are converts to Dowie and his so-called Church, instead of converts to Jesus Christ and the church of God. We will here quote from his own words:
"Elijah, as the messenger of God, was a man as I am. John the Baptist was only a man as I am: for when God sends a messenger he does not send an angel from heaven. He sends a man in whom he has placed the spirit of his messenger. I believe I am that man, the Messenger of God's Covenant, the Prophet of whom Moses spoke. God has revealed to me that I am the Messenger of the Covenant. I declare to you to-day that the King reigns, and that the King is coming. The dawning of his coming in that Eastern sky is beginning to fill the world with light. One day we shall say, The King has come. But the moment that the herald proclaims it the world has become the kingdom of our God, and I say this to-day.
"It is a terrible thing to say. I know I shall be greatly criticized for saying it. I know that by some it will be laughed at, and by some feared. Nevertheless I proclaim it, as far as this voice to Zion and God's people in every land can reach, to every king and emperor and to every president and ruler throughout this world, that I, John Alexander Dowie, in the name of God Almighty in Zion, command them to obey the King.
"I say the King is coming. I proclaim that the old kings are all dead, and that the kingdoms of the world will soon disappear, and give way to the kingdom of God and of his Christ. I proclaim the downfall of all monarchies, of all republics, of all churches. I proclaim the kingdom of God, the eternal theocracy. I say that the kingdom or nation that will not obey this proclamation from Zion when it is proclaimed to, and understood by them, shall utterly perish."
He is now trying to colonize his people and build a city called Zion, and has purchased machinery to manufacture fine lace goods. The full name as he now applies to himself is, "The Rev. John Alexander Dowie, General Overseer of the Christian Catholic Church, Prophet and Messenger of the Covenant." How much he will have added to his name during the next year one can scarcely imagine. Such bigotry is sure to fall to the ground; however, truth will prevail. It is necessary that ministers of God, and his people everywhere, stand true to the word of God and be not driven about by every wind of doctrine nor shaken in faith because of oppositions and those who will not stand by the truth. We read in Mark 13:22 where Jesus says: "False Christs and false prophets will arise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect; but take heed: behold, I have foretold you all things."
Questions Answered.
Is the second work a blood-cleansing work, or only a work in grace? If a blood-cleansing work, give reference.
C. T.
It is a blood-cleansing work. Compare Leviticus 16:14-16 with Hebrews 9:13, 14. See Hebrews 10:10, 14, 19, 20, 29; 13:12. Perfection is by the blood. Hebrews 13:20, 21. Christ gave himself (his blood) for the sanctification and cleansing of the church (not the world): Ephesians 5:25-27.
Is self completely taken out of a person when he is sanctified?
Self, considered as that which is unconformable to the will of God, and therefore a carnal element, is destroyed and completely taken out. That is the sense in which self is generally used. Selfishness comes from it. But if self may be considered as referring to our individuality, in exercise of our wills or control of our being, such self is not taken out, for then we would cease to exist as God created us.
Why is music, or rather musical instruments, condemned? Isaiah 5:11, 12 pronounces woes upon those that have them, also Amos 6:1-6. Are we to understand by this that music is not pleasing to God?
J. T. G.
Music is not condemned in the Bible. As to musical instruments, the texts cited seem to mention them in a connection by which one might easily judge that they were condemned. But a careful reading and a comparison with other texts in the Old Testament where musical instruments were used in praise will show that in the passages mentioned the instruments themselves were not condemned but were used out of place. Amos 6:1-6 speaks of those who are at ease in Zion, "that lie upon beds of ivory and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stalls, that chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of music, like David, that drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments: but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph."
If we were to condemn instruments of music from the connection here, we would also have to condemn couches, lambs, calves, bowls, ointments, etc. These things are all right in their place, but the people were making a wrong use of them; they were placing themselves at ease, and it was the spirit in which they did this that was condemned. Their wrong is pointed out in the last clause of the 6th verse: "But they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph." Musical instruments were not condemned in the Old Testament, neither are they condemned in the New, but they are not mentioned for uses of worship, whereas singing is. See Matthew 26:30; Acts 16:25; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; James 5:13. As with respect to many other things, the New Testament leaves us in the liberty to do anything that can be done to God's glory, without any discrimination as to what things are right or wrong in themselves. Musical instruments are found to be useful in the study of the natural science of music; they are often useful in our homes for the cultivation of the taste and love for music. But generally in congregations where voice can be had to produce good singing and the Spirit exists in the hearts to make the singing spiritual, it seems to be the most natural way of praising the Lord with music. The voice properly trained is by far the best musical instrument, and man can not therefore improve upon the works of God in this respect.
In 1st Corinthians 1:2 the apostle addresses his epistle to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus; in chapter 3, verses 1-3, he calls them babes and carnal; and in verse 16 he tells them that the Spirit of God dwells in them. Question: Does the Spirit of God dwell in a carnal heart?
M. L.
The Spirit of God does not dwell in a carnal heart. The seeming discrepancy of the passages mentioned must then be accounted for. Some of the Corinthians may have been sanctified when Paul addressed them, and were in possession of the Holy Spirit, while others were yet carnal. But it is equally if not more probable that the apostle assumed that that was true of their condition which a profession of Christ signified, so that while they were yet carnal their profession of Christ implied Christ in his fullness. He adopts the position that they are temples of the Holy Spirit, and from this position he administers reproof. 1st Corinthians 3:16, 17. Why should it be thought incredible that the Corinthians, instead of never having had the Holy Spirit, were in a partially backslidden state? Some, of course, had gone into sin, but the main body possibly had the Holy Spirit at the first, and perhaps through lack of instruction and having special influences of evil to contend with, soon drifted into a clouded spiritual condition. They may have thought it not wrong to manifest preferences, so that one would say, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos." They may have drifted into divisions and strife without being conscious of guilt in such matters and only needed some one to instruct them. Thus the apostle found them yet carnal, walking as men, though they probably had kept themselves in a state of justification so far as actual guilt is concerned. Instead of becoming stronger in their experiences they had failed to make any progress and were yet babes.
Do we not sometimes find such congregations at the present day, who, having received the fullness of salvation at the first, soon drifted into a state of division and perhaps unconscious selfishness? Whatever the condition of the Corinthian church, the apostle could not have meant that the same individuals were carnal and actually sanctified or in possession of the Holy Spirit at the same time.
A. L. B.
The Lord is faithful - blessed thought!
His Word can not fail.
Notes From The Journal of D. S. Warner.
July 5, 1877. Met at 9:30 in the Bethel. After a profitable season of prayer, reading the Word, testifying, etc., I presented myself at the altar to seek entire sanctification; I having enjoyed that blessing ten years ago. But I had all this time repudiated the second work and otherwise accounted for the wonderful change that God had wrought in me at that time. I had often been disgusted, too, with the fanaticism I saw mixed with the profession of the second work, which had steeped me with prejudice through and through.
Though I could not deny that the experience of these people was in harmony with my own, yet I strongly opposed their views, claiming that God does not do his work by piecemeal, but that he makes a full and complete finish of it at once. I attributed their second experience to the fact that after conversion we were weak infants, and not able to carry into action the pure nature that God had given us until we grew to that degree of strength that we could successfully cope with outer temptation, and that holy nature given to us in regeneration would have reached a degree of development in strength that it would no more be under subjection to sin in the world around us.
Thus, while I did not doubt the truthfulness of their testimony, I thought I comprehended the whole matter, and saw the slight mistake, as I supposed, in the basis of their experience. But God having let Father and Mother K. and the whole family into this glorious experience, with my dear companion, I began to search the Scriptures anew to see if I might not be mistaken myself. I carefully reviewed my conversion, and recollected that I only sought and asked of God pardon of my past sins, and relief from guilt; and that in ten years' labor, in which some seven hundred souls came to Christ, I had never known one to seek for anything else but pardon for actual transgressions; and it is a fact that we do not ask of God that which we have not apprehended the need of, and God does not give until we ask for a thing. Moreover, it is claimed that justification is not a partial, but complete work of itself, and sanctification, that is, purification, another. Since seeing every day the change in my dear wife, I thought I was beyond doubting this second work; but ah, the devil is rallying his forces against me. Am I making a fool of myself, coming out here where I have invited and labored with sinners? My old arguments would come up and I had powerful temptations to settle back upon them and forever repudiate the second work. I obtained no light.
P.M. We met at 2:30 and held meeting until nearly 5:00 again. I labored at the altar. At night after Brother B. - read a Scripture lesson and talked some time on holiness, we all bowed around the altar; but I could do nothing. All was dark. I came here fully believing in the second work of God in the soul, but now, as I attempt to seek it, how thick the temptations of Satan come up before me! how all my old arguments and objections gather like rubbish obstructing the light! Some times I was about to conclude that this was all foolishness. I was ashamed to bow at the altar and seek sanctification of soul, body, and spirit, after I had invited sinners to and labored with them at the same altar.
6. I arose early this morning, searched the Scriptures and asked God for light. I noticed whenever I felt resigned to God, and was willing to make any sacrifice to know the truth, I was strongly impressed to seek sanctification. This morning I was directed to 1st Peter 5:10 and Ephesians 3:14-20. Light is becoming brighter in the Word. Thank God!
Met at 9:30 A.M. Time devoted to prayer, reading scripture, and testifying to the saving power of Jesus. The foundation of faith was now becoming strong in me. I arose and read some portions of the Word, and boldly declared my faith in the second work and that I was resting in the promises of God to my entire sanctification. Met again at 2:30, having spent most of the interval in searching my heart; and truly I found that it has not been as good as I before supposed. Oh, how much self there has been in all my past labors! God of power, kill and cast out all of self. I reviewed my observations of the past ten years' labor. About seven hundred souls I have observed seeking salvation, and I can not recall any who did not definitely seek for justification from their past sins. It appears that the condemned sinner can think of nothing else and does not possess a capacity to grasp the idea that God is able to destroy all evil in depraved humanity. "God, forgive my past sin, and help me in the future to keep from sin," is about as great a blessing as the mind beclouded by guilt can conceive and ask for. With a still more deep and perfect consecration, I again sought the blessing of perfect holiness. Glory to God! I was able to claim the blessing by faith, though yet without the anointing of power. After meeting I spent most of the time talking holiness to several brethren, which I felt was pleasing to God.
Faith Which worketh By Love.
Galatians 5:6.
By J. B. Branam.
True faith is always accompanied by love. Though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. Love is the soil out of which the tree of faith grows and brings forth fruit to the honor and glory of God. It may be said that faith is the hand with which we reach up and grasp the eternal throne; and that love is the other hand with which we reach down and grasp the hand of a needy brother, and thus become the means of carrying the blessing of God to a suffering world. Faith reaches up and draws God toward men. Love reaches down and lifts men toward God. The faith that seeks the blessings and favors of God, for self or our own enjoyment, comfort, or glory, is not true faith; but the faith that loses sight of self and personal interests, in its desire to glorify God and benefit suffering humanity, is the faith that God delights to honor. Our ability to believe God is in proportion to our love toward man.
Andrew Murray says: "Out of a life of love, springs the power of believing prayer." We see this thought beautifully exemplified in the life of the Lord Jesus. It was his compassion for the hungry, fainting, multitude that called forth the faith that fed five thousand. It was love for his disciples, that sent him walking across the waters of raging Gennesaret, in the face of a furious storm. It was his love for Martha and Mary, that called forth the prayer, "Father, I know thou hearest me always;" and that faith brought Lazarus from the tomb. It was his great love for a lost world that gave him the faith to lay down his life for us all. Oh, wonderful, twofold power! It is the faith which worketh by love that openeth the storehouse of heaven and brings showers of blessings down upon our fellow men. We have another beautiful example of this in the parable of the man going to his friend at midnight. Luke 11:5-10. It was sympathy and love for his journeying friend that prompted him to arise at midnight and go to his neighbor, and importune until he arose and gave him what he needed. Brethren, if we would have great faith toward God, we must have much love toward man.
News From The Field.
Tampico, Indiana, March 7.
I am glad once more to report victory in the name of our King. Since our last report through the Trumpet we have had some precious meetings which resulted in victory for the Lord. We held a very precious meeting at Murrayville, Illinois. A precious seed-sowing time and good results. From that place we again visited the church near Winchester, Illinois, and baptized two. We came to northern Indiana, near Indiana Mineral Springs. Meeting lasted almost three weeks, during which time we witnessed the salvation of a few souls, and many confessed it was the first time they ever heard the truth. Some said it was too straight. The brethren in these parts would be glad for any of the brethren passing through to stop. We then came home, where we expect to remain for a time. Any one wishing to correspond with me, my address is Tampico, Indiana.
Edgar Fleenor.
Pine Ridge, South Dakota, March 1.
I am saved from all sin, laboring for perishing souls; doing all that I can to bring them to Christ that they may get saved. Some are getting an experience of salvation, and are growing in grace and knowledge of the truth; while others start out to serve God, receiving the word gladly, and run for a while, then, like seed sown among the thorns (Luke 8:13, 14), they do not trust in the Lord, and have no confidence in themselves; they worship God in pretence and have a form of godliness which does not come from the heart. They become unfruitful and turn aside to their crooked ways again. May the Lord help the dear ones to get an experience of salvation, that they may be able to stand and measure up to the Word of God and run the race with patience, is my earnest prayer. I am stopping for a few days at Pine Ridge with Brother Ziemann. Pray much for me and the work here.
John B. Vervalin,
Gordon, Nebraska
Vigo, Ohio, March 7.
I praise the Lord that I can acknowledge so many good things he has extended to me in keeping me free from all sin and supplying my needs according to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. He has also healed my body, and enabled me to preach the word every night, and crowned my labor with success in saving souls. God has been making the last three months most precious by his presence. It has been a continual feast for my soul to see souls that were bound in sin set free and made to rejoice in salvation. Although I have been alone, yet I am satisfied all heaven is back of me, for the angel of the Lord encampeth about those that fear him. I have been in some hot battles, yet I came out more than conqueror through him that love me. Souls are getting saved and sanctified every night and about one dozen more hands were raised for prayer. I ask the prayers of all God's children that I may be a New Testament minister, through and through on every line, as I realize that is the only kind God can use. We need much wisdom, love, and humility in declaring the whole counsel of God. If any of the ministers go through here, there are about twenty people that would like to be baptized. Also if there is a sister who can sing, and feels called to help, write to me.
Mahala Uber.
Mendon, Missouri.
Brother W. R. Duncan and I held a ten-days' meeting in the Snavely school-house, south of Triplett. While this meeting did not result in a great many being saved, yet we believe some good was done; one being saved and one sanctified. From Triplett we went to what is known as the "Possum Chapel," in Sullivan County, in answer to an earnest call. The gospel in its purity and fullness had not been preached here, and we found a few that were claiming sanctification, but were still using tobacco. We met with much opposition. The "Free United Brethren" and "Christian Union" sects were the two classes of professors that preached a kind of false gospel that tobacco and a "dram" sometimes did not hurt a Christian, as it was not what went into a man that defiled him, but what came out. This was the class of people that told us 'we could not get up a revival; that smart preachers had tried it, and could not get a congregation or keep order." We informed them that revivals come down; we were not going to try to get up one, but to simply preach the truth. Brother D. remained one week and I continued the meeting two weeks longer, in company with Brother J. Shoot, whom the Lord used in singing, praying, and talking to his glory and the salvation of souls. Strong men and women saw their lost condition and wept as though their hearts were broken. Many found peace in the Lord Jesus. All glory and praise to him. Many were still under deep conviction, which we hope will yet work repentance unto salvation. At this place we met people from Browning who found their minister (?) (this was an M. E. preacher) playing games with non-professors, which so disgusted them that they have renounced sectism forever. They had not heard of the true body of Christ, but were very willing to walk in the light, and were made to rejoice in Christ. Truly Babylon is fallen, and is the hold of all kinds of foul spirits. But praise God, his sheep hear his voice, "Come out of her, my people..." I am praising God for victory.
J. G. Neff.
Rescue, Missouri.
We are praising God for salvation and for victory through our Lord, who causeth us to triumph. During the past month we have been holding meetings in this community. The Lord wonderfully blessed his word to the hearts of those that were honest. Although the harvest is great, yet but few are willing to take the Bible way. Only two souls were saved, and two sanctified. But many have gone to reading their Bibles, and are trying to know more of the strange doctrine (as it is called by some); yet it is the way that Jesus taught while here on earth, but the enemy of souls has got the people so blinded by the things of this world that they will not endure sound doctrine. Truly perilous times have come; men are lovers of themselves, and of the world, which is all vanity. Let every one of God's little ones be up and doing all they can with the ability that God has given them. Let every effort be put forth to rescue the thousands of perishing; for truly the harvest is great and the laborers few. There are many jewels in the dark pits of sin to be searched out, and God holds his ministers responsible as far as he gives them ability. We must warn them of the sin and confusion which are in the world and which are leading many down to perdition. It makes my heart shudder to see so many bright, intelligent young men and women spending their lives and talents in the ways of the world. Yet we find some that are tired of sin and are willing to give up all and follow Jesus; but it is only a remnant. Surely the words of Jesus are impressive where he says: "For many are called, but few are chosen." - Matthew 22:14. Truly the time is come that God is calling his people out of sin and confusion; all that are accepting his word and getting the real experience of salvation, compose his remnant. Praise God that we can get deliverance from sin. "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered [from sin]: for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call." - Joel 2:32. Dear saints, let every effort be put forth in the way of sending literature and preaching the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ to this dying world. Jesus says, "Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, . . . with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life." - Mark 10:29, 30. Truly God is fulfilling his promises to us. We find brethren and sisters, houses and lands, and persecution, which makes us rejoice. God is wonderfully blessing our souls. Praise his holy name! "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." - 1st Corinthians 15:58.
Charles and E. Webber.
Milton, Missouri, February 24.
We are glad to report victory on the Lord's side. Since our last report we have been busy for the Lord. On our way to Arkansas we stopped off with Brother W. J. Henry at Springfield. I found them happy in the Lord, and working in the Master's cause. There is quite an interest in the mission work there. They need your prayers for the work - your means also could be used to God's glory. We had a real good meeting at Hamil, Arkansas. Quite a number received a benefit; some saved, some sanctified. The one-cleansing heresy has had no effect in those parts. The ministers present were A. J. Ellison, G. B. Collins, R. H. Owens, also Brothers Ward and Knight were present. God gave us some real precious meetings. From this meeting I returned to Geneva, Kansas, and held meeting a few nights and then came to our present home. Any one wishing to correspond with us, may address us here. I will be at home a short time, and will then be in the gospel work again. I can not praise God enough for saving my soul, and for delivering me from the "one-cleansing heresy." I will tell you of some trouble I had with it, and how I was discouraged.
When it first started, the propagators told me what a glorious thing it would be - more unity, more power, more healing, more souls would be saved, and all the change of doctrine, was just in the second cleansing. They said we received the Holy Ghost when we consecrated for it, but it did not cleanse from sin, because we had no inherited sin to be cleansed from. I accepted it, but the following scriptures never were clear to me: Psalms 51:5; Genesis 6:5; 8:21; Romans 7:17 and other similar texts. I thought they would be explained in due time, but they never have been to sustain that theory, and never will be. It can be twisted, but go back and read it again, and it reads the same. While waiting for light on those points the leaders began teaching several other things: first, that an altar was unscriptural, and the proper way to get saved was to repent and be baptized. They claimed the reason those who were saved had their sins forgiven before they were baptized was because they were ignorant, although honest. They told me about preaching at Poynor, Missouri, having the people raise their hands if they had decided to quit sin, and then they baptized them.
This discouraged me. I told one of the leaders that I did not believe that, and took a stand against it. He said he should preach it anyhow, and that he cared not what others did so that his conscience was clear. My mind was carried back to the time when they told me the new line of teaching would bring more unity and power, etc. I found, to my sad satisfaction, no unity, little power, and few conversions. Another went to teaching there was no Holy Ghost to receive after regeneration. Others claimed there was. Some said the altar was all right; others claimed it was not and preached against it and feet-washing also. I could see nothing but confusion. There would be disagreement while trying to publish the "Messenger of Love" - surely falsely called, as it is a messenger of ridicule. The longer I stayed with the thing, the more I became disgusted; and the less I preached against the second cleansing, the better I felt. I believe some of the others are in the same condition. They now tell us they care nothing for doctrine, and say they are out for the salvation of souls - their whole cry is love. During one whole camp-meeting the doctrine of sanctification was not allowed to be mentioned. They said to lay aside doctrine and go in for a good meeting (sectarian style). Thank God, we need not lay aside the Word of God to have a good meeting. The devil is bold and cunning, and is doing all he can to overthrow this reformation; but in spite of all, the work is moving forward. God wants us to be true, and stand by the truth regardless of men's pleas of how they have been misused, and cries for sympathy. Those that sympathize with them are helping them to stay in that condition, and spread division and confusion. Thank God, I am out of confusion - my soul is free. I desire to warn every saint of God to stand free from that deception. If you accept it you will be confused, and when you hear it preached again it may be preached in another way. Even if it were true that they had the doctrine, that paper called "The Messenger of Love" does not bear the right spirit. They ridicule the saints and ministers of this reformation, and rake up every ungodly thing that ever happened, and scatter it to the four winds of the earth. Yet, in spite of all this, they claim this reformation is of God, and that they are in it yet. It was promised by the leaders that a word would never be said about the Trumpet in their paper; but it has been otherwise. One of the followers is going around telling the brethren that there is no difference in what he believes and what they believe - only a misunderstanding. He claims he is trying to get the brethren together, and that he does not care for doctrine. At the same time he is preaching his "one-work heresy." The Word says "Mark them that cause division." One of their leaders told me, over a year before he got into this thing, that he knew enough about certain brethren in this reformation, and things that had happened to them, with which, if he was minded to expose it, he could overthrow and destroy the whole thing. He has tried it since, but the work still moves on. Brethren, be of good courage. Look up. God is in this work, and will carry it through. My whole soul is in this work. Pray for me.
J. M. Harrington.
Desoto, Missouri, March 6.
I am praising God for a full and free salvation which saves and keeps from all sin. The way was opened here during the last two months for the gospel to be preached in its purity. The meeting was held in a storeroom which one of our merchants kindly let us have until he could rent it, but the storeroom is rented now, and so we have made arrangements to purchase a vacated school-room, the Lord willing. We get it for $350.00, if we pay cash inside of three months; but if not, we will have to borrow the balance and pay interest on it. We have contracted to pay $25 by the 20th of March and the rest in three months. This city numbers between six and seven thousand inhabitants, and has fourteen places of worship. We all know Babylon is doing all she can to fortify herself against the whole truth, which makes plain what is the true and only church of the most high God. Babylon teaches the people that it is necessary to join some man-made creed, and warns her followers not to have anything to do with the true children of God. But, praise God, he has a few here that are willing to measure to the word, and come out of all sect confusion. Several have already made their escape, and others, under conviction, say it is Bible. The Spirit is seeking out such as will be saved. We ask God's children to assist by your prayers in the purchase of this building in which to hold meetings and Sunday-school. Pray earnestly for God to touch the hearts of those who are able to help. Any one feeling led to give anything, send it to Sister M. Gibbons or myself, and God will reward you according to his riches in glory. I am saved, sanctified, and healed by the mighty power of God. Glory to his name.
Susan Mallicoat.
New Washington, Ohio, February 25.
I am happy to report that I am saved by two definite, distinct works of grace; first by being justified freely and afterwards by being sanctified wholly. Romans 15:16. I am walking in all the light the Lord lets shine upon my pathway. He heals me and salvation makes me happy, for which I do give him all the glory, and rejoice that my name is written in heaven. My whole time is devoted to his service, as I am in the field nearly all the time. I left Springfield, Ohio January 16 - where the Lord has a home for me and mine and God's children that come there - and went to Indiana, where I met Brother P. W. Botts, who was holding meeting, and we labored together. One soul consecrated for pardon and claimed the victory. Several were healed and the church strengthened and encouraged. After the meeting closed with victory for God, I went to Wayne County, Ohio, near Burbank, where Brother W. H. Miller was holding a meeting. Seven consecrated for pardon and two of that number afterwards for sanctification and claimed the victory. A number were healed, for which we praise God. From there Brother Miller went home for a few days and I came to this place. After some days Brother Miller came to help in the work. Six consecrated for pardon and some for healing. The name of the Lord be magnified. We expect the meeting to close here to-morrow night when, the Lord willing, I expect to return to Springfield for a few days and then meet Brother W. H. Miller in Indiana, where we have some calls. Dear ones, keep praying for us and the work, as we need your prayers, for we are in perilous times and are confronted by all kinds of evil spirits. If ever the devil was at work with all his cunning devices and deceptions it is now. I pray God to keep his hand on the works of the devil and thwart his plans. May God keep the ministry pure for Jesus' sake.
Franklin Rosenberry.
Murdockville, Pennsylvania, February 27.
We closed a meeting at Porter's Corner a short time ago. It was a new field but some souls were saved, and many in that place, we believe, will walk in the light. The dear people desire us to return during the latter part of the summer. Husband and I are now free to work for the Lord. Our address at present is Murdockville, Pennsylvania. Any one desiring us to hold meetings, write us.
W. G. and E. J. Billig.
From Scotland.
Paisley, Scotland, February 19.
I praise God for salvation and victory over all the powers of darkness. Halleluiah to Jesus, it is not bondage in his service, but sweet liberty. I am doing whatever the Lord brings to my mind for the spread of the gospel; by sending Trumpets and tracts wherever he leads. I am quite alone with Jesus, for husband is at Gateshead Bay, England. He tried to work amongst the people by giving tracts and selling text-cards etc. God had shown him to do this work, so we cried unto him to know where we must go. He showed us that husband must return to Gateshead at once. I went with him, fixed up a room, and stayed three weeks to make him comfortable. God's ways are wonderful, for when we left the shop we were not able to get a house, or room, and that was why we took a room here; but this time the dear woman who let it to us was won to the truth while I was there. Praise God! Pray that she may stand; for she is tempted to the bitter end by a demon of a drunken husband. At first he seemed glad she got salvation, but the devil got possession of him and he hates us. Husband is looking for a house, so that I can go when the weather is fit to move the van. Husband feels he must keep on working at the colportage so that we shall not be a burden to any one. But I am trusting that he will not need to go out so much in the stormy weather another winter. He is over sixty years old, but the Lord does indeed bless him with health. He delights to do the Lord's will. While he was here we held just one open-air meeting. I would go now, but there is no one to stand by me to sing. Is there not a sister whom the Lord could send to England to be a co-worker; one who could sing those beautiful songs of Zion? Pray God to send one who will be willing to suffer anything rather than compromise. It is not an easy place - England or Scotland. I do cry unto the Lord for him to send a sister before the season for open-air work. May our God ever abundantly bless and prosper his work more and more, is my prayer. Your sister,
E. Bowker.
Murrayville, Illinois.
Before saved, I was a so-called Christian and belonged to the Baptists, having been brought up to believe in that sect, and also to believe that I had to sin more or less. Nevertheless, I felt sorry when I did anything that I knew was not right. I lived in this denomination with people I knew were only professed Christians - whom you might call Sunday-Christians. Knowing this I became dissatisfied, and took my letter out, thinking I would hand it in nearer home. During this time, some brethren came to our town and held meetings. My husband found the Lord in the pardoning of his sins, but I still continued in my miserable condition. After this I said that if ever any more of God's people came to hold a meeting I was determined to have all that there was in it for me. So when a brother came back and held tabernacle meetings I never missed a sermon. I felt miserable but disliked to go to the altar after having been a professor for so long. Finally I felt that I must, before God would pardon my sins and speak peace to my soul. So I went and I found the Lord precious to my soul. Praise his name forever! He is so ready to forgive when we meet the requirements laid down in his Word. I now intend to live a true Christian as long as the Lord wills for me to dwell on this earth.
Mrs Maggie Kehl.
Dayton, Ohio.
I praise the kind Lord for calling me out into this grand and glorious light about one and one-half years ago; and I must say it has been the happiest part of my life. Jesus keeps me saved from sin each day, and in the narrow way. Praise his dear name! The Trumpet has been a blessing to me. I wish sectarians could realize what they are missing, and what is really in store for them, by just belonging to the Lord and nobody or nothing else, and obeying his commandments; for if we offend in one point we are guilty of all, saith the Lord. Let us see to it, dear ones, that we live up to the whole word of God. The Lord has healed me of various diseases, and just lately of the grip, for which I thank and praise him. I ask the prayers of the saints that I may keep humble at Jesus' feet, learning new lessons of him each day, and always ready to do his will in all things. There is a small body of us here and we have some very precious prayer-meetings. God always meets with his people when they worship him in spirit and in truth, for he seeketh such to worship him.
Mrs. Eva Nelson.
Fulda, Minnesota.
We are rejoicing this morning that our names are written in heaven, and that God has counted us worthy of a place in his family still on the earth. In his grand providence God has removed us from our home in Chicago, where we had such sweet fellowship with the saints, to a farm five miles due west of Fulda, Minnesota, where our congregations consist only of members of the family. We desire to know if there are any saints near here; would be glad to see such at any time, especially at Wednesday evening prayer-meeting or Sunday service at 2:30 p.m. We do not feel like murmuring at this separation, but rather rejoice that we had three years, after finding full salvation, of the glorious teaching and fellowship of the saints. God bless the precious souls who are, at any cost, proclaiming his full gospel, and raise up and send many more. If we can endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, and bear fruit under circumstances that try men's souls, and still keep fat and flourishing with no shepherd to feed us, God is glorified in us, and his words fulfilled when he says, "I will instruct and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with my eye." - Psalms 32:8. He is proving us, and giving us some rich experiences. pray that we may render such cheerful, happy service as will faithfully represent our Father to the dear suffering, dying souls about us. I am saved, sanctified, and trusting God without compromise for the healing of all diseases.
"I know I love thee better, Lord,
Than any earthly joy;
For thou has given me the peace
That nothing can destroy."
Clara Tuttle and Family.
JENKINS. - William Jenkins was born in Champaign County, Ohio, April 7, 1861. Died in Miami County, February 15, 1901. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his departure. He died in the faith of the living God, having received the pure light the first time he heard it. He left the testimony that he was prepared to go. May the Lord bless the bereaved wife and children.
C. L. Graham.
Petersburg, Indiana.
SMITH. - Sarah E. Smith was born February 27, 1842; departed this life February 26, 1901. She was the mother of twelve children, leaving a husband, one son, and three daughters to mourn her departure. Sister Smith accepted the evening light, and those who knew her best believe she was ready to go. May the unsaved members of the family prepare to meet her in heaven.
Lorenzo Cook.
Salem, Arkansas.
TARRANSE. - Sister Maggie Tarranse, age 18 years, 8 months, and 16 days, died February 3, 1901. She was raised in Fulton County, Arkansas, and was among the first in this place to accept holiness. She lived true to God and bore her share of persecution with all meekness. We feel there is one saint less on earth and one more with Christ. She leaves a husband, two sisters, and many friends. May the Lord comfort them.
Nancy J. Wade.
Alicia, Arkansas.
McCOLLUM. - Jane Tunstall was born in Mississippi September 16, 1833. She professed faith in Christ at the age of twelve years and joined the Methodist denomination. She leaves one daughter and three grandchildren. She saw and received the gospel light of this last reformation in 1896. She died December 9, 1900, singing on her death-bed the chorus of, "Have we any hope within us of a life beyond the grave?"
Emma Britten.
Divine Healing.
Baby Healed of Sore Mouth.
I thank God for the privilege of testifying to his wonderful healing power, manifested to me and mine. A short time ago my baby had a very sore mouth. We went to the Giver of all good gifts, in faith believing, and, praises be unto our God! he was healed. I am happy to say I know he is faithful that promised.
Cora C. Montgomery.
Meadville, Mississippi.
Healed and Sins Forgiven.
Two and a half years ago the Lord healed me of gall-stones. I consulted ten different doctors, and none of them knew what my ailing was. A sister near here told me of the Lord's power and how she was healed. I accepted the truth at once, called for prayer, and my sins were forgiven me and I was healed. Praise his dear name forever. Three weeks ago I was wonderfully healed of grip. My husband was healed of neuralgia and fever, and my little boy has been healed several times of light afflictions. Pray the dear Lord to keep us humble and ever ready to do his will.
Mary C. Stoup.
Coalcreek, Indiana.
Rupture Healed.
We wish to tell what the Lord has done for us and our family since we came out into the evening light. It is four years ago this spring since the Lord sent the brethren to us to deliver the pure gospel. By the grace of God we were enabled to see our condition, and God gave us salvation through faith in Jesus; and we are still saved and trusting in God. We humbly thank and praise God for his goodness to us in time of affliction. One of our children became badly ruptured, which caused very much pain; but we took it to the Lord. Brother Bailey and others laid on hands and prayed, and the child was healed instantly. This was four years ago and we have seen no sign of the rupture since. We praise God for his goodness. At another time one of the children got his hand in a gearing, which cut very badly. While we were praying for him he went to sleep, and his hand was healed in three days. We give the Lord all the glory and praise.
M. F. and Fred W. Witt.
Hunter, North Dakota.
A Physician Who Never Disappoints.
I am truly grateful to our God for his goodness to us. Truly it is a wonderful privilege to serve God in the beauty of holiness according to his precious Word. One year ago our little boy about eight months old commenced having convulsions. We prayed and importuned God and it seemed we could not get victory over them. So we were impressed to send a handkerchief to the Gospel Trumpet Family to be anointed. When we received it we applied it in the name of the Lord, and he has not had a convulsion since. Glory to God for his goodness to the children of men! We have taken Jesus for our healer for over three years and he has not disappointed us once, and we never expect him to, as long as we are true to him. We ask an interest in the prayers of God's people that we may ever be found in his order. Any of God's ministers feeling led to come to this place, address us as above.
John C. Fisher and Wife.
Creekside, Pennsylvania.
February, 25.
Healed and Led Into the Light.
Many people say that the day of healing is past; but, praise God! I know he is just the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever. God has not changed, for he is unchangeable. He has healed me of the morphine habit, also of sick-headache, with which I was afflicted half the time. I sometimes get trials of my faith on this line; but, praise God! it is all right. I was a Methodist in the darkness for 32 years; but, praise God! I am now walking in the glorious light and am free from sectism. It is wonderful what God can do; I can not praise him enough for what he has done for me. Had it not been for one of the dear saints, I believe I would have been doomed to destruction. Oh, how wonderfully the power of God can work through his people. I praise his dear name for his wonderful works to the children of men. Pray that my family may get saved and healed, and that I may live nearer to Jesus and grow stronger in his cause. I have just come out into the truth, and am trying to live up to all the light I can get. I still have a few light afflictions to contend with, but I want the dear saints to pray that my faith may be strengthened enough to overcome them all.
Mrs. Mary C. Sones.
Gallop, Nebraska.
Healed Through Prayer.
I am praising God for salvation and for healing my body of the grip. I was taken sick on Friday and rapidly grew worse. On Tuesday I wrote for prayer, and the same night when suffering the worst, the Lord healed me in a moment. I was just as sure I was healed as though God had spoken to me. I was not raised up instantly, but began to get well from that very hour. I told them in the morning that I was better. Some of my neighbors could not believe it, and asked my son if I was really better, or was I just trying to brace up? But when one of them came to see me in the afternoon I was up and dressed, and she knew that I was better. I told her the Lord had healed me. The evening I was taken sick two Advent preachers were staying at our house. They had been holding meetings at Wakelee, and were visiting through the neighborhood, trying to draw disciples after them. I pitied them while they were trying to teach us the scriptures, for I had no fellowship with them. I thought at the time, If they were only some of God's ministers, I could ask them to pray for me; but had I been in a dying condition I could not have asked them, for I knew that God would not hear them. I have been saved and kept five years without taking medicine. God is my refuge and I praise him for all things.
Mrs. James Higgins.
Wakelee, Michigan.
Healed of Dyspepsia and Grip.
The Lord had done great things for me, for which I am glad. Blessed be our Lord Jesus for the wonderful love which he daily bestows upon mankind. I was operated upon four times but did not get cured and was unable to work. It was last spring when I first heard the truth preached by Sister Shoffner here in Baraboo. I was sick with the grip. I asked for prayers and got much better. Last August a camp-meeting was held at Reedsburg, Wisconsin. The Lord showed me, if I would go there, I would get fully healed. When there I saw that I was not right before God. I never had heard the pure, full gospel preached before. Praise the Lord for that great privilege! I humbled myself before the Lord, and he forgave me all my sins. I had a very bad stomach trouble and could eat but very little. The brethren prayed for and anointed me according to James 5:14, 15, and I was healed. For seven years I was sick and could not do my own washing; most to the time I had to keep a hired girl. I had the best doctors from Baraboo, and also some from Chicago. But now, praise God, I can do all my work, and eat with a relish. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." - Psalms 103:2, 3. Dear brethren and sisters, let us be strong and not get weary in fighting the good fight of faith. Pray that I may be true, also sanctified.
Rebecca Wieckern.
Baraboo, Wisconsin.
A Free Pardon.
By H. C. Meyer.
"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; . . . for he will abundantly pardon." - Isaiah 55:7. God's pardon to the sinful soul means everything. It means life for one who is dead in trespasses and sins; and without this favor of heaven's grace there is but one reward awaiting: the wages of sin, which is death.
In describing the lost and undone condition of a sinner, Paul exclaims, "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death;" or, who is sufficient to deliver my captive soul from the chains that bind; who can free it from the crushing guilt? The imprisoned spirit longs to be free and to rejoice in God's purity. The soul that so long has been captive in dark sinful night, longs to enjoy the bright day, and sunshine of God's love.
There is a yearning which is inexpressible. Words can not utter the full meaning of all that transpires in the awakened sinner's breast. But, praise God! the Holy Spirit's work is sure; he brings the wanderer home. God draws him nearer and nearer by his cords of love, until he finds Jesus as his Redeemer. That we may make our calling and election sure, and satisfy ourselves that this experience is founded on the solid rock Christ Jesus, let us read his words. Jesus says, "No man can come unto me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." - John 6:44. He gives us the assurance that all is well when we come to him in the Bible way; when we are drawn to him by the Holy Spirit - God's messenger of mercy in this dark, sinful world. When we are brought to Christ and become washed and cleansed by faith in his blood, God accepts us into his family. Glory to his name! Jesus then pledges the word that he will raise us up at the last day. No wonder the poet says:
"Amazing grace! 'tis heaven below
To feel the blood applied,
And Jesus, only Jesus, know;
My Jesus crucified,"
Does the blood atone for every sin? Can I rest assured of a full pardon? The promise to every one seeking deliverance from sin's awful power, is conditional; but when the conditions are fulfilled, God says he will abundantly pardon. If one is wicked, he must forsake his wicked ways; if unrighteous, he must forsake it all; even unrighteous thoughts are condemned by the Word. "All unrighteousness is sin." - 1st John 5:17. Also we read: "If we confess our sins, he [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." - 1st John 1:9. Is there any possible way in which God's will can be done without acceptance of Jesus? Read the answer: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leper his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil." - Jeremiah 13:23. "He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life; and shall not come into judgment [condemnation,] but is passed from death unto life."
"Not my virtue or repenting
Earned the precious boon for me.
Thine, my Savior, the relenting,
Thine the pangs which set me free -
Gift of grace beyond all knowing,
From the heart of Jesus flowing,
Ever flowing, overflowing,
Flowing freely."
Temporal Prosperity.
By G. T. Clayton.
"Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." - Psalms 1:3. The New Testament language is equally as strong: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33. Many of the saints are being robbed of spiritual blessings by not recognizing the Lord in their temporal affairs; thus they are entangled and oppressed by debts, and finally become careless and even reckless in business matters. In such cases consecration is necessary, and faith and economy will aid. "Believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper." - 2nd Chronicles 20:20.
Yes. It would be as foolish for a farmer to say he would not sow while owing some one. "He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly." Give as the Lord prospers, and you will soon be out of debt. Prosperity will attend your efforts while you remain in your calling and observe the Scriptural rules. Be diligent in business. See Romans 12:11. Work, that you may have to give to him that needeth. There is no selfishness in making money for the Lord. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. - Psalms 122:6. "And his master saw that the Lord was with him [Joseph], and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand." - Genesis 39:3.
Too low an estimation has been placed upon consecration. Some think if they give a tenth, and less, they are doing well. Others think they are too poor to do anything for the Lord. Real consecration means to work for the Lord (whatever our occupation is) and take out only that which is needed; the rest is at the Lord's disposal.
This is a lesson to be learned by many of the saints. "When they were filled, he said to the disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." - John 6:12. "And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday." - Isaiah 58:10. What is wasted could often be made a blessing. "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much." "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." - Luke 6:38.
Give, hoping not to receive; let not your right hand know what your left hand doeth, etc. Invite those who can not invite you; and your heavenly Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward you openly. The widow's two mites were enough to give a blessing, and a big one. Much wisdom should be used in giving. Never let a carnal, selfish, sympathetic spirit induce you to give. Let every one as he purposeth give. We should live so near the Lord, and be so true to our convictions, that the devil can not deceive us; and yet we should give every time the Lord puts it into our hearts to give.
All. Some think because they are not preachers or evangelists, they need not give all to the Lord. It is true the Lord may not want you to sell your farm, if farming is your calling, but you are only the Lord's steward; if you are a faithful steward, prosperity will surely follow.
Yes. The Scriptures endorse industry. How could we give if we did not have anything to give? "A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth." - Proverbs 17:8.
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