Friday, July 22, 2011

The Gospel Trumpet, January 31, 1901

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The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21  Issue 05, January 31, 1901
(Articles of interest only)

The Gospel Truth

By Charles E. Orr.

I love the precious truth of God, 
“Tis manna to my soul;
Rich treasure from my home above,
Of greater worth than gold.

Chorus … Oh, precious truth of God;
Thy promise I believe;
Oh, precious truth of God!
The blessings I receive;
Thy loving precepts I obey,
‘Tis manna to my soul each day.

Man shall not live by bread alone,
‘Twill not his burden bear;
But all the precious truth of God
Shall be his daily fare.

Glad tidings from a better world,
Where rolls eternity,
Tell of my dear redeemer’s death
And his great love to me.

The distant lands must hear his name
Before the end has come;
We’ll spread the truth all o’er the world,
And then go shouting home.

God’s Holy Remnant.
By William E. Warren.

My heart is stirred within me when I look out upon this dark world of sin, and behold the awful suffering of humanity, and think that they are not only suffering the awful curse of sin here, but will soon suffer eternal banishment from God in hell, to wail with the damned throughout all eternity. Sad to think, that out of fourteen hundred million souls that people this earth, only a small part of them will be saved. The awful tread of this dreadful epoch has slowly crept upon us, until the fact stares us in the face, that only a few are being saved, comparatively speaking. The prophet says, “When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done.”  Isaiah 24:13. “Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries [converts] in the tops of the uppermost boughs, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the Lord God of Israel.”  Isaiah 17:6. Then he adds, “At that day shall a man look to his Maker.”
Thank God, there is a remnant to be saved! Again Isaiah says, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness.” Isaiah 10:20-22. Paul says, “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5. 
Now since the masses are not saved because of their sins, the few that are being gleaned by the eternal truth must be holy, pure even as he is pure. So let it be known to one and all, that this remnant is holy, is not defiled by sin in any way. Every phase of sin is outside of God’s holy church. Listen to what the prophet says, “In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely, for them that are escaped of Israel. And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remained in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem. [When shall we be holy?] When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.”  Isaiah 4:2-4. This remnant is composed of a people that are holy, as described again by the prophet. “And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called, Sought out [not a come-outer, but a sought-out], a city not forsaken.”  Isaiah 62:12. This blessed experience will cause you, as Paul says, to “follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man can see the Lord.”  Hebrews 12:14. Peter says, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation.”  1st Peter 1:15. Again Luke says, “That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him [How long?] all the days of our life.”  Luke 1:74, 75.


This is one of the most precious themes in all the word of God. David says, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” “And I will give them one heart, and one way [the whole truth], that they may fear me forever, for the good of them, and of their children after them.”  Jeremiah 32:39.
Oneness of the ministry. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tiding of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.”  Isaiah 52:7, 8. Again, the Bible says, “Like priest, like people.” It is true, if the preachers are all united the out-come of their work will be souls brought into the unity of the faith, and if some step aside and cause division it is soon disposed of by the ministry standing together with one heart and soul. Let us notice the apostolic church. “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that aught of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.”  Acts 4:31, 32.
My dear reader, did you ever stop to think that Jesus prayed that all the Christian people from his day to the end of the world should be one as he and his Father were one? Just turn with me now to John. “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them: that they also may be one, even as we are one; I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou has sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast love me.”  John 17:20-23. How sanctified? “That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.”  Romans 15:16. What does it do for us? “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.”  Hebrews 2:11. The inference from the last text would be that if they who profess sanctification are not one, he actually would be ashamed to call them brethren.
Again, this remnant does no iniquity, as one of the prophets has said. “For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent. The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.”  Zephaniah 3:9-13.


“But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering; charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2nd Timothy 3:10-12. “And the dragon [Pagan Rome] was wroth with the woman [church], and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”  Revelation 12:17. It is a fact that all must suffer in some way for Christ, but let us take the little cup of suffering and drink it joyfully, thanking God that we are counted worthy to suffer for his name’s sake. But in spite of Satan’s hosts this remnant is


The revelator says, “I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast [Romanism], and over his image [Protestantism] and over his mark, and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.”  Revelation 15:1, 2. “After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood around about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshiped God, saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”  Revelation 7:9-14. So “let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.”  Revelation 19:7.

The Coming of the Lord.
By John C. Blaney.

The coming of the Lord is an event which will sooner or later take place, and is of the greatest importance to all mankind. Its consequences will be dreadful to a host of people who imagine they are safe from danger of any kind. Happy will those people be who have washed their garments and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, when he comes to turn the wicked into hell, and the nations that forget God. “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”  Matthew 7:22, 23. There will be a vast assembly of all sects, and classes of people beholding his return, when he comes in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The assembled nations from the beginning of the world will witness his glorious return to render to every man according to his works. “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.”  Revelation 1:7.
Jesus came once to visit this old corrupt world: once again he will come, but in a vastly different manner. First, he came on a mission of love and mercy, and was crucified and rejected of men. He came to his own, and his own received him not, but this time he will “come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.”  Matthew 16:27. Great men, who hardened their corrupt hearts, and thought they were brave, will hide themselves in the rocks of the mountains, and say to the mountains, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”  Revelation 6:16, 17. He who made the rocks and mountains will laugh at their calamity, and will soon discover their hiding-places, and bring them forth to destruction.
“The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before his indignation? And who can abide in the presence of his anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.”  Nahum 1:5, 6.
The first time Jesus appeared he was shamefully treated and afflicted; and to-day the professed Christian world is full of people who claim to be followers of him, and yet possess the same deceitful, ungodly spirit that the ancient Jews possessed, who crucified him. Thousands are deceived with the idea that when he comes he will not put an end to earthly things, but will bring a thousand years of peace upon the whole earth. The same old devil which deceived the Jews, and caused them to reject Christ, has deceived and is still deceiving this generation, and causing them to reject the gospel, and seal their eternal destiny by their persistent unbelief. “What do ye imagine against the Lord? He will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time. For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble full dry.”  Nahum 1:9, 10.
This world is rapidly increasing in wickedness; and the most appalling features in connection with the forms of modern ungodliness is, the rapid multiplication of professors of Christianity, and the formation of numerous sects and parties for the professed purpose of carrying the gospel to the world, and yet unwilling to accept the whole truth as it is in Jesus. It can be easily understood we are near the Lord’s second advent when we realize that these sects are only bundles of tares to be destroyed by the all-consuming fire of God. Read Matthew 13:30. While the tares are being bound in bundles, the wheat is being gathered into the barn. Those who closely watch the effect of preaching the pure gospel among the people of this generation do not take long to discover the stolid indifference of modern professors to the simple, sublime truth of Jesus Christ. Surely this means a hardening of their hearts, even as Pharoah’s heart was hardened.
It was just such a state of things as existed among the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, and just such a state will this blinded world be in when Jesus surprises them who dwell on this earth at his appearing. People are so hardened, and have lost all reverence for the word of truth, that they will deliberately turn a deaf ear to the doctrine of Jesus Christ, and vainly worship him according to the doctrines and commandments of men. Socials, fairs, banquets, oyster suppers, dark-lantern exhibitions, dancing, light, chaffy preaching, theaters, horse-racing, prize-fighting, and almost any work of the devil will prove a much greater attraction than a gospel sermon preached with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven.
This state of affairs is not confined, by any means, to any semi-heathen land, but right in the midst of what the world boasts of as civilized Christian countries. Men will toil day in and day out to lay up treasures upon earth, but never think soberly of what God is going to say to them when he comes. They will bend all their energies to pamper their bodies with its corrupt, fleshly appetites and passions, and neglect the salvation of their souls, for which Christ died: not even stopping to think that any time God may say, “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee.” “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”  Luke 17:26. No sign will be given to this generation but the warnings given by the people of God. Noah preached to the generation in which he lived for one hundred and twenty years, and was met with nothing but indifference from all, except his own family. None but Lot’s own relatives were even warned of the near approach of destruction, until God suddenly rained fire and brimstone down upon them, and they could not escape. “Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”  Luke 17:30. 
Another portentous sign of the speedy consummation of all things , is so many Christians backsliding. “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”  Matthew 24:12. These are perilous times for the Christian. Wicked spirits have so much influence; and men seem to have lost the stability of moral decision to stand up and boldly confess Christ to this sinful and adulterous generation, so that few people retain the grace of God received in regeneration until death. The love of preeminence, and human praise, trip many headlong into the pitfalls of the devil. Oh, fellow Christian, heed the earnest exhortation of the apostle Paul: ‘Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.”  2nd Timothy 1:13. Earn the glorious promise: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”  Revelation 3:10. It is very evident we are now in the period of time in which God is trying his people, and all who profess to be his; for at this very time he says, “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”  Verse 11.

Mark well the signs of coming dissolution,
Life’s scenes are now fast drawing to a close;
Earth soon will make her final revolution,
And from her dust the many dead disclose.
Oh, who will stand in that great day of judgment
Amid the trumpet’s long, loud, mournful sound?
Ten million millions will be hurled to torment,
And no more place for earth and heav’n be found.

Prepare to meet thy God, O guilty sinner,
Ere Jesus from his throne of grace descends;
The evening light now throws a radiant glimmer,
Across thy way, ere time forever ends.
Lift up your heads, ye pilgrims, bound for heaven,
Redemption now is surely drawing near;
Bright crowns are now awaiting to be given,
To all the faithful when he shall appear.

What Is Man?  
Or, Our Present and Future.
By H. M. Riggle.

[Continued from last issue.]


It will, no doubt, be edifying to the reader to add a few of the many clear testimonies of eminent saints and dying men.
“Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.”  Simeon.
“Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.”  Jesus Christ.
“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”  Stephen.
“I am now ready, and the time of my departure is at hand.”  Paul.
“Paul, when he had borne his testimony before rulers, departed from the world and went into the holy place.”  Clement of Rome, a co-laborer with Paul (Philippians 4:3). In his epistle to the Corinthians. “There was Peter who, having borne his testimony, went to his appointed place in glory.”  Clement of Rome, Apostolic Fathers. “All the generation from Adam unto this day have passed away: but they that by God’s grace were perfect in love, dwell in the abode of the pious.”  Clement of Rome, Apostolic Fathers.
“For this reason art thou both of the flesh and spirit.”  Ignatius.
“They are gone to the place which was due to them in the presence of the Lord with whom also they suffered.”  Polycarp, speaking of the apostles.
“In our doctrine that the souls of the wicked will be punished and are in a state of sensation after death, while those of the righteous are freed from torment and remain in bliss.”  Justin, second century.
“This soul in flames I offer, Christ, to thee.”  Jerome of Prague.
“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”  Archbishop Cranmer, in the flames.
“This day let me see the Lord Jesus.”  Jewel of England.
“They can slay only the body, not the soul.”  Zwingle of Zurich.
“I am going from weeping friends to congratulate angels and rejoicing saints.”  Risden Darracott.
“Nothing but heaven.”  Dying words of Philip Melanethon.
“What glory! The angels are waiting for me.”  Dr. Batemen.
“I am going to glory.”  Robert Newton.
“Oh let me be gone, I long to be at home.”  Samuel Spring.
“I am sweeping through the gates, washed in the blood of the Lamb.”  Alfred Cookman.
“Oh, how this soul of mine longs to be gone, like a bird out of his cage, to the realms of bliss.”  John Fletcher.
“I am drawing near to glory.”  Mrs. Fletcher.
“All my possessions for a moment of time.”  Queen Elizabeth.
“It is well.”  George Washington.
“I resign my soul to God.”  Thomas Jefferson.
“I am going home.”  David Livingstone.
“O my poor soul, whither wilt thou go?”  Cardinal Mazarin.
“I am taking a fearful leap in the dark.”  Hobbes, infidel.
The following certified incident from real life is selected from correspondence of the Canada Christian Advocate.
A man who had indulged the hope of final salvation regardless of character was on his death-bed. In the prime of life, his cup of pleasure drained to the dregs, and exhausted nature refused to recruit her wasted energies. Pale and wan, with an awful sense of an uncertain future, the horrors of remorse distracting his inmost soul, the bitter cup of despair persistently held to his lips by the unrelenting hand of an abused and now fully awakened conscience, his hope that all would finally be well with him was forever swept away. No hope; no trust in God; his bed was no bed of roses, although surrounded by every comfort that wealth could furnish. With the dread realities of eternity before him, he cried, “Oh! I can’t die; there is no mercy now for me; God can’t forgive me now. Oh! How I wish I had loved differently! If I could only live, I would lead a different life.” I encouraged him to hope in the mercy of God in Christ Jesus, and earnestly besought him to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart and he should be saved. “Do you think that God will forgive me for Christ’s sake … such a sinner as I have been?” “Yes; oh, yes!” said I; “he came to seek and save just such ones as you; be willing to have him save you now, just as you are.” “Oh! No,” said he, “it is too late now,” while the tears streamed down his young face, pallid with disease and suffering. I had never witnessed such a scene before, and I never shall forget the awful expression of that dying sinner’s face, to my dying breath. I told him I would pray for him, and that he must pray for himself, and left the room ere my senses forsook me. Horror-stricken almost, and with a feeling as if death’s fingers were clutching at my own heart-strings, I could not bear to witness such fearful despair. I went down the stairs, and soon one of his spasms of pain came on; and unable to bear it, with no hope, no peace, no Jesus to sustain him, he gave way to the fiends as it seemed to me, which possessed him. With fearful curses, frightful imprecations, and horrid oaths, he drove his faithful wife from the room; and he lay there alone to battle with the raging hand of disease, cursing God, and screaming with rage and pain, so that he could be heard in the neighboring houses. I could do nothing for him, and the curses and maledictions of that hour ring in my ears like the wail of the lost in the dark regions of despair. Soon I heard he was dead. God save us from such a passing away as that; torturing fiends, instead of soothing angels round his dying couch. Black despair instead of the overshadowing wing of angelic hope. Death and the judgment staring him in the face, instead of peace in believing and joy in the Holy Ghost. Horrid blasphemies, instead of, “O death, where is thy sting?” A fearful looking forward to the future. Too Late! Too late! Such is the fearful death of those who trust in the mercy of God out of Christ, for “God out of Christ is a consuming fire.”  Golden Dawn.
We will here insert the death of a soul-sleeper, from “Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer.”
Mrs. Mattie Campbell relates the happy death of her sister, a soul-sleeper, which occurred last May. In Sabbath-school this afternoon a message came: “Emma is dying. Come quickly if you want to see her alive.” My dear sister! We had played together, and more than all, we dreamed dreams of the fairy future, wherein we saw everything but care and temptation crowning the golden pathway of our jubilant feet. She was plump and rosy, full of laughter and frolic, which life’s stern realities had not subdued. Strong and well I had seen her but five days before. Yet, ah! “in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” On our way the sad face of the family physician confirmed the truth. “She may linger until sundown,” he said, and all the way I prayed, and felt it would be answered: “Lord, dear Lord, only let me have one word to know how it is with her soul.” Mother met me at the door. This was a heavy grief. “Ask how it is with her soul,” said she. I entered the room filled with weeping friends. I pressed the damp, cold brow. She knew me and spoke in the old sweet way. Soon I commenced slowly and low the hymn we used to sing together, 

“Jesus, lover of my soul,”

While I anxiously watched to catch a mark of grace upon her fast changing features. A happy, peaceful smile broke over her face. I bent down and she spoke. “God has always been good to me, sister. He has not given me one harsh word since I came down to my bed.” How the promise rushed to my lips  “He giveth, and upbraided not.” Glory to his name! Divinely assured that she was dying, she spoke of a long, sweet sleep, the sleep of the soul and body, until the resurrection, for that was her belief . . . With mind clear and composed, she then lay, waiting to pass into an unconscious slumber, only to waken at the last trump. “Hark,” she said, listening intently. “I hear music: don’t you hear it? And, mother, I see a door. . . It is open. I see inside. It is a beautiful place. It is heaven. I see forms clothed in white, many, yea, a multitude of beautiful beings, their hands upraised, while they are waving something in their hands.” And then, in wonder and astonishment “Why, there is pa.” Then she very intelligently gave orders for her burial. Good-bys were said, and in childlike pleading tones she called, “Come, dear Lord, I am ready.” An effort on her part to close the dear eyes and mouth, a few more agonizing moments, and the open door received her gentle spirit.
Thus we could multiply testimonies of dying men and women, that the soul leaves the body at death. The reader perhaps has witnessed such death-bed scenes as just described. Millions in their last breath have testified to the world that they were then going to the Lord, to the realms of light, or to regions of dark despair. While penning these lines, memory goes back a few years, to the death-bed of my own sainted mother. Just before she expired she looked up and said, “I see heaven opened and the glory of God descending.” She testified she was “going to dwell with Christ.” Among her last words she said, “Tell my boy [referring to myself, who was then in the far West] to be true to God at the point of the bayonet.” This charge I expect, by God’s grace, to keep. While these departing souls had control of the organs of speech, they spoke audibly, to testify that existence was still real, and when the voice was stifled in the cold stream, some of them held up their hands in token of their yet conscious being. If the soul of man were only a breath, if life were only a spark which expires when the heart ceases to beat, would there not have been an experience of the waning flame? Would there not have been at least one testimony, in six thousand years, among the thousands of millions of dying men, going to show a conscious nearness to oblivion? But there is not one such, not one. On the contrary, millions have in their last breath testified to future conscious existence, while absent from the body.
If the soul-sleeping doctrine be true, then the Creator put it in the hearts of his creatures, in the most solemn hour of their existence, to testify to a falsehood. Men who would disdain a lie, are made to speak an unconscious one in the hour of death … men filled with the Holy Ghost. Can this be so? Is it possible that the good men of all ages … men whom God has used to effect mighty reformations in the earth, testified to a lie in the hour of death? Was Stephen mistaken when he “looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God;” and a little later addressed his Savior thus: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit?” Was the apostle Paul mistaken when he said, “We know” that when this earthly house … this mortal body, dissolves in death, we shall “depart and be with Christ” … be “absent from the body, and present with the Lord?” If all these witnesses were mistaken, and man does not have any existence after death, then we have a shadow more enduring that the substance, for Stephen, Paul, Luther, Wesley, and other great moral natures, have, in their names and histories, an earthly immortality, while they themselves, going into eternity, conscious to the last, and expecting to live forever, have ceased to be. In a universe of harmony there can not be such discord; in a world of truth there can not be such contradiction. Enoch was translated; “for God took him.” Moses lies down upon the mountain side, and dies. God himself buried the dust. Elijah steps into a chariot of fire, and by a whirlwind is carried to the skies. Almost a thousand years after, Jesus with three of his disciples goes to a mountain-top, where he is transfigured before them. Instantly there appear Moses and Elias talking with him. These men were still living. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had long since died, and their bodies were moldering in the dust, but God said, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not the God of the dead, but of the living.” Amen, and amen.

Justified With God.
By J. M. Harrington.

This is a question asked by one of old, “How then can man be justified with God?”  Job 25:4. This is a very important question and worthy of our consideration. When we realize the solemn fact that we will all meet in judgment to answer for our conduct in this life, and for the way we have treated offered mercy, the question is, “Who is justified with God?” Doubtless there are many who are justified in the preacher’s sight, or in the society where they belong; but are we justified in God’s sight? We might deceive our neighbors, perhaps our family, but there is one penetrating eye we can not deceive, or hide one thing from. “Thou seest me.” Nothing escapes his pure eyes. How true these words, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper.” This fact we see demonstrated time after time … some one trying to cover his sins, and remain justified, not thinking of being condemned in God’s sight.
Who is justified in God’s sight is the question under consideration? There has been a spirit down through all ages to justify self … it was so in Christ’s time (Luke 10:29), and it is here at the present time. Sometimes it manifests itself among those claiming to be out clear for God. May God awaken every soul, to ask the question, “Am I right with God?” And may we as ministers of Christ “cry aloud and spare not.” The false minister preaches for the people, but the true one to the people, regardless of price or a place to sleep. I remember of holding a meeting at a certain place, with a brother, and we had not much to eat and hardly any where to sleep. One man invited us up and said, “Make this your home.” On that night the word went forth strong and without any varnish, and away went our bed. He did not invite us back again. Brethren, preach the truth at any cost, and let us be sure we are first partakers of it. The cry in Babylon is, “I am trying to get ready,” yet they leave undone many things they ought to do, and do things they ought not, thus making many crooked paths; but what is heard in Zion? Be ready, ready (not trying to get ready) to be revealed. “Make straight paths for your feet.”
Thank God! It is our privilege to live right in the sight of God, then we can testify boldly in the presence of our wife, children, and neighbors, with a bold countenance, and a clean conscience, and tell to saint and sinner the joy we receive by “being justified with God.” Thank God for the abundance of grace offered unto all. Complicated scenes may arise before us, but by his grace we can surmount those things that look insurmountable and come off more than conqueror. While the devil is wise, God is all-wise; while the devil is powerful, God is all-powerful; the devil is mighty, but God is almighty. This being a fact, we no longer wonder at the expression use by the apostle, “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
When justified with God we are in possession of a treasure worth living for. Some say they have been enduring religion for a number of years, but praise God! Those who come to Christ get something to enjoy. See Galatians 5:22, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” As I notice the lives of professors who indulge in all manners of sin … dancing, playing cards, drinking, etc., I am made to cry out, “Oh, the infidels there are in the sects to-day!” Surely if man believed the word of God he would act accordingly. They appear nice and have on a long face while at preaching, but God knoweth the hearts. “For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.”  Luke 16:15. Sad will it be in the great day for those who are justified in man’s sight only. If justified with God it not only affords joy, peace, comfort, consolation, etc., but when having done all to stand, we hear that glorious declaration, “Come, thou blessed,” certainly these words will sound sweet to us, if we live faithful so we can hear them spoken. We have no excuse only those manufactured by man, and they will do no good in the day. We will be speechless unless we are right with God. May God stir every soul who reads these few lines, and may we ask ourselves the question, “Am I justified with God?” “for we must all appear before the judgment seat.”  2nd Corinthians 5:10.
Who will have boldness in that day? Certainly it will be those who have lived with a good clear conscience. One might say, “Do you think people will profess one thing and be something else?” Yes; we find them almost everywhere we go; and this professing, or self-justifying spirit is so bold they will take it to judgment and even try to plead their case with God. Read Matthew 7:22. So if men will try to argue their case with God, we need not be surprised when they try to argue it with us. But oh, how sad will be those words, “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”  Verse 23. They will be like the man at the supper without the wedding garment on … speechless. May God awaken our souls to search our own hearts. “If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his.”
What is the nature of the Spirit of Christ? The very first fruit is love. Every one that is justified with God has love for every one, saint and sinner. One may say “I have nothing against them, but have not much room for them.” The love of Christ took in this whole world … our love will go to this extent if we have his Spirit. I find in my travels, there is room for the saints to make advancement on the line of love, ministers included. My prayer is that God may so melt us together that the world will be compelled to see God is in us of a truth. We all may then have confidence in each other, and this will increase our confidence in God.
A self-justifying spirit will prevent any one from getting the real needed benefit. When we sit under the truth and see by the word of God we are not right, that spirit says, “Don’t acknowledge it.” That very thing will keep you from getting a benefit out of the meeting. We must use wisdom, not letting the devil accuse us, yet at the same time keep our hearts open for the truth, and receive it from any of God’s children. If you desire a benefit, do not justify, bolster, or prop yourself up, but acknowledge your condition, and you will receive a benefit. Who is justified with God? Amen.

By M. F. Robinson.

“Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.”  Psalms 73:24. His counsel will guide us if we will yield to his gentle admonitions. He will guide into all truth; he will guide out of darkness into light; out of doubt into faith; out of self into him. 
In order to be guided by him, there must be a willingness in the heart to follow where he leads; there must be no pleading for him to alter his pace or plans, no pleading to heed our cry of lamentation; but if we are to be guided by him, our constant prayer is, “Thy will be done.” We need not see, if we walk by faith; we need not choose, if we leave all with him; reasoning, seeing, choosing, are not ours. To let him guide, we must place our hand into his, look up into his face, trust implicitly in his love, let him be made unto us wisdom, let him open the way, direct our path, and guide us according to his own will. Keep looking to him; his guidance is better than that of creed. His ways are higher than our ways; in fact, they are past finding out. His love and might and wisdom make him to be the proper one in whom to trust and confide. His love is unchangeable, his wisdom is wonderful, and he is omnipotent. Surely we can trust in him for guidance. He will guide by the side of still waters, in green pastures, and in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

By Mary Heldenbrand.

Unbelief was the first sin committed by man. God created man holy, and made everything good. Every need supplied, privileged to eat of every tree of the garden freely. “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eastest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
Unbelief was first planted in the woman’s heart by the serpent when he told her, “Thou shalt not surely die.” The tree was no temptation for her before, but in that Satan had told her that the fruit thereof would open their eyes that they should be as gods, knowing good and evil. “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” The result was as God had said, they died spiritually that day. When God spake to them they tried to excuse themselves for disobeying him; but they had no excuse, and sorrow, toil, and woe was pronounced upon them. The temptation in that sin was included in all that is in the world … “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,” which the Bible says is not of the Father, but is of the world (1st John 2:16) also James 1:14, 15 explains the temptation unto sin. “Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”
Behold the sorrow that came to the world by unbelief and is increasing with the increase of time, and yet the inhabitants of the world suffer on through unbelief. God hath provided a way of escape through his Son; therefore the world is condemned through unbelief. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life . . . He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”  John 3:16-18. It is evident that we either believe to the saving of the soul, or we believe not to our condemnation. The unregenerate soul may vainly think he does believe in the name of Jesus but we find in Matthew 1:21, that his name shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins; so if you do not believe he saves you from all sin, you do not properly believe in his name. “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil . . . He that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”  John 3:19, 21. Therefore “he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”  John 3:36.
I pray the Lord to make these scriptures very plain to those who are in any doubt as to their acceptance with God. With pardon comes peace, that passeth understanding, and assurance that we are children of God. “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.”  1st John 5:10, 11. How plain is the teaching of God’s word! Praise the Lord, he hath not left us in darkness, that that day should overtake us unawares. Let us be glad and rejoice that the darkness is past and the true light now shineth. The scriptures are given to us that we may know where we stand before God (John 5:13), in belief or unbelief.
Unbelief is a sin. “And when he [the comforter] is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they believe not on me.”  John 16:8, 9. “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”  John 6:28, 29. May the Lord open the hearts and minds of the people to comprehend the truth of his word, for his word says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever.”  Hebrews 13:8. If we truly believe, we find the same compassionate, loving Savior, to destroy the works of the devil, to open the prison-house of sin, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, a Savior from all sin, a physician for all diseases, a provider for all our needs. Praise the Lord that he is sending forth the message of deliverance to the human race through faith and obedience, which man lost through unbelief and disobedience. It stands with you; will you accept? Do make the wise choice, dear reader.

Questions Answered.

Please explain Matthew 6:17. 
S. T. E.

It was customary with the Israelites at festivals or occasions of joy to anoint the head with oil. This anointing was a sign of joy and happiness, and to be without is was a sign of grief and sorrow. In Matthew 6:16-18 Christ taught that fasting should not be after the manner of the hypocrites, who wore a sad countenance and disfigured their faces in order that men could see that they were fasting. He taught the opposite, viz., that fasting should be as unto God and not unto men, that therefore their faces should be clean, and that the anointing oil should be applied to their heads. This was the same as the preparation for a feast or occasion of joy, and boldly contradicted the self-righteous manner of the hypocrites. In this age of the world we have no such custom of anointing the head and we can fast unto the Lord just as much without it. But the face should be washed as usual and the countenance kept bright, that we likewise may fast not as unto men but unto God.

Please explain the 10th and 11th verses of the second epistle of John. 
M. W.

They read as follows: “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed: for he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.”
It is very evident that the words, “and bring not this doctrine,” mean and bring some other doctrine, for we are taught to entertain strangers, as we may thereby entertain angels unawares. See Hebrews 13:2. If they bring some false doctrine, then they are not the kind of strangers referred to.
To conform to the real intent of 2nd John 10:11, it is necessary to know what it would mean in our day to refuse a person admission to our homes, or contrariwise, what it would mean to admit him. We are positively forbidden to fellowship or do any act that would imply fellowship with any one who is of a false doctrine. In the days of the apostles to receive a person into the house, especially as a guest, doubtless was a stronger mark of fellowship than it would be now. In fact, to house an individual is at the present time not necessarily a mark of fellowship in the least degree, and therefore it would not necessarily be bidding him Godspeed or partaking of his evil deed. On the other hand, it would be an act of kindness that might possibly win him to the truth if he is not too thoroughly, steeped in his error. If, however, to entertain a man who brings false doctrine would mean danger to the spirituality of the house-hold rather than an act of kindness, we should reject such. It is a good thing to learn the liberty of the New Testament so that we may obey it, not after the letter but after the spirit.

Is it possible for any one to repent of and have forgiveness of sin other than that of actual sins committed by the individual?  
R. N. J.

If adamic or inbred sin is taken out of the soul, by what process and at what time is it so taken out?   
R. N. J.

The Adamic sin, or in other words, the unholy element in our nature, existing as an inclination to follow out the self (Adam) will in distinction from God’s will, is first overcome, crucified, or put off (Galatians 5:24; Ephesians 4:22; Colossians 3:5), and we are then sanctified from all taint of such impurity by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed not only to atone for our committed sins but also to sanctify us; that is, remove all unholy elements and make us pure. See John 17:17-20; Ephesians 5:25, 26; Hebrews 13:12. The blood of Christ therefore removes the so-called Adamic sin and at the time of our sanctification.

If a child dies in infancy and is saved, when and by what process is the Adamic or inbred sin taken away?  
R. N. J.

The Adamic or inbred sin is not a part of the soul and therefore does not have to accompany it to heaven, even when not removed by the blood of Christ by faith, as is the case with infants as well as those justified persons who are ignorant of such a provision in the plan of salvation, and who die while in that condition. We should remember that it is only actual or committed sin that separates from God (though of course a refusal to meet the conditions of having the inbred sin removed, which is only possible after the individual has light, then becomes a sin that separates from God; in fact, a committed sin. James 4:17). Neither the infant nor the justified person has a guilt-stained conscience, and therefore both are admissible to heaven. The Adamic sin, therefore, in the conditions just referred to, does not contaminate the soul in such a way as to bar it from immortal glory.
It is asked, How is the Adamic sin taken away from an infant that dies? The question might as well be asked: How are a child’s actual sins taken away? A child may lie, steal, fight, swear, and do many other bad things and be innocent, because its conscience reflects no violation of a known law of God. It is therefore not a sinner. See Romans 7:7-10. And since God has provided salvation for the whole race of mankind through the blood of Christ, it is only a guilty conscience or a refusal to accept the benefits of the atonement that will debar from heaven. God’s purpose may be embodied in this expression: He saves all who will let him, or who will not hinder him. Thus the blood of Christ atones for all unholy elements in the infant or child. Thus we see there can be no consideration as to when the Adamic sin was removed, any more than how it was removed. It was all done by Christ’s blood when he died upon the cross. When a person dies who is justified but not sanctified he knows no violation of conscience and is therefore ready for eternity. He did not know that sanctification was his glorious privilege in this life, and therefore the blood of Christ covers all that could possibly keep him out of heaven. But while he remains alive and unsanctified, his connection with this life and its influences evinces and makes possible the unholy movings in his nature that are more or less of a barrier to freely and perfectly carrying out the will of God. He is not yet perfect, but needs the blood applied by faith, to accomplish the removal of all that would make him unholy in this life.  
A. L. B.

Good Works.
By Charles E. Orr.

“Depart from evil, and do good.”  Psalms 34:14. It is true we do not obtain salvation from sin merely by doing good deeds. Salvation from sin is “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us.”  Titus 3:5. “Not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace.” 2nd Timothy 1:9. Not of works, but by grace through faith. See Ephesians 2:8, 9.
While we are not saved from our sins merely because we do some good things, yet it is God’s truth that there are things that accompany salvation which God is not unrighteous to forget. See Hebrews 6:9, 10. We say we love God, but there may be a saying so with the tongue and yet it may not be in deed and in truth. Before quoting some scriptures on the subject of “good works.” I want to make a request of all dear readers that say they love Jesus and that hope to inherit an unfading crown in glory. Will you go into some quiet and secluded place and spend one-half hour in reviewing your life and deeds through the past year? Will you be in earnest? I want you there on your knees to first ask God to help you to see how very good he has been to you. He gave you food, he clothed you, perhaps he healed you or some of your family of different diseases and afflictions which would have cost you many dollars had you sought the physicians. He has kept your soul in the hour of temptation, and there, no doubt, has been many an evil and affliction turned away from your door by the angel of mercy of which you were not conscious. Now will you ask God to enliven, by his Spirit, your understanding, quicken your conscious conception, and help you to see the very depth of his goodness? Oh, how he loves you! He journeyed with you all this past year, protecting you, overshadowing you, saying to Satan and the evil elements of the world, “This is my own dear child; I will care for him.” Can you fully realize how good God has been to you? Ask him to help you. Ask him to remove all self and the stupefying powers of the world and the flesh and help you to behold his wondrous and infinite goodness and mercy. Has your heart been so touched, in contemplating the love and goodness of God, that you have shed one tear of gratitude to him? What! A whole year the recipient of Love and mercy and not one tear of thanksgiving? What a shame! Man, poor, insignificant worm of the dust, enjoying the boundless love and incomparable depths of goodness and mercy of a generous, infinite, all-wise, and almighty God. Oh, what fountains of grateful tears should have flowed! Our pillows should have been wet with tears as we meditated upon the goodness of God in the silent hours of the night.
But do not leave your place of prayer until your heart is touched with a deeper sense of God’s blessings and mercy than ever you felt before. Now I feel sure, if you linger long enough and plead earnestly enough, you will be able to see such depths of mercy and love to you that you will blush for shame that you have not done more for him who so loved you. Will you now ask God to help you to see what little you have done for him and what you might have done? Which have you love most … God or yourself? Let us see. Have you been as zealous and diligent in the supporting of God’s cause as you have of your own temporal support? Have you not loaded your table almost daily with meats, with fruits, jellies, custards, puddings, pies, and cakes? But how many cups of cold water have you given to some whose lips were parched? How many sick have you visited out of pure love to God, which is something more than for mere neighbor’s sake? How many hungry mouths have you fed? You rejoice over your own salvation, but what have you done for the salvation of others? Has there been the travail of soul, has there been the giving of your means, that there should have been? Has there been the same earnest effort made in getting money to further the cause of God as there has been to secure some desired household article or farm implement? You can deny yourself of pies and pudding and clothing in order to pay the monthly installment on your sewing machine, but of how much can you deny yourself for God? You must raise all the chickens you can, make all the butter you can, fatten all the hogs you can, grow all the grain you can, children must go without candy and ice-cream because that new carriage and wagon and binder and harrow and washer and churn and farm must be paid for. And what is God getting? Some people say, when they get out of debt, then they will give to God, but somehow they never get out. As soon as one article is paid for they go in debt for another, and thus go through life adding to their treasures here, but have done but little for God. You know how early you can arise in the morning to sow your grain or reap your harvest, but do you arise as early and with as much interest on Sunday morning to worship God and to spend the day for him? When one of your family is sick, you kneel in earnest prayer, but do you read or neglect to read the requests for prayer in the Trumpet without ever uttering a word in their behalf? Which do you love most … yourself or God? May God help you to see.
Dear reader, this life is but short, time is fast flying; do you not desire to make the very best use of every moment for Jesus? Do not hesitate to face the storm, that you might give aid to some sufferer. Suffer hunger, if necessary, to relieve the wants of others. Sacrifice and suffer, that you may be a blessing to some one. Be so filled with God’s love that you may be a channel of that love to other thirsting souls. Live, oh, live for the good that you may do, with all your motives pure as heaven. Do nothing to be praised by men; God will pass it by if you do. Things done to be seen of men are without recognition in heaven. Things done that will make your name forever famous on the earth may pass wholly unnoticed by heavenly hosts; while little things done that are unnoticed by men will be the admiration of angels and awaken all heaven to interest and wonder, as they behold the loveliness of Christian character. May your life be as the beautiful oasis in the desert where the weary traveler is refreshed. May we be so full of love and true devotion that our associates as they hear us talk of God and his love, will be refreshed.
Now I will refer you to a few scriptures to stir up your souls to maintain good works. God ordained that we should walk in good works. Ephesians 2:10. He designs that we be perfected in Hebrews 13:20, 21; that we be fruitful, as in Colossians 1:10; that we be ready to all good work (see Titus 3:1); that we be rich, as in 1st Timothy 6:18; that we be established, according to 2nd Thessalonians 2:17; that we provoke each other to love and good works. Hebrews 10:24. I want you to get your Bibles and read the preceding texts and then read Ecclesiastes 12:14.
To enjoy working for Jesus we must be interested in his cause. The deeper our interest, the more we enjoy working for him, and the more we can and will do. Do not idle one moment away; seek opportunities to do good, and so love God and be filled with his goodness and good works that you are a blessing to all around. What can be more blessed and glorious than bringing happiness to others? God help us all to see the sweetness of it and endear it to our hearts!

New from the Field

Cayuga, Indiana, January, 18.

The meeting at Brownstown, Illinois Closed the 14th inst. With real victory on the Lord’s side. One precious soul saved, one healed, and several hands up for prayers. The church was benefited and encouraged to move out with greater activity for God. The attendance was not very large, as the roads were quite bad, and some other meetings going on in the neighborhood at the same time, but we had the best of order and attention, and conviction rested upon the people. I had no ministerial help in that meeting. Meeting began here the 15th. We have a hall 50X20 and the people are giving good attention. Last night the hall was well filled. One hand was raised for prayers. Pray much for me and the meeting here.  
S. P. Strang.

St. Louis, Michigan.

We are glad to report victory in our souls this morning over all the power of the enemy. It pleased the Lord to send us north of Coleman in Midland county, where we had a glorious meeting in a new field of labor and the Lord planted his assembly there. There were about twenty-seven souls who came to the altar during the three weeks’ meeting. The people were very anxious for the pure Word, and we had good attendance. We also observed the ordinances of God’s house in washing the saints’ feet and the Lord’s Supper, in which a goodly number took part. The Lord wonderfully blessed his children in obeying his word. May the dear Lord ever keep them faithful in obeying the truth of the gospel of Christ.  
H. J. Shelby and D. Mitchell.

Murrayville, Illinois, January, 18

We are glad to report victory through Jesus in soul and body. On Dec. 8 we began meeting three miles west of Winchester, Illinois. On the C. B. and Q. R. R., with good results. A few souls came to God and were gloriously pardoned. After this meeting we went about four miles from this place and held meeting in a Baptist meeting-house. Many souls were favorable to the truth. We then again returned to our first place of meeting and had a few meetings, also baptismal service, in which five participated. Quite a concourse of people witnessed the same, which caused some to weep; also in the evening we had a precious ordinance-meeting, washing the saints’ feet and commemorating the death of our Savior in taking of the bread and wine. Eleven happy souls participated. The truth has made quite an impression on many minds and hearts, yet the devil is stirring up some to bitterly oppose those who have accepted the truth. Now these dear brethren would be glad to have any of God’s ministers stop, if passing this way. The saints here in the area of a few miles expect to have a tabernacle-meeting some time this year, the Lord willing. We expect to begin meeting at this place to-night, after which we expect to return to my home. Pray for me.  
Edgar Fleenor.

Geneva, Kansas, January, 18.

We are glad to report victory in Jesus’ name. Since our last report through the columns of the Trumpet we have been very busy for the Lord. We have held meeting at the following places; Colony, Kansas, Perry, Oklahoma, Sunnyside, Kansas, and Geneva, and at present are helping Brothers Bryant and Robinson at Neosho Falls, Kansas. We can say God has been blessing the truth. We have seen a few happily converted to the Lord. Among the others was a very touching sight: one old gentleman sixty years of age found peace with his God; he never had made a start before. We can say the Lord has been good to us this winter in giving us health and strength and supplying our needs entirely. I have been out of meeting a week in the last four months. We can say the service of the Lord is our sweetest delight. We will go back to our home in Milton, Mo. In the spring, the Lord willing. O brethren, be encouraged in the Lord. This battle is his. The way grows better all the time. We are rejoicing in a sin-pardoning and sanctifying God, knowing we are all on the altar, and the altar sanctifies the gift. Praise God for salvation. We mean to spend our life for souls. 
J. M. and Annie Harrington.

Springfield, Missouri, January, 15.

We are glad to report to you that we are still saved and in the work of God. Since we last reported through the Trumpet we held meeting at March, Dallas County, Missouri. This was a new field. The people finally endorsed the truth and there was little opposition. Some took their stand for the truth. We hope to go back there as soon as the Lord wills. From that place we went to Ashgrove, where we had a precious season of refreshing showers of the blessings of God for two weeks. Much opposition was removed, many were convicted of the truth, and some saved. To God be all the glory. We are now in the mission work here in Springfield. God is blessing the work; souls are getting saved and others are coming out into the light. Springfield is a beautiful city of about thirty thousand, a good railroad center, and will be a good place for a center for the work in the south-west. Our mission is in the central part of the city on Walnut St. Our expenses, rent and all, are from $25.00 to $30.00 per month. We have taken the responsibility of the work upon ourselves, as there are only a few saints here. The fixtures in the hall have cost us already over $30.00: so for this month our expenses will be fully $60.00; after that $25.00 or $30.00. We speak of this so that any who are interested in us and our work can help if they wish, as we need help; also would be glad is some of the workers going through could stop and help us.  
W. J. Henry.

Columbia, South Carolina.

Our last report was at the close of the Charleston, South Carolina. Meeting. After this we spent a few days at Columbia and then went to attend the assembly at Augusta, Georgia. This was a precious meeting. Many souls claimed either pardon or entire sanctification. Quite a number of workers were present from different localities, all of whom, we believe, went to their fields of labor better qualified to spread the pure gospel of Jesus. The meeting was well attended by saints from abroad. God is truly visiting his people in this part of the South and many are getting stirred up to the necessity of a deeper work of grace in their hearts. The Carolinas and Georgia have been pretty well overrun by a class of come-outers, who have renounced sectism in the strongest terms, having only a theory in their minds, but were devoid of the work of God in their hearts; hence they sought to drive people into a form of godliness. This made many formal professors, which has been a great hindrance to the work. But the time has come when God is exposing this deception by the power of the Holy Ghost in the hearts of his faithful ones. We humbly beg an interest in the prayers of the dear saints everywhere that the good work begun here may continue until this land shall be ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit. After the Augusta meeting we went to Bastonville, Ga., where we held one week’s meeting. This meeting also was profitable to many souls. We are now in Columbia, where we expect to remain until the 24th inst., and then go to Shoup’s Ford, North Carolina, if the Lord wills. 
J. F. Lundy.


I am praising God that he saves and keeps me by his mighty power and I can not praise his dear name enough for his goodness to me. He is a present help in time of need. He has said in his precious Word, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find.” I ask all the dear ones to pray that I may keep saved.  Pat dukes.

Choat, Missouri.

God has saved my soul from all sin. It is so sweet to trust the Lord for all things. I have been trusting the Lord for a year and five months and always find him a present help in time of need. Praise the dear Lord for his saving power for both soul and body! “God says we must be born again; to us this word is given, and if we do not his commands we shall not enter heaven.” 
Mary C. Scott.

Kiowa, Kansas.

I can praise the dear Lord to-night for sweet victory in my soul. How I do thank him for his kindness to me! He saved my soul from sin and keeps me saved by his mighty power, and by him giving me grace I will live for him until he calls me home. I love to serve him. It is so wonderful to serve the Lord. My desire is to see other dear souls saved. His grace is sufficient for them that trust and obey him. I ask an interest in all the dear saints’ prayers that I may ever be true to the Lord.  
Ceasy Burns.

Spokane, Washington.

I am truly thankful to the Lord that I can testify to a present, perfect, and complete salvation by two works of grace, that makes me a child of his and an heir to the inheritance of the people of God. As he has said, “They shall be my people, and I will be their God.” Oh, I am so glad that the Lord by his Spirit sought me out of the darkness and bondage and night of sectism and led me into this glorious light and liberty of the whole word of God! I know I am born again … born of the Spirit and the Word, and he has begotten me with a lively hope unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last day … the day that will close up the time for salvation, and when the Lord will come in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God. 
S. T. King.

Merlin, Oregon.

I praise my God for salvation. I praise his dear name that he has placed my feet on the solid rock Christ Jesus. I was an unbeliever and was raised a  Spiritualist; but God wonderfully delivered me from that doctrine of devils, for which I praise his name. I believe it is the strongest deception that the devil has in the world to-day. God so convicted me in my own home that I could not resist his blessed Holy Spirit. I felt Jesus so near me pleading for my soul. Although there were many hard places to cross, he helped me over them. I did repent and believed and I found my Savior. Oh, what a help he has been to me! What a comfort! What a stay! All the dear saints who read this please pray that I may be sanctified, and pray for my only sister, that she may be saved.  
Mrs. Meissner.

Safety, Mississippi.

Dear saints of God: I feel that it is to the glory of God for me to give my testimony through The Gospel Trumpet; also report the condition of the work in these parts. I am saved and praising God for full and free salvation which keeps me delivered from all sin. Christianity is at a very low ebb here. Many who six months ago were crying, “Hosanna in the highest; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord,” are saying now by their actions, “Away with this man.”
Some time ago my little four-year-old boy was taken very ill with the fever and I prayed for him and at times he appeared better and then worse. At Length the elder passed through; I had him to comply with James 5:14, 15 and he at once got up, but he was afterwards taken again, but I just held on to the faith of Jesus and claimed the promise, and praise his name forever! The victory was won. He also healed me of a spell of the fever last fall. He is our physician. Pray much that I may be kept humble and trust Jesus for all things, and that he use me to his own glory.  
S. S. Linton.

Wexford, Michigan.

I am rejoicing in a risen and living Savior and want to be found ever doing his will and working for him. I have been serving the Lord only a little over a year and indeed, it has been the happiest year of my life, as I know has been every Christian’s experience. I am now nineteen years of age, and the rest of my life shall be spent for God. I only regret that I did not start sooner. I thank God for showing me my condition before him, as soon as he did, but I did not start as soon as I was convicted of sin. I was not willing to give up all worldly amusements. How very little they really are, when compared with our joy in eternity. I wanted to give my heart to Jesus, but I hesitated. Oh, why do we wait when Jesus is calling?! I pray earnestly that I may do more for a loving Savior who has done so much for me, and that I may be brought closer to him, and be more like him. Pray that I may be kept meek and humble.  
Maude L. Downer.

Woodburn, Oregon.

I am glad to report once more that I am saved and walking in all the light that God is letting shine on my soul, and I expect by his love and grace to gain a home in heaven when the short battle of life is past. Since I last wrote I have been doing all I could in the vineyard of the Lord, and few dear souls have been brought to Christ. Dear brothers and sisters, let us watch, pray, and live humble; for the Lord gives grace to the humble, but the proud he knoweth afar off. When Saul was small in his own eyes God loved and honored him, but when he became exalted and trusted to his own strength, wisdom, and beauty God had to reject him. I hope it shall never be so with our souls. I love The Gospel Trumpet and trust it will ever honor its name. As soon as I get my new Trumpet I look it all over to see if the names of any of the old writers appear, and if so their article is quickly read. This is not because we do not appreciate the new writers but because we have learned to love the familiar ones. Let us not become negligent on this line. I desire the prayers of all that I be faithful.  
J. L. Green.

Cottage Grove, Oregon.

I feel that I ought to let God’s children know how our dear Master and Savior cured me. While washing on Dec. 1 my sister splashed boiling water on my bare arm, from the wrist to my elbow, and it turned terribly red and blistered. I could not help but cry, the pain was so severe, but what hurt me the most was, the washing needed to be done and I could not finish with my arm so sore. I then asked God not to let it get so sore that I could not finish the washing. I kept on working, and in a few minutes (not more than ten) I noticed my arm had stopped paining. I looked at it, and the red and blisters had all gone, and my arm was perfectly well. I rubbed it and it did not hurt. At first I felt dazed. I can not explain how I felt to see my arm perfectly well, in such a short time. Thank God! He is my physician and helper. I have taken him as my only physician. My health has always been poor since my eighteenth year, but thanks and praises to my dear Savior, I am getting stronger in body and soul since I am fully trusting and serving him. There are several sects here, but they do not preach the true word of God. Pray that I may ever be found faithful to my Maker. I was a member of the Christian Church, but I thank God I no longer belong to any sect. Our Lord did not tell us to have our names written down in a book here on earth. Christ’s followers’ names are written in the book of life in heaven. 
Clarinda I. Taylor.

East Prairie, Missouri.

I am sweetly saved by the blood of Jesus, ready to do his will in all things. I just praise his holy name for ever having pity and compassion upon me when I was in sin and darkness. Oh, it is wonderful to have a precious Savior to go to in time of trouble and need! I was a member of the M. E. Church, but I just thank the dear Lord for calling me out of sectism. I thank God for his saving, keeping, and healing power. Praise his dear name forevermore! The Lord has healed me many times, for which I give him all the praise. I was healed of chills and fever four months ago. I had two chills, but just kept praying and trusting the Lord to heal me, and he did heal me. I did not have a third chill, and when father came home I told him I missed my chill and did not take any medicine. He said they would come back on me then, but I have not had another chill since, for which I give my Savior all the praise. I am only fourteen years of age but am trusting and serving the Lord the best I know how. My mother and sister are sweetly saved in Jesus. Pray that we may ever keep humble and ready to do his will in all things. May God bless and keep you all.  
Eva Ford.

Montpelier, Indiana.

I feel the Lord would have me tell of his goodness to me. Four years ago last September the Lord sanctified my nature. These have been the happiest years of my life, and to-day finds me saved and sanctified to do his will. As far as I know, I have not met one soul that is out in the evening light since I came home from Emlenton camp-meeting, but, praise his dear name! I have not been left to myself; for the Lord is with me, his everlasting arms are underneath, and I am surrounded with the walls of salvation, and in his presence is fullness of joy. I felt for some time the Lord had a work for me to do, and it seemed I was not capable of doing anything. So I asked the Lord to make it plain what I should do. I felt led to distribute tracts and Trumpets and sell Bibles and other gospel literature from the Trumpet Office. I have found many hungry souls sick of sin, and denominational confusion, who gladly receive tracts and Trumpets. Zechariah 10:12 tells us the Lord will strengthen us and we shall walk up and down in his name. So I have been going up and down for the Lord and he does strengthen me. It has been food for my soul to tell what the Lord has done for me. Pray that I use much wisdom, keep my place in the body of Christ, and that I may have souls for my hire.  
Mrs. A. W. Pope.

Sturgis, Pennsylvania.

“Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord.”  Isaiah 43:10. We are praising God in Jesus’ name for victory over the power of sin. Jesus is able to keep us from falling and will guide our feet in the way of truth. I wish to mention some of the ways that Jesus has helped us. Once about three years ago our boy of seven years was taken very sick in the morning with kidney trouble and was so sick he could not sit up or eat anything, indeed it was a trying time. We were trusting Jesus for all things and we knew that he would hear us if we came to him in faith. Praise God, from whom our help cometh! We sent for Brother H. M. Riggle and obeyed James 5:14, laying on hands and anointing as the Word teaches, and he was instantly healed and immediately asked for something to eat. He was well and never a symptom returned. Truly we praise God for his goodness to us. Some laugh and scorn at the idea of divine healing, but they can not gainsay the word of God. It will stand when the world is consumed. I earnestly ask the church of God to pray that we may live humble and nearer to god; for truly Jesus’ coming is near at hand. Let us serve him because we love him, and not because we are afraid of the future; for it will profit us nothing in the end unless we love him. He should be first in our heart; he gave his life for every one. Oh, the love of God, so boundless and free! Let us trust him more and more. “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance, and supplication for all saints.”  Ephesians 6:16-18. 
Mrs. W. B. King.

Tell just what the Lord has done for you “A faithful witness delivereth souls.”


Oxford, Alabama.

OLIVER.  Sister Sallie Oliver, whose former home was at Zana, Alabama, departed this life Jan. 15, 1901. While sick, just three days before she died, the Lord wonderfully saved her from all sin, according to his word, and while they sang song 111 in the Songs of the Evening Light, “Oh, yes, we’ll trust him [Jesus] while we live, we’ll trust him when we die.” she shouted and praise God as much as her strength would allow, and replied that she was ready. During her last days she loved and enjoyed the worship of God. 
M. E. Sudduth.

New Orleans, Louisana.

SCHMIDT.  On Jan. 8 Brother Conrad Schmidt departed from us to dwell with Jesus. Brother Schmidt was born in Canton, Berne, Switzerland, and was a resident of this city forty-nine years. His age was seventy-two years. Brother Schmidt showed clear evidence of a Bible experience of salvation; honored God’s plain word too much to deny any of it. He leaves an aged companion who truly loves Jesus, also a saved son; others of his children or relatives who have not heeded the example of these God-fearing parents had better heed while it is yet called to-day.  
A. C. Knieper.

Jeffersonville, Kentucky.

HATTEN.  Brother Henry Hatten, born Dec. 2, 1845; died Jan. 15, 1901. Was saved about seven years ago when the pure gospel was first preached here. He lived a truly consecrated life and was always ready with hands or means to do what he could for the glory of God. The writer can truly testify to being refreshed many times by dear Brother and Sister Hatten. On Dec. 20 he was taken sick and grew weaker and weaker: he sent for the elders and fulfilled James 5:14, 15, and the mighty power of God was manifested. He arose, dressed himself, and said he was healed, and talked strong and clear, but was soon taken very sick again and could have no more healing faith, but said he was going home. He refused medicine and all earthly aid. He gently fell asleep in Jesus. He uttered his last words while the writer held his hand, and said he was ready to go home. He leaves a widow with five little children. May Father supply all their needs while here and receive them home with all the blood-washed, is our prayer. 
S. A. Culbertson.

Divine Healing.

Healed of Heart Trouble.

Last July it seemed that I suffered almost death with heart trouble. The devil made me think that I was going to die. But I obeyed James 5:14, 15, was anointed, and the Lord was as good as his word, for he healed me from that hour. Praise his dear name forever! I am thanking him for what he is doing for me. All glory to God for his healing power!
J. A. Colyer.
Greenvale, Tennessee, December 30.

In Answer To Prayer

I want to testify just to the glory of God to the healing of our baby. Last August, when he was eighteen months old, he was taken sick very suddenly with diarrhea and continued to grow worse. My husband, being unsaved, began to look for some medicine to give him, and went and got some of a neighbor, and gave him several doses; yet I kept trusting him with the Lord. After giving him the medicine, which did him no good, I said to my husband, “I know baby will be all right if we quit giving the medicine.” He consented, and so we quit the medicine, and in a short time the child had a very hard spasm; but I just had a firm rebuke in my heart against that spasm, and immediately it left him. There being no elders near we sent a request for prayer by telegram to the Trumpet Office and that evening he stood on his feet, while before he was so weak he could not stand. He looked like a corpse, but God healed him, and to his name we ascribe all the praise.
Mrs. E. P. Evans.
Atwood, Kansas, December 28.

Prayer of Faith Answered.

I feel that it would be to the glory of God for me to testify of his wonderful dealings with me. He saves and sanctifies me wholly. Praise his holy name forever! In September I got hurt on my left breast; it was very painful and in a few weeks a hard lump appeared about the size of a hickory-nut, which the physician pronounced a tumor. The Lord made it plain to me that he would heal me and led me to write to the Trumpet Office asking them to unite with the church here in prayer on December 9. All Praise and honor to his holy name! I was most gloriously healed. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases.”  Psalms 103:2, 3. My general health is so much improved too. Before I was healed I could scarcely do my work for my husband and myself. Now I can do it easily and walk a mile to church and scarcely feel tired enough to rest. “Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.”  Psalms 107:21. Pray that I may walk humbly before the Lord.
Mary M. McConnell.
Kenesaw, Nebraska, January 2.

Healed of Frost-Bite.

I feel it would be to the glory of God for me to testify of his goodness to me. I am young in the cause, having been in the service of the dear Lord only a few months. The way grows brighter and brighter, as I feel the power of the Lord and see how he blesses me. I feel that if I testify to what the good Lord has done for me it may help some poor suffering creature. The dear Lord has just lately healed me of very badly frost-bitten feet, which had been so for six years. My feet began to itch and burn as they had for some past winters. I prayed for the healing of them and after having some one to agree in prayer with me the Lord healed me every whit in the name of Jesus. Praise his holy name forever! He has also healed me of many aches and pains and blesses me wonderfully. The devil was permitted to tempt me since, but I know the work is done. I want to give God all the praise due his precious name. I am so glad that the Lord “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”  Ephesians 3:20. I can still say I am saved, sanctified, and kept by the power of God. I feel more determined to keep on the forward move for God than ever before. Please pray that my sight may be fully restored. I want the prayers of all God’s children that I may be kept meek and humble and earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints.
Annie Geltne.
Edenton, Kentucky, January 4.

Healed of Fever

Last July one of our little boys took the fever and the Lord healed him almost instantly. I went the next Sunday to see our neighbor and testified to it, but he did not believe it and spoke very slightingly about it. The week following the fever returned again and we were alone in the faith. We went to God, but still the boy was sick. The devil said to me, “You testified to your neighbor of his healing; now if he comes he will say you lied about it, and the cause of Christ will be reproached. You ought not to have testified.” But we got down before our God and told him we knew he was able to take care of his cause, and asked that his will be done. Then the fever left him and we promised to testify to it through the Trumpet. On August 4, I was taken with a chill, also our oldest son was taken sick. We were sick nearly six weeks and the dear Lord wonderfully healed us. We saw the light nearly five years ago and took the Lord for our healer. We emptied out our medicine and he has always been a present help in every time of need. Praise his name! After our sickness in August two of our little boys and wife took the fever. We believe Father got glory out of our sickness. We feel we are benefited by it, and learned many lessons. We know it is safe to trust God; for we have been trusting him for five years and will trust him to the end. One of our neighbors threatened to bring medicine and compel us to take it, but God would not suffer him to. I tell you, dear ones, it pays to trust God for all things. Oh, how sweet to be reconciled to Father’s will! We write this to the glory of God, hoping it will benefit some one. We give God all the glory for all things that he does for us.
W. A. and M. C. Forter.
Pocahontas, Arkansas, December 16.

His Healing Power Manifested.

About three months ago God saved my soul and since then he has truly healed me of a painful disease that I had suffered from for several years. During the very cold weather we had here the first of December my little girl (three years old) fell upon the stove, burning her hands and face severely, leaving on the stove a large piece of skin from one side of her face. I had not been able to attend many meetings and was new in the faith; so the first thought I has was to do something for her. I ran out into the kitchen and the first thing I saw was some milk. I poured some of that on her hands, but did not put any on her face. Then I took her in my arms and knelt down and asked God to heal her. In half an hour she was sleeping, and she never seemed to notice it any more. In ten days there was only a red mark to show where the burns had been. The skin is as smooth as it ever was. She had hardly recovered from this when one day I was washing and hurrying as it was late. I was wringing a blanket and did not notice her until I heard something crack. I stopped and looked, thinking I had broken the wringer, and then I saw her hand in the cogs of the wringer. I had to turn it back over the hand, and that was the worst of all. She never said a word until she saw her hand, and then she cried and I cried too, and she said, “Mamma, ask God to heal the baby;” so I took her in my arms and went in my room and asked God to forgive me for my carelessness and heal her little hand. Two fingers were bruised, one of them crushed very badly. The bone was broken, I thing. I prayed and cried to God to take the pain all away. Now her hand is nearly well and she does not seem to feel any pain or soreness in it at all, but plays the same as usual. I feel that I am not worthy to receive all these blessings, and I ask your prayers that I may be sanctified wholly.
Mrs. B. A. Rogers.
Libby, Montana, December 27.

Overcoming Grace.
By John A. Vance.

Some people think it ridiculous to talk of living constantly in favor with God, without ever having our conscience blotted with his displeasure, no matter how severe the trials or difficult the circumstances. But such is the privilege of every child of God, and is just what God requires and expects of every one that is truly born of the Spirit. We read that “whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world.”  1st John 5:4. We understand by this that if a person is a real child of God, born of his Spirit, he proves it by overcoming the world, with all its allurements, snares, tricks, deceptions, oppositions, and oppressions of the enemy; for where sin did abound now grace much more abounds. See Romans 5:20. So that as ye have (in the past) yielded yourselves servants to sin, now since grace has come you are to yield yourselves servants to righteousness. See Romans 6:19. It is true that once when you were in sin the good you would do, that ye did not; and that which ye would not, that ye did; for evil was present with you and you were carnal, sold under sin. See Romans 7:14-25; but since the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death, there is therefore now no condemnation (See Romans 8:1, 2) but peace with God (Romans 5:1); the old sinful lusts, passions, appetites, habits, and desires having all passed away: and you are a new creature, “old things are passed away; and behold all things are become new.”  2nd Corinthians 5:17.
Paul and the other apostles are examples of godliness, and we are exhorted to follow their example. See 1st Corinthians 11:1. Some think Paul did get overcome by sin occasionally, but he testified that he always had a conscience void of offense toward God and man. See Acts 24:16. Yea, he says, “Ye are witnesses and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you.”  1st Thessalonians 2:10. But some say he had a thorn in the flesh and could not have it removed. Yes, he did, but the thorn was not sin, but trials, distresses, infirmities, persecutions … the buffeting powers of the enemy; yet God’s grace was sufficient to keep him above sin even though he was compassed about with a great cloud of opposition. These things only tended to keep him humble before God, so he would constantly see his inability to stand without God’s help. It kept him from being exalted when used of God, as we read in 2nd Corinthians 12: “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh [What was it?], the messenger of Satan to buffet me [to keep him humble], lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”  2nd Corinthians 12:7-9. Ah, would to God the weakest of God’s children could see the hand of God in their trials and oppositions when they are called to suffer necessity (want), infirmities (weaknesses), reproaches, persecutions, distresses, etc., and say like Paul in the following verses, “I take pleasure in them, and glory in them, that the power of Christ may rest upon me; for when I am weak [naturally] then am I strong [in the Lord and in the power of his might].”  2nd Corinthians 12:10. The Holy Ghost witnessed to Paul … no doubt when he was praying for them to be removed … that he would have to suffer bonds and imprisonments in every city. See Acts 20:22, 23. Yea, the buffeting power of Satan was about him continually wherever he went, but he had the promise, “My grace is sufficient;” so he could boldly say in verse 24, “None of these things move me;” and when writing to Timothy, a young minister, he let him know that “all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”  2nd Timothy 3:12.
But in the midst of the sorest trials and temptations we have the blessed promise that the will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able to bear, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that we may be able to bear it. See 1st Corinthians 10:13. Yea, he promises to establish our hearts in holiness (1st Thessalonians 3:13), and keep us from all evil (2nd Thessalonians 3:3), but we may be permitted to be tested and tried awhile. “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow in his steps: . . Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.”  1st Peter 2:21-23. “Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind.”  1st Peter 4:1. “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”  Romans 8:31. “So that we can boldly say, The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”  Hebrews 13:6. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.”  Psalms 37:13. “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. . . Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come [So you need not be afraid of the future trials Satan may suggest], nor height, nor depth, [nor husband or wife, mother or father, children, relatives, neighbors, enemies], nor any other creature [with all the combined forces from the bottomless pit], shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:35-39. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors; for if God be for us, who can be against us?
Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ Jesus, and makes us exceeding joyful in all our tribulations. See 2nd Corinthians 2:14. “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless” (Jude 24), and “do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”  Ephesians 3:20, 21.

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