Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Gospel Trumpet, January 10, 1901

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The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21 - Issue 2, January 10, 1901
(Articles of interest only)


On the Death of the Old Century and Birth of the New.

By Charles E. Orr.

Unceasing Time, unceasing goes,
Brings season’s round of dazzling snows,
Brings o’er the distant snow-crowned hill
Bleak Winter with his breath so chill,
Which sweeps down the lonely vale
And blows, through dooryard trees, a gale,
Then mournf’ly sighing through the wood
Fills all my soul with solitude.
(Howe’er, I charge thee with no wrong,
Somehow I love thy solemn song;
Harmonious anthems fill my breast, 
And calm my spirit into rest.)
The shrub beside my door is bowed
By passing wind, and heavy browed
By snow, late fallen from the cloud.
Bright crystal spears from branches hang
Where birds of summer lately sang
Their sweet, enchanting morning lay,
Nor ceased throughout the livelong day --
Merry, innocent, sylvan band,
Now driven far by ruthless hand,
Delights, by song, some sunnier land.

Time, ever onward swiftly flying,
Returns once more the days of sighing,
When year grows gray and near the dying.
He now unfolds the cold, white shroud,
And looks defiantly and proud;
While on untiring wing he bears
Into silent past, the years,
And seems indeed most cruel knave,
As each he lays within the grave.
To note the passing of the years, 
Oh, who can stay the flood of tears?

Another year is dying fast,
Another hour and with the past
Will numbered be those days, how sad,
And deeds done in them, good or bad.
Those days, to me were days of cheer,
Mem’ries of them my heart holds dear;
With generous hand they dealt with me,
Bestowing blessings rich and free --
I loathe to part, sweet days, with thee.

Be still, my soul! I hear within
The halls of Time, a funeral hymn,
A requiem to the passing year;
Its notes fall mournf’ly on my ear,
They fainter grow, and now are gone --
The old is dead, the new is born!
Bright hopes of thee, O new-born year,
Bid weeping heart be of good cheer:
What is thy store for hopeful man?
Extend to all a liberal hand
And bless our so-called Christian land.

Nineteen centuries now have flown
Since glory round the shepherds shone,
Since anthems sweet made we’kin ring
(“Good tidings of great joy I bring:
A Christ is born to save the lost”),
And God was praised by heavenly host.

Now nineteen hundred years have passed
Since (led by bright, mysterious star,
Laden with incense, gold and myrrh)
The magi worshiped Bethle’m’s guest;
Since infant in the manger lay,
(Surrounded there by lowing kine,
The hour from which we reckon time)
Or dawned this glorious gospel day.

The Christian age dawned bright and fair,
The light shone brilliant everywhere
About two hundred seventy years;
The sun then ceased to give its light,
The moon no longer shone so bright,
And many stars took downward flight.
Then followed centuries of night,
The ten-horned dragon reared his head,
The Christians’ blood he freely shed,
Great darkness o’er the earth he spread;
With Babylon the Great on throne,
The church of God became unknown:
The truth unto the ground was hurled,
Night spread her garments o’er the world.

Thank God, the time of night is past,
The evening light breaks forth at last;
Now brightly shines the gospel Sun,
The church of God is on the throne,
Prophetic days of night are gone,
The twentieth century light has dawned;
The gospel banner now unfurled,
Sheds rays of light o’er all the world.
Great things, this century, we shall see,
The church of God in majesty,
Fair as the moon, bright as the sun,
Enthrones again the Righteous One,
Might to save, with power to heal --
Sin and sickness their power must yield;
Then ere this century’s end -- who knows? --
The Christian Age, perhaps, will close.

What is Man?
Or, Our Present and Future.

By H. M. Riggle.
(Continued from last issue)

4. The doctrine of materialism is wrong because it contradicts the plain teaching of the Bible. God’s word plainly teaches that man is part spirit. If man were wholly a material being, he could feed only on material substances. Mark that. The brute creation can not feed on or derive spiritual food, for they are only material beings. But man is both flesh and spirit. He is classified with two worlds. By his fleshly nature he takes his place in the animal kingdom, and by the extreme abuse and subversion of his appetites and passions, he renders himself scarcely fit for the companionship of dumb brutes. Yet by his spiritual nature and existence he is placed where, when his soul is saved from sin, he is fit for heaven’s society. Because he is a physical being, he feeds on material substances. He has appetite for natural food. His body requires it. Materialism stops here. But the Bible teaches that man is a spiritual being as well as a physical being. Therefore he can feed on and derive spiritual food, life, peace, and happiness from God. It would be well for Adventists and all no-soulists to consider this point. “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” -- Jeremiah 15:16. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.” -- Matthew 4:4. “New-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that they may grow thereby.” -- 1st Peter 2:2. “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” -- Psalms 34:8. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life . . . I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever.” -- John 6:48-51. “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.” -- John 4:14. “There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God.” -- Psalms 46:4. This river flows from the throne of God. Its crystal water which come rippling down from the glory world in might streams are love, grace, joy, peace, and righteousness. “I will extend peace to her like a river.” -- Isaiah 66:12. “O that thou hadst harkened to my commandments! Then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.” -- Isaiah 48:18. “They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.” -- Psalms 36:8. “My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God.” -- Psalms 42:2. “For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.” -- Psalms 107: 9. “Harken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.” -- Isaiah 55:2. 
Materialism squarely contradicts all these scriptures. It renders them meaningless. If man were only a material being, how could he eat God’s word and live upon it? Yea, by receiving the sincere milk of the word grow thereby? How could he taste of the Lord, eat of the living bread which came down from heaven, drink of the river of peace, joy, and love, and as a result his soul be “fat and flourishing?” Oh, the blindness of those who hold this vile doctrine! How plain these scriptures are to those who know that they are not beasts, but spiritual being as well as physical, “both in body and in spirit!” -- 1st Corinthians 7:34. And what is still grander is the actual experience taught in these scriptures. If materialists would but taste the love of God and experience his uttermost salvation in their souls, they would at once be led to drop their dark heresy for the plain teaching of the Bible.
Materialism contradicts the Bible, because it denies a present state of spiritual death, and also denies that spiritual life is obtainable in this life. To say man is only now under the sentence of death, and will not actually die as a result of sin until after the resurrection, when he will receive the full wages of sin. They also teach that when men came to Christ the sentence of death is lifted, and that they receive the promise of eternal life; that life will not be experienced until this mortal shall have put on immortality in the resurrection. We have it only by promise -- an object of hope, something not yet received. Of course they are driven to this point in order to support their no-soul animalism. For if man were wholly a material being, he could die only a natural death and could enjoy and possess only natural life. Mark that. But the Bible teaches both spiritual death and spiritual life. God said to our fore parents in the garden of Eden, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” -- Genesis 2:17. The serpent told the woman, “Ye shall not surely die.” -- Genesis 3:4. Here the issue is clearly drawn. All materialists take their stand in this controversy on the side of the serpent. God said, in unmistakable words, “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” The Septuagint version, which is the oldest we have of the Old Testament scriptures, renders this text as follows: “In whatsoever day ye eat of it, ye shall surely die.” 
Materialists say that man did not die that day, but only the seed of death was implanted in his being. So did the serpent say, “Ye shall not surely die.” But God said (and his word can not be broken), “In the day” that man would eat, “he shall surely die.” He did not say the seed of death will merely be planted in your nature, but “ye shall die” in that very day. In this controversy we take our stand with God on the side of truth and boldly declare that man did die the very day he transgressed God’s command. He died a spiritual death. Sin separates the soul from union with God. “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” -- Isaiah 59:2. As soon as the soul is cut off from union with God it dies. But this death is not a cessation of conscious existence, but an alienation from God, whose favor is the normal sphere of the soul’s happiness. So when Adam and Eve transgressed the command of God they still had a conscious existence, but were alienated from God -- cut off from divine favor, hence in a state of spiritual death. They transgressed, and death -- spiritual death -- was the immediate result. But this did not stop with Adam. The effects of the fall were far-reaching. “By one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” -- Romans 5:12. Again we read that “death reigned from Adam to Moses.” -- Verse 14. The word “death” in these texts clearly refers to spiritual death in trespasses and sins, because it is used interchangeably with the word “sin.” See Romans 5:12-21. So every sinner is now actually dead -- spiritually dead -- and yet he has a conscious existence. This fact stands in square opposition to the doctrine of materialism.
Every unregenerate man and woman is not “dead in trespasses and sins.” -- Ephesians 2:1. Before our conversion, “we were dead in sins.” -- Ephesians 2:5. “You being dead in your sins.” -- Colossians 2:13. “To be carnally minded is death.” --Romans 8:6. Paul says, when he came to the years of accountability and got a knowledge of God’s law, “Sin revived and I died.” -- Romans 7:9. Paul did not die a physical death when he sinned against God’s law. So Paul was more than a physical being. Neither did he simply pass under the sentence of death. But he actually declares “I died.” But it may be asked, What part of Paul’s being suffered death? We answer, That part which sinned against God. “Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” -- Micah 6:7. “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” -- Ezekiel 18:4, It was the spiritual part of Paul’s being that died. “She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.” -- 1st Timothy 5:6. These scriptures plainly show that the death of the soul incurred by sin, is not the destruction of its conscious being, but the forfeiture of the bliss of divine favor. “Dead while she liveth,” that is, the carnally minded are dead, yet desire, hope, and fear; in fact, they are still conscious of a moral and spiritual existence, but are also conscious of the fact that their soul is not in its proper attitude toward God, not in its normal state of righteousness. “He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” -- 1st John 3:14. 
Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life.” -- John 10:10. This could not be natural, physical life, for sinners do have that. “Wherefore he saith, Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” -- Ephesians 5:14. This is an experience of the soul, not of the body. “Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live.” -- Isaiah 55:3. But is this quickening of the soul into life a present experience? Do men actually now possess eternal life in Christ? Yes, thank God! “We know that we have passed from death unto life.” -- John 3:14. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.” -- John 5:24. “Yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead.” -- Romans 6:13. “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.” -- Ephesians 2:1. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” -- John 6:47. “God hath given to us eternal life. . . He that hath the Son hath life.” -- 1st John 5:11, 12. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God: that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” -- Verse 13. “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” -- John 17:3. Comment is not necessary. Materialism must fail in the light of these scriptures. Spiritual life and spiritual death being present conditions of the human family, prove that man possesses a spiritual, conscious entity, separate and distinct in substance from the body.
5. The doctrine of materialism is wrong, because it makes scripture meaningless. It is impossible to harmonize the Bible with the doctrine of materialism. Many plain texts of scripture would be nonsensical. For example -- “The law of his God is in his heart: none of his steps shall slide.” -- Psalms 37:31. “I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts.” -- Hebrews 8:10. “Written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart.” -- 2nd Corinthians 3:3. “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” -- Psalms 119:11. “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts.” -- Psalms 51:6. What sense would be attached to the preceding scriptures if man were only flesh and blood and breath and intellect? To say that the heart, in the preceding texts, simply means the organ in our bosom which pumps the blood through our system, where the height of ignorance and folly. And to say that it simply means the mind contradicts the scripture for heart and mind are both enumerated as covering different scopes of man’s spiritual being. See Mark 12:30; Hebrews 8:10.
Thought is not a property of matter, in man it is evidently a faculty of the soul. But man is a moral and spiritual being as well as an intellectual. A man may have the word of God so stored away in his mind that he could commit the whole book to memory, but that would not affect for him what the preceding texts declare. That would not keep him from sin. It is in man’s spiritual and moral being that God puts his law when he saves the soul from sin. In the darkness of materialism the following texts would be meaningless. “Keep thy heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life.” -- Proverbs 4:23. “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,” etc. Mark 7:21. It is not our physical body that is accountable to God for sin. If my hand steals, is it to blame? If I look upon a woman to lust after her, does God hold my eyes accountable? Preposterous! “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” -- 1st Samuel 16:7.
The members of the physical body are only the instruments of the soul. The soul is the accountable part of man’s being. It is that which really in the sight of God sins (Micah 6:7), and that which must be saved. -- James 1:21. The Bible speaks of the heart of man being “evil,” “deceitful,” “desperately wicked.” And again it speaks of a “clean heart,” “perfect heart,” “honest and good heart,” and “pure heart.” “Purifying their hearts by faith,” “purifying your souls,” etc. It is further declared that “your heart shall live forever.” -- Psalms 22:26. All these expressions can only apply to man’s spiritual and moral nature, his spiritual being or that which will “live forever.” Mark that.
In whatsoever light we view the doctrine of materialism, it stands in square contradiction to the Bible. In the face of all the foregoing facts and truths, it must be a desperate case of will-worship, when a man will set aside the plain truths of the gospel and cling to such a deceptive doctrine. With the sweet witness of God in our soul, and a knowledge of his blessed truth, we unhesitatingly declare that the whole doctrine is Antichrist. It blights the souls of all who accept it, and they, with a few exceptions, are blind to the real experience of full salvation in this life. “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, . . Should shine unto them.” -- 2nd Corinthians 4:3, 4. 
The doctrine of materialism was advocated by the ancient sect of the Sadducees. “For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit.” -- Acts 23:8. A great many modern Sadducees stand on the common ground of their ancient brethren. But a few -- the Adventists for instance -- differ from their ancient brethren in that they have taken up the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. But with respect to the “angel and spirit” they with the Sadducees deny both. They deny that angels are immortal beings, and also deny that man possesses a spirit -- an immaterial part -- which is not subject to physical death. This as the doctrine of the Sadducees in toto. But Jesus struck at the very root of their heresy. “Have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the Living.” -- Matthew 22:31, 32. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had long since died. Their bodies were moldering in the tombs. But Christ declares that his Father was still their God. “Not the God of the dead [those moldering bodies], but of the living;” I.e., “the God of the spirits of all flesh.” -- Numbers 27:15, 16. So while their bodies were dead, their spirits lived. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob -- not the God of the dead (bodies), but of the living (spirits). This argument put the Sadducees to silence (Matthew 22:34), and should silence their modern brethren. As we shall hereafter prove, the orthodox Jews believed that man possessed a spirit and soul separate and distinct in substance from the body, and that the same remained alive after the dissolution of the flesh-born body. Also we shall prove that this was the doctrine of Christ and the apostles. Dr. Adam Clark in his Commentary says, ‘The vile doctrine of materialism is not apostolic.” See comments on 2nd Corinthians 4:16.
[To be continued]

Acquaint Thyself With God.
By R. Rothman.

Acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” -- Job 22:21. Kind reader, let us together see whether we can get precious lessons out of this verse and those following. Are you a sinner? Then listen! The Creator wants you to become acquainted with him. He wants to be introduced to you by his beloved Son Jesus. “No man knoweth . . . Who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.” -- Luke 10:22. Do you realize what a glorious privilege is thus held out to you?
Once when I was far from God and the knowledge of his great salvation, on witnessing an unusually brilliant electrical storm, my soul was deeply stirred with the desire to know the God whose mighty power and glory were thus manifested in the lightning. I thought that if I could get into the favor of such a being I would do almost anything; that just to have a humble place somewhere under his protection, would be a satisfying portion. And the thought of living on and on with God filled me with intense longing. But oh! How glad I am to-day to know that God has provided something for all his children many times more glorious than I could imagine. “As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit.” -- 1st Corinthians 2:9, 10.
As before said, God wants your acquaintance. It is always true with God that when he gives a commandment he makes provision for our keeping it. He sent Jesus to introduce men to himself, so that we might be able to obey him when he says, “Acquaint now thyself with me.” Jesus tells us plainly how to become acquainted with the Father. It is through humble obedience to the Son of God. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?” -- John 14:6-9. This is plain, and may the Lord in his mercy impress these words deeply on the hearts of those who know not God and enable them to seek him in the true way.
The result of knowing God is to “be at peace; thereby good shall come unto you.” -- Job 22:21. Thank God for his peace, which indeed doeth us good. The word “good” from the mouth of God has a different meaning than the same word when spoken by man. Men out of Christ count the vain pleasures of this life good; the love of money is good to them; yea, to sell their immortal souls to the evil one in the mad whirl of greediness, is to them good. Oh, that the  unsaved might be awakened to their miserable condition before God and in the sight of eternity! When God says “good shall come unto thee,” it means, among other things, that he will, through the merits of the shed blood of Jesus, freely forgive all the sins that separate you from him; will give you power to keep from sinning thereafter; will accept you as his very child, and make you feel that he is your Father; will remove the evil nature which untaught children of God say makes them prone to wander from him; and will make you an heir with Christ of his inexhaustible riches in glory, and supply your needs from day to day; and above all, through the Holy Spirit, Christ will take up his abode and live and move in you.
What other things God will do for you can not be told in better words than those in the inspired word. “If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles. Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stone of the brooks. Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver. For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God. Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows. Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” -- Job 22:23-28.
Dear reader, if you are out of Christ, unsaved from your sins, allow me to exhort you in these words of the Spirit: “Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart.” -- Verse 22.
To those who have received Christ in their hearts by faith, we also say, “Acquaint thyself with him, and be at peace.” What God wants above all things else is to work in and through his children. Therefore keep ever in mind that the all-powerful Christ dwells within you and in lowly reverence and obedience wait upon him and move as he leads. Learn to keep out of his way. Acquaint thyself with his great resources and never limit his power and willingness beneath his written will. Acquaint thyself with his divine love and sweet and glorious qualities, until he becomes fairer to your soul than all this world beside. Delight thyself in the Lord. Walk by faith with him daily, until he makes all this earth bright with the glory of heaven. “Acquaint thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” Amen.

Queer Doctrine.
By J. E. Forrest.

Queer doctrine indeed, that a man can be a sinning Christian! Such doctrine is foreign to the word of God. People become alarmed when we begin to teach them the doctrine of Christ -- that he is the great Deliverer from all sin and that through him we obtain grace to live free from sin.
Some teach a salvation that only partly saves -- quitting our worst sins, but yet not entirely free. Such a salvation is foreign to the Bible salvation we get through faith in Jesus who is called Christ. It is a strange doctrine that teaches us Christ is a Savior from the worst sins, but does not give entire deliverance. According to such teaching we would conclude that a man could serve two masters, which you know Christ teaches can not be done. “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” -- John 8:34. How then can such a one be a servant of God and commit sin? 
You teachers of the law, that say the soul is saved and yet the body a servant of sin, where do you get your doctrine? The Lord then has gone in partnership with the devil. Queer doctrine, that Jesus Christ has made your body his temple, and suffers the devil to own the body in which he dwells! Queer doctrine, that you have Christ within you, but yet the body is not dead because of sin! See Romans 8:10. How is it, my dear deceived soul, that you have the Lord in you [that is the Holy Spirit] to lead you and yet you do not follow him, but obey the lust of the flesh? Read Galatians 5:19-21, and see what the works of the flesh are and notice also that “they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Then observe what the fruit of the Spirit is in the following verses and that there is no law against such.
Surely if we have the Spirit these fruits will follow, and glory to God! There is no law to transgress. “If ye be led of the spirit, ye are not under the law.” The law is for the lawless and disobedient. God’s people need no law; they have his love shed abroad in them -- the Holy Ghost to teach them, also to give them “power . . . Over all the power of the enemy.” Yes, praise the Lord! God’s people just sin as much as they want to, but the beauty of it all is they do not want to sin at all. Halleluiah! “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” -- John 8:36.
No, my friend, he does not free the soul and then leave your body or flesh in bondage. He frees the soul from its depravity, he frees the mind from its impurities, and sets the body (its members) in perfect order and harmony with the soul. “Free indeed.” “Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?” “If any [man] defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy.”
Some, for their defense, use the seventh chapter of Romans claiming that the good they would do they can not, but the evil they would not do that they do, not knowing Paul’s “hard sayings.” The lesson Paul gives is that he was in such a condition once, teaching that under the law there was no freedom, no deliverance. Begin at the fifth verse and read. “For when we were in the flesh [Notice here that ‘ye are not in the flesh, . . . If so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.” -- Romans 8:0], the motions of sin, . . . Did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.”
Is it not plain to you that the apostle simply gives us his experience as trying to keep the law without anything good in him to help him? Listen to the closing verses -- “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” as he also calls it in verses 8-11, and to his victorious shouts of joy -- “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Learn, will you, what Jesus did for Paul? “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free.” Ah, yes, glory to God! “free from the law of sin and death.”
The trouble with many is that they are fighting their own battles; that is why the devil wins the victory and drags them down in the mire of sin. Let the Lord into your earthly temple and he will fight your battles. He never loses a single fight. He is “King of kings and Lord of lords.” If the devil has your poor soul bound and you are still the servant of sin, let Jesus Christ into your temple; he will bind Satan and cast him out; yes, and spoil all his goods. Halleluiah! For “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.” Jesus is “the stronger man,” who “led captivity captive,” who sets “at liberty them that are bruised.” He is the purifier and refiner that purifies the sons of Levi. He it is that sanctifies us wholly -- our whole spirit and soul and body, that we might be preserved blameless unto his coming. See 1st Thessalonians 5:23.
The devil whispers, “Quit your worst habits, join the church, and you will be saved. There are many little sins that you can not quit, but the Lord knows your weakness of the flesh, etc., and will not hold you accountable for them.”
Ah, the false Christ of morality has crept in; the false Christ of self-righteousness -- “Do the best you can.” What deception! That you have been rocked to sleep with such a soul-destroying spirit as this.  “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” How many times we hear professors say, “I am doing the best I can,” “I am trying to live a Christian, but it is so hard.” Friend, the yoke you are wearing is not the yoke of Christ, for he says “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Some false Christ or teacher has given you a yoke under the name of the true Christ and deceived you. “These things write I unto you, that ye sin not,” because “many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” “If any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.” “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing [looking righteous outwardly], but inwardly they are ravening wolves [full of hypocrisy and deceit].” “Cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter [your evil heart], that the outside of them may be clean also [your fruits may be holy and without sin].” We are taught to know a tree by its fruits, and the tree naturally yields but one kind. Remember, my brother, that “ye can not serve God and mammon.”

To The Sinner.
By J. M. Harrington.

Dear sinner, I desire to appeal to you once more in the name of Jesus Christ. The Word says, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.?” The question may arise why it is called so great salvation. It is because it is greater than the salvation under the law. They knew nothing of the new birth or regeneration, or their sins being taken away; they were only forgiven, and did not get grace imparted unto them to enable them to live a holy life. So, dear sinner, you are living in a time when there are greater privileges offered you than were enjoyed under the law. Notice Hebrews 2:1 -- “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard.” The meaning of it is, “for this reason.” What was the reason? Read Hebrews first chapter and you will find the reason; namely, that Jesus Christ speaks to us now “in these last days.” Prior to his speaking men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, but thank God for the more sure word of prophecy, which are the words of Jesus Christ. See Hebrews 1:2. These are the things to which we must give the more earnest heed.
The Jews gave heed to the law, which was right for them to do, as it was the best God had for them at that time, although it made no one perfect; but the bringing in of a better hope did. Every sinner, though bound by sin, ought to thank God for these privileges he has of escaping that prison-house. But we must confess, from what we observe, that this nation, as a professed Christian nation, does not appreciate the gift of the Son of God -- the one that ushered in this greater salvation. Some one may say, “If it was not for my disposition I would be a Christian, but my natural make-up hinders me from doing right. Now we can not agree with you, for salvation does not destroy human nature, but thank God! It does destroy sinful nature, carnal nature, worldly nature, lion and bear-like nature, etc.; hence he says he will “beautify the meek with salvation.” So, dear sinner, do not think you are too wicked. We read that there is nothing too hard for God to do. God loves the sinner insomuch he sent his only Son to die for him. See John 3:16. Christ’s love was so great that he willingly came and died the shameful and degraded death on the cross for your sake and mine. Why not appreciate his offered mercy? I desire to encourage you with the thought that the saints and all the angels in heaven are interested in your salvation. And my prayer is that you may become interested about your own condition, and make a speedy return to God, who will have mercy and give you this great salvation.
Sometimes dear ones excuse themselves by saying the crooked lives of professors keeps them where they are. We admit you have received very little encouragement from the great mass of professors; notwithstanding, their unholy lives will not benefit you in this world, or in the world to come. So may the Lord bless you and cause you to look away to Jesus the author of this great salvation. Now is the time. See 2nd Corinthians 6:2. We must not delay. The Word says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Every one who has reached the years of accountability is invited to come “now” and make his peace with God. Salvation means deliverance and preservation. Christ brought deliverance to the captive soul. Hence we read (Luke 1:74, 75): “That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life.” We are delivered from darkness and Satan. Acts 28:18. Thank God! He can and does break every yoke if you will let him. Sin has not gone so deep but the blood of Christ will atone for it. See Hebrews 9:26; 1st John 1:7. It is sad to behold the Christ of the Bible who desires to emancipate sinners from sin and give them joy and peace and then hear men say, “No, not at the present time. Some other time I will call for thee.” O sinner, beware! “Prepare to meet thy God.”
We learn that salvation means not only deliverance but preservation. Let us appeal to the sacred Word for the truth of this statement. Jude 1 says, We “are preserved in Jesus Christ and called.” Anything preserved properly will keep the year round. If we are preserved in Christ we can be so his away with Christ in god that nothing can mar our peace, or take our minds from things above. Complicated scenes may arise before us, and they may look insurmountable, but by the grace of God we can surmount them and come off “more than conquerors” through him who says, “All power is given unto me in heaven and earth.” Be not afraid to make a start for heaven, for God will meet you on his word by your forsaking evil and meeting the conditions. By giving up all, you get all. Remember professions are cheap, and there are a variety of them, but it means business to get the “great salvation.” When you receive the genuine experience there will be no doubt about it. You will know it yourself, and those who know you and see your fruits, will know you are a new creature. Halleluiah to the Lamb for the blood that removes every stain!
Sinner, my prayer goes up to God for you, and on your account my pen is not still, neither my tongue, but by God’s grace both shall ever be used, to his glory, in warning you to flee the wrath to come and telling you the joys of salvation. The question is “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” The fact is there is no escape only in Jesus Christ. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” So, dear sinner, forsake all and run to this place of safety. Remember if we only neglect salvation we will lose our souls. Sinner, be wise before the great judgment day is upon you.

The Awful Condition of the Sectarian World
By W. H. Cheatham.

We read in 2nd Timothy 3:1, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” The apostle goes on and informs us what would take place in the last days. “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God: having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” Mark you, this scripture you have just been reading has reference to professors of religion. They have a form of godliness -- perhaps they belong to some so-called church, have their names enrolled on some class-book kept by man, yea, doubtless have been baptized or sprinkled, often partake of the bread and wine, pay quite well to the preacher, and are very zealous for “our church,” as they call it; work hard to get members to swell their numbers -- they have the form of godliness, but they “deny the power thereof.”
Let us see if this is not fulfilled in our day and age. 1. These professors say we all sin more or less; even the preacher stands up in the pulpit and declares he is a sinner and tells his hearers they can not do better than this. He often quotes this Scripture: “He that saith he liveth and sinneth not is a liar and the truth is not in him,” when there is no such scripture between the lids of the Bible. But the Bible does say in 1st John 3:8, “He that committeth sin is of the devil.” The next verse says, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.” Praise God for his Word! Now this is one way in which false professors deny the power of God. 2. They say, “There is none pure, no, not one.” But now to the law and to the testimony. “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.” -- Matthew 5:8. “And put no difference between us [Jews] and them [Gentiles], purifying their hearts by faith.” We read in 1st Peter 1:22 -- “Seeing ye have [past tense] purified your hearts by obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.”
We have the testimony of Jesus and Peter, and let us see how pure we are to be according to the apostle John. In 1st John3:2, 3 -- “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is, And every one that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he [Christ] is pure.” We can easily understand the apostle Paul when he says they “deny the power thereof.” In denying the purity, they deny the blood of Jesus Christ. Shame on such professors! Are you among this number that the apostle speaks of? If so, “repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
Again, these wicked professors deny the power of divine healing. They say the healing stopped with the apostles, etc. We want to give you a few scriptures regarding Jesus Christ continuing to heal yet to-day. 1. His compassion is the same for suffering humanity. We read in the prophets that “he hath loved us with an everlasting love,” or compassion. Paul tells us in Hebrews 4:15, 16 -- “For we have not an high priest which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Amen. 2. Christ has never changed. Hebrews 13:8 -- “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever.” Halleluiah to God! “When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils; and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses.” -- Matthew 8:16, 17.
“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” -- Mark 16:17, 18.
“Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church: and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.” -- James 5:14, 15.
The Holy Spirit revealed to the apostle Paul the awful condition of Babylon (churches of men), how they would deny the power of God and his word. So we read in 2nd Timothy 4:2-4 -- “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables [or lies].” This scripture is fulfilled in our ears to-day. The majority of professors to-day can not stand the plain truth of the New Testament. Just as the apostle says, they heap (or hire) to themselves teachers who will teach smooth things to tickle their ears, tell funny stories, and fail to reprove of sin and wickedness for fear of their salary, etc. Paul tells us these professors would be lovers of themselves more than lovers of God. You will find these professors visiting the theaters, the festivals, fairs, and shows. Many of them frequent the saloon and tobacco shops, engaging in foolish talking, jesting, and joking, using by-words, swearing sometimes; dressing like the world -- or sinners -- following the fashions and styles of the world. Proud and haughty -- proud of their looks, proud of their surroundings or home, proud of their clothes, proud of their family name. O dear ones, we are in perilous times. May God arouse this wicked, hypocritical world. It can be done only by our being baptized by the Holy Ghost and fire and preaching the word by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. Amen.

God wants his children to be courageous
 The devil gains the victory when a person gives up to discouragements.
The grace of God is sufficient under all circumstances for those who fully put their trust in him.
Our trials are only such as are common to man; for, “there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” -- 1st Corinthians 10:13.
When Joshua was about to enter upon greater responsibilities than usual the Lord repeatedly urged him to be courageous and be sure and be obedient in all things. He said to him, “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” -- Joshua 1:9.
How We Spent Christmas.

It will no doubt be of some interest to know how the Trumpet Family spent Christmas. It is customary with the world to make Christmas a day of feasting and revelry, but we felt led to set aside that day as a day of fasting and prayer. Some one had sent in a few dollars to buy turkey for the Trumpet Family. The money sent in was spent in that way, but the eating of the turkey was deferred until the day following; however, one meal was given about 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
During the last year or two, as the work has been rapidly enlarging, it required a few thousand dollars’ worth of additional machinery for the office and book-bindery and the great expense in publishing a sufficient amount of the various books in stock at the same time; and during this time we were obliged to build a large home, purchase a camp-ground and pavilion, etc., and at the same time we pushed the work in spreading the gospel. This was quite and additional expense to our regular work, and demands for the literature have been more than we have been able to supply as we would like. It has been a continual life of faith day by day. Sometimes we were obliged to borrow money to meet present demands. Hundreds of times we have paid out all the money on hand in the evening, trusting God to send in necessary means to carry on business for the next day and meet the coming bills.
We have great reasons to praise God for his abundant blessings for both soul and body and his help in financial affairs. As it neared Christmas time our expenses were unusually large -- several hundred dollars to be met every day, and several thousand dollars to be met in the near future. For this reason we felt led to make Christmas day a time of fasting and prayer.
As the family of workers gathered together in the morning meeting, God blessed our services of prayer and supplication, songs, and thanksgiving. After sending up our petitions for the Lord to move many hearts to help in this work we felt led by the Spirit of the Lord to set the example by way of giving and do what we could ourselves. We did not know that $15.00 could be raised; but one brother who had been at the office for a year or two in the past, but for several months had been absent earning some money for himself, and who is now again back to the office giving his services free unto the Lord, had arranged to deposit $100.00 to use for the work of the Lord and receive interest for the same. During the meeting he felt moved by the spirit of the Lord to donate that amount, which he did. Another brother who had some time ago deposited $50.00, donated the same. The meeting was dismissed and a box placed upon the altar, into which each cast as they felt led of the Lord. It reminded us very much of the time of which we read in the word of God where the people were casting their money into the treasury and the widow came and cast in her mite, for which the Lord pronounced a blessing. One brother had a few dollars laid aside which he had drawn that morning and placed in his pocket expecting to use it for a special purpose, but while in prayer he felt led to give the whole amount to the publishing work. Another brother donated a note that was about due. Some had only a penny and some a few pennies, and many of them cast in all they had, and even postage stamps were placed in the box. Some put in slips of paper stating how much they desired to trust the Lord for during the week. It was truly a blessed time and fulfillment of the word of God, which says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” When the contents were counted the amount was about $315.00. Some sisters had laid aside a few dollars which they expected to spend that day, or the next, to purchase some special articles; however, they sacrificed the same for the work of the Lord, and God honored the same by sending in through the mail from unknown sources, in some cases, a greater amount than what they had paid out. A sister in Indiana, who was an entire stranger to almost all the workers, sent the sisters $20.00, which when divided among them amounted to 50 cents each. They were truly grateful for some one to remember them individually, and to know that God rewarded them for the sacrifice just made in denying themselves by giving what they had. All felt greatly blessed, much more so than if they had spent the day in feasting upon rich food from the table, and the name of the Lord was glorified.

The Right Faith.
By George L. Cole.

“For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availed anything, nor un-circumcision; but faith which worketh by love.” -- Galatians 5:6.
Faith assumes many aspects full of life and power to which are attributed results immeasurable. It acts upon or manipulates the promises of God like the hand of a skilled musician upon the keys of an instrument. It touches the tenderest chords of sympathy in the great heart of God until the richest treasures in his vast storehouse are dealt out as freely as sunshine. And while it moves the hand of the infinite in proportion it no less moves the hand of the finite. That which moves God to withhold no good will move us to do with our might what our hands find to do. That faith which moves the great God of the universe to minister of his substance will not withhold from ministering the substance we possess. Faith works by love, and love will sacrifice to serve, because love seeketh not her own. Therefore if we cling to our substance we can not prevail on God by our faith to administer of his substance. James was dealing right on this point when he said, “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” -- James 2:15, 16. What is such faith worth? If you think you have enough faith to keep your purse-strings tied, but can pray somebody else’s open, you are mistaken. But on the other hand, if you had none of this world’s good and saw a brother or sister naked and destitute of daily food, your faith would be of such profit you could step into the agreement with them and claim God’s promise in Matthew 18:19 -- “That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” God wants you to understand that your faith will avail nothing with him while you have in your possession sufficient to supply the need your eyes behold, and that it is impossible for you to be in the agreement claiming God’s promise with some poor needy soul if you have the needed means in your pocket.
I have been wondering, if Brother Byrum were to call on the whole church of God to be agreed in asking God to send in means enough to lift the present indebtedness, how many could actually get in the agreement? A few poor widows and a few liberal souls that have been doing all they could are all that come to my mind that would be able to get in agreement to exercise faith. But to the balance, their prayers, faith, and benedictions, James would say, “What doth it profit?” But if every one would go to the full extent of their ability and give all they could give, they would find no trouble in getting in the agreement for God to furnish means to cancel debts and push forward his work. But those who are rich in this world’s good are wasting their time asking God to move on some man’s heart out in California, over in Pennsylvania, in England, in far-off India, or the islands of the sea, that thousands of dollars might be sent to help the Lord’s publishing work. If they would pray, Lord, open my heart, move on me to do all I can, and then help answer it, their prayers would not be hindered. When there is an opportunity to do good and people think they want God’s will accomplished, they pray “Lord, how much would you have me to do?” and in their heart God knows they mean, “How little?” It is hard to get an answer from God. Faith works by love, but none love to move to action. In this case I have thought sometimes, instead of people praying, “Lord, show me what I should do?” when God had already blessed them with means and showed them the need to be supplied. Etc., it would be better to reverse it and say, “Lord, I  will show you how much I can do,” and if not satisfied try it again and again until you are satisfied. Then see if God is satisfied. Then you can exercise your faith for God to accomplish through other sources what he can for his glory. Amen.
We are not altogether excused from helping to supply the need of a brother or sister simply because we do not have enough to supply it all; there may be others in similar circumstances and we need not wait to be asked to help; the nicest way is to be first to say, Here is a dollar or five dollars, if we have it, and some one else will respond, “Here are two dollars,” and so on, until sufficient is put together and the need supplied, and every one feels good over it, except the one who did nothing, and the excuse for not helping was, He did not believe in letting his left hand know what his right hand did; consequently his right hand did nothing. Jesus did not mean by this to teach men never to do good lest some one find it out. He meant that the doing good should be the object to prompt our action, and not simply the satisfaction of having others know we did anything good. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works.” “Likewise also the good works of some are manifest before-hand; and they that are otherwise can not be hid.” The right kind of faith is not drowsy, sleepy, slumbering, insensible to the needs of God’s people or his cause; but prompted by love, is wide awake, quick to perceive, and active to help, support, and strengthen, and with persistence will toil on until love is fully satisfied.

Faith of God-- Poor.

Those who do not possess this world’s good are not exempt from the exercise and privilege of faith, providing they hold the proper attitude. Faith works by love in the poor as well as in the rich. Suppose the poor man sees the need of the Lord’s publishing work, but has no means to apply and thus he prays God to move on those who have means to send it in, etc. To his surprise and unforeseen avenue opens and several hundred dollars pour into his possession; and behold he studies and plans how he can use his money to the best advantage but never once thought of sending even five dollars to the publishing work for which he has prayed so earnestly. The faith of such poor is worth but little, because love is wanting. If love is moving your faith to ask and claim means to supply any need, your love will prompt you to sacrifice and use the first means that comes to hand to help supply the need for which you have prayed. Brethren, I have more confidence in the poor man’s prayer that prays, “Lord, send me a dollar and I will give it to your publishing work,” than the one who prays, “Lord, send thousands of dollars to the Lord’s publishing work,” notwithstanding he of his want and penury sacrifices nothing. If we want to help God’s cause by our faith let us see that we have the right kind of  faith, that faith that works by love; the love that loveth not in word only, “but in deed and in truth.” After we get the right kind of faith it will not work effectually without the right kind of love. No wonder Paul mentioned Faith, hope, charity (love), but the greatest of these is love. Doubtless you have wondered why it was you knew so much about faith and yet your faith has done so little; but the secret is, Love was out and nobody else knew how to run the machine (faith). Faith works like a good fellow when Love is around, but is always tired when Love is out. Let us see if we can not have more love in our hearts for our brethren who are bearing a heavy burden, and yet in their love are trying to push the publishing work and spread the truth to all lands. Faith moved by love will supply the needed means. Amen.

The Faith Of The Church.

There are some enterprises of the church that pertain to the church in one locality, while there are other enterprises that belong to and must be supported by the whole church; for example, our publishing work. This enterprise belongs to and should be supported by the entire church. First, because all the accumulation of property and buildings of the plant does not add one cent to the wealth of any individual but to the church in general; and, second, because the literature that goes out is to the interest of all to accomplish good, in as much as all are interested in spreading the faith and truth through the circulation of holy literature. Therefore, if some good can be accomplished by the consecrated labor and faith of the few that devote their entire time in the publishing house, so a few hundred tons of literature can go out each year and a few thousand dollars’ valuation added to the publishing concern, what might be accomplished if all the church  of God would consecrate a little of their labor and exercise some faith with the brethren at the office? You can not all go to Moundsville and work in the office; however, some can sell books, take subscriptions for the papers, other can earn wages and buy literature and spread it or give it to those who will. If you would consecrate a certain portion of your wages or income and send it as a free-will offering, you would be consecrating that percentage of your labor to the publishing work. I see why those at the publishing office can have faith; it is  because their entire time and labor is wholly consecrated to the publishing work, except board and clothes, and even trust God independent of the publishing company for their clothes, board being all they realize for their labor while there at work. Let some one donate all their income over and above board and clothes to that work and they can have some faith too with the rest. In proportion as our heart is in the work and our love is fervent toward its prosperity and success, in that proportion will we support by means and prayer and faith, etc.

Law Of Faith.

There is no violation of the law of faith if those who have to pay the bills and transact the business that pertains to the entire church, if they by press or otherwise make known the condition and needs of the same; in fact, I have ever held it to be their duty so to do. That which belongs to individuals and not to the church -- it is wrong to ever be stating such needs to the church. But if the church own, support, and conduct an enterprise it is her business to know the needs of the same and the process of keeping the church in ignorance of the business demands that pertain to her own enterprises is not conducive to faith -- never was, never will be. The results are directly opposite to faith. But should we not tell every need to God only? Yes, the church, should tell God all about every need of the church. But who is going to tell the church, in order to have mutual faith? No one can tell it to the church only those who know.
Do you suppose God is going to tell the church right out of heaven, since those who are transacting the business for the church know and are willing to tell you all about it? God could give you no other message than that which your brethren can give, and he wants them to give it to you, and if you would stop your ears from such a message you would hear no better if God were to speak from heaven. But, says one, Oh! It sounds like begging if I should hear it in the Trumpet. What would it sound like if it came from heaven? I love faith, but it is the right kind -- that which will face the facts and go to work. Do all you can, give all you can, and believe all you can, all together.

News from the Field.

Weatherford, Okla., Dec. 29.

The assemble-meeting at this place is still progressing nicely. Nine or ten  have consecrated their service to the Lord, and others are nigh the kingdom. Brothers McCully, Post, Zook, Eyster, and Stanky have been instruments used of the Lord in presenting the word. God bless them as they go forth in Jesus’ name! I would say to those that have been soliciting our help in holding meetings, I will not be able to reach any points outside of Oklahoma before the middle of April; then I desire to go to northwest Missouri and on east to Moundsville camp-meeting (D. V.)
A. B. and Cora Stanberry.

Albany, L. T. Dec. 29.

We can say we are still in the gospel field working for lost souls. However, we have not been preaching much since our last report. We have changed our field of labor and have made about five hundred mile trip by land from Missouri to this place. The Lord has wonderfully blessed us on the way. Our field of labor now (D. V.) will be Indian Territory, Texas, and Oklahoma. We are engaged in meeting here now, which will probably continue two weeks. We are feeling led to spend the winter in Texas, but we are consecrated to go where the Lord leads if it is somewhere else. Dear saints, remember us in your prayers.
James D. and Mary E. Ferrill.

Fort Wayne, Ind., Jan. 1.

We recently closed a meeting near New Era, Ind., a small station on the Lake Shore R. R. The congregations at first were small, but gradually the Spirit of God awoke and interest and they increased. Some were under deep conviction, and four souls were clearly converted to God. The word of truth was spoken in love, and it was received to good effect. Love wins, while harshness drives people away.
From there we came to a place about five miles northwest of avilla, Ind., where we held a two-week’s meeting with some degree of interest. It was new truth for this locality, but we believe that the seed fell in some good soil, and that in the future the church will b established there also.
Sister Salome Yoder was with us in both these meetings and did good service for the Lord. I am now free to enter the fields for souls, as the Lord may be pleased to lead. I am praising God for deliverance from earth-born institutions of men; for twelve years I was at the beck of men in a conference, among Free Methodists, but now am perfectly free to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Halleluiah! I am his, soul and body. Pray for me that I may do all to stand.
P. W. Botts.

Jeffersonville, Ky., Jan. 1.

Since last reported I have been constantly in meetings. The Lord has been present from time to time with saving, sanctifying, and healing power. The first place at which I stopped after leaving Cincinnati was in Harrison Co., Ky., near Broadwell. Two were saved, two sanctified, and four baptized. From there I went to Rowland, Ky., in Lincoln county, where the light had never been preached. The Lord is preparing him a remnant in that place. Brother W. W. Fitzwater expects to locate there. There is need of a company of workers going there in the spring and summer. It is a junction on two railroads and is a good prospect for establishing the truth. After I left there I held meeting at the following places: McKenzie school-house, and Johnson school-house, near Mt. Olivet, Dalesburg one night. I spent a few days in Rowan county with the saints, then to Winchester and Stony Point, then Garrett school-house, near Claysville.
From there I came here, arrived Christmas day. The Lord blessed his word in most every meeting in new fields. Truly it was refreshing and encouraging to meet with the dear saints here and have a few meeting. Two have been saved and two sanctified. Some were tied at home on account of sickness, but God is manifesting his healing power. Brethren, I desire your most earnest prayers in my behalf, that I may be humble and win souls for God and I desire to spend every day of this new year in a way that my life will be blameless and spotless, that I may stand without rebuke, a shining light, and that my service may be more effectual this year than ever before. My address until further notice will be Jeffersonville, Ky.
John A. Vance.

Continental, Ohio, Dec. 31.

We wish to report that we have victory through Jesus” name. He enables us to continue the work of the Lord and raise a standard for the people. To him be all the glory! We are giving all our time to the work of the Lord and he is wonderfully blessing our labors. We held some very precious meetings in which the Lord showed his great love and power in saving and healing precious souls. At present we are in the midst of a meeting begun Dec. 8 in a Dunkard neighborhood, in their house of worship. At first it seemed the people came more through curiosity than anything else, and were very much prejudiced against the way, but the dear Lord strove with them and made it so plain and with such power that prejudice is about broken and the congregation seems to be deeply interested, and they acknowledge the truth. Some have asked for prayer. One old brother said the meeting had been a blessing to him and he is seeking for a pure heart. They seem to be wonderfully stirred and are searching their Bibles; some bring them along and as the word is going forth they compare the same and are convinced of its truthfulness. They are getting satisfied and I believe some will get saved and a great work will be done. The Lord has also been using Brother J. W. Bingley and B. Fletcher in the gospel work, especially in the present meeting. Dear brethren, we humbly ask your prayers that we may keep low at Jesus’ feet. Holy, humble workers are much needed in the work of the Lord in these last days. Faith is needed to convince the world and signs must follow, as in Mark 16:17, 18.
A. M. Dick.

St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 26.

After the meeting at Coldwater, Ky., we went to Farmington, a little town near by, where we held meeting a few nights, which we believe will prove a blessing to some. We then went to Corinth school-house, where we held a very precious meeting; good-sized congregation, and nearly all listened attentively and earnestly to the truth. We truly believe there will be several in that part who will obey the whole gospel. After the meeting closed we returned to Coldwater again, where we held meeting a few nights, which closed our work in Kentucky. We learn since we left that the dear saints at Coldwater are having good prayer-meetings, and the Lord is with them. Praise his name!
After leaving Kentucky we came to Illinois; first at Temple Hill, where we had the privilege of meeting with dear Brothers I. M. Hedden and Orin Needham, who were engaged in a protracted meeting at that place. We joined them in the service for a few days and the result of the meeting was a few souls saved and some sanctified. Two Baptist preachers were sanctified and came out of sectism. To God be all the praise. Four were buried with Christ in baptism, by Brother Needham, who had just been ordained to the ministry. Brother Hedden also is an ordained minister in the church of God. These dear brethren are continually in the gospel work, and the Lord is confirming the word with signs following.
Quite a number have been healed there by the power of God through the prayer of faith. We also had a few services near Rosebud, at Point Pleasant, where thanks be to God, there is a little church established in the present truth. The dear Lord blessed his word as it went forth, and the church was encouraged and strengthened, and we had a very precious time of rejoicing together in the presence of the Lord. Praise his name! There is plenty of work in southern Illinois and western Kentucky to keep several workers busy, and any one who is saved, passing through that way, will find a welcome, also find many friends of the truth. May the Lord bless all the dear people for their kindness to us and reward them for the same, is our prayer. Amen.
We came to St. Louis Dec. 21; have met a few times with the saints at the “Evening Light Mission.” The Lord is using dear Brothers Bennett, Stage, and others in the work here in this wicked city, and a few souls have been saved. We expect to meet with them regularly at the mission, and other places, as the Lord may direct, until Feb. 1. The Lord willing, we will then return to our home at Jeffersonville, Ky. Remember us in your prayers.
Thos. And Lillawah Carter
6125 Bartmer Ave.

Chicago, Ill., Jan. 2.

We can report victory in his precious name. The past year has been one of active service and constant battles for the Master in Chicago. A general assembly of ten days, Jan. 4 to 14; a special waiting on God, May 19 to 29; a general tabernacle-meeting, Aug. 23 to Sept. 3; a general assembly Nov. 23 to Dec. 2; and tent-meetings as follows: Roseland, South Chicago, Highland Park, and Elsdon, also two special meetings each of one week’s duration, one in February, the other in July. Ministers and evangelists from abroad were present to assist in all the meetings. Many hearts were won to the truth and we deeply appreciate the cooperation of our brethren in the ministry. Beside those meetings mentioned were six months of mission work, also cottage-meetings and our own weekly gathering in Masonic Temple every Sunday at 2:30 p.m. So we have not been idle. God has poured in his rich blessings and given us a heart cooperation from far and near among the faithful, in prayers, means, and provisions of various kinds 
However, opposition from an unexpected source is now pouring in, which truly demands the most earnest prayers of the entire body. We mean to be loyal to God, to his cause, and every precious soul; therefore it is not in our hearts to flee like hirelings, but by his grace, and upheld by your prayers, we shall face all that comes, with confidence in him that “sent forth judgment to victory.” Amen.
Brother George Martin feels led to take up mission work in the city at once, and just how the work will be conducted throughout the year, the Lord will make known his plans from time to time as we need to know them. However, we believe the tent-work will receive due attention in season. Of late we have been impressed that the Lord would be pleased to favor us in the near future with a horse and wagon to do our draying and thus save much of the Lord’s means that would otherwise be paid to dray and express men.
We extend a hearty invitation to all the saints who may chance to pass this way. While in the city do not fail to visit Faith Missionary Home, 7300 Stewart Ave., which is our address.
George L. Cole and Co.
“Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.” -- Jeremiah 3:23.

In the fall of 1898 while at the Skip-pack camp-meeting I was considerably troubled with kidney disease. A brother anointed me and I claimed healing and afterwards I arose before the audience and testified that I was healed. I felt symptoms at the time, yet believed that the work was done, but could not get victory. A long time afterwards I was free and felt relieved, but it came back again and now I am troubled very much with the disease. I became alarmed about it and thought I had grieved God. I have confessed my fault to God and asked for an answer. I am still trusting in the Lord, though I have been tested severely. This is my decision to-day, by the grace and help of God to trust him at any cost. The Lord has done great things for me, for which I give him all the glory and praise. Pray that I may always live in humility before God. Once more I appeal to all, that the united prayer of faith ascend to God for my healing, that I may receive the mighty healing touch of God, is my prayer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.  
M.L. Baker.

Hutchinson, Minn.

I have for some time felt it was my duty to write my testimony for the Trumpet, and to-day I feel I would grieve the Spirit if I put it off another day. God has wonderfully healed me of a very sore throat that had been a great trial to me for some months. I did not know what to call it but I know it was something serious. I called the saints here together and we took it to the Lord. I received a great blessing and more grace to bear it, but no healing. It got worse, my nose and ears became affected, until with one ear I could not hear a sound nor could I smell anything. I had not looked in my throat for some time, for I left it all with God, but one day I looked and found great places eaten away and my palate was all gone. For a moment I was overcome, but Jesus came to my rescue, with these words, “Perfect love casteth out fear.” Praise his dear name forever! I prayed earnestly for that love and he gave it to me, so I could say, “Thy will be done.” And with that love he gave me a real assurance that he would heal me when the right time came, and when his name could be most glorified. I am working among sinners and it is my constant prayer that I might live so as to glorify my God and that they may see I have been with Christ and learned of him. And that was one way God took to answer my prayers. Dear saints, my cup is running over with joy, for I can hear and smell as well as ever and my throat is entirely healed. Help me to praise God for his goodness to me. God bless you all. Amen. 
Mary Jensen.

Caney, Ky.

I want to tell for the glory of God what he has done for us. Our baby has been very sick with croup. He was just a little hoarse at first, but kept getting worse each day, until it seemed that he could not live. My husband was at a distance holding meetings and we sent for him. How I did plead with God to spare its life until he came. He came and anointed the child and it seemed he got a little better, but grew worse again. Then we began to call mightily upon God. We thought we had our child consecrated, but when it came to the test we found we were not willing to give him up to the Lord. So we began humbling ourselves and when we became willing for the Lord to have his way he healed him. Praise his dear name!
During this trial God made it plain to us why he was taking little Roy from us. I had decided to settle down and not go in the gospel work this winter, as our baby is rather delicate and I was afraid it would be too hard for him to travel in the winter, and God gave me to understand that if I could not go and work for him and trust my baby to his care, he would take him out of the way. Then I promised the Lord I would go and immediately I received the witness that the child would be healed. The work was not done immediately. After I had given up all and still he was not healed, I yet knew it was the Lord’s will to heal him. I would go to God in agonizing prayer, and this was the answer I always received, “For ye have need of patience.” -- Hebrews 10:36. So I gave it all into the Lord’s hands willing to wait his own good time, and I do praise God for the precious lessons learned. The baby also had sore eyes and they are a great deal better.
How I realize our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. I can praise God for afflictions, for I feel humbled and better equipped for the Lord’s work than ever before. Praise God! My heart continually goes up to him in thanksgiving and praise for what he has done for us. For we realize he is the same God yesterday, to-day, and forever.   
Della Roark.
Flat, Missouri.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Praise his dear name for showing me the true church. I can not praise him enough, for before that I had not been living to a Christian standard, although I belonged to a sect for twenty years; but now he has set me free and by the grace of God I am going to live free the rest of my days. My greatest desire is to live for God and to have Christ shining in my soul.
I want to tell you how I was deluded in the sect I belonged to. I thought I was right and still believed it was impossible to live without sin. When I heard of the saints and of their meeting, I thought I would go just for curiosity, as I understood the preacher claimed to be sanctified, which I thought was impossible. I went and as she began to deal out the word of God in its purity, I began to be interested. I went again and for the first time began to see where I was spiritually. I found I was living on a profession, going on in sin and iniquity.
Now, I am praising God for a salvation that keeps from all sin. Oh, dear soldiers of Christ, let us follow on this line for Jesus every day, and keep a present salvation in our souls. We need not expect to get through on flowery beds of ease, for the Lord will suffer us to be tried to see if we are going to be true to him, but if we are truly converted he will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able to bear, for he said so in his precious word. We have many lessons to learn in walking by faith. He says, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings.” -- 1st Peter 4:12. And also he says in 1st Peter 1:6, 7 -- “Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” 
J. W. Stewart.
Ale, Oregon.

I do thank and praise God for an experience of Bible salvation. I am so thankful that God spared me so that I might see the time when he would gather his children together from the four winds of the earth, from one end of heaven to the other. I was a member of the Christian church (so-called) for a little more than seventeen years, but I never was satisfied with my experience. At times I was so miserable, especially when the judgment would come up before me, and I knew there was something wrong. I would often wonder, “Will I always feel this way?” But the dear Lord knew what was best for me. If I had never been in sectism I would never have known the evil of it. When I heard the gospel preached in its purity I saw very quickly where the trouble was. I was not living a pure and holy life; I was not living in obedience to the commandments of our blessed Lord and Savior, and I never had heard the way of holiness preached before. The first thing I did was to throw away my empty profession and I began to seek the Lord in earnest, and to search the Scriptures. I prayed God to lead me in the right way, and these words, “This is the way, walk ye in it,” would come to me so plainly, I knew it was from God. I kept on seeking and pleading, and God heard and answered my prayer. He knew my heart, and that I wanted to be one of his children. Praise his name forever! I began to meet with opposition because I was taking up with the saints, but God kept leading me on and showing me the things I must give up to become his child. I saw I could not serve God and the devil, that I must be out and out for God, or I could never dwell with Christ in eternity. I counted the cost, I paid the price, and praise God! I found peace, and joy, and happiness, that the world can not give neither can it take away. It is a sad sight for those that are born of God to see the awful condition the world is in to-day, and so few souls willing to heed the warnings of God’s people or to meet the conditions of God’s word, and so many professing Christians drifting along with the world, so careless and unconcerned, others rejecting and fighting against the pure and undefiled religion of our Lord and Savior. My heart goes out in pity for them. Oh! May God help the people to see and realize it is the only religion that will stand in the day of judgment. John 3:3 says we must be born again. Christ says in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.” And in 1st Peter 1:16, “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” It is truly wonderful what God will do for those that love him and keep his commandments. I am so thankful for what the Lord has done for me, in saving me from sin and keeping me saved. He has sanctified my nature. He heals all my diseases. He makes a way of escape out of every temptation. He bears all my burdens. He is all and in all to me. Praise his holy name forever! I ask the prayers of all the saints that I may always be humble and faithful and ready to do whatever God has for me to do. 
 Lizzie Van Nuys.

“Thus saith the Lord, . . . Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.” -- Jeremiah 17:5-8.


Lake Spring, Missouri.

HUFFMAN. -- Sister Lula, daughter of Brother and Sister Huffman, departed this life Dec. 18, 1900. While on her sick bed she was brought to Christ by reading Gospel Trumpet literature. Nearer the end she seemed to get closer to the Lord. She praise God with uplifted hands, said Jesus was coming to take her home. She would sink away only to revive weaker, and would seem to be disappointed by coming back again. She died real happy. She leaves father, mother, four sisters, and five brothers, who all promised to meet her in heaven. Dear brothers and sisters, do not forget to pay your vows. Funeral by the writer. Text, Revelation 14:13. 
C. C. Kennedy.

Divine Healing.

“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.” -- Jeremiah 17:14.

Testimony of Healing.

On Dec. 24, 1899, I was taken sick, and was confined to my bed for over three weeks. We called a physician and he pronounced it pneumonia. After three weeks I got up, but until about the last of May I was not able to work, and at times was not able to walk across the room without lying down afterwards, and was not at all strong when the dear saints came to Libby to hold meetings. I came out into the blessed evening light in faith believing that God would heal my body. Praise his holy name, he has! I am perfectly well in body and soul to-day and giving my blessed Savior all the praise. Pray that I may be true to the end.
Clyde Rogers.
Libby, Mont., Dec. 9, 1900.

Instantly Healed.

Believing it would be to the honor and glory of God, I send my testimony to The Gospel Trumpet, telling what the Lord has done for me. I was taken sick in the night and in the morning I was hardly able to get up, but it being Saturday I had much to do. I tried some little, simple remedies but got worse, so I had to lie down. I had eaten scarcely anything for two days but about four o’clock arose from my bed and sat up in a chair, feeling so sick, when all at once something said, You have not asked God to heal you. I immediately gave myself up to God and in less than an hour I felt so much better. I got supper and ate quite heartily. To God I give all the glory. Praise his holy name!
Anna Thomas.
Richland, Mich., Dec. 24, 1900.

Healed Without Medicine.

I wish to acknowledge God’s goodness to unworthy me. While cutting corn I slipped and fell on my cutter, cutting a gash in my hand about two inches long. This made me so sick at the time I could not stand up. My hand became very sore from the effects of the cut. I took it to the Lord in prayer and he took all the pain away and it began to heal so fast that the sore never run any. I promised the Lord if he would heal it I would testify to it through the Trumpet. This scripture came to me, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” The people said I would have a bad hand, but praise God! Who is able to keep that which we have committed to his care, who hath declared in his word that no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Pray that I may live for him who died for me.
Peter Littell.
Wade, W. Va.

Healed of a Severe Pain.

I am praising the dear Lord this morning for salvation that keeps from sin and pleasures of the world. I also praise him for his healing power. A few days ago I was taken very bad with a pleurisy pain in my shoulder and it went all over my body in just a few minutes. It seemed as if the pain was more than I could hardly endure for a while, and I promised the Lord if he would heal me I would testify through the Trumpet. And praise his dear name, he healed me! It seems as if I can not praise the Lord enough for the many times he has healed myself and family. He is a present help in every time of need. The same yesterday, and to-day, and forever. See Hebrews 13:8. It is my earnest desire to live for God at any cost. Pray that I may ever be faithful and do his will at all times.
Nancy J. Bright.
Naron, Kan., Nov. 4, 1900.

Healed of Typhoid Fever.

I feel it would be to the glory of God to testify through the Trumpet to the goodness of the Lord towards me. A few weeks ago I took down with typhoid fever and had my mother go after medicine. But when she went to town the physician was not at home, so she did not get my medicine. She is a believer in divine healing and when she came home she told me if I would give up my sins and humble myself the Lord would heal me without medicine. So I forsook all my sins and had my father and mother send for the elders of the church and obeyed the Bible, which says, “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sin, they shall be forgiven him.” -- James 5:14, 15. Now I know I am saved and healed. Praise God! And I desire all the saints to pray that I may keep humble before God and lift up Jesus as a perfect Savior for soul and body.
Andrew Watson.
Caney, Ky., Dec. 24, 1900.

Healed of Typhoid Fever.

For the glory of God I feel like adding my testimony with those who have been healed. On the 8th of last January I was taken sick with typhoid fever, a disease I had always dreaded before I took the Lord as my physician. It has been over nine years since I decided to trust him for healing and have never taken a dose of medicine since, because if my time has come to die all the physicians in this world could not save me, but if my time has not yet come he is able to raise me up. So when the fever took hold on my body, my trust was in him.
On the third day after taking sick my fever was very high. As night came on it grew worse until about midnight, when I was anointed according to James 5:14, 15 and the Lord rebuked the fever. The next day he showed me to get up, which I did, and one said I looked as well as if I had not been sick. But for lack of wisdom, I afterwards took a backset, but my trust was still in God. He had shown me my time had not come to die and I believed he would bring me through. At one time after my backset I was so weak they could not allow company in my room, and when my own companion came near where I was lying, it seemed that I would pass away; but my heavenly Father was there to sustain me in that hour. Praise his name! We again prayed that he would rebuke the fever, which he did and in two weeks from the time I first took sick I was able to go to the table to eat my meals. When we saw it really was the typhoid fever we prayed that God would not permit it to settle any place in my body, to leave any bad results, and he wonderfully answered our prayers. When I look back and see what a dangerous condition I was in part of the time, I think it so wonderful what the Lord has done for me, for my condition was such that, if he had not given me special help, I could not have lived more than a few days longer. Others with this same disease have been dying all around us, physicians doing all they can, but God has seen fit to spare my life. Now I ask you all to pray that I may spend it to his glory. I am willing to do all I can by his sustaining grace, to help rescue the perishing. He is keeping me saved and sanctified by two works of grace. May God bless all who read these lines, and may they be the means of encouraging your hearts to trust in him, is my prayer.
Emma O. Dansberger.
Robinson, Kansas.
“He that followed after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honor.”

Healed of Cholera Infantum.

I feel glad for the privilege of telling what the dear Lord has done for our little child. When he was six months old he took very bad with a fever, vomiting, and dysentery. This commenced about 8 o’clock in the evening (Monday evening) and he vomited four times inside of two hours. About 10 o’clock we had him anointed and he vomited only twice after that, but the devil would send something else. Then we would take that to the Lord and get the victory, but still something else would make its appearance. We kept on praying, trusting, and believing the Lord would heal him. On Friday afternoon he appeared to grow much worse; it seemed as though the Lord was going to take him, but we all came to Father again and he relieved him somewhat of his sufferings, for the symptoms were of inflammation of the bowels, they were so hot, and he threw himself and moaned all the time before we had prayer; but after prayer he was easy. Still I could not get the witness that he was healed, but I believed the Lord would heal him, because he had healed us so many times before that I could fully trust him, for he says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Praise God forever! That Friday night, after all had gone to bed but mother and me, I went out doors and consecrated all again, willing to give him up if it were the Lord’s will and I asked him to give me the witness if he was going to heal him. Praise God! He gave me these words, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” I came to the house with perfect peace. We went to bed. The baby slept real well that night and by Sunday did laugh and play. Praise God through Jesus, who forgiveth all our sins, who healeth all our diseases! Our two children, one past two years, the other eleven months old, have never taken one drop of medicine, neither have I taken any for several years. Jesus has been our physician. Oh, it pays to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word. I ask for an interest in all your prayers, that I may be more humble. May the Lord give me more patience in every trial.
Mary L. Wikstrom.
Yankton, Ore., Nov. 27, 1900.

A Wonderful Deliverance.

My heart is so full of gratitude and praise to God I can scarcely stop praising him day or night. We have taken God for our physician for nine years. Four years ago our little boy was very sick with lung fever and we did not think he could live, but we kept asking the dear Lord to heal him and sent a letter to the Trumpet Family and he was instantly healed and called for his clothes, to get up out of bed. To God be all the glory. A week ago he was afflicted with the same trouble again. He was cramping in his body and we earnestly called on God and he was healed. 
The same day I felt hoarse and coughed some and in the evening my lungs filled up and I could hardly breathe. O the agony! I told my husband I could not get another breath and he called on the Lord. I could not speak, only raise my hand, but God heard and in a few minutes I could breathe a little and we just held on to God for two hours, and Oh! What a relief it was to breathe again. But I supposed my work was done and I was going home. I disliked at first to leave my family, but soon felt willing to trust them in the hands of God. O how happy I was! It seemed as though the Lord stood by my bed all night talking to me. I heard a voice saying, “You shall not die, but live, and declare the wonderful works of the Lord.” So in the morning we sent a request for prayers and sent for a sister to be with me. Toward night while I was lying there so weak in my body, I was taken with kidney trouble. I could not endure the pain. They anointed my back and prayed for me and I rested until midnight when it commenced again, but after I had suffered a while God healed me entirely. I did not have any more smothering spells. Since then I have been praising God continually for the wonderful healing. A week has now passed and I am helping with the house work, gaining strength every day, but I spend most of my time praising God. If I had been trusting in the arm of flesh I surely would have died. I realize this was allowed for my good and I know God has received glory out of it and I feel better fitted for God’s work than ever before. Many calls are coming in to go and pray for the sick. I give God all the glory.
Mrs. John Harris.
Decatur, Mich.

Healed of the Grip.

I feel constrained to give my testimony for the glory of God and the good of all that may read it. I had a severe attack of the grip last May, and being resigned, as I thought, to the will of God I trusted myself in his hands and was looking to him and praying all the time for healing. My dear wife agreed with me. After a few days’ struggle faith seemed to grasp the promise, and I got up and went about my work. In a few days I took a relapse and still kept looking to Jesus for recovery, until my case became worse. Then wife called in the elders of the church and some Christian friends who believed in divine healing. We took my case to the Lord and prayed and complied with James 5:14, 15. Wife also telegraphed to the Trumpet Office requesting prayer in my behalf. And in a few days I was so much better that I got up again, but next day I was taken worse than ever, but my confidence in God was still unshaken, and we kept looking to and trusting in Jesus; but my sufferings still increased until my physical powers seemed to give way and I appeared to just sink down into the will of God, and was ready to die or live, just as would glorify him most. Again wife called in the same brother and sister and friends. After prayer and counsel a physician was called to make an examination to save an autopsy, but no medicine was used. I was now very weak, and my wife was looking for the change to take place any moment.
And it did come, and oh! So blessed. I never had so sweet an experience in my life, and it was so different from what I had expected. It came between three and four o’clock in the morning, and such a forcible application of the precious word of God. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” -- Isaiah 40:31. At that instant it seemed every organ of my body went right to work. The change was so wonderful and so sudden, it did appear as if I was mounting up, and the impulse was to shout, but my wife lay in the same room sleeping at the time, so I remained silent. And I said, Now, Lord, if this is you I am going to try you. I am going to keep still till she awakes. The answer came back with the same force, Try me, prove me. I did not sleep any more that night but lay there happy, and feeling my strength rapidly increasing. Although so weak the night before that I could help myself but very little, I got up and dressed myself without any help and went down a long flight of stairs and sat at the table and ate breakfast with my wife and family. Also led in prayer and family worship. Praise God forever! Amen.
Austin Lent.
Campbell, Cal., Dec. 7, 1900.
“He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.”

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