Friday, July 29, 2011

The Gospel Trumpet, March 7, 1901

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The Gospel Trumpet
Volume 21 - Issue 10, March 7, 1901
(Articles of interest only)

The Love of God.
By J. Grant Anderson.

The love of God like a river vast,
Flows swiftly on in its course,
Causing flowers to bloom in desert lands
From the ocean unto it source.

It proceeded out from the throne of God, 
Freeing hearts from division and strife;
‘Tis the only balm for the aching soul -
Oh! Come to this river of life.

He who drinks of this river of life,
Rich blessings he ever shall know;
Sunshine and peace from his life reflect
Upon people where’re he may go.

This river of life causeth men to rejoice
And sing praises with every breath;
It binds together the people of God
With a band that is stronger than death.

This river of love casteth out all fear;
Driveth mists and confusion away;
Uniteth, and leadeth the people of God
Into the light of a perfect day.

Parched grounds break forth into living streams
And the satyr and raven doth flee;
For this river of love doth cover the earth
As the waters cover the sea.

Then welcome, O welcome, sweet river of life,
Sweep on in thy mission of love;
Gather sheaves of pure gold in thy billowy wave,
Take them home to that kingdom above.

What Can Satisfy?
By A. S. Kriebel.

Beloved in Christ, I can say, truly nothing satisfies the soul but its complement - its Maker. Riches, honor, wisdom, are but illusions of this world - vanishing pleasures that like a dream give no abiding joy. But “the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy: and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.” “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day . . . For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.” “In thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.”
But why so little joy and rejoicing among the professed children of God? “That the trial of your faith, . . . Might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.” Nothing pleases God more than faith that worketh by love. God rewards faith in him with grace, righteousness, joy, and glory. By faith Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord, “for thee [Noah] have I seen righteous before me in this generation.” - Genesis 7:2. Abraham obtained God’s brightest gift - righteousness - by believing. Faith drew respect, favor, and righteousness from God upon Abel. “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” Hear ye these words of commendation from the Son of God; undoubtedly she rejoiced.
“The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” Oh, brother, sister, have you entered this vale; where the dew of heaven refreshes your soul, where sorrow, sighing, mourning, and heaviness are unknown? O vale of rest! “There the glorious Lord will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby.” “For which cause we faint not; . . . For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” So we can rejoice and glory in tribulation also. “Rejoice evermore.” “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” “To give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” Halleluiah!
“Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” “The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of hosts: for the Lord is good; for his mercy endureth forever: and of the that shall bring the sacrifices of praise into the house of the Lord.” Is this the song of your soul, or do you lament, “My leanness, my leanness; woe unto me?” “The field is wasted, the land mourned; for the corn is wasted; the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered: because joy is withered away from the sons of men.” This is truly a desolate picture of souls once “joyful in glory,” with “the high praises of God in their mouth.”
Dear reader, has the fountain of joy ceased in your soul; and can you no longer draw the draught of joy from the wells of salvation? Then seek again the fountain of living waters. There you will not be famishing, and faint amongst the hewn and broken cisterns of sectism that can not hold water. Beware of the foul waters dispersed by false Christ in these last days. Many who once drank of that spiritual rock, Christ Jesus, have departed from the living God and under the strong delusions of these times they drink in false doctrines and “the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Seek Christ, then you will not run here and there to find something better. He alone can satisfy the soul and “present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Amen.

The early Christians were the “off scouring” of the world for a long time; were despised and persecuted, until they sought refuge in the catacombs and other out-of-the-way places. Now these same ones are honored by all Christians and right-hearted people. Those who walk faithfully in the light of full salvation to-day may be misunderstood and hated, but they will be the admired of the future generations. “It is better to make our descendants proud of us than to be proud of our ancestors.”  

What Is Man? 
Or, Our Present and Future.
By H. M. Riggle.

Article 6. 

State Of Man Between Death And The Judgment.

There are two extremes in the popular teachings of to-day. First. That man receives his full reward and punishment immediately after death. Second. That man at death passes into unconscious slumber and remains so until the resurrection. Both these positions are positively unscriptural. The last we have fully considered in the previous chapters. The first of these we will now briefly consider. This position is wrong for the following reasons.
1. If man received his full reward and punishment at death, there would be no need of a future judgment. It is wholly unreasonable to say that God would sentence man to his final punishment before his case was decided at the judgment bar. And again, it is wholly unreasonable to suppose that God would bring men out of Gehenna - the lake of fire - when they had already been punished for centuries, then judge them, and again sentence them to the same place of punishment. Especially is such a doctrine unreasonable when not one single text of scripture sustains it; but all scripture teaches directly to the contrary.
2. Man does not receive his full punishment or reward at death; because all scripture places that at Christ’s second coming - beyond the resurrection, at the judgment. Christ will judge the quick and the dead at his appearing, and then the righteous will be rewarded. 2nd Timothy 4:1, 8. “Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12. “But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; who will render to every man according to his deeds.” - Romans 2:5, 6. “The Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.” - Matthew 16:26, 27. “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” - 2nd Corinthians 5:10. 2nd Thessalonians 1:7-10 also clearly proves that the punishment of the wicked and the reward of the righteous will be given, “when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven.” Then will the wicked be cast into the lake of fire. See Matthew 24:50, 51; 25:31-41; Revelation 20:11-15. And the righteous shall enter their future and eternal home. See Matthew 25:34; John 14:1-3; 1st Thessalonians 4:16, 17. Peter plainly tells us that God hath reserved “the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.” - 2nd Peter 2:9.
Additional proof is not necessary. Suffice it to say, that all scripture harmonizes on this point; viz., that Christ will return again, personal and visible, at the end of this world, to resurrect the dead, judge the human family, reward the righteous, and receive them into his heavenly kingdom, also to punish the wicked with an everlasting destruction from his presence and the glory of his power. What then is the state of man between natural death and the resurrection? We have already seen in 2nd Peter 2:9 that God hath reserved the wicked unto the day of judgment to be punished. But where hath he reserved them? Where are they kept? Let the Word answer. “Reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” - Jude 6. “He hath kept in perpetual chains under thick darkness, for the judgment of the great day.” - Emphatic Diaglott. “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them unto chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.” - 2nd Peter 2:4. “For if messengers that sinned God spared not, but, consigning them to the lowest hades, to pits of gloom delivered them up, for judgment to be kept.” - Rotherham. “Cast them into dungeons.” - Revised (note). “Having cast them to the deepest abyss.” - Interlinear. “Plunging them into Tartarus, delivered them up in chains, to be kept in darkness till the judgment.” - Sawyer. “Confining them in Tartarus.” - Campbell, McKnight, and emphatic Diaglott. Whether the word “messenger” here referred to angelic being or to fallen ministers, the truth remains the same. Demons have not yet received their punishment. (See Matthew 8:29; Revelation 20:10). These, together with the spirits of wicked men, are reserved -  kept - in “chains of thick darkness,” in “the lowest hades,” unto the day of judgment to be punished. “Shall burn unto the lowest hell” (“sheol,” Hebrew; “lowest hades,” Greek). - Deuteronomy 32:22. “Delivered my soul from the lowest hell” (sheol, Hebrew; “lowest hades,” Greek). The name of the lowest hades is Tartarus. The original word is Tartaroo. Here in “pits of gloom,” wicked spirits and demons await their awful doom.
No wonder dying skeptics and sinners have uttered words in their last breath like the following: “I am taking an awful leap into the dark.” As such are forced out from the clay covering into the spirit world, and know of a certainty the fearful doom that awaits them, and then view their past life just closed in rebellion against the throne of God, the harvest past, the summer ended, the flames of a guilty conscience already torment them. This is the dark realm into which the rich man passed at death. “For in hell [hades] he lifted up his eyes, being in torment.” But we also read of Christ, “that his soul was not left in hell [hades], neither his flesh did see corruption.” - Acts 2:31. Mark the fact, that while Christ’s body was in the sepulcher, his soul was in hades. His body in the tomb was not permitted to see corruption (decomposition), neither was his soul left in hades. But Jesus and the converted thief were together in Paradise. So Paradise must be in hades. This opens to our mind a vein of truth which it will be necessary to examine. Hades is very improperly translated “hell” in the common version. It never once, in the New Testament, applies to the state of man beyond the resurrection. The word which denotes the future and eternal doom of the wicked beyond the judgment, is “gehenna.” There is but one text in the Old Testament where the Greek sheol - Hebrew hades - may apply to the state of man beyond the resurrection, and that is Psalms 9:17. The literal meaning of the word is “invisible.” It is defined “The unseen world,” “the unseen state.”
It might be well right here to observe that the regular Hebrew word for grave is “geber.” The regular Greek word is “mnemeion.” But there are a few texts in the Old Testament where “sheol” is used out of its regular order, and very properly applies to the grave; as in Genesis 42:38; 44:29, 31; Psalms 49:14. However, after a critical examination in the light of truth, we are clearly led to the conclusion that “sheol” properly applies to the state of the soul, not of the body. To substitute “grave” for “sheol” in Psalms 9:17 would be ridiculous. In all the following texts “sheol” applies to the state of the soul, not the body. Deuteronomy 32:22; 2nd Samuel 22:6; Psalms 16:10; 18:5; 86:13; Proverbs 7:27; 9:18; 23:14; Isaiah 5:14; 14:9; 14:15;28:15, 18; Ezekiel 31:16; 32:21; Genesis 37:35; Psalms 30:3; 49:15; 89:48. In none of these texts does “sheol” apply to the grave, although the last four are so translated in the common version.
The word “hades” occurs eleven times in the New Testament - Matthew 11:23; 16:18; Luke 10:15; 16:23; Acts 2:27, 31; Revelation 1:18; 6:8; 20:13, 14; 1st Corinthians 15:55. With the possible exception of the last text, not one of these scriptures applies to the grave. It is very clear to our mind that even the last text does not necessarily apply to the grave. But in order to arrive at a correct understanding, it must be observed that there are three states of human spirits entirely distinct from each other. The first state of human spirits is in union with an animal body. This state terminates at death. The second state is that in which human spirits are separated from their animal bodies. This commences at death and terminates with the resurrection of the body; this is precisely what is called “hades.” The third state commences with the reunion of spirit and body, and continues ever after. Hades is said to be destroyed when the third state commences. Its termination is clearly foretold by John in these words: ‘Death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” To say, as the common version reads, that death and hell were cast into hell (the lake of fire), is very absurd and unintelligible. In anticipation of the termination of hades, Paul exclaims: “O death, where is thy sting? O grave [hades], where is thy victory?” The passage from which Paul quotes is Hosea 13:14, and reads: “I will ransom them from the power of the grave [hades]: I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave [hades], I will be thy destruction.” The LXX., from which Paul quotes, reads this: “I will deliver them from the power of Hades, and will redeem them from death: where is thy penalty, O death! O hades, where is thy sting?” O death, thy power to separate spirits from their bodies is no more! O hades, thy dominion over disembodied souls is destroyed.
The grave - “geber” - is the receptacle of the body, while “the unseen world” - “hades” - is the receptacle of the soul. By consulting Jewish historians - Josephus and others - it will be seen that this was the doctrine of the Jewish people at the time of Christ. Also by consulting the united testimony of the early church Fathers it will be seen that this was their understanding of scripture. When the Hebrews mingled with the Greeks and Romans, they naturally came into their use of terms, and adopted them. Thus it was that the terms “paradise,” “Abraham’s bosom,” “tartarus,” etc. came to be commonly use among the Jews when referring to the state of the blessed or wicked after death. The Greeks and Romans had their gardens and fields of delight in Hades, and tartarus in the same region. So the Jews adopting these terms, called the abode of the happy separated spirits, paradise or Abraham’s bosom, and the place and abode of wicked spirits and demons they called tartarus.
These terms were thus introduced into the teachings of scripture. Paul speaks of paradise as a heavenly realm. 2nd Corinthians 12:2-4. Jesus said to the converted thief, “To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise,” meaning the abode of the pious. And again, he clearly states that at death Lazarus was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom. There he was comforted. Peter, a Jew, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, says that God cast the angels that sinned down to tartarus. 2nd Peter 2:4. He certainly teaches that demons and wicked person are here reserved - kept in chains of darkness until the judgment, when they will receive their full punishment. 2nd Peter 2:9, 4; Jude 6. This is that dark realm - the lowest hades - into which Jesus declared the rich man passed at death, and then lifted up his eyes in torment. So the book of God, beyond doubt or disputation, clearly teaches that there is a degree of happiness and a degree of misery allotted to disembodied spirits. But it also clearly teaches that the full reward and punishment is not received until after the resurrection, beyond the judgment.
In hades, then, which is the receptacle of all the dead, there is happiness and misery, “comfort” and “torment,” “rest” and unrest. There is a paradise - a heavenly realm - where “the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.” Here the saints from all ages meet “and rest from their labors.” They are in a state of blessedness, for, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” They are happy. They actually are consciously enjoying happiness in a state of blessedness. They are “comforted” in a more sacred nearness to the Lord, “which is far better” than to abide in the flesh. “Oh, how blessed to look from this dark prison to that shrine, to inhale one breath of paradise divine.” But there is a “tartarus,” a “lowest hades,” realm of perpetual darkness, where evil spirits are engulfed. Past life not forgotten, mercy forever past, with a fearful foreboding of the future, such are already in an awful state of “torment.” So Dives in tartarus, and Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom, were both in hades. Jesus and the converted thief were together in hades, while they were together in paradise. Luke 23:43; Acts 2:31. But Jesus continued in hades but three days and nights. For “his soul was not left in hades.” Jesus declares that between the righteous and the wicked there is an impassable gulf. The eternal purpose of God, formed on the principles of eternal reason, separates the person and abodes of the righteous and the wicked. The happiness of those in paradise, and the misery of those in the realm of dark despair, will be made complete, when hades shall be destroyed; when righteous spirits shall be united to their glorified bodies and enter the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world, and when the wicked shall be cast into hell.

It has often been the case that the despised of one generation are the honored of the next. One generation will mob a man who is farther advanced than it, while the next will build a monument to him. Jesus accused the Jews of this shortsightedness. He said to the lawyers of his day, “Woe unto you! For ye build the sepulchers of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.”   

The Spirit of the Master.
By R. Rothman.

A reader of the Trumpet sends in the following quotation from a Sunday-school journal, with the request that an answer be given whether or not it is right. We presume he means whether it is in harmony with the Word. It reads thus: “Those who have his [Christ’s] Spirit may not share in his sorrow, but are sure to share in his glory.” Scriptures bearing upon the subject teach that it is our privilege not only to rejoice but also to suffer with Christ. See Acts 5:41.
In Ecclesiastes 7:2-4 we read: “It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart. Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.”
Is it not true that the men and women who have proved the greatest help and comfort to others are those whose own heartstrings have been torn - whose natures have been made sympathetic and compassionate by their own grief’s? When one is in distress and needs comfort, to whom does he go? To the light-hearted and careless, or to those whose hearts have been made better by the sadness of their countenance? There is something about sorrow, when rightly borne, that is of inestimable value. It is because of its worth that God permits us to suffer with Christ. We are to enjoy all the riches of God on condition that we are willing to endure a little hardness. “Heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” - Romans 8:17, 18.
If we have the Spirit of Christ, so that we are in perfect subjection to him, we will feel with him the weight of souls. If he wept over Jerusalem, we will weep over the sins of our own city. “And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes.” - Luke 19:41, 42. If ministers were first stirred with such compassion as to weep over the sins of our modern towns, their work would be more effectual in winning souls. “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, will doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” - Psalms 126:6.
When we see a brother or sister in a fault, instead of talking about it to others, God wants us first to come to him in earnest prayer and weeping if need be, asking for the needed wisdom to do and say that which would be right in his sight, and win the brother or sister to the truth. In the natural man there is a tendency to glory over the failings of others. This tendency must not find lodgment among God’s children, for if it does, very bad results are sure to follow. There was a case of this kind in the Corinthian church. Paul wrote with sadness: “And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.” - 1st Corinthians 5:2. “Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?” - Verse 6. In Matthew 18:15-18 Jesus tells us how to deal with offenders in a way that will meet God’s approval.
But while the religion of Jesus Christ carries with it duties and requires unselfishness on the part of its followers, it is first and last a religion of joy - everlasting joy. Praise God. If we suffer for Christ the Spirit and glory of God rest upon us; and though we may at times mourn, there will be a continual underflow of deep joy; the more we suffer, the greater our peace. “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.” - Isaiah 12:2, 3. If we be true to God and allow his Spirit to have its free course, we will get the richest joy. It may then be said of us as it was of Jesus: “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” - Hebrews 1:9. “Weeping may endure for a night; but joy cometh in the morning.”

A danger Signal.
By Effie Lavell.

“Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the Lord of hosts hath sent in his Spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hosts. Therefore is come to pass, that as he cried, and they would not hear; so they cried, and I would not hear; saith the Lord of hosts.” - Zechariah 7:12, 13.
The question arises: For what purpose is this recorded, and what has this to do with us in this age? Dear reader, if you have been rejecting the truth, refusing to hear and obey the pure word of God as it is being proclaimed from the mouth of God’s present day prophets or true ministers of the gospel, or as it goes broadcast over the land through the agency of pure, holy literature, you will find it has much to do with you. The word is a savor of life unto life if we obey, but of death unto death if we disobey. Let us see now for what purpose this was recorded. We read in Romans 15:4: “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning.” Again, 1st Corinthians 10:5, 6 says, speaking of the Israelites, “But with many of them God was not well-pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. Now these things were our example, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.” The following four verses describe some of their sins and the penalties that were inflicted; and then in the 11th verse we read: “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”
Now, dear ones, with the understanding that whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, our example, our admonition, and are “profitable . . . For reproof, for correction,” etc. (2nd Timothy 3:16), must we not accept our text as a solemn warning, not to reject God’s word as some of them also rejected, lest through rejecting our hearts become as the adamant stone and when we cry God will not hear? Or lest we become as those spoken of in Romans 1:28 whom God gave over “to a reprobate mind?” We understand the adamant to be a very hard stone, and this used to describe the heart that becomes so hardened through rejecting the word that the love of God can not penetrate it.
Oh, how sad to see hearts in such a condition! Yet how many have brought themselves to this awful state. In the verse preceding our text we read: “But they refused to harken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear.” How often have we seen the equal of this done when instructions were being given concerning a life of holiness. Well do I remember a few years ago an instance of this kind in Iowa. A young woman who was a professor seemed under deep conviction, but was very stubborn; and while I was trying to show her the necessity of living a holy life, and pointing out some of the many commandments we had to obey, she sprang to her feet and rushed from the room, declaring she would listen to me no longer; however, she did not harden her heart as the adamant, but came humbly afterwards and asked my forgiveness. I know not whether she has ever been saved or not. I have thought of her often and prayed for her much. If she is still unsaved, may these few lines fall into her hands as another word of warning from one who loves her.
“They refused to harken,” is the first downward step toward this doomed condition of the soul. O dear ones, stop here while mercy is calling. You have been taught to believe, no doubt, that “while there is life there is hope,” but remember, this is not scripture; and simply an old saying is slippery foundation to rest your hopes upon when a never-ending eternity stares us in the face. The word of God which liveth and abideth forever must be the basis of our hopes. It says: “The Spirit of God will not always strive with man.” Let us heed this timely warning in Proverbs 1:24-26: “Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;” also the 28th verse - “Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.” “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” God is truly a God of much mercy, love, long-suffering, and compassion, but he wants us to try him and prove him by accepting his mercies, and meeting his requirements. God is very merciful to give us timely warning. He has told us what to expect through continued and prolonged disobedience and stubbornly rejecting his commands and hardening our hearts. He has spoken the words and he will surely perform them. “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” - Numbers 23:19. “God is love.” We admit all this; we have proved it and found it true. But many souls are being rocked to sleep in the cradle of deception by their false shepherds, right on this line - preaching “Peace, peace,” “God is all love, long-suffering, and merciful;” but forgetting that he is also a God of justice and judgment. Nothing suit’s the devil better than to get the people lulled to sleep in this manner. Wherefore God says, “Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” It is not you that are simply asleep to the dangers before you that God refuses to hear; but those who after receiving a knowledge of God’s will, harden their hearts as the adamant stone and, persistently despising the wooing, loving entreaties of a merciful God, continue to reject his Spirit and his Word.
O dear unsaved soul, whether a professor or a non-professor, do not turn a deaf ear to the loving admonition of God. “If ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart.” Whatever you do, we admonish you as one who loves your souls, keep your hearts soft and pliable, that when you cry God can hear you; and do not be deceived by thinking you can continually spurn his mercies without your heart becoming more or less hardened. If you will yield before your heart becomes hardened, God says he will take away your stony heart and give you a heart of flesh. When God saves a soul he must have their heart, their affections, their love; or, in other words, our hearts must be soft enough for the love of God to penetrate, and thus when we cry to God for mercy we will do it through love for God and not alone through the fear of hell. For this reason God can not hear the cry of those whose hearts are as adamant, as they have no love for him, and cry for mercy only through fear of their future doom. It is under these conditions God says he will laugh at their calamities and mock when their fear cometh. Who is it that wishes to meet the frown of a just God? The unanimous cry is, “Not I.” If so, God says, “Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doing from before mine eyes; cease to do evil.” “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” - Isaiah 1:16, 19, 20. “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” - 2nd Chronicles 20:20.
It is not necessary to reject all of God’s word - nine-tenths of it, or even one-tenth of it to cause us to be rejected of God in the day of judgment. But settle the truth upon your hearts, that it is equally dangerous to reject the least portion of it. Adam committed one sin and was banished from the presence of God. Even so, God has no respect of persons. Should we meet God at the judgment with one spot of willful disobedience on our character, we will hear that stern command: “Depart, ye that work iniquity;” for where God is we never can dwell. God in his holiness has provided salvation that enables us and gives us grace to obey every commandment in his Word. So we are left without excuse; and if we treat the least of them with lightness or disobey them when we see them clearly set forth in the Word, God will certainly set us at naught, except we repent and live in strict obedience. “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” - James 2:10.
Our law includes not the ten commandments alone, as many people affirm. That was the law of the Israelites of the Old Testament, but “the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.” - Hebrews 7:12. “He that rejected me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the words that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.” - John 12:48. “We [the apostles] are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.” - 1st John 4:6. This corresponds with Jesus’ own words in Luke 10:16  “He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me.” 
So we can clearly see by the foregoing scriptures that our law includes every commandment in the New Testament coming either from Jesus’ own lips or through the mouths of the apostles. Dare we then go on in disobedience, knowing that the loving mercies of God are awaiting us and also the swift judgments of God are before us? Let us humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt us in due time. For the time shall come when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. Then many shall cry for rocks and mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the presence of God. Revelation 6:16. Even this prayer shall not be answered, but in that awful day they shall be compelled to stand before the great Judge and receive a just reward for their deeds. Oh, could we but realize how frail we are, how few would rebel against God’s extended mercies! “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” If humanity would but crush their pride and banish out of existence that haughty spirit, there would be little trouble in accepting salvation and living a holy life. I do not mean to say that man of his own will-power can accomplish a perfect work in clearing himself of pride and haughtiness; but God demands of us that we “humble ourselves,” and we can to the extent that God can get access to the heart and make a clean sweep of pride with all other carnal rubbish that holds us in slavery to the enemy. God’s way is a narrow way, a straight way, a humble way; and it will not admit of anything but the redeemed soul, with the humble and submissive character of Jesus enthroned within, which will effect a life of perfect obedience without. “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understand and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exerciseth  loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.” - Jeremiah 9:23, 24.

The Word.
By B. F. Weikel.

“And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power . . . And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this!” - Luke 4:32-36.
People of to-day are astonished and amazed at the word of God as much as in the time of Christ’s personality here upon earth. Although we have passed into the twentieth century of searching and re-searching into the Word, yet they stand in awe and amazement at the plain statements of Jehovah which have been polished and made so smooth by the pulpit and press of to-day that they have no effect upon the hardened hearts of the people. But while this is true, the Word stands the same. Praise God! When you find those who sit or stand in amazement at the word of God, it is an evident fact that they have not the experience of that portion of the Word which surprises them; for if we are in possession of anything, it will not surprise us to hear of its existence or to hear that some one else has the same or a similar experience. But a short time ago it would have surprised us to hear of a salvation that delivers from all sin and clothes us with the garments of heaven, which enables us to live a pure and holy life; but now we know it is a reality, because we have experienced it. Praise our God! Therefore we will not say, “What a word is this!” but there is that within which will simply say, Amen.
Why did it surprise them? Because they knew nothing else but that which was written and graven in stone, which did not give them power to live without sinning, or did not make “new creatures” of them; hence, it was new to them and they wondered how it could be. Peter said to Jesus, “Thou hast the words of eternal life.” They did not know of eternal things, but only of those present. Now came the words of eternal salvation. This eternal word enables men to live right before God and man all the days of their lives. See Luke 1:74, 75. But they, like our modern professors, no doubt thought of the weakness of man instead of the great power of God; hence, they failed to believe it was possible to be saved and kept from all sin, just a fit subject for heaven. But such we are if under the blood.
Whose word did Jesus have that he gave them? “The word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s that sent me.” - John 14:24. “I have given them the words which thou gavest me.” - John 17:8. “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” - Psalms 68:11. It is not our words or a new doctrine, but that which was from the beginning. See John 1:1. It is therefore nothing that should surprise us, but we should say as Paul: “Holding fast the faithful word.” - Titus 1:9. What does it do? “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” - John 15:3. By this we find it cleanses us, which means that through obedience to the whole word of God we are made clean from all that is sinful. But while it cleanses, it also causes many to hate us and the way of truth because of un-willingness to obey. The people hated Jesus because he told them the truth; so they will hate us for telling them truth. “Thy word is truth.” - John 17:17. 
What is the nature of the word? “For the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words.” - Jeremiah 18:18. By this we see the word will not perish, although men will smite us and try to keep us from delivering it. But listen, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.” - Matthew 24:35.
The word of God is just the same to-day as when Jesus was here, despite the fact that learned (ignorant) men will tell us it was for the days of the apostles but has lost its power now. You can rest assured that such are false prophets; for Jesus said it should never pass away, and we believe him. Who is it for? “Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent.” - Acts 13:26. Hence, whosoever feareth God, to him is the word given. But what part of it? “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” - Matthew 4:4. What more is necessary? “For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” - Hebrews 4:2. It will not profit us to hear or understand unless we believe the same. If I believe Jesus saves me from sin I will not be living in sin, for I can not believe I am not doing that which I know I actually am. James says, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” - James 1:22. An example of faith in the word: “Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” - Matthew 8:8. Our faith should be such as will not see circumstances, but will believe the Word. When God in his Word says he will save, sanctify, heal, keep, give grace for every trial, give victory over every temptation, supply our every need, lead us into all truth, etc., just believe it and not wait for the thing looked for and then believe. Any and everybody can believe after they receive, but God wants us to believe him when we have not received the things we are expecting, because the “faithful word” says so. What use are we to make of the word? “Thy words have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” - Psalms 119:11.
I fear there are many who have an intellectual knowledge of the Word, and therefore have it hid in their head instead of the heart. Why is it necessary to have it in the heart? “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” - Proverbs 4:23. The heart being the source of life, let us see well to it that we have a real heart experience of the Word. If we have it in the head only, it will be the same to us as the old law was to the Jews. We would know what to do, and would probably put forth every effort to obey, yet we would find it a hard way. But being born again and having the word in our heart, we would be moved by love in the heart and could say truly, “His yoke is easy, and his burden is light.” Amen.

“I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.” - Habakkuk 3:18, 19. The hind is sure-footed.

The Work In Philadelphia.
Moundsville, West Virginia, March 2.

On February 14 in company with Brother Bolds we started for Philadelphia to aid in the meetings to be held at that place. The attendance was not very large; however, a few brethren came in from other places during the meeting. Brother Wiekel had engaged a small mission room where the work will be continued, although for a long time he had not had a regular place of meeting, but had been visiting the missions in various parts of the city and other outside places. We believe there are a number of people there scattered throughout the city who desire to walk according to the word of God. There are also almost all kinds of doctrines and opposing elements, some of whom bitterly opposed holiness and divine healing. Also there are a number who go about from mission to mission and wherever they can gain admittance and are a real hindrance to the cause of Christ. Many of them are known as the “Fire-baptized” people, and there are others who do not believe exactly like them but have seemed to get still higher experiences by way of profession.
We met some who claimed to be justified, sanctified, afterward filled with the Holy Ghost, then baptized with fire, and some even claimed to be dead, resurrected, and glorified. These people claim to be led by the Spirit and beyond the Bible as the word of God. When shown that their life, manner, and teaching are not in harmony with the word of God, they say they have reached a point wherein they are beyond that book called the Bible and are led by the spirit. And when told that the Spirit and Word agree, they state that the word is written in their hearts and agrees with their spirit. It is very difficult to show such deceived people their real condition, as they will not reason upon the word of God nor accept its teaching, only as it agrees with their experience. We found some of these people to be very good people, as far as their lives were concerned, except when the spirit, as they call it, manifests itself through them, then they get very unseemly. There were others among them whose lives we found were very crooked and perverse. One man who made about the highest profession of any was found to have two living women, and he said the spirit had shown him that he could have the second wife, and when asked concerning his first wife he said she was dead, and when we learned she really was living, his way of getting around it was that she was spiritually dead to him, and he claimed this gave him a right to remarry. But God gave victory in the meeting over all these perverse spirits and we trust that some of them may be delivered out of the hand of the enemy and from their evil deceptions.
While in the city we visited a number of sick people and some received the healing touch at their homes; others were healed at the meeting. We visited one woman who stated she had been sick for twenty-five years, having had thirty-eight physicians. She stated that she has had the experience mentioned in Mark 5:26, of the woman who “had suffered many things of many physicians, and was nothing better, but rather grew worse.” She finally concluded to dismiss the physicians and put her case in the hands of the Lord, and since that time has received a remarkable change and was praising God for his blessings. We also visited another remarkable case; a man who had been in bed for almost eleven years and during that time has been unable to move any part of his body - can not possibly move hand or foot, not even his head. He stated that every joint in his body was out of place, even his jaw and some of his teeth. He had the use of his eyes, could open his mouth to some extent to chew his food, and had the use of his internal organs so as to properly breathe and digest his food, but otherwise was perfectly helpless. This poor man claimed to be a Christian, yet positively affirmed that any one could not live free from sin in this life, that he there in his helpless condition committed sin every day. He was very much opposed to divine healing and stated that no one but Christ and the twelve apostles have had the power of healing. When asked if he would believe if we read from the word of God that some one else had that power, he stated that he had his mind set on that line and no one could change it. We then took the word of God and read in Matthew 4:23 where Jesus manifested that power, and Matthew 10:1, where he gave that power to the twelve; in the 10th chapter of St. Luke, where the same power was given to 70 others, and the 14th chapter of Acts; also Acts 19:12 and 28:8, where the same power was manifested through Paul, James 5:14, 15, where the elders were to pray for the sick and through the prayer of faith the healing would be done; also in Mark 16:16-18, where these signs should follow them that believe. The man finally promised to read the Word for himself, and we trust the Spirit of the Lord may move upon him and that the spirit of unbelief may depart from him, that he may see his privileges in Christ Jesus and be raised up to the glory of God.
From Philadelphia we went to Federalsburg, Maryland and held services two nights near where Brother C. E. Orr lives. Here was a large assembly of saints met together in the unity of the Spirit, and many people from that part of the country. We truly appreciated these precious meetings. The work in that part of Maryland is moving on nicely and God is raising up a goodly number of true followers after the ways of righteousness.  

“I therefore the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another.”

Questions Answered.

Are there three baptisms, one water and two spiritual, one at justification and one at sanctification? Some are teaching that there are three baptisms and I wish you would explain through the Trumpet.  
J. M.

There is only one baptism, according to the true or literal meaning of the term, and that one baptism is, of course, water baptism. All other uses of the term, such as baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire (Matthew 3:11), baptism of trial or suffering (Matthew 20:22, 23), baptism by the Spirit into the body of the church (Romans 12:13), are metaphoric uses. The word may be applied metaphorically in various ways.

In Luke 22:32 why does Jesus say, “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not,” and then afterwards say, “and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren?” Were they not disciples of Jesus, and children of God? 
C. A. T.

The disciples (including Peter) were already children of God, when Jesus spoke the above words, referring to Peter’s denial of his Lord and his subsequent repentance. The word “convert” means to turn. It would be perfectly proper if the above passage read as follows: “And when thou has turned, strengthen thy brethren.” There is nothing that would imply had not been a child of God before. See James 5:19, 20.

Please explain through the Trumpet 1st Peter 3:3, 4. If it is wrong to wear gold and apparel, is it then also wrong to plait the hair? If so, then many Christian women do wrong who plait their hair. Please explain also 1st John 3:8 - “Whosoever sinneth is of the devil.”  
S. T.

The scripture in 1st Peter 3:3, 4 is directed against adornment or decoration of the person by the wearing of gold, superfluity in clothing, or plaiting the hair, etc.; in fact, fashionable or worldly adornment or superfluity of any kind is forbidden by this scripture. But plaiting the hair, so far as it applies to the ordinary braiding or folding of the hair, has ceased to be fashionable or worldly adornment, and since it is done for convenience and neatness, it can not be objectionable. As the New Testament law is also written in our hearts, we are enabled to understand the tenor of the scriptures and to discriminate between that obedience which is life to the soul and that literal obedience which genders to bondage.
“He that committeth sin is of the devil,” does not imply that whosoever sins is possessed of the devil, but that he is doing the works of the devil and is therefore on the devil’s side. Such a one needs repentance and forgiveness to be saved. A person can not keep saved and continue to be of God, and at the same time be committing sin.

Will you please explain through the columns of the Trumpet first, Matthew 11:11, last clause - “Notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater then he.” Whom did Christ refer to? Himself? Second, Matthew 8:22. Is that literally?  
J. T. G.

Answer to first. The first “he” refers to any individual that is in the kingdom of heaven. The second “he” refers to John the Baptist. The kingdom began on the day of Pentecost with the administration of the Holy Spirit. That event opened up an era which, in point of privilege of being spiritually enlightened, is the greatest that God’s people have ever lived in. Accordingly, he that lives since the kingdom began, and is in the kingdom, is greater (in point of privilege) than John the Baptist.
Second. We will quote Matthew 8:21, 22. “And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.” But Jesus said unto him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.” This disciple had friends or relatives who were of the world; that is, they were spiritually dead, or dead in sins. Ephesians 2:1. The import of Christ’s words here is that it was more important for this disciple to follow him than to go and bury his dead (father), since there were those spiritually dead who could attend to the burial of those literally dead.

John 13:1 says: “Now before the feast of the Passover,” etc. The second verse says: “And supper being ended,” etc. The fourth verse says: “He riseth from supper,” etc. Now if this was the Passover supper, how can we harmonize it with John 18:28? It seems that they had not yet eaten the Passover. 
W. S. R.

The Passover supper is referred to in these scriptures. The lamb was to be killed in the evening and eaten that night. Exodus 12:6, 8. Nothing of it was to remain till morning. Verse 10. So it is probable that it was not eaten by every one at the same instant, though  during the same night. Those mentioned in John 18:28 had not eaten the supper, whereas Christ and his disciples had eaten it previously the same night.
John 13:1 introduces the chapter by saying, “Now before the feast of the Passover,” etc. It was before the Passover supper that Jesus knew that his hour was come, and he still loved his own, even unto the last, etc. The second verse begins, “And supper being ended.” This means, supper being come. The Syriac version has it, “And when the supper was passed;” that is, when the articles to be eaten were being passed. The term “ended” does not convey the proper idea, and does not mean that the supper was already eaten, but that the meal had come and was being eaten. The Greek word here, ginomai, is the same word used in Matthew 8:16 - “When the even was come;” and in Matthew 27:1 - “When the morning was come” also in Mark 6:2 - “When the Sabbath day was come,” etc. The word in these texts does not mean that the even or the morning or the Sabbath day was past, but that they had come and were already existing. So in John 13:2 it means that the supper had come, or was being passed, not was past. Verse 4 says, “He riseth from supper.” He then washed the disciples’ feet, after which he resumed his seat at the table and continued the meal. Judas was then exposed (having been present at the feet-washing. Verses 10, 11), and then, according to Matthew 26 and Mark 14 the communion or Lord’s supper was instituted while they were still eating the Passover meal.
After the Passover meal was finished by Christ and his disciples, and after Christ was betrayed and taken unto the judgment hall, it seems the meal had not yet been eaten by those mentioned in John 18:28; but when we remember that it was yet the same night and that they may have eaten the meal later in the night, we can see no confliction in these texts. 
A. L. B.

News from the Field.

Weatherford, Oklahoma, February 18.

We are now engaged in a meeting near Cloud Chief (7 miles south west), Oklahoma. We held meeting last week in the western part of Custer County, in an Advent neighborhood. The Lord blessed his word, and we think good was done, yet much needs to be done in southwest Oklahoma. We had meeting one day and night at Brother Staukas’ residence, with large crowds and good interest. Brethren, be true to God and walk in all the light you have, for many false doctrines are being preached.
A. B. Stanberry.

Chanute, Kansas, February 20.

We are glad for the privilege to testifying through the Trumpet. Praise the Lord for the pure gospel of Jesus Christ! We are fully saved, and have victory over the powers of the enemy. The Lord has promised to give us power over all the powers of darkness, and we give him all the praise. It has been some time since we last reported, but we are thankful to say that the Lord has blessed us and kept us up to the present time. We have been here at Chanute holding cottage prayer-meetings since December until a few weeks ago we went eight miles northeast, where people seemed hungry for the truth of God. The word was put forth in all its purity, and we believe it was a real seed-sowing time. We trust God for the increase. We expect to open meetings northwest of here in Jesus’ name Friday night. Brother Bryant will be present to help in this meeting. Pray that the Lord use us to his glory and that souls may be saved.
Emil and Daisy Kreutz
And Nellie Ball.

Newhaven Center, Michigan, February 21.

We are glad that we can report a glorious victory for the Lord. He sent us to Newhaven Center schoolhouse February 1st, to hold meeting in his name. There was a good attendance, and the Lord sent forth the pure word in the Spirit. His children were better established and believers sanctified and the sick healed. A goodly number consecrated, and about seven new ones gave themselves to the Lord. There was a general settling down into the deep things of God. We had a very precious ordinance-service at the close of the meeting, the number that took part being eighteen. Christ said, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” They will be glad to have any of God’s messengers come and instruct them more in the truth of God. May God’s blessing continue to rest upon them, that they may abound more and more unto the perfect day to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; and God reward them for their liberality to us in supplying all our needs, is my prayer. Praise his precious name forever and ever. 
A. J. Shelly.

Iuka, Kansas, February 16.

Once more we greet you in the name of Jesus. Our last report was from Palco, Kansas. The meeting at that place closed with a glorious ordinance-meeting. From there Brother J. N. Underhill and I started for Calvert, Kansas, stopping over Christmas at Slate, where we met with the saints in two services, then continued our journey to Calvert, where we commenced the battle for God. The meeting continued three weeks with victory for our blessed Master. This was a new place, and God sent the word to many hearts, which we trust will bring forth fruit in due time. Three were saved, and others saw the sins of Babylon and declared they were going to have their names taken off the sect book. We expect to return there this summer with a tabernacle, the Lord willing. From there we went to the Marble schoolhouse, eight miles south-west of Beaver City, Nebraska, where Brothers Vielguth and A. S. Kriebel had been a few weeks before. We had a grand meeting. Three consecrated for sanctification and two for salvation. The church was much strengthened. We hope and trust they will move on for God. We want to say to the saints in northern Kansas and southern Nebraska that we expect to work this summer and fall with Brother Vielguth’s tabernacle along the Kansas and Nebraska line, from Mitchell and Jewell counties westward. This tabernacle was purchased for this part of the country. So by request of the brethren in these parts we have decided to labor here with it. We as all the brethren that want meetings to write early, so that we can arrange for them. We want to commence as soon as the weather permits, perhaps the first of May. Address me at Iuka, Kansas or J. N. Underhill, Cornell, Nebraska. Pray much for us.
Charles Bright.

Veedersburg, Indiana, February 24.

I am saved and kept by the power of God. He truly has been blessing my soul. He truly has been blessing my soul. I have not been in meetings all the time lately, as I have been hindered with home duties, but I trust soon to be out again in the field to press the battle forward. Oh, that we could only be out constantly. Our last meeting was held at Findlay, Illinois, with good attendance and attention. Two souls were saved and conviction rested on others. God wonderfully blessed the word as it went forth convincing the hearers of its truth, as they never heard it before in this light. The true church is fully seen, also the beauties of a holy life. Now I have a request to make. I trust God to lead you in answering. My husband and I are living here in Veedersburg, Indiana, where the truth has been wonderfully abused on account of the holiness doctrine being preached a few years ago and also divine healing so near like the true, and yet so deceptive, that people are disgusted and think all that preach divine healing and holiness are one and the same as they have had before. Now we believe this people must have the whole truth, and we are going to work to this end. We expect to have a tent here this fall, the Lord willing. Who will come and stay with us for about a month or six weeks just after the Eugene, Indiana camp-meeting. It needs a company of at least four good singers. Could Brother Stang and Brother Simmons or Brother S. L. Speck make arrangements to come? We will bear your expenses and provide you a home while here. I mention the names of these brethren because I am somewhat acquainted with them and think they could be used of the Lord here, as I am so well acquainted with this place. Now, brethren, do not read this lightly, but take it to the Lord in prayer and come over and help us, as we do not expect to stay here after this summer, and we feel God wants to have the truth preached to this part of the nation before we leave. Those that think they can come, write me at Veedersburg, Indiana. 
Tillie Craft.

Desire, Pennsylvania, February 25.

Meeting closed at this place last night with good interest, two seeking cleansing. The meeting lasted four weeks, during which time there were between forty and fifty souls gloriously pardoned and many sanctified. The church was edified and the power of God wonderfully manifested throughout the meeting. Poor sinners were converted at home, even calling upon God while on their beds, and being gloriously saved. Halleluiah! Brother I. S. McCoy, who lives here, and John Williams helped in the meeting. The latter was ordained to the ministry. To-day I go to Oakland for a few days, and then to West Monterey. Brother B. E. Warren and myself will commence meeting at Tionesta, Pennsylvania, March 7. Brethren,  please pray for me.
S. L. Speck, Claypool, Indiana.

San Francisco, California, February 19.

Through the precious blood of Jesus we are again glad to report victory in our souls; for we know that our redeemer liveth, and neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be save. Jesus is very precious to our souls, and oh, how much we have to praise him for, when we realize that we are saved and kept by the power divine. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” We praise him especially for his great love and tender mercy toward us in the salvation of our souls; and for the burden he lays upon our hearts for his work here in this dark and wicked city, where precious never-dying souls, for whom Christ died, are daily walking the streets, seemingly unconcerned as to their own soul’s welfare; rushing onward down the stream of time to an endless perdition, unless arrested by some little word for the Master, through which he will draw them unto himself.
A short time ago we reported through the Trumpet, saying that the meetings were, so far, all cottage-meetings, and that a public hall on the thoroughfare, where the masses of the people could be reached, was much needed. As there are a number of the saints who have been interested in the work here, and who understood the need of a hall, we take this opportunity to let them know that the dear Lord has wonderfully supplied the means for the same, and enabled us to open it about one month ago, for which we give him all the glory. It is wonderful how God has increased his work here in a short time. He has not only supplied the necessary means, but has also raise up consecrated workers to help us. We praise him for the precious souls he draws by his Spirit, and for the blessed privilege which he gives us of holding up before them Jesus Christ, and him crucified; a perfect Savior, able to save unto the uttermost all who will come unto him with their whole spirit, soul, and body. We also praise him for the little ones whom he draws into the Sabbath-school to learn of the holy child Jesus; the lowly Lamb of God. May the dear Lord wonderfully bless their hearts and use them to his glory. We are trusting Father to enable us to meet the expense of the hall each month as it comes due, and he is wonderfully supplying our needs. The second month’s rent has just been supplied, for which we give God all the glory. The gold and the silver, and the cattle on a thousand hills are all Father’s, “for the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.” We know and have proved that “no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” “O Lord of  hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.” - Psalms 84:11, 12. We are pressing onward in the strength of Almighty God, and he is prospering his work. The word is going forth in the power of the Holy Ghost, and he says it shall not return unto him void. I realize souls are being saved and brought out into the full light of the gospel. Praise God for the glorious evening light. For “it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.” We praise him for the way in which he is leading us, and for the dear souls who are honest and willing to walk in the light as God gives it to them. The enemy is not idle and we must continue to hold up the standard against him. In every case the word has proved too sharp for him; cutting off and driving out all that will not measure up to it, for, “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” - Matthew 24:35.
The dear Lord has wonderfully blessed us by sending to us from time to time some of the brethren from other places, part of whom we have before mentioned, and also the dear Lord greatly used Brother and Sister Van Velden during their short stay with us. We shall be please to have all the saints living within this vicinity attend the meetings here; every evening at 7:30 and on Sundays at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday-school at 1:00 p.m. The hall’s location is 827 Howard Street, near Fourth Street. We ask an interest in the prayers of the saints everywhere. Pray much for the work of the Lord here, as it is a large field and the harvest is truly great. We are looking forward to a real harvest of souls. Our address is 613 Post Street.
Carrie M. Maggart.


Norborne, Missouri.

I will write my testimony of what God has done for me. I am saved and sanctified, and kept by the power of God through faith. He has healed me of bodily diseases in answer to prayer, and to him be all the glory, both now and forever. He also twice healed our little daughter in answer to prayer. I am standing on the promises.
J. M. Lynch.

Winchester, Kentucky.

I was sick last winter with grip and rheumatism, and was living with my daughter. She wanted me to send for the doctor, but I told her I was the Lord’s if I lived, and I was his if I died. Praise his holy name! I sent for some of the saints to come and pray for me. I know the Lord hears the prayers of his children. I am sixty-seven years old. I want the prayers of the saints that I may be kept humble at God’s feet.
Sarah J. Watts.

Colfax, Washington.

I am sweetly saved by the precious blood of Jesus, and want to be found doing his will at all times. I have been saved three months. I am twelve years old and am glad I have started in my youth to serve him, Pray that I may keep saved and living for my blessed Jesus.
Augusta Wilson.

Burbank, Ohio.

I thank God for this great plan of salvation, whereby he is able to save all that will come unto him and accept him fully by faith. He saves me completely just now, and has done very much for me. He has healed my body many times. It is not necessary for me to give a full description of what has been my affliction, but I know that God has healed my body when medical applications would not reach my case. God, who has promised and can not lie, is able to more than fulfill every promise he has made. Oh, how thankful I feel to know that we have such a loving Savior, as to take such great care of us, and help us out of our trouble. I ask God’s children to pray for me, and also for my children, that God may convict them deeply, so they will yield to his will and get saved.
Joseph Plaugh.

Grand Forks, North Dakota.

I praise the Lord for saving my soul and bringing me out into the clear light of the gospel. He has sanctified my nature and has also healed my body many times. Praise his name! He has been the physician for my family for about three years and a half. The Lord has healed us of many different afflictions without the use of medicine. We give him the praise and glory for it. Some time ago we were afflicted, but after meeting the conditions God healed us. Lately he has healed our little baby. She was very weak, but now she gets stronger every day. I wish to encourage others to be true to the Lord in all times of sickness. We had a very precious assembly-meeting here, when God permitted us to look into some of the deep things in his Word, and gave us more burden for the salvation of souls. Pray for the work here, and that I always fill my place in the body of Christ.
Nels Renbeck.

Calvert, Mississippi.

We are sweetly saved by the blood of Jesus, ready to do his will at all times. I praise his name for ever having pity on us when we were in sin and darkness and for caring for us when we did not care for ourselves. Oh, he has done so much for us. He has healed us many times, for which we give him all the praise. We have been out in this blessed way only two years, and it has been the happiest two years of my life. I only regret that we did not start sooner, for our eldest child is twelve years old, and we have lost him ten years of his training for heaven, besides other things we might have done for Jesus. The Bible says not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Dear ones, it is a feast for my soul to meet with the children of God. If any of God’s true ministers feel led to come this way, they will find a hearty welcome at our house. Truly the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Please pray for us. 
E. M. and M. D. Mayo.

Moundsville, West Virginia.

I am praising God for salvation that keeps me free from all sin. God has saved me by two definite works of grace, justification and sanctification, and my body is a temple of the Holy Ghost. I want to ever live humble, and let him keep house in his own temple as pleases him. I have been working at the Trumpet Office now for several years, and love to work here for Jesus. I find it takes grace from God to live for him in one place, as well as in another. I trust God as my physician, and have not taken any medicine since I was saved. Although I have not been afflicted very seriously, yet God has laid his healing hand upon me several times, and I have been gaining in strength since learning to trust him. I am thankful to God for the privilege of hearing so much of the Word preached in its purity. It is food for my soul to obey it. I ask the prayers of those who read this that God will ever help me to be faithful to him.
Ernest Heald.

Lowville, New York.

I am still in the King’s highway of holiness, and nearing the other shore; for I am eighty-three years old, and ready to step over at any time. It is over thirty years since the blessed Lord sanctified my soul wholly. Such a yielding up of my entire body into the Lord’s hands I could not find language to express. Then my mind went to the Word. Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift! I do not have the privilege of meeting with the saints, but sometimes I take a Trumpet or two and go out and talk with the people about their souls. I can do but little, but the Lord knows I feel for his cause. I have no use for a doctor or medicine. I had a short sickness some time ago. It is wonderful how the Lord did answer my prayers; yes, sometimes in a moment. Bless his holy name! I am not strong in body and am troubled some with dizziness. Please pray for me.
Charlotte Howe.

Watova, Indian Territory.

I have got well by the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was very sick at the time I sent for an anointed handkerchief; but a brother and sister came to my house, and I asked them to pray the Father to heal me. Praise be to God! He heard their prayers and healed me, for which I give him all the glory. I am so glad there is a people in the world that will trust God for everything. I long so much for the time to come when we can have some good Holy Ghost meetings here. I wish it would please Father to send some one here that would proclaim the whole truth and nothing else. I am trusting our Savior with my body, soul, and all that I have. I can not magnify my blessed Savior enough for his kindness and tender mercies unto me, and for his blessed promises to his children. Do not neglect to pray for my family, and that I may be more like Jesus. May God’s richest blessings rest on the work and the dear ones that live and work for Father’s precious cause. May the day soon come when we may all meet, never to part again.
Laura A. Stookey.

Pataskala, Ohio.

I can say that I am happy on the way and praising God for a perfect salvation and complete victory. The dear Lord is strong to deliver and mighty to save. Oh, praise his holy name! I have found it so. I thank god for showing me the true church. I am truly glad that I saw the light and was willing to walk in it; and have found the true saints who worship God in Spirit and in truth. I can say that I love this way more and more, because I know it is of God, and God being my helper I will remain in it forever. I want to confess that I erred greatly when I was influenced by my family and friends to join the M. E. denomination. But I did not stand with them long; for I found that something was wrong. I soon realized that I was no longer free in Christ, but that I was in bondage, and had lost my experience of full salvation. When I saw my mistake I confessed it to Jesus, and he forgave me and took me back home; and now I am in my Father’s house again, where, by the grace of God, I will stay. Dear saints of God, when you read this offer a prayer to God, that he may help me to let my light shine before my family and loved ones; and that he will give me a token of his love, mercy, and power to heal, so they may be convinced that we are the true children of God. God bless the saints everywhere and The Gospel Trumpet, is my prayer.
J. H. Amman.

Anderson, Indiana.

I am glad to testify to God’s healing power. Truly I have much to praise God for. In the past four months he has wonderfully healed me three different times of very painful afflictions. I bent over one morning to open a drawer, when suddenly I had a severe pain in my back, so that I could not straighten up or move. At first I did not know what to do, as I could not walk, and there was no one in the house but a little child. Then I began to call upon God for help to get to the bed. After lying down I found the pain was so great I could not remain thus. My husband came in and wanted to send for the doctor, but I felt sure that God would soon deliver me, and praise his name! he did in a few hours. A short time after this I fell, striking in such a way as to double my right arm under, so that it was either thrown out of place or the ligaments torn loose. It began to swell and gave me such awful pain that I could not move my arm or hand for three hours. Sister Cox was staying with me then, and we kept praying and trusting God, and soon I was almost instantly healed. Surely, dear ones, God does hear and answer prayer when we come in faith believing.
A few weeks ago I was taken with the grip. Having had it twice before, I knew very well what it was. It usually lasted four to five weeks. I was sick just one day this time, and I do not believe I could have been much worse and lived. The sister was still with me, and so we had prayer. I knew before that she was praying for me, but I was too sick to realize very much then. Yet it was wonderful the way the dear Lord did raise me up and take all the pains away. “Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.”
Two years ago I was raised from a bed of affliction, having been an invalid for fifteen years. Like the woman in the Bible, I had suffered many things of many physicians, and grew worse all the time. I had been converted the year before. I read James 5:14, 15 and saw my privilege in Christ, but it was months before I knew just how to trust God for healing. But thank God! He sent some of his dear children to help and instruct me in my time of need and sore distress. I was soon so that I could walk and ride out, and eat with a relish articles of food which I had not tasted for years. I gained flesh so rapidly that people who had known me, after not seeing me for a few weeks, were astonished, since only a short time before no one thought I could live. I do praise God for his goodness to me. I know I deserved little and he gave me so much. The symptoms had not entirely left me but by trusting God I came out more than conqueror. Afterwards I exposed myself and let the cares of the world come in and so lost the victory.
I ask the dear ones to pray that I may have more faith, and that I may be entirely healed of these afflictions, sanctified, and given up to do the whole will of God.
Emma Belton.


North Bend, Mississippi.

BAUGHMAN. - It is with saddened hearts that we chronicle the death of our dear friend and Brother T. J. Baughman, who departed this life February 10, 1901, after a painful illness of eleven months, which he bore with Christian fortitude. He received the evening light about eight years ago and lived up to his duties to the best of his understanding of the Scripture until his last moments. He was perfectly satisfied of his future rest and ever waiting for the Master’s call. The only dread was caused by the unsaved children, in whose behalf he asked the prayers of the brethren, that they might put their trust in Jesus and meet him in the beautiful by and by, where no sickness nor suffering can enter.
G. W. Jones.

Coral, Michigan.

KEECH. - William Keech was born April 29, 1833; died February 13, 1901. He was born in the town of Stockbridge, Madison County, New York. He and his wife moved to Montcalm County Michigan, in the fall of 1865, where he lived until his death. Just a short time before he died he gave himself to God, and said he “was drinking of the river of life.” He left a bright evidence of his acceptance of Christ, and went home to rest. He suffered much but patiently bore it all. He leaves a wife and two children. Services were held in the M. E. meeting-house in Coral, Michigan. A large congregation listened attentively to the word of God. May the Lord help the dear ones of the family who are unsaved to prepare to meet the one gone before.
William E. Warren.

Divine Healing

“And his [Jesus’] name, through faith in his name, hath made this man strong whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” - Acts 3:16.

A Help In Time Of Need.

On the fifth day of February I was badly afflicted with the grip, so that I was unable to work. I knelt by the side of my bed and asked God to heal me. The next morning I was very little better, as I still had a severe headache, which continued until the next morning. I still kept holding on to God for victory, and praising him for what he had done, believing that he was going to heal me every whit. Praise God, by Friday morning the pain was all gone. I did not need to use a drop of medicine, but had faith in the God who had promised to heal all our diseases. Praise his holy name, I have found him to be a very present help in every time of need. May the blessing of God rest upon the dear saints everywhere, is my prayer.
Dennis Koach.
New Brighton, Pennsylvania.

Ever Ready to Heal.

I wish to testify for the glory of God to the healing of my babe. When she was born, four months ago, we noticed that something was wrong with her right arm, for whenever any one would move it she would cry. I thought perhaps the arm was sprained, and had her anointed and, praise God! The soreness all left and she used her arm; but Satan was not through trying me, for in a few days I noticed her arm was not straight but was considerably bent. My mother and I again took it to God, and he straightened the arm; but still Satan was not satisfied. He brought on a large lump, which seemed to keep growing larger. Not discouraged, we again asked God to heal, and he did so, insomuch that the little arm was made as whole as the other, and now baby uses it even more than the other. Oh, it does pay to put our little ones in God’s hands, also to surrender ourselves completely to the will of God. I find him an ever-present help in the time of need; for he is ever ready to heal or do whatsoever we may ask in faith believing. I am saved and trusting in God for all things.
La Perle Farnham.
Louisville, Colorado, February 14.

Healed of Various Diseases.

Dear ones in Christ: I wish to tell what the dear Lord has done for me. Oh, what a wonderful Savior! I have been a great sufferer all my life and for 21 years I suffered untold agony with female trouble. I went to five different doctors, but instead of getting better, I grew worse. Two years ago last October, a friend came to see me and asked me if I would accept a visit from a brother sent by God to teach and pray with the sick. Oh, yes I said, I would be glad to learn of Jesus. So he came and gave me a few lessons, and oh, how plain and bright the Bible was to me. So he came again and brought with him a brother and sister in Christ. They laid hands upon me, with prayer, and from that day to this I have had no symptoms of female trouble. I was perfectly healed and have been healed of several other diseases since. Oh, how I praise his dear name forever. He has also healed my father of a severe attack of rheumatism. He is now 90 years old, and quite spry. My mother also was healed of an enlargement of the heart. She is 80 years old and is also quite active. Pen can not tell and words can not utter how thankful I am. No one but God can tell the joy of my heart.
Miss Phebe M. Burnam.
Onarga, Illinois.

Healed of Chills and Grip.

I desire to testify, to the glory of God, that Hebrews 13:8, where it says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever, is true. Praise the Lord, he healed me a few weeks ago of chills and the grip, also a very bad cold on the lungs. They ached and gave me much pain, and I could scarcely talk above a whisper. I was unable to sleep nights because of chills. The lady I worked for wanted me to take some medicine that the doctor gave her and her husband, both of whom were sick with the grip. But I told her I was trusting my case in the hands of God. They all laughed, and said God gave us means and we should use them. But I knew whom I was trusting and continued to trust God all alone. The third night after I asked God to heal me I received the assurance that I was healed. I did not feel any great change until I went to bed. I just felt sleepy and tired and soon fell asleep, happy and satisfied. I did not awake until morning, when I found I was completely healed, except a slight cough. I give the Lord all the praise and glory. I can not praise my dear Lord enough for what he has done for me. I am still trusting in Jesus, who is my Savior, sanctifier, and healer. I am so happy and satisfied in Jesus. I love him and I know he loves me too. Oh, it is so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word, I praise God for a perfect salvation, which keeps me each day free from all sin and un-righteousness. It is a blessed thing to serve God, and to obey his words. I am determined by the grace of God to follow him all the way, and hold on by faith. Pray that I may always keep humble at Jesus’ feet; also that I may be healed of catarrh and deafness. I am happy and satisfied spiritually, and all is clear.
Annie Russell.
Woodland, California.

He Is With Us In Affliction.

I feel that it would be to God’s glory for me to testify of his wonderful dealing with me. He saves and sanctifies me just now. Praise his holy name! October 20 I was taken sick, attended by weakness, loss of appetite, and a severe pain in my head. The next day the pain was almost unbearable. Two sisters anointed me, and laid on hands, and the pain left immediately. The fever increased and heart trouble and signs of typhoid fever appeared. The neighbors and my own friends said I could not live unless I had a doctor; but my trust was in God, who I knew was able to save and mighty to deliver. We sent for an anointed handkerchief, which was applied, and, praise God, my heart has never troubled me from that day to this, and the fever left. But it seems God wanted me to trust him still more, and that the devil was determined to starve me to death if he could not get me any other way. But glory to our God, the brethren, and sisters prayed for the Lord to give me an appetite, and it came. After this my limbs began to swell, and the people’s whole cry was I should take something for my blood, but I knew God could cleanse my blood, and my trust was still in him. Glory to his precious name, all swelling, and every ache and pain is gone. I can say as did Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” During the three months I was afflicted the Lord was with me by day and by night, and never left me. Some of the dear ones here say it has strengthened their faith wonderfully; but it was all the goodness and mercy of God and nothing that I could do. I have learned many wonderful lessons, and am determined, by God’s help, to profit by them. In my sickest hours I told them that I did not want a doctor, and that the Lord told me he would raise me up in his own time. Praise God for such a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Dear ones, trust God, not only in little things, but when the great trials come. Pray that God will keep me humble, low down at his feet.
Daniel Buckner.
Crowland, Ontario.

Increase of Faith.

About the first of last November I was very much impressed to pray for an increase of faith, and also strength to trust God, should he see best to let a trial come, that my faith might have a chance to increase. In a short time our little boy ran his foot against a pitch-fork. One tine of the fork went through his overshoe, and shoe and striking the bone on top, glanced under the skin and flesh about one-half inch.
It pained him terribly. Our hired man came in to see how bad he was hurt, and suggested that we had better put something on it to draw out the poison. Then came the test. I asked God to take the pain away, and he did before I could get water and a cloth to dress it. But during this time Satan would keep suggesting that I had better put something on it to draw out the pain, telling me it might turn to blood-poisoning, and this man might witness against us, and thus persecutions might follow. But God enabled me to remember that his Word said, “Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray” (James 5:13), and he also reminded me of the many times in the past twelve years he had brought us off more than conquerors without using any medicine or poultices to draw poison, when severely afflicted in different ways, and sorely pressed to resort to some simple remedy. So I prayed and told the boy to pray, and it was wonderful how quickly God healed that foot when he saw we were willing to trust him let the result be as it might. It was nearly noon of Friday when he hurt it and by Monday it was well. It never formed matter or showed any sign of blood poisoning. Praise God for his help!
But I still felt the need of a greater increase of faith, and did not feel to leave off praying on account of my past trial. While I continued to pray for an increase of faith I also prayed for grace to trust and that God might not suffer me to be tempted above that which I was able to bear. In one week from the time our boy’s foot was entirely healed he started to the field in the wagon with his father. One of the horses jumped very suddenly, and this threw him out and he struck on the back of his head and shoulders upon the frozen ground. His father picked him up and brought him to the house. The boy began vomiting, and continued to vomit at intervals during the day. He also had terrible pains in the back of his head and neck, and over his eyes, until sometimes he would scream out because of the pain. He was so weak he could not sit up, and we had to keep the house darkened. He had been having symptoms of spinal and brain trouble before this, and Satan suggested that this was likely to prove fatal.
But my trust was in God, and I kept looking to him to learn his will as to whether or not he would spare his life at this time. In the evening I was impressed to ask the boy if I should anoint him, and we laid on hands and prayed. As we prayed he became better and soon fell asleep, and continued thus two hours. When he awoke he felt so much better that he sat up awhile. He rested well that night, and the next morning got up and ate a hearty breakfast. That afternoon he went out doors to play, and has had no symptoms of spinal or brain trouble since. It pays to trust Jesus.
About this time I was suddenly afflicted with something like internal hives, as only two or three made an outward appearance; but I was sorely distressed with a burning, stinging sensation under the skin. The thought came to me, Would I be willing to trust God without any simple remedy, even if the terrible burning sensation should continue for six months or more? Then I said, “Lord, help me.” All the while Satan would suggest certain things for me to do, but God enabled me to trust him until my faith began to strengthen enough to trust him for weeks and months if need be. But when he saw I was willing to trust him, he soon came to deliver and remove those dreadful feelings. All glory to his matchless name. Truly in his great wisdom he leads his children on to know more of him and his ways. Let us magnify his name and tell to the world what he hath done for us.
Years ago I dreaded the thought of living because of having dyspepsia so bad that life was a burden. A neighbor lady lay at the point of death with the same disease, having suffered for years. She had doctored with different doctors and spent many dollars all to no avail. One day I was feeling very distressed, being weak and unable to eat scarcely anything. Even a sip of water burned in my stomach, until it reminded me of pouring water on hot coals. Knowing that doctors could not cure me, I was thinking what a miserable time I should have, should I even live a few years, when God suddenly brought to my mind a deliverance he had given me some years before, when the itch was sweeping over our neighborhood. After a while I began to feel that I was getting it. My mother and I took the case to God at once, and asked him to heal me and suffer it to spread no farther. I began to resist the disease and rebuke the devil who caused it, and it began to go away. While I was meditating upon that deliverance the Lord seemed to say, I will heal you of dyspepsia if you will trust me. Immediately I knelt down and ask God to heal me, and the work was done. Satan would suggest that I had better not eat such and such things, for I knew how they had hurt me before; but by noon the next day I had eaten of almost everything I had not dared to eat before, and felt no harm. To God be all the praise.
This was the second time God’s healing power had been applied in my behalf. He also healed me of rheumatism, which was so bad that for some weeks I could hardly bear to lift my arms. He healed me of catarrh and bronchitis, which was so bad I could not breathe through one nostril for about one year, and my throat was a mass of yellow sore, and there were holes eaten in my tonsils. Some of the holes can be seen to this day, only they are healed over. Surely I have reason to praise God for this deliverance. He raise me up quickly from a severe attack of typhoid fever and mumps, and later from the grip, and gathering in my head, also a very sore throat. He brought me through a long and tedious spell of spinal meningitis and heart trouble, also measles, dysentery, and flux; all of them severe cases which had progressed to a dangerous stage. He healed my daughter of deafness, instantly, when she was so deaf that twenty feet away she could not hear me call her. I had hard work to make her understand anything I said, unless she was looking at me. He also healed her of pneumonia and other things; also my husband and son of severe afflictions, which space will not permit me to speak of at present. My faith is growing stronger with each trial. With many of these things Satan has been on hand with his suggestions to help; but God helped me through all these things without medicine or simple remedies. To him be all the praise.
Viannah Crites.
Advance, Michigan.

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