Volume 21, Issue 01, January 3, 1901
(Articles of interest only)
A Plea for Mercy
By C. E. Orr
Time is flying swiftly onward,
Soon we’ll hear the final knell,
Souls by millions madly rushing
T’ward the miseries of hell--
Oh, my God, have mercy!
Eating, drinking, merrymaking,
As is was in days of Noe;
In the streams of worldly pleasure,
Souls are drifting down to woe--
Oh, my God, have mercy!
See the rolling restless billows
Of the raging surging sea;
Wanton souls are swiftly rushing
On toward eternity--
Oh, my God, have mercy!
Spare this world a few days longer,
It may be that some will heed
The repeated Spirit’s wooing,
And for pardoning mercy plead--
What Is Man?
Or, Our Present and Future.
By H. M. Riggle.
“What is man?” -- Psalms 8:4. This is a great question, and one that has attracted the attention and earnest study of the wise and thoughtful in all ages. Men have endeavored, from various standpoints to give a satisfactory answer. Scientists have spent years of study to solve the problem. Learned men have, after a lifetime of hard labor, given the subject up in despair. Various are the answers given to-day; but we especially desire to consider the answer given by materialists. In the first place, it must be admitted that the Bible answer to the above question is correct. All such questions must be settled by the immutable word of truth. If we can find a clear answer in the Bible as to the nature and state of man’s being, present and future, then we have something sure to rely upon. Truth runs parallel with itself. Truth never contradicts. Whatever is sustained by one fact, is sustained by every other fact relating to that subject, and whatever is refuted by one fact is refuted by every other fact. On this solid basis we will consider the doctrine of
Materialism denies that man possesses a spiritual, conscious entity, separated and distinct in substance from the body, and affirms that man is only a material being, composed of flesh and blood and breath and intellect. We shall give several reasons why the answer to the above question, as given by materialists, is un-scriptural and positively wrong.
1. The doctrine of materialism is wrong because it brings man on a level with beast that perish. For example -- your horse possesses all that materialists claim for man. He has flesh and blood. He has breath and intellect. You can teach your horse. He can learn to love you, or hate you. He can remember. He possesses a degree of intelligence. But man in his nature stands on a higher plane. He is a being accountable to God. He becomes morally defiled by sin, and morally purified by the cleansing blood of Christ. When God made man, he made him only a little lower than the angels. “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honor, and didst set him over the works of thy hands.” -- Hebrews 2:6, 7. Mark you, man in his nature is only a “little lower” than angels. But what is the nature of angels? “Who maketh his angels spirits, . . . Are they not all ministering spirits?” -- Hebrews 1:7, 14. Angels are spirit beings. They are not mortal; not flesh and blood. “He maketh his angels spirits.”
In order to support their doctrine, materialists even deny that angels are immortal beings. If they are not immortal, then they are mortal. If mortal, they are doomed to die, subject to death. If not subject to death, they are immortal. But let us hear the words of Christ upon this subject. “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” -- Matthew 22:29, 30. “But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels.” -- Luke 20:35, 36. Here the hammer of truth knocks out one prop which supports the heresy of materialism. In the resurrection, after the corruptible body has put on incorruption, and this mortal flesh has put on immortality, then we will stand wholly upon the plane of immortal beings; then will we be “equal unto the angels.” “Neither can they die any more.” If this scripture does not teach that angels stand wholly upon the plane of spiritual and immortal beings, then grammar does not teach grammar, nor arithmetic teach arithmetic.
Therefore having seen the nature of angels, that they stand wholly upon a plane of spirit beings, being immortal, we will now consider the nature of man, who is declared to be but “a little lower.” “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” -- 1st Corinthians 6:20. “The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit.” -- 1st Corinthians 7:34. “There is a spirit in man.” -- Job 32:8. Without comment, it will be seen at a glance that man is a compound being, of “both body and spirit,” for “there is a spirit in man.” The body is material, an organic structure; spirit is not of material substance, hence it is immaterial. “A spirit hath not flesh and blood.” -- Luke 24:39. So man is not wholly a material being, on a level with the beast that perish; neither is he wholly a spiritual being on an equal with the angels. Our body or flesh is mortal. “Your mortal body.” -- Romans 6:12. “Your mortal bodies.” -- Romans 8:11. “Our mortal flesh.” 2nd Corinthians 4:11.
Our spirits are not mortal. “God is a spirit” (John 4:24); hence he is eternal and immortal. 1st Timothy 1:17. Angels are spirits (Hebrews 1:7, 14); hence, are not subject to natural death, but are immortal beings. --Matthew 22:29, 30; Luke 20:35, 36. There is a spirit or soul in man (Job 32:8; 14:22; 1st Corinthians 7:34), which is not subject to physical death (Matthew 10:28); hence, immortal. Here then we have the nature of man’s being clearly defined. We see in what sense he stands a little lower than the angels. Angels are wholly spirit beings, wholly immortal; while man is both spirit and body or flesh. He yet inhabits a mortal body which is subject to death. This places him a little lower than the angels until “that which is sown a natural body, shall be raised a spiritual body,” then we shall be “equal unto the angels.” But man being a spiritual being as well as a material being, places him on a higher plane than the beast of the field. “There is a spirit in man,” a spirit destined to range in unlimited spheres of activity long after the world is put in ashes.
2. The doctrine of materialism is wrong because it denies experimental salvation in this life. If man were wholly a material being, and possessed no spiritual entity, he could not undergo a spiritual change. All the change that could be wrought upon him by his Creator would be material. The brute creation will not undergo a spiritual work, for they stand wholly upon the plane of material beings. But the very fact that the work of salvation is a spiritual work, proves beyond question that man is more than a material being, that he is “both in body and spirit.” 1st Corinthians 7:34. In the work of salvation it is not the flesh, bones, or blood that is regenerated or converted to God, neither is it the breath we breathe, nor is it simply the mind: for men may intellectually be converted to the truth without any moral change being wrought in their natures. For a Mohammedan to simply see that his faith is wrong and the Christian faith and religion is right, and accept the Christian belief that Christ is the Son of God, will not change his moral nature. It takes more than this.
The Materialist may ask, What part of man’s being undergoes the great work of salvation? Answer -- “Cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.” -- Matthew 23:26. “The hidden man of the heart.” 1st Peter 3:4. “Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.” -- James 1:21. “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” -- Psalms 19:7. “Believe to the saving of the soul.” -- Hebrews 10:39. “The salvation of your souls.” -- 1st Peter 1:9. “That the spirit may be saved.” -- 1st Corinthians 5:5. What a beautiful wreath of heavenly truth! Man is both a material and a spiritual being. It was man’s spiritual and moral nature that was affected by the fall; hence, in the work of salvation, the spiritual and moral nature of man is restored. “The hidden man of the heart.” “He restoreth my soul.” -- Psalms 23:3. The members of the physical body are only the instruments of the soul; therefore, when the soul is restored by salvation to a state of purity and holiness, the members of the physical body act in harmony. For example, when theft is removed from the heart, the hands will not steal. When profanity is cleansed from the soul, the mouth will not send forth profane language. Hence the injunction of Jesus, “First cleanse that within, that the outside may become clean also.” Another thought worthy of consideration. God has promised “to give knowledge of salvation unto his people, by the remission of their sins.” -- Luke 1:77. “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself.” -- 1st John 5:10. But what is this witness? “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” -- Romans 8:16. How clear! It is by man’s spiritual nature that he is made conscious of God. His Spirit communicates with our spirit and imparts a consciousness of our acceptance with him. In the light of the foregoing facts materialism must fall.
3. The doctrine of materialism is wrong because it denies spiritual birth in this life. “Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God. . . He can not enter into the kingdom of God.” -- John 3:3-5. Here we see the necessity of a spiritual birth. But were man only a material being without any spiritual entity, he could not undergo any spiritual change. In order for him to be born again he would have to, in the words of Nicodemus, “Enter a second time into his mother’s womb, an be born.” But hear the words of Christ: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” -- John 3:6. Man then is both flesh and spirit. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, viz., that which comes according to the course of nature -- natural birth. But that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. It is not our fleshly being that is changed, but our spirit. The Spirit of God operates upon our spirit and changes it from a defiled condition to a righteous state. In order to support their refuge of lies, materialists are driven to the extreme position that spiritual birth does not take place until the resurrection of the dead. The say gennao -- the Greek word “born” -- only means “begotten.” Therefore they argue that we are only in a begotten state until the resurrection of the dead, when we will be born. In the light of God’s word, with all boldness we declare that this is a shift infernal to deny the immateriality of the soul. It is entirely without foundation in the word of God. But let us examine their argument. They say gennao simply means begotten. “Now when Jesus was born [gennao] in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born [gennao] king of the Jews? . . . And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother; and fell down, and worshiped him.” -- Matthew 2:1-11. “A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembered no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born [gennao] into the world.” -- John 16:21. “I am verily a man which is a Jew, born [gennao] in Tarsus.” -- Acts 22:3. “Moses, when he was born [gennao] was hid three months of his parents.” -- Hebrews 11:23.
We see by the above plain scriptures that “gennao” means to bring forth. Now we will give some clear texts where the same word occurs in the original. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name; which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor to the will of man, but of God.” -- John 1:12, 13. “Ye must be born again.” -- John 3:7. “Every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.” -- 1st John 2:29. “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; . . . Because he is born of God.” -- 1st John 3:9. “Every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” -- John 4:7. “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.” -- 1st John 5:1. There are many other clear texts of scripture which teach the new birth is effected in this life. “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently. Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” -- 1st Peter 1:22, 23. “As new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.” -- 1st Peter 2:2. The Father does not record the names of his children on the family record until after they are born. “Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” -- Luke 10:20. “And of Zion [God’s church or family] it shall be said, This and that man was born in her. . . The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there.” -- Psalms 87:5, 6. God is our spiritual Father -- the church is the bride or wife of Christ. See Ephesians 5:23-32. She is our spiritual mother. See Galatians 4:26. “For as soon as Zion travailed she brought forth her children. . . That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out and be delighted with the abundance of her glory. . . Then shall ye suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and dandled upon her knees.” -- Isaiah 66:8-12.
To sum up the foregoing, these truths are clearly taught: 1. The church sustains the relation to Christ that a wife does to her husband. 2. The object of this blessed union is to “bring forth fruit unto God.” -- Romans 7:1-7. 3. The fruit of matrimony is offspring. 4. The church are “workers together with God” in the salvation of men; and as she travails in labor with him, sons and daughters are born into the family of God. Children are actually brought forth, are born. The Father records their names in his book of life in heaven. The new-born babes suck the sincere milk of the word, and grow thereby. This is the new birth. It takes place here in this life. But this is not a natural birth.
That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” This truth is utterly fatal to Materialism.
[To be continued.]
The Gifts of God.
By G. P. Tasker.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that we might be made the children of God through faith in him. And since he did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all, shall he not with him also give us all things? Yes surely. His love was not satisfied in sending his Son to be the Savior of this lost world, even as Jesus himself tells us, “I came not to condemn the world but to save it; not to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” But in order that those who would receive this wonderful Christ as their Savior might know the things that in him were freely given to them, he promised them the gift of the Holy Ghost.
If God’s gifts could be purchased in any way, with money or our works, they would cease to be gifts, and “flesh” would glory in his presence. This, God has said, shall never be. I wish to bring before your minds, dear reader, these two gifts and may God help you to see what all is necessary to be forsaken on your part in order to receive them; and to know that they are not alone God’s gifts to the world, but that you are actually in possession of them yourself.
The so-called Christian world to-day has many people in it who are teaching poor sinners that if they will just accept Christ or believe he died in their stead and will live as near right as they can and “join the church,” his death will save them from punishment and they will enter heaven at last -- Christ’s righteousness being a cloak through which God can not see, covering their unclean and uncircumcised hearts. We have met many and among some of them I believe who would, if taught the glad message that Jesus not only saves from wrath to come, but whom he saves from the wrath he saves from guilt, power, and the presence of sin. Glory be to God! Saved to the uttermost and in this present world; for without holiness no man shall see the Lord.
The Lord Jesus preached repentance for the beginning of his gospel, the apostles preached it as they went before him (Mark 6:12) and previous to his ascension he gave them the commission to preach repentance and remission of sins -- among all nations. See Peter at Pentecost, “Repent . . . Every one of you;” Paul at Athens. “God now commandeth all men every where to repent.” And his clear testimony to the Ephesian elders as to what he preached and taught -- “testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Sinner, it is with you, repent or perish, for God can not keep the new Jerusalem undefiled and admit the uncleansed leper. Wicked imaginations, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind, blasphemy, pride, foolishness, hypocrisy, and all lies, sins without number, secret and open, all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men demand repentance on the part of the one seeking deliverance from eternal burning.
The love and grace of God is truly wonderful when the one offense of our first parents shut the soul from his presence and life. He now offers complete pardon and the “gift of righteousness” to the soul stained with guilt of many offenses. “Heaven offers full redemption and a crown of perfect peace.” Repentance is necessary to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in order that empty and clean hands may reach up and through faith receive Christ, God’s unspeakable gift. Faith comes as natural as breathing to the genuinely repentant soul; for God’s way of salvation is easy and the soul always knows when it has passed from death unto life. In receiving Christ the work of grace commonly known as justification is wrought in the soul, removing all condemnation and restoring to innocence. Glory be to God!
Dear friend, how can you stay away from Jesus and let your iniquities longer separate between you and your God? In Christ’s stead I beseech you, Be reconciled to God.
“The door of God’s mercy is open
To all who are weary of sin,
And Jesus is tenderly waiting
To save you and welcome you in.”
“Repent ye and believe the gospel.” And now, my brother, sister, you who have sought and found this wonderful Savior and have been singing and meaning it too,
“Let worldly minds this world pursue,
It has no charms for me;
Once I admired its trifles too
But grace has set me free.
It’s pleasures can no longer please,
Nor happiness afford;
Far from my heart be joys like these,
Now I have seen the Lord.”
I want to speak to you. Is there still a void within? Under provocation and trials is there not an inward inclination to anger or discouragement? Do you realize the presence of the root of all sin in your heart? And are you longing for complete deliverance? Do you not want to have in you all the mind that was in Christ Jesus that you may walk even as he walked and be “pure even as he is pure?” to have formed in your heart Christ at once gentle and lamb-like, meek and fearless? To you is the promised seal, the gift of the Holy Ghost. The fact of God’s hatred for sin and the carnal mind is a sure indication of his will for its destruction. Desires for holiness are not given us to mock us, but are given us to be loved, followed, and satisfied. Praise God forever!
“When to your breast the Lord doth come
Your sin shall all depart:
Jesus takes up all the room
In a believing heart.”
I want to tell you how you may receive this gift and be sanctified wholly. Conscious of your need and anxious to have “none of self and all of thee,” all that is necessary on your part is a willing, complete, unconditional yielding of yourself to God, body, soul, time, influence, property, and reputation, willing to go or stay, sit or be sat upon, live or die, only to do the will of Christ.
This means a complete submission to the will of God in everything, knowing that God reigns and makes all things work together for good to them that love him. Some people seem to think Satan reigns. He does in the hearts of sinners, but “God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able,” and shall establish and keep you from evil. Jesus gives power over all the power of the enemy to those who sanctify him as Lord in their hearts. He will “preserve them from every evil work.” You must desire him very much. The cry of your soul must be, Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none that I desire on earth beside thee. He says, “The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple,” and “ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Yes, he must have a perfect offering and an empty heart. “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” Have you counted well the cost? Every idol, every darling Isaac must be sacrificed. Is all on the altar? Then God says, Believe. He has said, I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk. Ezekiel 36:25, 27. “Fear not, only believe.” He is able, he is willing, he waits for you to believe and receive. God is true, you can not afford to doubt him. What God says is so. “The altar [Christ] sanctifies the gift.” Believe him and you shall surely prove that “he that believeth shall never be ashamed.” Do not look inside to see if God does what he said, that would only prove that you did not yet believe him. Tell out what God has done for thee and walk in the light as he is in the light and you will always know that the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth you from all sin. Watch and pray continually. Keep your heart in the love of God and closed tight against all suggestions or impressions contrary to the pure love of God and man. Your soul shall flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon and shall be the garden of the Lord. That is his business. It is yours to trust always and obey fully. If you do, “He will abide with you forever.” Do not stop short of the real experience, or rest satisfied until you can say from your heart, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.”
God’s Reform.
By Mary Cole.
Dearly beloved saints of the most high God: Did you ever consider that the present reformation of Bible holiness, coupled with the unity of God’s children and the discerning of the one body, is truly God’s reform and not man’s? It is like the stone Daniel saw that was cut out of the mountain without hands. “Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold.” -- Daniel 2:45. Yea, the stone will destroy all that gets in its way under garb of profession, and grind it to powder.
In 1st Corinthians 3:11-14 we find that “other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work, of what sort it is.” Jeremiah 1:10 also brings out the mission of the reform in a concise yet very expressive manner: “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.” Yes, it has a double mission. One of its objects is to get rid of the chaff, and the other is to garner in the wheat.
In these last days many people enjoy the garnering but not the destroying of the chaff, and when God’s sharp threshing instrument having teeth gets to work, they will hold tenaciously to the chaff and clamor for that to the depreciation of the pure wheat. I would say to such be careful that you do not get into God’s old separator and go out with the chaff. Now, if God sees fit to deliver any one over to Satan till they learn not to blaspheme, keep hands off, lest the same mildew fall on you. Remember Ananias and Sapphira, how they tempted God and both shared the same fate. They that bid them Godspeed are partakers of their evil deeds, and though hand join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished. If dear souls do not meet the demands of God, you and I can not do it in their stead. No, to their own master they stand or fall. We can encourage dears souls by our prayers and faith if they are willing to meet their part of the conditions; but if they are not, we can not answer in their stead.
In the beginning of the Holy Ghost dispensation people undertook to join themselves to God’s children but failed, for no man durst join himself unto them. The Lord did the adding. Amen. And as it was in the morning so it is now and if God does not add them by his Spirit giving them spiritual birth, they are not a part of this reform at all, even though they may feign to be such. Romans 8:9 says, “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his,” and if we are a part of the true vine we are members one of another and we will not be puffed up for one against another, but will obey that part of the Word which says, “Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility.”
One of God’s ways of separating the chaff from the wheat is by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning. “Zion shall be redeemed with judgment and her converts with righteousness.” It is only those who have built with perishable stuff that dread the fire. When our house is built on a solid foundation and built of imperishable material, what have we to fear? If we are abiding under the shadow of the Almighty he will take care of us. Praise his dear name! How encouraging to feel the everlasting arms around and underneath us. “The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.” -- Isaiah 32:17. If the proper conditions have not been met the desired effect will not follow. Even when you have begun right, take heed how you build.
Oh, be sure you have begun right, for the enemy is on the alert to deceive every poor soul he can. The Lord says, if you do his will you shall know of the doctrine. “The willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land,” but the stubborn and rebellious shall dwell in a dry land. To stop short of paying the full price is to miss heaven and if you miss that you miss all; yes, weighed in the balance and found wanting. “Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord has rejected them.” -- Jeremiah 6:30. Sad fate! As a result they become prey to foul spirits. Oh, dear ones, heaven is cheap at any cost.
I feel this reform is becoming too popular in the minds of some, and it occurs to me that the cause of it is this: They see the truth and admire the beauties of salvation, and are satisfied with simply this, not realizing that they must pay the price and die the death, in order to get an experience of it. They have been won to the reform because it is grand and glorious, but have never submitted themselves to God and allowed the blood to be applied so that the Lord could make them a part of it, and consequently they hang on like barnacle to a ship and impede the progress. But the time has come that God will ease himself of his burden, for he says he will terribly shake the earth that those things that can be shaken may be removed and that those which can not be shaken may remain. I trust this will be a timely warning to all those who are in danger, lest they be shaken off. It takes more than intellect, more than head knowledge and a historical idea of things to satisfy God in this reform. God’s own holiness in us will alone meet his demands. We must be changed to his own image or likeness. Dear ones, bear in mind that this is God’s reform. His cause and his holiness never have been popular and never will be. If we endeavor to make it so by lowering the standard we daub up the walls with un-tempered mortar, so that when they fall we will fall with them. See Ezekiel 13:10-16.
Dear brethren in the ministry, shall we not be careful lest we lower the standard and thus get the people won to the reform and to us, instead of urging them to a real experience? Remember God says, They that take the precious from the vile shall be as his mouth. If dear souls fail to meet God’s conditions they fail to get the experience and hence are no part of the reform. Let us be true to God and immortal souls and, like Samuel, not suffer sin upon our brother. “A faithful witness delivereth souls: but a lying witness, who can bear?” So may the Lord help us to be faithful stewards, knowing that we shall have to give account to God.
“Give Ye Them to Eat.”
By J. E. Forrest.
I Feel led to write to you on the line of giving, as we have such precious promises in the word of God to us on this line, and many beautiful lessons teaching us not to withhold our means, but to be “given to hospitality,” “ready to distribute,” that we have fruit to abound toward each other, etc. Now there is a lesson in Mark 6:35-44 where the Lord fed so many with but little to begin with. “Send them away, that they may go and buy bread.” Ah, reader, is that the way to treat those around you? True, the disciples saw no way in which they could feed so may people, having so little with them, and they did not feel to divide. But right here is the lesson: it makes no difference how little we may have, if there are others around us that have nothing, just begin to divide and the Lord will multiply and increase and keep adding to what you have, until you will be able to give abundantly above all that you would first have thought, and you still will have more left than you had at first. Another lesson for us is that the Lord took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looked up to heaven and blessed -- gave thanks.
This teaches us, though we have ever so little, to always give thanks to God and bless him for it, and as he sees fit he will bless us abundantly. Ah, my brother, let us never ask the Lord to send the multitude away to keep from feeding them or even without offering to divide the last “five loaves and two fishes” with them. Just notice the Lord’s quick reply to his disciples when they had asked him to send them away -- “Give ye them to eat.” This is the way he talks to us. Let us not be like the disciples and say, “Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?” Ah, no; he did not require them to go and spend so much money, for even then that would not have been nearly enough to feed so many; but just offer what you have and “be ye thankful.” Yes, just give the Lord a chance and he will help you feed them; he knows how much you need and is also able to give you all that is needed and something over. Bless the Lord! How many of us have tested this fact of the Bible?
Let us begin to divide our five loaves and two fishes, for surely the multitudes in need will easily reach “five thousand,” and the Lord will begin to add, and if there is not enough he will multiply and multiply until there is plenty for all to be filled. Halleluiah to the Lord! My dear brother, be not afraid to divide with others about you, and in time of camp and revival meetings near you when so many “are to be fed,” “give ye them to eat,” and reason not within yourselves, what shall we do? Remember ye not the five loaves of the five thousand, neither the seven loaves of the four thousand? Yea, let these precious truth always be before us, that we may not be fearful or be given to “reasoning among ourselves,” but let us “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things [temporal needs] shall be added unto you.” “For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things,” yea, he knoweth that the “five loaves and the two fishes” are not enough, but he is ready, and even more ready to increase our loaves and fishes than we are to divide with others of what we have in sight.
May the Lord help us to always have our hearts open and to be willing to give of our “mites,” and not only be willing, but do so, and the Lord will bless us with more. Remember one thing, that if you never begin to spread your loaves and fishes before others that they may have to eat, your five loaves and two fishes will not increase for you and you will never have any to give. Do not wait for them to increase first, but spread them out before the multitudes and the Lord then will begin to add and bless you. Had the disciples waited for the loaves and fishes to increase before giving any one to eat, no doubt the miracle of feeding the five thousand would not have been. Though there are no visible signs of an increase of our bread, let us give, having faith in God and doubting nothing, and look not at things with the natural eye as concerning giving, but with an eye of faith let us do as the Lord requires of us and we shall see great multitudes fed with “five loaves and a few little fishes.”
Another thought in the lesson is that the Lord commanded the loaves and fishes to be brought to him; so we must carry them to Jesus, just turn them over -- make a full and complete consecration of our “five loaves and two fishes” to him and let him do with them as he chooses, and surely there will be wonderful results. He has promised to bless our “bread and water” and do for us “abundantly above all that we can ask or think.” So let us increase our giving; step out on God’s promises, and stand there in faith believing and he will increase the flow of his blessings until we all are satisfied with plenty. Amen.
Outward Form.
By Nora Insley.
By a study of the Scriptures we learn that one may have a “form of godliness” (2nd Timothy 3:5), and yet be a stranger to that grace which saves and fits a soul for heaven. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” -- Matthew 7:21.
The scribes and Pharisees were men of learning. They were not only thoroughly acquainted with the Law, but were teachers of it. Perhaps no other people were blessed with such privileges for learning the truth contained in the sacred writings as were these two classes of men. Even as early as the times in which the judges ruled, the scribes are referred to as “they that handle the pen of the writer.” So we find that they were kept constantly in touch with God’s word, but we are struck with their ignorance of the true inwardness of the law. It is said that the outward form and ceremony was more to them than the spiritual; and let us see what was the outcome of this.
The time of Christ’s appearance, the family from which he came, the place of his birth, his life and suffering, the character of his death, the nature of his doctrine, and the extent of his kingdom may all be traced in the prophecies, and yet when he came the scribes and Pharisees did not recognize in him the promised Messiah. They were looking for a king that would satisfy their magnificent ideas, and were not ready to receive him who came to deliver them from their sins, whose reign is in the hearts of men. So their deep learning and constant research was of no spiritual benefit to them, for Christ said, “Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” -- Matthew 5:20.
In this age professors are in as great danger of a mere form of godliness as ever they were in the past. Ministers may spend much time, and study in preparing discourses which please the ears of the hearers, and bring forth expressions of praise and honor; there may be much sermonizing in which deep thought is required, but if the minister does not live out the real truth of the Bible, and by the Spirit of God seek to impress them upon his hearers, may he not be guilty of that outward form for which the scribes and Pharisees were condemned? Much money and care may be spent to secure fine singers and musicians, and thus make a place of worship abound with attractiveness, so that the pews will be filled Sunday after Sunday, and yet all this display may be emptiness and vainglory. “God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth.” -- John 4:24. “If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” And indeed, can the spirit of the world and the spirit of Christ so harmonize? It behooves every one that bears the name Christian to make diligent search of the Scriptures and learn the true inwardness of them. Besides the commandments of the Pentateuch there are a series of oral laws which were handed down from father to son. The Pharisees were as careful about the observance of these as of the law of Moses.
People of to-day are in danger of accepting religious teachings and resting satisfied in them, simply because they are backed by the opinions of the popular pulpit, never stopping for a moment to question whether they are Bible doctrine or not. Others will indifferently say, “As you believe, so shall you be saved.” The Word says, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” -- Colossians 2:8. “If any man preach any other gospel to you than that ye have received, let him be accursed . . . Do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” -- Galatians 1:9, 10.
Let us therefore, who live under the gospel, “count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, and not suffer ourselves to be “moved away from the hope of the gospel,” proving by our lives “what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”
Watch and Pray.
By Viannah Orites.
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” -- Matthew 26:41. These words were spoken by our Savior on that memorable night in the garden of Gethsemane. A great trial was before them; this the Savior knew, and while he himself was engaging in very earnest prayer to the Father for help, he also warned his disciples to watch and pray, but they failed to obey. He came to them the second time and found them sleeping and again warned them; but their eyes were heavy with sleep, and so they paid no attention. The Savior again went away and on returning once more found them sleeping, so he told them to sleep on now and take their rest; it was enough, the time was come; that is, the time of trial was at hand. Jesus had been earnestly praying and did he flinch or draw back when the trial came? We read he was led around by a cruel, mocking crowd, who spit upon him and smote him and cried, crucify him! Away with him! And through all their false accusations, it is written, he answered never a word.
He triumphed over death, hell, and the grave. But how about the disciples? We read they all forsook him and fled, and left him to die alone on the cruel cross amidst that wicked mob. Peter, who was so bold a few hours before, declared he did not know the man, when accosted by a maid in regard to the matter. Had they heeded the Savior’s warning to watch and pray, they too might have had a greater triumph. Dear reader, let us profit by their sad experience, and the Savior’s victory. Let us not be negligent in regard to the matter. We are in a world that surrounds us with wickedness and temptations of all kinds and the flesh is just as weak to-day as it ever was.
The words of our Savior spoken on that memorable night come ringing down through the centuries to us, “Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” Temptation is no sin, but entering into or yielding to it is sin. The Savior is not here in person to warn us as he did the disciples, but he has left his words for us to read and the Holy Spirit to guide into all truth. So when the Holy Spirit prompts you to secret prayer, do not neglect your duty; go at once, the time is close at hand that you will need help, and if you fail to ask for it, you may have a hard battle to fight alone. The enemy may be stronger than the flesh and the result may be you are overcome. You can not afford to neglect prayer for the sake of work. I have found in the past at times when I had more work than common on hand, I had to go on my knees in prayer to God the oftener. I could not afford to let work crowd the Lord out. Oh, how precious were those moments spent in prayer. God blessed my soul for the sacrifice, and I realized his word was fulfilled where he said, Them that honor me, I will honor. I counted the presence of the Lord of more value than my work, and if I had failed to obey the Spirit when it said go and pray, I would have grieved it away, felt lean in my soul, and then how could I expect help in time of need? May the good Lord help us to run the race with patience and pray without ceasing, and give us grace to live very humble before him, that we may be able to stand before him in peace at his coming.
“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life.”
Faith For Healing
Suppose you were sick and a would-be preacher came to your bedside and said: “My dear friend, you have my deepest sympathy. I feel sorry for you. If Jesus were only here, as in the days of the apostles, we could take you to him and you would be healed, but the time of healing is past and you must be content with your lot. Be of good courage, and be made perfect through suffering, as the scripture says,” etc.
Would such talk inspire you with faith or encourage you in the service of him who has promised to be “a very present help in time of need?” It would only be a source of discouragement, followed by a flood of doubts and fears concerning the Lord and his precious word.
Otherwise, were he a believer in the risen Savior as a present help, and would say: “My dear friend, it is needless for you to be sick any longer. Jesus Christ can heal you now the same as he healed the sick in days of old; he has lost none of his power, as the Bible says he is ‘the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.’ -- Hebrews 13:8. Through his sufferings we are made perfect. He will not only save the soul, but will heal the sick. He came healing all manner of sickness and disease while here upon earth. He is just the same to-day. Put your trust in him and it shall be unto you according to your faith. I will believe with you according to Matthew 18:19; Mark 11:24; 1st John 5:14, 15; James 5:14, 15.” Such instruction, accompanied by the Word and Holy Spirit, will inspire faith, drive away doubts and fears, and the promises of God will be as the words of a true faithful friend.
When people are instructed in the ways of unbelief, and taught that the promises of God were only for the apostles and not for us, is it any wonder that the masses of people are a faithless generation? “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”
A Blessing
By S. L. Speck
“And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.” -- Ezekiel 34:26. The above text plainly teaches that God will in this dispensation of his grace make his glorious church a blessing in the earth. God’s church is composed of all his saved people in all the world. My dear brother, this promise means you and me.
Do we see this promise fulfilled in our life? This to me is a high calling -- a promotion from God himself. He has promised to make us a blessing. Surely we can not say we lack opportunity, for we can plainly see many ways open whereby we can prove ourselves a blessing to some person or persons. These golden opportunities are daily presenting themselves before us. They are seen in our own locality, yea, even come to our door, and are made so plain we need not be mistaken. In foreign lands and in prisons they are looming up daily more and more, and we can not say that we are blind to them, for God has communicated them to us in different ways. One way especially, through the Gospel Trumpet Publishing Company.
Jesus Christ, our great and precious Savior, who through his blood made us his own common family, has said, “The poor have the gospel preached unto them.” My dear brother in Christ, it is in our power to leave this promise dormant, or else help to fulfill it. Some may say God can work and none can hinder, but, brother, if you will read 1st Thessalonians 2:18 you will plainly see that Satan working through man can in a great measure hinder the Gospel.
There are many, many poor people who would love to hear a pure gospel preached, but for lack of means and being far away they are deprived. They can not go to, neither can they send for it, as many of God’s people can, for lack of money. Perhaps their land is poor and little can be raised on it. Feed, provisions, and clothing are high; this with scarcity of work and low wages has rendered them poor. But thank God! They shall have the gospel preached unto them. My brother, how are they going to hear the gospel? They can not hear without a preacher. See Romans 10:14.
They are too poor, as I have said, to go where it is preached, and too poor to send for a preacher, and in many cases the ministry are too poor to go at their own expense. Right here God can make us a blessing if we let him, and keep our hearts open to the dictates of the Holy Spirit, and use our means to send the gospel to them. Brother, does this letter hurt you, especially when I talk of giving to the spread of the gospel? If it does, the reason is because you are selfish and stingy. If you have not your means all on the altar yet, now is a good time to make the surrender. When we are all on the altar sanctified, it will be a pleasure to give to those in need.
Suppose the Spirit of God would lead us to give all we have on earth to send the gospel out into the world of lost humanity, how would it strike us? Would it strike us favorably? Could we say, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away?” Lord, help us all to be resigned to all your holy law and will! Brethren, let us make to us friends of the unrighteous mammon (money). In the east, west, north, and south many are thanking God to-day and the one who sent them The Gospel Trumpet or some good religious book, during the ten-cent offer and special sales on books, and if they could see the one that sent them the first Trumpet the donor could not help but feel in him a warm friend. We could have friends all over the world, yes, over in foreign lands, and in the prisons of our land.
Many people, as it were, shut their eyes to these opportunities, but brethren, we must remember they exist just the same and God will hold us responsible in the judgment. Brethren, if we refuse to be the blessing he intends us to be he will send leanness into our souls, and finally consign our souls to eternal hell.
We can only feel clear when we do our duty, and feel happy when we keep in God’s order. Again, how often we find brethren who are undergoing some trial. Right here we can be a blessing to them. A word of cheer, a word of prayer for them, a sociable visit with them, and if in need a little money, a few provisions, or clothing to relieve them, would be a blessing. Brethren, we must see to it well that we do not miss our calling in the church. “I will make them a blessing,” saith the Lord. Go to prayer and ask God what he will have you do that you may be a blessing to some one. Amen.
Not In The Church Of God
By Jennie B. Smith.
I recently listened to a lecture given by a sect preacher of Chicago in behalf of the soldiers, and I would like to show the error of some of his remarks, that people may see the awful deceptions imposed upon them in these last days.
He stated that some people do not like old soldiers because they drink whisky; some do not like them because they steal; some because they swear, and some because they tell lies, and he could find every one of that class in the church of the living God. My prayer to God is that he will help the people to understand God has a pure church. Jesus says, “Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” -- Matthew 15:18. Now it is all very wrong to say there are liars, thieves, drunkards and men that take the name of God in vain, in the church of God when Jesus says the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. We are either a child of God or a child of the devil and there is not one child of the devil in the Church of God.
The Church of God is the body of Christ, and the head of the body -- the church -- is Christ, “who is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” -- Colossians 1:18. Now since the church is the body of Christ, we could not think one moment of his body being composed partly of the devil’s material. It is an awful thing to sit under the sound of such teaching as that seeing many dear souls drinking it down as the truth, not because they find it in God’s word, no indeed; but because some so-called “Rev.” said so. What an awful account they will have to give in the day of judgment for deceiving poor souls! I suppose when this preacher referred to the church of the living God, he meant “sects.” But if he would read the word of God and ask God to guide, he would soon see the difference between the church and his sect.
Christ built the church. See Matthew 16:18. Man builds the sect. Christ is the head of the church. See Ephesians 1:22. Man is the head of the sect. Christ makes the laws for the church. “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us.” -- Isaiah 33:22. Man makes the laws for the sect. Christ is the door of the church. See John 10:7-9. All sects have ways of taking in members and man can open and shut the door. There are no sinners in the church. “He that committeth sin is of the devil; . . . Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; . . . In this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil.” -- 1st John 3:8-10. We all know there are sinners in the sects. While there are many, many sects to-day there is only one church, and while there are many different religions taught, there is only one salvation and that is salvation from all sin through the blood of Christ. How I praise the Lord for his word and for helping me to see the real body of Christ. “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.” -- 2nd Peter 2:1, 2.
May the Lord help his people to stand clear of all things that are contrary to his word, and also help poor souls that are unsaved as they listen to the many different teachings of to-day, to try them by the word of God, which will judge us in the last day. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2nd Timothy 3:16. Therefore let us follow the Word.
News from the field.
Palco, Kansas December 22
We are in a glorious assembly-meeting at this place. The dear Lord is sending his word forth in the power of the Holy Ghost. Brother A. S. Kriebel and Sister Bateman are here, whom the Lord is using to his glory. The meeting will close Sunday with ordinance-meeting, Lord willing. Brother Duncan, of Topeka was here two days, but was called home on account of a sick child. He was ordained to the ministry while here. May the dear Lord keep his hand on him. Brother Kriebel goes from here to Denver, Col.; Sister Bateman to her home in Wichita; Brother J. N. Underhill and I to Calvert, Kan.
Charles Bright.
126, 19th St. Mission,
Wheeling W. Va. Dec. 25.
We are glad to greet you once more through the Trumpet. Since our last report we have been in the work most all the time. More than one month ago we moved to 19th St. Mission and began the work of the Lord. The way seemed completely hedged up, but through prayer and faith the opposition is giving way, and in many places there are calls for meeting and a goodly number of honest souls are wanting the whole truth. This is a city of 45,000 and a great work to be done. We desire the prayers and co-operation of the saints. We are having four meetings every Sunday and meeting nearly every night through the week. Your brother, saved and sanctified,
G. T. Clayton.
Morristown, Tenn., Dec. 23.
This morning finds us with our hearts leaping with joy for the goodness of our heavenly father toward such unworthy, unprofitable servants as we are. Halleluiah! Oh, what a Savior God’s dear children have in this present wicked world! We are in a wonderful feast at present, where God is saving and sanctifying souls. The people are so hungry for the bread that came down from heaven. See John 6:50. Such darkness covers the people in this town.
Pray for the work here. There is a call from most every direction. No time to be idle. Let us be about our Father’s business. Any one desiring to correspond with either of us, address us at St. Clair, Tenn. Until Jan. 20.
W. A. Sutherland and J. J. Smith.
Harman, W. Va., Dec. 24.
We do report victory on the Lord’s side over all sin. We have been in Tucker county, near Buena, and held two weeks’ meeting in Gosner Schoolhouse. The Lord helped us to put forth the truth and blessed the word as it went forth. The class-leader of the U. B. sect declared his freedom from the sect and came out and got sanctified. Others are in favor of the truth. From there we came here in the neighborhood of Harman. We held meeting last week in private houses. Four came to the Lord and got saved; four consecrated for sanctification; yesterday seven obeyed the Lord in the ordinance of baptism. From here we go to-day to Porter’s schoolhouse, on the Alleghany Mountains. We begin meeting there to-night in the name of the Lord. We will be there this week, the Lord willing. From there we will go over into Pendelton county, W. Va. Pray for us and the work in this part of West Virginia. Our next address is Mouth of Seneca, Pendleton Co., W. Va.
L. A. Kauffman and Co.
Woodlawn, Ala.
I bade my dear family good-by Nov. 14 and came, in company with N. S. Duncan, and coworkers, to the Mount Olivet assembly. Found some trouble existing, which before the meeting closed was cleared away and unity restored, and the church settled on the Word. We then came to Summerville and enjoyed a feast of good things from the Lord. At the close of that meeting N. S. Duncan went to east Tennessee and I came south in company with W. A. Hand and E. W. Sharp. Just closed meeting at Bluntsville, Ala. With victory. Some saw the corruption of sectism and took a stand for the truth. Poor sinners were convicted of their sins and fell on their faces and called for mercy, and God proved his word in not despising a broken and contrite spirit by giving deliverance, and the saints of God shouted for joy. Four were baptized at the close of the meeting. To God be all the glory. We begin meeting at Tidmore to-night. Consecrated workers are needed in the South. Pray for us that the Lord keep his hand on our hearts and keep us in the work. Address me at Millville, Tenn.
Samuel Ford.
Canton, Ohio, Dec. 24.
We are praising God this morning for victory. Just returned from Bigprairie, where we had a precious meeting in the name of Jesus. We were informed before we went that we only had the promise of the schoolhouse for one service, Lord’s day morning. The people had engaged, for Lord’s day evening, a young man just beginning to preach, also school being in session during the day; nevertheless we felt much let to go, and leave the results with the Lord. The young preacher freely gave place for us Lord’s day evening. Monday evening was given us, and so on for nearly two weeks, when the house was closed, much to the dissatisfaction of many of the people. Quite a number of dear souls stand by the truth, and we trust the seed has fallen on good ground, and will bring forth much precious fruit. There was a desire expressed by a number of the people that in the spring, as soon as the weather was favorable, a grove, tabernacle, or camp-meeting be held, if the Lord opened the way. Undoubtedly there will be many precious souls brought out of darkness into the glorious light of the gospel. The sects were holding meeting in nearly every direction. Surely Babylon trembles for fear of her loss. This little town of not more than 300 inhabitants has two so-called holiness churches within a stone’s throw of each other. I asked one of the preachers if he thought God was the head of those two, and he confessed that God was not the head. These truly are perilous times.
Wm. N. and S. J. Smith.
1514 William St., Columbia, S. C.
I am praising the dear Lord to-day for perfect victory in my soul. I have been making Columbia my headquarters for a few months past. The Lord has a few people here, but much wickedness prevails. Since we came here we have taken a trip of twelve days through Sumpter and Darlington counties, where several souls got delivered from the bondage of sin through the blood of Jesus. Two obeyed the Lord in the ordinance of baptism, and quite a number took part in the washing of the saints’ feet and the Lord’s supper. The church was greatly strengthened. The subject of divine healing has met with much opposition in these parts, owing largely to some erroneous teaching on the subject in the past.
While some have accepted Jesus as a worthy Physician and are willing to trust him in time of need, others claim to accept him for soul and body, but have not fully settled the matter in their hearts so they are willing to trust his ability and willingness to heal when the enemy touches their bodies. My soul was much bless of the Lord on this trip. The workers present were Brothers E. B. Haynes, J. L. Goodman, and Brother and Sister McElveene.
I have also been a few days in Fairfield county, where the Lord greatly blessed in sowing the seed. On Nov. 16 I went to Charleston to attend the assembly-meeting. All things were in readiness, but especially were the saints waiting on the Lord to send the promise of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Lord was present in the meeting from the beginning. As on the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost came with power, and a number of hearts received it. The result was many came together to see what had taken place, till there was not room to receive them. Sinners were converted, backsliders reclaimed, believers sanctified, and the sick healed. The power and glory of God continued throughout the meeting. Nine obeyed the command of the Lord Jesus in baptism, and nearly sixty took part in washing the saints’ feet and the Lord’s supper. Brother and Sister Edwards, from Augusta, were present, also Brother and Sister McElveene, who were on their way to Florida. This place had become stirred up over one who claimed salvation, but died a horrible death, leaving her testimony of her lost condition. The words of Jesus began to ring in their ears. See Matthew 24:44, and Peter’s admonition. See 2nd Peter 3:14.
We returned to Columbia to remain a few days until the Augusta meeting. This part of the South needs more laborers who are filled with the Holy Ghost and consecrated to the work. If you can do no more, remember the workers and the work in much earnest prayer. My soul can but praise the Lord.
J. F. Lundy.
Moweaqua, Ill., Dec. 24.
Since our last report through the Trumpet we have been busy in the work of the Lord. We held a three-weeks’ meeting in Livermore, Ky. A few got out straight for the Lord in this meeting. We went from here to Point Pleasant, about three miles up Green River. Here we held three weeks’ meeting. Had small attendance at this place but God gave us the victory. Here we met one brother who says he has had an experience in the past, also taught, believed, and practiced divine-healing, but failed to walk in the light of God’s word. Then the devil sent around a false light on divine healing called Weltmerism or magnetic healing. He took lessons from Weltmer costing him $25.00, receiving a diploma showing his authority to practice Weltmerism, or his method of healing. This dear brother was awfully deceived, going on with a high profession -- saved and sanctified. Finally the Word and Spirit of God discovered his condition, and he tried to get the victory by a public confession, then by coming down to the altar and repenting, but nothing but darkness hovered about him, until the dear Lord revealed his true condition to his unworthy servants, showing that his case was a possession of devils. They were commanded to come out of him according to Mark 16:17. At first they made a strong resistance and would not go until the Lord made the brother name them, when they immediately went out of him. He was possessed of a hypnotic and mesmeric spirit, and through these two devils he performed false healing. I realize more and more we are in perilous times. O dear ones, let us stay on God through the truth. These evil spirits are doing some wonderful things, hence the awful deceptions are the result. The deceived think it is the Lord doing these things. Dear saints everywhere, we warn you against this Weltmerism healing. It is performed through hypnotism and mesmerism.
After this meeting closed we returned to Livermore, where we held another week’s meeting. At this meeting the Lord came with victory. Several got saved, others sanctified. The meeting closed with a baptismal service, washing the saints’ feet, and Lord’s supper at night. We pray that the little church at Livermore, Ky. May be kept abounding in the love and power of God. We took passage on a steamboat for Evansville, Ind., where we met with the faithful few for a few evening in worship. From here we came to Moweaqua, Shelby Co. Ill. To see our father and mother. Lord willing, we will labor through central Illinois for the present. Any one desiring meetings in Illinois, please let us know.
W. H. and Anna Cheatham.
Coburg, Ia.
I promised God some time ago when I had the grip that if he would heal me and not let me get so sick that I could not do my work, I would write my testimony and send it to the Trumpet. It is eighteen months since I took the Lord for my healer. I have not taken a dose of medicine since that time, yet I have had many ailments since, but I always called on God and he keeps me from getting down sick.
E. H. Clurg.
Bluefield, W. Va.
I am saved and kept by the Savior and am so happy in him. I am so glad that I have found the true church. “And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her.” -- Psalms 87:5. Amen. I came out of Babylon about six months ago. I can see now how God wants his children free yet humble. My wife and myself take the dear Lord as Healer for ourselves and two babies, and find him to be a present help in time of trouble.
J. H. Pearson.
Lyon, Ind.
Dear Editor of the Trumpet: I have been reading your paper for over a month. I think it is next to the Bible. Words fail to express how much I value it. I have always believed in the Savior as a physician of both soul and body, but, like many others, thought medicine the instrument of healing in God’s hands. When I read your book called “Grace of Healing,” also your papers, I wondered how we read the Bible and did not have our eyes opened before. I feel your paper has been a Godsend in time of need and a great feast. I have had very poor health all my life, but since putting my case in the hands of God I am getting better all the time. I have been praying for my little boy, who has kidney trouble. I inquired earnestly of my Father why he did not answer me, and he made it plain I was to ask his people to pray. I ask you most earnestly to pray for my little boy and that I may have a deeper work of grace in my heart.
Emma Chesnut.
Mahaska, Kans.
It has been a long time since I wrote my testimony for The Gospel Trumpet. I can truly say I praise God for a perfect salvation. He has sanctified me and keeps me each day free from all sin and unrighteousness. It truly pays to serve God and obey his word. “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard; lest at any time we should let them slip.” My whole trust is in God for both soul and body, to keep me saved and healed, and to be my help in every trial or tribulation.
If Paul gloried in tribulation and counted all things joy, we should do the same. In 1st Peter 4:12, 13, we read, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.”
“Knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed.”
I am determined by the grace of God, to follow the Lord all the way. Let us all have God’s work at heart, and do all we can with our prayers and means and labors for the answering of the many calls to come over and help us. Pray that I may always be kept humble at Jesus’ feet.
Nannie Livingston.
I Must Be A Witness
I feel that I must write my testimony for Jesus. I was once a very wicked boy, and afterwards a wicked man, having gone so far into sin of many kinds that I had become a little skeptical, and almost without a conscience, so to speak. However, God had mercy, and his goodness followed me. In the year 1891 I saw to some extent the end of my way, and decided to turn and try to do better, and began making a profession.
Shortly after the church question was brought up by an older brother of mine, who said the best thing I could do was to join a church. I contended that there was nothing in the church (as we call it), but he said there was no harm in it, so I consented to his argument on this point. I also thought it might do some good. Having scarcely any light, I joined the Methodist Protestant church, and after being satisfied that water baptism was a commandment, I was immersed. Then I was a full member of the M. P. church. I now felt that I ought to preach for Jesus, and I began to preach and exhort, and the Lord blessed his word. I as yet did not know the real Bible plan of salvation, my knowledge only reaching to the extent of the gospel that I had heard, which was: Quit doing wrong, as much as possible, and confess to God your sins, and ask his pardon, and believe him. I knew nothing of restitution or confessing to man. But I continued to Preach, and in due time I was ordained an elder in the M. P. Church, at which time I was preaching divine healing and sanctification, but did not have much light. Here I started out fully decided to preach what the Bible taught at any cost. That brought me into trouble with my conference at its next annual meeting, and I withdrew from it. During some afflictions the Lord showed me that I must burn my credentials before he would heal my sick child, and I burned them and God healed my child instantly. I had my name taken off the church book. After coming out of the sect I saw I needed to be baptized. I had been immersed, but I knew from the Lord that immersion is not baptism, every time. The purpose must be a Bible one, no more nor less, and I was baptized. About two and one-half years ago I became entangled with the affairs of this world, and got into some spiritual trouble and fell, but God saved me again, and afterwards cleansed me from all sin by a second work of grace. For which I give the great God of heaven, the Almighty, all of the praise through Jesus Christ my Redeemer.
Wm. A. Gray.
“Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.”
Lincolnville, S. C., Dec. 14.
GRAHAM. -- Sister Bertha Fraser Graham was born June 23, 1874; died Dec. 9, 1900. She accepted the Word of God one year and four months ago. She now sleeps in the arms of Jesus. She leaves a loving father, a tender mother, and a dear little baby boy and an unsaved husband, for whom we ask your prayers. The dear saints will miss her usefulness.
James A. and Abbie Fraser.
CUVILLIE. -- Brother William Cuvillie fell asleep in Jesus Nov. 28, 1900, at San Diego, Cal., aged 75 years. Brother Cuvillie was a native of England. He came to America and resided in San Francisco, Cal., for some years. Later he came to San Diego county where, nine years ago, in one of our meetings, he was saved. Since then his life has been a perfect pattern of faith and good works. Paralysis was the cause of his death. He slept his life away in perfect peace and calmness of soul. He attended our assembly at San Diego just before his death, and never was more grateful and happy than at this meeting. He had no relatives in this country, that any of us know of. He was loved and highly esteemed as a faithful child of God by all who knew him. We rejoice that he has been safely gathered home in a ripe old age, and can say that we know that our labor for his soul has not been in vain.
Funeral was held from the Gospel Tabernacle, San Diego, Cal. Text, Philippians 1:23. “For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and be with Christ; which is far better.”
J. W. Byers.
Sister Nettie Colton, whose death was recorded in The Gospel Trumpet Dec. 20, was a noble Christian mother and wife. I feel her death should not be passed without special notice by God’s family. It was the pleasure of Brother James S. McCreary and myself to stay at the home of Sister Colton while in Cuba last March. Her true Christian steadfastness was plainly demonstrated. While there were no saints within 50 miles, yet she stood true to God and taught her small children the pure gospel, and our stay in Cuba was most pleasant for strangers in a strange land. We were greeted with a most hearty greeting and the longer we stayed the more pleasant was our welcome. Sister Colton was a messenger of the Lord to Cuba. One day Brother McCreary and myself arranged to go out in the country 50 miles to see Brother Dowe at a village called Awacotta, to take Gospel Trumpet literature, but found our means were a little short, so I told him I would stay at Sister Colton’s home and let him go, but soon after he had gone it was revealed to me while in secret prayer that it was God’s will that I go too, so I said to the Lord, “You provide means and I will go.” The answer came, “Go,” so I ate breakfast and began to get ready to go. As I was about ready to go Sister Colton’s little boy came and gave me $2.00. I praised God and went to the depot and when arriving at Awacotta found Brother Dowe, whom I had met in Philadelphia about a year before. Beside the hospitality of a free, comfortable home in Cuba, we received a sum of money when departing. And it is surely recorded that Sister Colton did what she could. Let each saint pray especially for her husband and children.
W. A. Downer
RAY. -- Mrs. Mattie Ray was born March 8, 1827, near Malta, Ohio; died Dec. 6, 1900, at San Diego, Cal., aged 73 years, 8 months, 28 days. In an early day her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pickett, moved from Virginia to Ohio, which was then a new country. Here Mattie was born and spent the early portion of her life. For 24 years she was engaged in the profession of school-teaching and proved to be one of the most successful educators in the state of Ohio. Later she came west as far as Minnesota, where she was married to John Meade Ray, on May 19, 1873. From Minnesota they moved to Ft. Benton, Mont. Ten years ago they came to San Diego, where they have since resided.
Sister Ray has been a sufferer from ill health during her recent years, much of the time being almost entirely unable to get around. Most of the time since they came to San Diego she was confined to her rooms. Adding to this, the loss of almost everything they possessed in this world through the failure of one of the San Diego banks, she had much to make life a burden, yet through all these years of our intimate acquaintance we never heard Sister Ray make one word of complaint. Being environed with affliction and adversity her life was one of perpetual sunshine, which has been an inspiration to all who have been associated with her. Her firm faith in Jesus has been her only strength, which has proved all sufficient for every trial of life down to a ripe old age. Her special request was that her funeral should be short, and the greatest monument she would wish for would be that it could be said that she had been a benefit and blessing to Humanity.
J. W. Byers.
STARR. -- Clara B. Starr was born in Andrew county, Mo. March 6, 1864; died at Lodi, Cal. Dec. 8, 1900; age 36 years, 9 months, 2 days. In 1871 Sister Starr moved to Marshalltown, Iowa with her widowed mother, Alma Hamaker, where she spent her childhood days. In 1880 she was joined in marriage with Brother L. H. Starr. Ten years ago they moved to California, where they have resided until her death. She leaves her husband, five children, mother, and one sister to mourn their sad loss. From her childhood she loved God and lived a devoted life. Seven years ago she, with her husband, came out into this pure gospel light; since then she has lived a perfectly consecrated life, and has enjoyed the fullness of the blessings of the gospel of Christ. Her life has been a testimony of the gospel of Christ unto all who knew her. Four years ago she began to fail in health. Three years ago she received a perfectly instantaneous healing through faith in Jesus, from consumption. The following year she was prostrated with malarial fever and afterwards began to manifest symptoms again of consumption, which from that time increased gradually into a permanent form. Many times the disease would be checked and she would be helped through faith and prayer, but it became evident that her time in this life was fast drawing to a close. Through her perfect trust and faith she was enabled to manifest wonderful patience and courage and endurance, through her long siege of affliction, such as can only be realized by those whose life is hid with Christ in God. Her end was peaceful and calm, though just prior to this she suffered much. The gentle spirit which so long had desired to be set free, was at last delivered from its prison of clay and departed to be at rest with Jesus. It can truly be said of Sister Starr, as of the apostle Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” A large gathering of neighbors and friends met at the funeral, to show their respect and sympathy. Text, 2nd Corinthians 4:18 -- “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Services by the writer.
J. W. Byers.
Divine Healing
“And a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years, . . . When she heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may but touch his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her plague.” -- Mark 5:24-28.
A Child Healed by God.
I feel that I ought to testify to the goodness of God in healing my baby last September when it seemed he could not live, and was getting worse under the physician. I sent for an anointed handkerchief and believed that God would heal him. The next day I sat by his bed watching the clock that I might be agreed with you in prayer when you got my letter, because I knew you would then pray for him. Before the handkerchief reached me my baby was better. I praise God for it, and give him all the glory.
Mrs. Ella Reynolds.
Marietta, Ohio
Instant Healing.
I feel the Lord would have me tell of his wonderful salvation, and that he has delivered me from sin, enabling me to serve him with holiness and without fear. He first saved me from all my sins and then sanctified me to do his whole will, and we are trusting him for all things. He has taught us many precious lessons. Our little girl, seven years old, was eating honey and a bee stung her in the throat. It swelled till she was choking, but we took it to the Lord, and he healed her instantly. I am determined to trust him though I am slain, and ever be true to him, for he has done so much for me.
Loutitia Patrick.
Netty, Ky., Dec. 5.
Jesus Is All.
I am saved, sanctified, and kept by the power of God through faith. I can not praise the dear Lord enough for his wonderful healing power. He healed me of paralysis. Praise his name! I am so glad I have learned to trust God for my body as well as my soul. Praise the dear Lord! He keeps me in perfect health and fills my soul with his blessed Holy Spirit. It is so easy for me to trust God now and to let him have his way with me in all things. Since I have been in this place I have drawn nearer to the Lord and his blessings are more precious than ever before. There are only three saints in this place, and we need the prayer of God’s children, that we may be strong to do his will and walk so carefully before him that we may grow in grace and in his knowledge, thus living to his glory and praise. I am living with a woman that has consumption. Pray that she may be healed.
Mattie Smith.
North Yakima, Wash., Nov. 29.
Healed of Heart-trouble.
I am saved and sanctified, and am praising God for his power to heal both soul and body. I promised the Lord if he would heal me again I would testify in the Trumpet. I do praise his dear name to-day for his healing power. The pain in my knees was so great I could hardly walk. I was anointed in the name of the Lord and he healed me. I was also afflicted with heart-trouble and he healed me of that. I am so glad that he has shown me the way out of darkness and has placed my feet on the solid rock Christ Jesus. I am praising the Lord for full salvation and victory over all the power of the enemy. I ask the prayers of all God’s saints that I may ever be found faithful, and kept humble where I may learn of him and be used to his glory at all times.
Caroline Garmin.
West Lodi, Ohio.
Healed of Tumor by the Power of God.
It is now nearly three years since I was healed of tumor. Before that I had been examined by one of the best physicians of the town. He told me I must have an operation performed; but as we did not care to act on the advice of only one physician, we called in another, and he told me the same thing. It was inward tumor, and some of the organs were so badly affected that it was thought necessary to remove them. They advised an operation as soon as possible, and one physician said that he would not undertake it if it was put off two months later; but instead of having an operation, I put my case in God’s hands, and was wonderfully healed in obeying James 5:14, 15.
I was healed a short time afterwards of another painful affliction, from which I suffered much for a number of years, and I have not had any symptoms of it since. Also I have been healed of a painful lump in my breast that pained me for over two years. In answer to prayer all pain was removed, and the lump disappeared. I can truly thank and praise God for what he has done for me.
Mrs. W. Beaton.
Pasadena, Cal.
God Is Faithful
I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs. For three days and nights I suffered violent pain. I could not sit up, I smothered so that I could scarcely lie in bed. The dear Lord knows how I suffered. We kept calling on the Lord for help, but it seemed I was bound for a hard spell of sickness. On the third night at midnight I called to husband to get up and make a fire. I could lie in bed no longer; my head ached severely and my lungs hurt me so that I could not get a moment’s rest. Husband said, “Shall I go to town and get some medicine for you?” But I said, “No, I could not take medicine;” I had promised the Lord previously if he would heal me of something like dropsy I would never take another dose of medicine. Praise the Lord! He healed me and now I am willing to trust him whether I live or die. I am the Lord’s; if I can trust him in health, I can trust him in sickness; if I can trust him in life I can trust him in death. We began to pray, and praise our God! It was not more than half an hour before I was relieved from pain and could breathe with ease, and then I fell asleep. In the morning I got up and got breakfast, and have been doing my work ever since, for which I give God all the praise and glory. Oh, how it pays to trust God! He is a friend in every time of need. Three years ago husband and I were brought out of sectism, where we did not know our privileged in God. We had always been taught that as long as we were in this world we must sin and that divine healing was a thing of the past. When we first heard God’s true ministers preaching that we could be free from sin and healed of our diseases, by meeting the conditions laid down in the Word and consecrating ourselves and all we had to the Lord, I thought “That is a happy way to live, but I can never attain to such a life.” But God showed me he was no respecter of persons and that such a life was for even me. I came to him with all my heart and he did preciously forgive me and wonderfully blessed my soul. To-day I am free in Christ and kept by his power. Praise his dear name!
Mattie Harvey.
Palouse, Wash.
“It Just Hurt Me.”
A Free Methodist sister called to see me. We were talking of the goodness of the Lord in the Christian life, when I handed her a copy of The Gospel Trumpet, saying, “You ought to read this paper. I have been taking it for the past sixteen years, and I regard it as the Lord’s paper. You can not afford to be without it.” She replied, “I have read this paper and I heard the saints preach years ago, and they went on so about the sects that it just hurt me.” I remarked, “When I see an over-zeal, or a lack of wisdom, it hurts me just as much as it hurts you.” And now I take occasion to say to the readers of this paper, as I said to her. Nevertheless, it is our duty as the children of God to avail ourselves of the means which he has provided for an increase of knowledge, and a better understanding of his word and will concerning us. We are not to live in the light of Moses’ day, nor that of David, or the prophets; neither, that of Luther, or Wesley, or our fathers or mothers who have passed away, many of whom died happy in the Lord and went home to glory, because they lived up to the light or privilege of their day. Our God has been marching on, leading his redeemed ones from one generation to another, each having their appointed place in the fulfillment of his word.
My father was a Methodist class-leader for twenty-seven years of his time. It was a Methodist Sunday-school book used by the Holy Spirit, that led to my conversion. However, it was not long until that sweet peace of my soul began to be disturbed by the worldly practices and influences with which I was associated, all under the name of Christianity. In the course of time I was greatly afflicted and became, as was supposed, a life-long invalid. While I was able to attend the public means of grace, I sought for comfort and encouragement there-from, but our pastor did not read and emphasize the blessed promises of God, such as, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivered him out of them all,” and “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases,” “Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses,” or the Bible prescription for “them that believe.” “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.”
He did not tell us that the sympathizing Jesus meant just what he said, where it is written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,” and also that he commands his servants, as “ambassadors in his stead,” to go into all the world and preach the “same gospel,” saying, “These signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,” and “to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”
The God of the Bible knew that in these latter days of high churchism, popular ministry, and big salaries there would be a great temptation confronting even the more humble in rank and ability, causing them to have “men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.” He knew that in these “latter days” of formal worship there would be a spiritual famine all over the land, and he said to the prophet Daniel, “Shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Thank God, that in our day the seal is removed from the book which was shut up and we find every chapter therein containing a prophecy which John the Revelator said must “shortly come to pass.” and that it is all concerning the church in this dispensation of time. He also knew that he could not find true shepherds, who would speak his words faithfully, sufficient to minister to the hungry souls scattered abroad, so he has sounded an alarm in his “holy mountain,” especially through this paper, which is the Lord’s Trumpet, and its messages are going to every nation and clime, and to the islands of the sea. He is also fulfilling his word in the “last sign of his coming,” where he told his disciples that he would send his angels (messengers) with a great sound of a trumpet, and they should gather together his elect, from the four winds, from one end of heaven -- ecclesiastical heaven -- to the other.
Some thought this meant when Gabriel’s trumpet should sound at the last day, but no, the Savior goes on to explain. “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: so likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” This paper has stemmed the fearful winds of persecution from its sectarian opposes, and would long since have withered in the blast, only for the word of the Lord which says, “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it [the church].” The King of saints has stretched out his hand in its defense, and he has encouraged his servants to labor on until the time has come when many are getting to understand that the government and organizing of the church is upon his shoulder, and that in unity there is strength and victory.
The gathering of the “bride of Christ,” according to Revelation 18:4, from the various divisions of “man’s invention,” into the “one body,” the church of the Bible, the Israel of God, is being overruled by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I fancy some one is saying, “How can these things be? For there never was a time when the world was so stirred with religious activity as at the present. Our young people are banded together into Leagues and Endeavor societies, which are destined to encompass sea and land. They are actuated by a real missionary spirit which is bringing in large numbers of such as would not otherwise be with us in this great work.”
I answer, Because of these facts we have occasion to weep and to mourn like Jeremiah of old when he lamented the condition of things among the people of his day. It is the fulfilling of the word of God. “For your adversary the devil walketh about seeking whom he may devour, knowing that his time is short,” and one of his most potent devices is to substitute for a born-again, change-of-heart, holy-life salvation, an intellectual, popular religion. O friends, it will not stand in the judgment day.
Remember it is written, “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.”
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